Is a Trifecta Coming?


Trump has taken the US out of the Paris Climate Accords (take that, Lurch!). He also took America out of the World Health Organization (take that, Fauci, Xi, and Tedros!). Could he achieve a policy Trifecta, alongside his political Trifecta of House, Senate, and White House in Republican hands?

What would the policy Trifecta be?

Trump could take us out of the UN! End FDR’s folly. Stop paying the UN bills. Also he could kick the organization out of the US for good measure. New Yorkers might thank him. Maybe send it to Davos. But the Swiss may not accept. Maybe Iceland? Although perhaps we should not try so hard to harm a small,  defenseless nation. Perhaps Cuba would take them in. But it should be stipulated that the UN could only then meet between June and October. That would be appropriate. Or Qatar? Perhaps Qatar could build a new building for the UN, some gargantuan skyscraper, ultra-luxurious, taller than Dubai’s Burj Khalifa (it should also be stipulated that no air-conditioning be allowed) and staff it with re-located Gazans. Perhaps Hamas could retire from terrorism and go into the hotel business to run the place – it seems fitting, given the symbiotic relationship between Hamas and the UN.  They could entertain themselves by digging tunnels between floors and placing weapons in every suite.

Does anybody want to give odds on whether Trump will take us out of the UN?

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There are 19 comments.

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  1. Chuck Coolidge

    Odds? Sure:A million to one we don’t get the US out of the UN.  (Of course, one can always hope.)

    • #1
  2. Eustace C. Scrubb Member
    Eustace C. Scrubb

    Stop paying the bills, start enforcing traffic tickets.

    • #2
  3. Painter Jean Moderator
    Painter Jean

    I would absolutely love to see us get out of the UN. But I don’t expect to see that happen.

    • #3
  4. Nanocelt TheContrarian Member
    Nanocelt TheContrarian

    Chuck (View Comment):

    Odds? Sure:A million to one we don’t get the US out of the UN. (Of course, one can always hope.)


    • #4
  5. Django Member

    Long ago someone made the proposal that the U. S. stop voting at the U. N. The logic being that we show a decent respect for the opinions of mankind and all that. We would stay and advocate for our positions, but by not voting show that we would not be bound in any way by the opinions of the U. N. 

    • #5
  6. The Scarecrow Thatcher
    The Scarecrow

    Trump should get his people on coming up with an alternative, a “United rational sane motivated-to-actually-make-things-better Nations”. Trump is the BOSS at this kind of thing. Make a better one, correct all the stupid mistakes and assumptions that makes the current UN total bs, and invite anyone who can qualify to move on over. Let the current one die on the vine. 

    Oh, and move the current one’s headquarters to somewhere nice, immediately. Brussels? They should have quite a bit of office space available soon.

    • #6
  7. The Scarecrow Thatcher
    The Scarecrow

    Also, now is the time to simply axe funding for NPR, Head Start, and any of the other stupid programs that all research shows to be a pointless waste of money but until now has been protected by “It just can’t be done, politically”thinking. 

    Yes it can.

    • #7
  8. Eustace C. Scrubb Member
    Eustace C. Scrubb

    No President was going to move our embassy to Jerusalem, but Trump did. If anyone is going to do this…

    • #8
  9. EJHill Staff

    Who’s going to tell Elise Stefanik? 

    • #9
  10. Nanocelt TheContrarian Member
    Nanocelt TheContrarian

    Chuck (View Comment):

    Odds? Sure:A million to one we don’t get the US out of the UN. (Of course, one can always hope.)

    I’ll take your odds and bet you a dollar Trump takes the US out of the UN!


    • #10
  11. Chuck Coolidge

    Nanocelt TheContrarian (View Comment):

    Chuck (View Comment):

    Odds? Sure:A million to one we don’t get the US out of the UN. (Of course, one can always hope.)

    I’ll take your odds and bet you a dollar Trump takes the US out of the UN!


    Uhhh, no – Just a figure of speech?  But you have taught me a lesson I hope I don’t forget!

    • #11
  12. Kozak Member

    Kick the UN out of NY.

    Not leave the UN. That veto on the Security Council is critical.

    But we pay our fair share and kick the headquarters out of the US.

    • #12
  13. Nanocelt TheContrarian Member
    Nanocelt TheContrarian

    EJHill (View Comment):

    Who’s going to tell Elise Stefanik?

    Stafanik is the perfect person to deliver the eviction notice to the UN!!!! She nailed the Ivy’s on anti-Semitism. She was a staunch defunder of UNWRA. Since the entire UN is an an anti-Semitic body, hence the nature of UNWRA, (it’s primary purpose for existence is to embody anti-Semitism) who better than she to deliver the eviction notice?

    • #13
  14. Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot) Inactive
    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot)

    Nanocelt TheContrarian: What would the policy Trifecta be?

    Pulling out of NATO is another possibility. 

    A much better idea than pulling out of the UN, I think.  Kozak’s point about the Security Council veto is correct, though obvious.

    Did you not consider the issue of the veto when drafting the OP?


    • #14
  15. Columbo Member

    Why the long face, John?

    • #15
  16. Sisyphus Member

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):

    Nanocelt TheContrarian: What would the policy Trifecta be?

    Pulling out of NATO is another possibility.

    A much better idea than pulling out of the UN, I think. Kozak’s point about the Security Council veto is correct, though obvious.

    Did you not consider the issue of the veto when drafting the OP?


    But if we leave NATO, those Europeans will have to spend actual money on their own defense. How will they keep up the luxury hotel bills for housing migrant rape gangs?

    • #16
  17. Locke On Member
    Locke On

    If I can get away from foreign policy, I give you two candidates:

    1. Outlaw federal employees’ unions. I believe these were only allowed by executive order, which could be rescinded.
    2. Overturn the disparate impact ‘discrimination’ standard applied to testing, hiring, firing, etc. That would complete the trifecta of outlawing DEI and affirmative action reverse discrimination.
    • #17
  18. JoshuaFinch Coolidge
    • #18
  19. TBA, sometimes known as 'Teebs'. Coolidge
    TBA, sometimes known as 'Teebs'.

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Kick the UN out of NY.

    Not leave the UN. That veto on the Security Council is critical.

    But we pay our fair share and kick the headquarters out of the US.

    Kick their hindquarters out too. 

    • #19
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