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The Crying Game
The best take on the Selena Gomez crying performance. Please note that Gomez is a multimillionaire.
With the exception of James Woods, Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, and a handful of others, it’s arguably true that most in the Hollywood community today aren’t terribly intelligent when it comes to politics or current events (I’m looking at you Ron Howard, Barbara Streisand, Mark Ruffalo, etc., etc., etc.), but they are constantly propped up by the left-leaning news media and Democrat politicians as authorities that Americans should listen to. These celebrated thinkers should be embarrassed and humiliated anytime they attempt to lecture, scold Americans or demonize patriotic Americans who just want laws to be enforced.
Published in General
And, if you want the video to embed, it can’t be a “short.”
It’s easy to “convert” those. Just make it “youtu.be” instead of “www.youtube.com” and delete the “shorts” part leaving just one / and then remove the ?feature part.
Like so:
Megyn Kelly does a beautiful job calling her out…
Lemme see . . . walled mansion, 24/7 security . . . I guess you, Selena, don’t have to worry about being “Laken Rileyed” like the rest of us. I don’t have a wall around my house, much less a fence. And I am the 24/7 security protecting me and my family. Crocodile tears or not, your crying is irrelevant when it comes to how us ordinary folk feel when we see someone finally doing something forcefully about all these illegal aliens . . .