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Unofficial QOTD-‘Lady Democracy Dead at 249’
As someone who has earned a master’s degree in sarcasm on the streets, I find it comforting that one hall of higher education is producing fellow sarcasm scholars.
From the Irish Rover, a Notre Dame student newspaper. A quote from the essay Lady Democracy Dead at 249 written by Ralph Emerson Slinkworth.
“Slinkworth is a junior anthropology major from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He enjoys painting allegorical scenes of populist leaders wreaking havoc on ideal Liberal states. In his spare time, he canvases for unpopular Democratic candidates. He cannot be reached.”
As an Unsacred but Impartial Voice, I must also mention Melania’s chief rival for the perilous role of Lady Democracy. This would be the venerable Bishop Mariann Budde. Saint Budde received laurels from the ashes of the liberal media this week after she gave a profound if scripturally dubious sermon to Trump. Budde, who never took a Notre Dame logic class, lauded the virtues of subjectivity and seemed to argue that multiple opinions can be simultaneously valid. Sources tell us that Trump whispered back, “Some are more valid than others.” This also incidentally happens to sum up his immigration policy.
You can read the entire essay by clicking on the link.
Published in Humor
It’s good to know the youth are learning early.
I detect a certain frame of mind to Mr. Slinkworth’s writing.
The name “Slinkworth” sounds like right out of The Screwtape Letters. With that moniker the poor kid has a lot to overcome, which he seems to have done.
It’s a parody of the woke-ists, isn’t it? Right?
Yes, and yes.