

I think the opportunity we’re maybe missing in all these pardons – or preemptive pardons – even is how useful they’ll be in providing transparency for investigators. A pardoned person no longer has a 5th Amendment protection, since they’re not at risk of prosecution… So drag them into Congress (or even grand juries) and ask for the allocution. What exactly have you been pardoned for? And with whom have you committed these crimes? And let’s see all the documentation in regards to the activity you’ve been pardoned for.

I don’t think it’s important to prosecute Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton or even Dr. Fauci … But it is vitally important to get their minions and co-conspirators to understand what they conspired to do.

These pardons, while corrupt, gross and indefensible, do provide a refreshing starting point for transparency.

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There are 24 comments.

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  1. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    OccupantCDN: These pardons while corrupt, gross and indefensible – they do provide a refreshing starting point for transparency.

    You have the right idea.  Give them good reasons not to trust each other.   

    • #1
  2. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN: These pardons while corrupt, gross and indefensible – they do provide a refreshing starting point for transparency.

    You have the right idea. Give them good reasons not to trust each other.

    I am not worried about breaking up the gang with some kind of psyop. The gang is out of business, laying low, plotting.

    If we get the minions, have their actions publicly known – if they’re not criminal, they’re sleazy. Hopefully that makes their further political career more difficult or outright ends it. The democrat’s professional political class would be seriously degraded if the investigations show even 1/2 of what we suspect. 

    There are several avenues of interest:

    1. The Biden Cover up.
    2. Big City Democrat Machine politicians.
    3. J6 instigators, prosecutors and judges…
    4. Deep State and DNC ties and directives to the media industrial complex. To violate civil rights and slander citizens.

    I like that 1500 J6 protesters were pardoned today.

    • #2
  3. The Scarecrow Thatcher
    The Scarecrow

    Part of me wants to just move on and let them go, living the rest of their lives with their reputations forever compromised as they dwindle into nothing.

    But it’s possible that your idea is a good one. Make it worse for them, drag them each into court to testify—reminding them that perjury would be a new crime, fully prosecutable—and don’t stop until they have told all. Then fully prosecute anyone they implicate who those behind-the-scenes Biden operators forgot to have him pardon.

    Make a huge, relentless splash of it. And never let them off the hook, make them and everyone involved regret ever trying this new preemptive pardon business. That may be the only way to nip this nasty nonsense in the bud.

    • #3
  4. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN: These pardons while corrupt, gross and indefensible – they do provide a refreshing starting point for transparency.

    You have the right idea. Give them good reasons not to trust each other.

    I am not worried about breaking up the gang with some kind of psyop. The gang is out of business, laying low, plotting.

    You can call it a psyop, but it’s an ancient method that has met with much success for thousands of years.  Don’t disdain an available weapon and thereby make your job more difficult than it needs to be.   Rush Limbaugh could operate with half his brain tied behind his back, but I don’t recommend it for the rest of us.  It gave the other side a sporting chance that I’m not willing to give them.  

    If we get the minions, have their actions publicly known – if they’re not criminal, they’re sleazy. Hopefully that makes their further political career more difficult or outright ends it. The democrat’s professional political class would be seriously degraded if the investigations show even 1/2 of what we suspect.

    There are several avenues of interest:

    1. The Biden Cover up.
    2. Big City Democrat Machine politicians.
    3. J6 instigators, prosecutors and judges…
    4. Deep State and DNC ties and directives to the media industrial complex. To violate civil rights and slander citizens.

    I like that 1500 J6 protesters were pardoned today.


    • #4
  5. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Off of “X” today:

    • #5
  6. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    On edit:

    New Material in Bold–

    I blew it. Yesterday I wrote: It has been my understanding that legally speaking, if a president issues a pardon for anyone who has not yet been charged with a crime, the pardon would hold up if it was legally challenged.

    I meant to write:  It has been my understanding that legally speaking, if a president issues a pardon for anyone who has not yet been charged with a crime, the pardon would NOT hold up if it was legally challenged.

    People today offered up that Richard Nixon’s pardon, offered to him by Jerry Ford, is a precedent. However Nixon was charged with various offenses during his impeachment, so that would mean he had been charged.

    • #6
  7. E. Kent Golding Moderator
    E. Kent Golding

    Clarity on the illegality and corruption of the whole progressive enterprise would be useful.  The pardons may actually helpful in changing the perception from a search for vengance to a search for truth.

    Ultimately,  the second Trump administration will be judged on the perception of the economy by the middle and working classes,  the eviction of the illegal invaders, border control, the elimination of woke nonsense,  and the rebuilding of American military and geo-political power.     Everything else will just dissipate political capital.

    • #7
  8. Chowderhead Coolidge

    OccupantCDN: A pardoned person no longer has a 5th Amendment protection

    I’ve heard this before. What are the repercussions of a pardoned defendant who refuses to answer? Just contempt of court?

    I think former president Biden pre-pardoning anyone is unconstitutional. How can you pardon a charge that hasn’t happened yet?  To destroy this argument president Trump should pardon himself for any crime past, present, or future. 

    • #8
  9. Kozak Member

    Chowderhead (View Comment):
    I’ve heard this before. What are the repercussions of a pardoned defendant who refuses to answer? Just contempt of court?

    You could imprison them until they agree to testify.  How many of the J6 people were held for years without going to trial?

    • #9
  10. EDISONPARKS Member

    My understanding is law enforcement, and IC personnel have certain leeway (ie: close to immunity) in initiating investigations and prosecuting cases, so having any these (D)/Obama/Biden era corrupt ahrse clowns actually do any prison time for their corruption would have been a tall order to begin with.

    But I am fully on board with a full accounting to the Country revealing the level of corruption that was in play during the Trump 2015-2024 era attempted take down.

    I love that Trump declared in his inaugural speech the days of this type of Federal law enforcement political interference is over.

    • #10
  11. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    EDISONPARKS (View Comment):

    But I am fully on board with a full accounting to the Country revealing the level of corruption that was in play during the Trump 2015-2024 era attempted take down.

    I love that Trump declared in his inaugural speech the days of this type of Federal law enforcement political interference is over.

    #metoo on both issues.  

    • #11
  12. kedavis Coolidge

    OccupantCDN: I dont think its important to prosecute Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton or even Dr Fauci … But it is vitally important to get their minions and co-conspirators to understand what they conspired to do.

    Biden didn’t pardon himself, did he?  Or Hillary?  They should both be locked up for classified documents, which FJB did while Senator and VP and Hillary did while Senator and SoS.  If sailors can go to prison for sending “selfies” to their parents, FJB and Hillary need prison time too.

    • #12
  13. GLDIII Purveyor of Splendid Malpropisms Reagan
    GLDIII Purveyor of Splendid Malpropisms

    If the left see no downside to their flagrant abuse of the law when they have enough of the levers of the law, what is going to give them pause when the scales inevitably tilt in their favor in a few election cycles?

    Need to get back to a sort of mutually assured destruction status.

    • #13
  14. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    The Scarecrow (View Comment):

    Part of me wants to just move on and let them go, living the rest of their lives with their reputations forever compromised as they dwindle into nothing.

    But it’s possible that your idea is a good one. Make it worse for them, drag them each into court to testify—reminding them that perjury would be a new crime, fully prosecutable—and don’t stop until they have told all. Then fully prosecute anyone they implicate who those behind-the-scenes Biden operators forgot to have him pardon.

    Make a huge, relentless splash of it. And never let them off the hook, make them and everyone involved regret ever trying this new preemptive pardon business. That may be the only way to nip this nasty nonsense in the bud.

    I would agree. However occasionally your opponent must get a taste of their own medicine. 

    I dont think the Biden operators forgot to pardon anyone, they pardoned those who could either implicate them directly or who’d put themselves at extraordinary risk of prosecution. I noticed they left Garland out to dry. I think he should at a minimum be disbarred. 

    Preemptive pardons are a real thing. Nixon’s pardon. While Nixon was charged in an impeachment he was not criminally charged. The pardon prevented the deep state from continuing the pursuit of Nixon in the courts after his resignation.

    • #14
  15. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    There was no chance that even in a Trump Administration that Fauci, Jim Biden and that ilk would go to jail.  Messy, tedious, potentially unpopular prosecutions…the public asking about why not go after the Real Criminals… RINOs worried that it is a bad look despite the fact that Democrats have absolutely no qualms about the politics (and prosecutorial abuse) of personal destruction.

    Biden and his party were engaged in their favorite pastime–projection. Having convinced themselves that Trump and his GOP are evil and having perpetrated or endorsed vile abuses of power, they cannot imagine a world in which Trump would not treat them as badly or worse than they tried to do to him.  Hence, absurdly broad pre-emptive pardons.

    I don’t need Fauci to go to prison.  I do need to see his legacy, reputation and personal honor destroyed.  It is enough if he spends many hours in a witness chair before the facts are unambiguous.  His waffling and repeated lies, his decision to define the mission of the federal health establishment to provide cover for excessively interventionist politicians, his self-serving manipulations about the origins of the virus and his sheer unmitigated narcissism all deserve universal scorn.  And lasting mockery for those who bought Fauci candles and otherwise promoted that poseur.

    • #15
  16. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    There was no chance that even in a Trump Administration that Fauci, Jim Biden and that ilk would go to jail. Messy, tedious, potentially unpopular prosecutions…the public asking about why not go after the Real Criminals… RINOs worried that it is a bad look despite the fact that Democrats have absolutely no qualms about the politics (and prosecutorial abuse) of personal destruction.

    Biden and his party were engaged in their favorite pastime–projection. Having convinced themselves that Trump and his GOP are evil and having perpetrated or endorsed vile abuses of power, they cannot imagine a world in which Trump would not treat them as badly or worse than they tried to do to him. Hence, absurdly broad pre-emptive pardons.

    I don’t need Fauci to go be in prison. I do need to see his legacy, reputation and personal honor destroyed. It is enough if he spends many hours in a witness chair before the facts are unambiguous. His waffling and repeated lies, his decision to define the mission of the federal health establishment to provide cover for excessively interventionist politicians, his self-serving manipulations about the origins of the virus and his sheer unmitigated narcissism all deserve universal scorn. And lasting mockery for those who bought Fauci candles and otherwise promoted that poseur.

    If you were setup on “X” with an account that has opposed almost all COV protocols at their very start, and then witnessed a sea change in what people who are your followers and who you are following have been stating, this is one of the major sea changes:

    People are writing about how their loved ones were medically kidnapped and then deliberately murdered.  One example is this man’s current lawsuit against Ascension hospital in Wisconsin, a hospital that deliberately murdered his daughter.

    Anyone familiar with Scott’s story has shed tears over his daughter’s death. The family was totally willing to take her home, but was told that was not advised. The hospital personnel then went on to deliberately administer three separate drugs which are contraindicated, and the levels of one of those drugs was such that her death was the one extremely  obvious result of the staff doing that.

    There are thousands of other people who have similar stories. They will also attempt to have justice in court.

    But to leave Fauci alone, as though he was not the major figure in all of this would be criminal. The Nazi doctor Mengele was allowed to live to the age of 68, only because it had not been possible to extradite him to Israel. (I forget if that was due to his not being located or on account of policies of the Argentine government.) But Fauci’s insistence on lockdown policies alone killed thousands. Here in Calif, in Placer County, Calif, there were 16 deaths due to COVID from March 2020 to Aug 2020. But in the same time period there were almost 3 times that number of suicides. It is important to note that those who died due to COVID were in their 70’s. The average age of the suicides was 46!

    If those numbers are extrapolated across all Calif counties, that is one serious death toll. But lockdowns also occurred in NY, Ill, MN,  and other places.

    Then we need to examine  the even more extreme matter of Fauci withholding the real remedies and pushing through remdesivir. Those looking into the matter of the use of remdesivir don’t really need to explore much beyond this drug’s failure to have its significant clinical trial completed due to how people in the trial were dying at such high rates such that the study was discontinued.

    At the same time Fauci was guiding remdesivir into position so it would be the drug of choice for COV patients in hospitals, he also was withholding HCQ plus zinc, ivermecttin, high vitamin therapies and Chlorine Dioxide.  These cheap available remedies were withheld because Fauci is Big Pharma’s puppet. Why  would any puppet of pharma allow for HCQ, a remedy costing 37 cents per dose, to compete with remdesivir, a remedy that hospital admins would charge the dying patients’ families 5K per dose?

    It is now believed that at least half the people who died in hospitals with COVID on their death certificates were killed by the drugs that were administered as well as the practice of putting those people on ventilators. (This wold be ~500,000 people.)

    People whose doctors avoided doing this to the patients in their care survived. I have one friend in upstate NY who was hospitalized with COV in Summer of 2020, and when he developed pneumonia, he was treated with the drugs widely used for that infection. He survived the infection and was home in a few short weeks. But many people had doctors who avoided the use of drugs for pneumonia, even when that was the main complaint. They often didn’t survive.

    On top of that we still have no complete tally of those who have died from the COV vaccines.  A low estimate of deaths is 1.1 million but that was of the date of Dec 2022. Ed Dowd is working up the final numbers his team of statisticians have found but I haven’t heard the final figure yet.

    Even one death from the COV vaccine program would be too many. Because of liar, con man and murderer Antony Fauici, we had a medical experiment thrust upon the public when that “remedy” and “solution” was not effective, nor was it safe. So many of those who have been harmed would never have gone the route of an experimental bio weapon, except for mandates put in place by employers, including the US DoD.

    • #16
  17. Metalheaddoc Member

    I guess you could give them a Congressional subpoena to testify then have a long boring day of “I don’t recall” over and over. Memory loss isn’t a crime. 

    • #17
  18. kedavis Coolidge

    Metalheaddoc (View Comment):

    I guess you could give them a Congressional subpoena to testify then have a long boring day of “I don’t recall” over and over. Memory loss isn’t a crime.

    But there would be documents to introduce.

    • #18
  19. E. Kent Golding Moderator
    E. Kent Golding

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    There was no chance that even in a Trump Administration that Fauci, Jim Biden and that ilk would go to jail. Messy, tedious, potentially unpopular prosecutions…the public asking about why not go after the Real Criminals… RINOs worried that it is a bad look despite the fact that Democrats have absolutely no qualms about the politics (and prosecutorial abuse) of personal destruction.

    Biden and his party were engaged in their favorite pastime–projection. Having convinced themselves that Trump and his GOP are evil and having perpetrated or endorsed vile abuses of power, they cannot imagine a world in which Trump would not treat them as badly or worse than they tried to do to him. Hence, absurdly broad pre-emptive pardons.

    I don’t need Fauci to go be in prison. I do need to see his legacy, reputation and personal honor destroyed. It is enough if he spends many hours in a witness chair before the facts are unambiguous. His waffling and repeated lies, his decision to define the mission of the federal health establishment to provide cover for excessively interventionist politicians, his self-serving manipulations about the origins of the virus and his sheer unmitigated narcissism all deserve universal scorn. And lasting mockery for those who bought Fauci candles and otherwise promoted that poseur.

    If you were setup on “X” with an account that has opposed almost all COV protocols at their very start, and then witnessed a sea change in what people who are your followers and who you are following have been stating, this is one of the major sea changes:

    People are writing about how their loved ones were medically kidnapped and then deliberately murdered. One example is this man’s current lawsuit against Ascension hospital in Wisconsin, a hospital that deliberately murdered his daughter.

    Anyone familiar with Scott’s story has shed tears over his daughter’s death. The family was totally willing to take her home, but was told that was not advised. The hospital personnel then went on to deliberately administer three separate drugs which are contraindicated, and the levels of one of those drugs was such that her death was the one extremely obvious result of the staff doing that.

    There are thousands of other people who have similar stories. They will also attempt to have justice in court.

    But to leave Fauci alone, as though he was not the major figure in all of this would be criminal. The Nazi doctor Mengele was allowed to live to the age of 68, only because it had not been possible to extradite him to Israel. (I forget if that was due to his not being located or on account of policies of the Argentine government.) But Fauci’s insistence on lockdown policies alone killed thousands. Here in Calif, in Placer County, Calif, there were 16 deaths due to COVID from March 2020 to Aug 2020. But in the same time period there were almost 3 times that number of suicides. It is important to note that those who died due to COVID were in their 70’s. The average age of the suicides was 46!

    If those numbers are extrapolated across all Calif counties, that is one serious death toll. But lockdowns also occurred in NY, Ill, MN, and other places.

    Then we need to examine the even more extreme matter of Fauci withholding the real remedies and pushing through remdesivir. Those looking into the matter of the use of remdesivir don’t really need to explore much beyond this drug’s failure to have its significant clinical trial completed due to how people in the trial were dying at such high rates such that the study was discontinued.

    At the same time Fauci was guiding remdesivir into position so it would be the drug of choice for COV patients in hospitals, he also was withholding HCQ plus zinc, ivermecttin, high vitamin therapies and Chlorine Dioxide. These cheap available remedies were withheld because Fauci is Big Pharma’s puppet. Why would any puppet of pharma allow for HCQ, a remedy costing 37 cents per dose, to compete with remdesivir, a remedy that hospital admins would charge the dying patients’ families 5K per dose?

    It is now believed that at least half the people who died in hospitals with COVID on their death certificates were killed by the drugs that were administered as well as the practice of putting those people on ventilators. (This wold be ~500,000 people.)

    People whose doctors avoided doing this to the patients in their care survived. I have one friend in upstate NY who was hospitalized with COV in Summer of 2020, and when he developed pneumonia, he was treated with the drugs widely used for that infection. He survived the infection and was home in a few short weeks. But many people had doctors who avoided the use of drugs for pneumonia, even when that was the main complaint. They often didn’t survive.

    On top of that we still have no complete tally of those who have died from the COV vaccines. A low estimate of deaths is 1.1 million but that was of the date of Dec 2022. Ed Dowd is working up the final numbers his team of statisticians have found but I haven’t heard the final figure yet.

    Even one death from the COV vaccine program would be too many. Because of liar, con man and murderer Antony Fauici, we had a medical experiment thrust upon the public when that “remedy” and “solution” was not effective, nor was it safe. So many of those who have been harmed would never have gone the route of an experimental bio weapon, except for mandates put in place by employers, including the US DoD.

    The COVID vaccine was rushed by Donald Trump.  He had great intentions.  Early on, COVID had a high death rate.

    • #19
  20. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    Metalheaddoc (View Comment):

    I guess you could give them a Congressional subpoena to testify then have a long boring day of “I don’t recall” over and over. Memory loss isn’t a crime.

    It could be contempt of congress. Didnt you prepare for this testimony? What steps did you take to refresh your recollection of that meeting?

    If it was say a meeting about you’re going to pay me $500 000 to arrange a phone call from the vice president or president. I think I would remember that… I remember every successful job interview I’ve ever had, and I’ve never made a fraction of $500 000.

    • #20
  21. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Metalheaddoc (View Comment):

    I guess you could give them a Congressional subpoena to testify then have a long boring day of “I don’t recall” over and over. Memory loss isn’t a crime.

    It could be contempt of congress. Didnt you prepare for this testimony? What steps did you take to refresh your recollection of that meeting?

    If it was say a meeting about you’re going to pay me $500 000 to arrange a phone call from the vice president or president. I think I would remember that… I remember every successful job interview I’ve ever had, and I’ve never made a fraction of $500 000.

    This is where you get those minions you referred to and put them on the stand. 

    • #21
  22. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Metalheaddoc (View Comment):

    I guess you could give them a Congressional subpoena to testify then have a long boring day of “I don’t recall” over and over. Memory loss isn’t a crime.

    It could be contempt of congress. Didnt you prepare for this testimony? What steps did you take to refresh your recollection of that meeting?

    If it was say a meeting about you’re going to pay me $500 000 to arrange a phone call from the vice president or president. I think I would remember that… I remember every successful job interview I’ve ever had, and I’ve never made a fraction of $500 000.

    This is where you get those minions you referred to and put them on the stand.

    No, you indict the minions based on the testimony from the pardoned… The minions are the targets. The big fish got away with it, and if they want to keep getting away with it, they’ll have to testify honestly… Otherwise the Bondi DOJ will come knocking… Maybe 3-5 years in a country club federal prison is nothing… But to somebody in their 60s or 70s those years are precious.

    If you let the minions testify they’ll get immunity deals in exchange for their testimony.

    • #22
  23. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Metalheaddoc (View Comment):

    I guess you could give them a Congressional subpoena to testify then have a long boring day of “I don’t recall” over and over. Memory loss isn’t a crime.

    It could be contempt of congress. Didnt you prepare for this testimony? What steps did you take to refresh your recollection of that meeting?

    If it was say a meeting about you’re going to pay me $500 000 to arrange a phone call from the vice president or president. I think I would remember that… I remember every successful job interview I’ve ever had, and I’ve never made a fraction of $500 000.

    This is where you get those minions you referred to and put them on the stand.

    No, you indict the minions based on the testimony from the pardoned… The minions are the targets. The big fish got away with it, and if they want to keep getting away with it, they’ll have to testify honestly… Otherwise the Bondi DOJ will come knocking… Maybe 3-5 years in a country club federal prison is nothing… But to somebody in their 60s or 70s those years are precious.

    If you let the minions testify they’ll get immunity deals in exchange for their testimony.

    Maybe,. Depends on the details. You obviously are imagining a different situation than I am,  and it depends on which is closer to the known facts. 

    • #23
  24. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Metalheaddoc (View Comment):

    I guess you could give them a Congressional subpoena to testify then have a long boring day of “I don’t recall” over and over. Memory loss isn’t a crime.

    It could be contempt of congress. Didnt you prepare for this testimony? What steps did you take to refresh your recollection of that meeting?

    If it was say a meeting about you’re going to pay me $500 000 to arrange a phone call from the vice president or president. I think I would remember that… I remember every successful job interview I’ve ever had, and I’ve never made a fraction of $500 000.

    This is where you get those minions you referred to and put them on the stand.

    No, you indict the minions based on the testimony from the pardoned… The minions are the targets. The big fish got away with it, and if they want to keep getting away with it, they’ll have to testify honestly… Otherwise the Bondi DOJ will come knocking… Maybe 3-5 years in a country club federal prison is nothing… But to somebody in their 60s or 70s those years are precious.

    If you let the minions testify they’ll get immunity deals in exchange for their testimony.

    Maybe,. Depends on the details. You obviously are imagining a different situation than I am, and it depends on which is closer to the known facts.

    Agreed. We dont have facts right now. Perhaps without facts our (or my) imagination is running away with all sorts of sordid speculations on what may have been done behind closed doors…

    We know the media would never question any of these people. Especially not the Biden family or Dr Fauci. So if we ever want to find out, we’ll have to pressure congress or US Attorney offices to get some questions answered.

    • #24
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