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Give ’em Hell, Elise!
It’s about as goofy a picture of me as you’ll see, but I have to post it anyway. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend a send-off event for my congresswoman and our future UN Ambassador, Elise Stefanik, and I fought the crowd to get this shot.
I think the UN is exactly where she needs to be. She’s been great at constituent service up here in “the North Country,” as we call our little frozen corner of the world. But given our generally depressed local economy and the difficulty of encouraging companies to locate in a state as backward and hostile to business as New York, being good at serving our district and being fiscally conservative really don’t go hand-in-hand: I’m sure we’re a net recipient of federal largess, and we have Elise to thank for a lot of that.
In other words, as Republican Congressmen and Congresswomen go, she gets pretty low grades as a conservative.
Where she’s made her mark is in pushing back against terrorist sympathizers on campus and upholding basic standards of Western Civilization and conduct. She’s demonstrated an eagerness and aptitude for confronting and exposing hard-left elitists. It’s long past time that we had someone like that at the UN. She’s also unabashedly pro-Trump and has been since the beginning. I hope and expect that the combination of Trump’s willingness to break things and Stefanik’s willingness to deliver the message will result in some beneficial and overdue change in our relationship with this deeply corrupt and anti-Western organization.
Published in Politics
Hope there is broad reform of our involvement with a failed, corrupt griftfest. Monetary deference to thugs and thieves has to end.
The organization is fundamentally flawed as long as a dictatorship counts the same as a republic.
How bad would it be if she was the last US Ambassador to that corrupt mess?
This only matters if one treats it as a proto world government. The UN only works as a diplomat club where everyone has casual and hopefully candid access to everyone else. Grant it authority and you get clown shows like WHO.
That is the problem.
And whose idea was it to give them troops??? Indistinguishable from British rape gangs.
You look great! Go Ricochet!
I’m surprised she decided to be seen with you.
By which I mean with the shirt you were wearing.
Sure, that is probably her position, but taking a pic next to someone wearing it comes with a risk of it being made into an issue.
If I thought she would feel uncomfortable standing next to that shirt I wouldn’t say nice things about her.
I would love to see her a deliver a “We’re outta here, and so are you!” speech . . .
Wait a minute. Sounds good, but we sold Poland down the river in order to obtain that corrupt mess. Can we really just walk away from it?
Not only walk away, but hang a “Closed Permanently” sign on the door. Kick them all out. Lots of things happen in Geneva, so if the evicted countries wanted to form a new UN,that’s where I’d suggest they put it. Won’t be much fun without our money, though . . .
I would recommend Luxembourg. Maybe that way they’ll finally get on the map.