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In this special St. Valentine’s Day episode of The Learning Curve, co-hosts U-Arkansas Prof. Albert Cheng and Alisha Searcy interview renowned Shakespeare scholar Professor Sir Jonathan Bate to discuss the timeless tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Exploring its enduring greatness, Sir Jonathan delves into Shakespeare’s classical influences, particularly Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and how Elizabethan literature shaped the portrayal of lovers. He examines the interplay of passion, violence, and fate in Verona’s warring streets and explains Romeo and Juliet’s eternal love—from Romeo’s early infatuation with Rosaline to his deep romantic connection with Juliet. Sir Jonathan highlights the poetic brilliance and intimacy of the famous window scene, Mercutio’s pivotal role in shifting the play’s tone, and the tragic consequences of miscommunication and hasty action. He also reflects on Shakespeare’s overarching themes of love and death, and the poetic depth of his love sonnets. Additionally, he shares insights into what Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare’s works teach us about the enduring human desire for love. In closing, Sir Jonathan reads a passage from his book Mad about Shakespeare: From Classroom to Theatre to Emergency Room.