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Politico Fails to Meet Payroll
Stop USAID payments and Politico fails to meet payroll? Apparently the withholding of that payable in the USAID line item had surprising urgency for those employed by Politico. From Benny Johnson on X:
🚨 This is the biggest scandal in news media history:
No employee at Politico got paid yesterday. First time ever the company missed a pay period. This is a crisis.
Now we learn Politico — a “news company” — which spent the last 10 years trying to destroy the MAGA Movement was… pic.twitter.com/DwHqEp6gjp
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 5, 2025
Following the graph, we see funding beginning under this particular arrangement in 2020, with payments peaking at the $8 million level in 2024. Politico sent the following to employees yesterday (via Benny Johnson on X):
This is the email Politico sent to all employees yesterday. No one got paid. Politico’s corrupt management blame this on a “glitch” and not their government gravy train ending.
State propaganda collapsing pic.twitter.com/mIDWGmOkZ9
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 5, 2025
And it sounds like there is a related story developing with regard to the New York Times, but nothing solid reported yet.
“Journalism” unmasked!
The graph:
My Shocked Face is going to permanently freeze with this look.Â
I can only take so many Christmases a week.
Ima calling 48 hour rule on this one.Â
Politico is currently owned by Axel Springer, the big German media company. They bought it for about $1B in 2021.
I think Axel can probably make payroll, so this may very well be the technical glitch claimed in Politico’s in-house statement.
Not that I’m any fan of Politico, and it’s definitely time to cut off the USG to media money laundry, but this particular spin looks suspect.
I recall that in the 1970’s some said that we won the space race because our Germans were better than the Germans the Russians used. It looks like our geeks (Thanks, Elon!) are better than their geeks and that the leftosphere was more vulnerable to weaponized AI than we are. Â
Bill Kristol, Politico and purveyors of Swahili LGBTQ coloring books sharing the same historic trash heap….
Admit it–you never dared to hope for something this wondrous.
I’m skeptical that the two events are related. Maybe they are, but I’d need more evidence.
Here’s why I’m skeptical:
I’ve got several acquaintances who work remotely for small firms that outsource their payroll management (just like Politico).Â
Missed paycheques have been an occupational hazard for all of ’em, and it’s always been blamed on a glitch either with the payroll company or with the interface between the employer’s software and the payroll company’s software.
Which does not mean that Politico was not taking money from USAID and depending on that money to meet payroll. Or that said arrangement is anything but a major scandal. That said, the 48 hour rule always applies, to everything all the time. I’m looking forward to what our propaganda services emit next.
NY Times info: $22 million in contributions, all down river from Fed Gov grants.
Do we know what “neediest cases” means?
The Department of Defense gifted Reuters $9.1 Million. Huh…go figure.
If I were coming up with a way to use charitable donations to fund the NY Times it might be to create an entity that funds investigations in particular subject matter, such as homelessness. Reporter says I’m looking into such and such related and they’re given a grant.
The preferred vehicle to support Politico seems to have been high-dollar “subscriptions.” There is no reason to think they’d reserve that technique for Politico, so expect more disruptions to media companies.
To use it in a sentence, I neediest me a case of beer.
This is a very interesting cache of data, Fang makes many good points. There is a claim that the 8.1/8.2 million from USAID is a consolidated payment for subscriptions to multiple agencies across the federal government. I would like to better evidence of that.
Only thing is, when the US government funds something, they drink scotch.
This is the “We are the media now” crowd. You want them to be able to actually source their theories and prove correlation? You’re being awfully unreasonable. They don’t need no stinkin’ journalistic standards.
Some perspective:
The White House Press Office has announced that an $8 million subsidy for Politico subscriptions funded through USAID has been discontinued.
Talk about a resume stain.
So…Politico gets USAID funding.
Reuters gets funding from the DOD.
The New York Times receives money from USAID.
Maybe Ricochet has been going about this all wrong.
There’s clearly money to be had out there.
Has anyone in Ricochet management even tried to call Bill Kristol?
Just asking.
The Daily Mail is reporting that the 8.2 million dollars paid to Politico came from multiple government agencies.
It appears that Politico columnist Ms. Ima Leaker has fled the newsroom and is seeking asylum in the garage of the Governor of New Jersey.
Well, I’m for thorough investigations by the DOJ and the FBI to determine if there were kickbacks to members of Congress and money laundering happening…how about you?
I seem to recall a Senator from New Jersey recently convicted of taking bribes…and a Louisiana Congressman who stashed money in his freezer who was also convicted.
Ah, those were the days.
I don’t think it’s necessary to single out one sector of the media for skepticism.
I probably shoulda clarified that my skepticism was not about Politico receiving subsidies from USAID. I’m merely skeptical that the missed paycheques are the direct result of that subsidy being cut off. My skepticism is about the quality of Politico’s payroll system, not about the crapulent use of USAID to fund Democratic Party allies.
It can be interpreted as a delightful coincidence…and never let a delightful coincidence go to waste.
The total may be $34 million, but no telling over how many years?
Putting this here too, as it seems relevant:
$8 Million was just for last year, wasn’t it? Not the total of all payments.
It’s possible the $8 Million “aid” was supposed to pay for salaries, as all the other income was used up buying yachts etc. So when the $8 Million didn’t show up, they were caught short.