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The marked inflation of food pricing is apparent upon any trip to the grocery store. Can new regulations aimed at governing the relationship between farmers and the corporations to which they sell their livestock help bring food prices down while allowing farmers to earn more for their labor? The Biden Administration has issued four regulations that aim to (1) prohibit certain previously common contractual terms between farmers and the purchasers of their livestock, (2) allow farmers to use an antitrust statute to assert claims of racial and other types of discrimination, and (3) allow farmers in general to more easily sue meat processors with claims of unfair competition. Are these new regulations legally sound, and will they work to bring down food prices? Join Minnesota Congressman Brad Finstad, Farm Action’s Joe Maxwell, and the North American Meat Institute’s Mark Dopp in a panel moderated by Judge Stephen Alexander Vaden as they debate these questions.
Mark Dopp, Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel, North American Meat Institute
U.S. Congressman Brad Finstad, (MN-01)
Joe Maxwell, President, Board of Directors, Farm Action
(Moderator) Hon. Stephen Alexander Vaden, Judge, United States Court of International Trade
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