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What You Could Do in 1985 BYT (Before YouTube)
Evidently, my dad invested the same meticulous planning and methodical execution into his missionary slide presentation that he did for all his other projects. He was likely working with two battery-run tape recorders, perhaps slides arranged on a window pane, plus a pan of water for splashing to create a long-form production that included music, narration, and sound effects. The carousel with its collection of lovely images along with the recording came to the States with us in 1985 (and maybe in 1978, too) and became a staple of his engagements at supporting churches and missionary conferences.
And the presentation made an impact–I know it did on us kids. We saw it in multiple venues, in various eastern US churches, and for me, it never got old. I was proud of it–proud of the dramatic opening gongs, my father’s voice intoning “Thailand . . . Land in the Orient. Home of 40 million souls. Situated in Southeast Asia. Rice bowl of the world.” I especially anticipated the last few slides where I–toddler me–would show up cuddled in the lap of an older lady from the village. I hoped the viewers would recognize that the little towhead was right now sitting in the audience in the glow of the projector, all grown up.