In What It Means to Be Human – The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics Prof. O. Carter Snead investigates the tension between the natural limits of the human body and the political philosophy of autonomy, and the legal and policy challenges that arise when those two conflict. He proposes a new paradigm of how to understand being human and applies it to complex issues of bioethics, laying out a framework of embodiment and dependence.
Join us for a special 90-minute webinar conversation with Prof. Snead moderated by Prof. William Saunders on “What it Means to Be Human” -both philosophically and practically.

–Prof. O. Carter Snead, Professor of Law, Director, de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, & Concurrent Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame Law School
–[Moderator] Prof. William L. Saunders, Professor – Human Rights, Religious Liberty, Bioethics, Catholic University of America

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