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I’ll Drink to That!
I have just poured a glass of Woodford Reserve Double Oaked bourbon to celebrate the departure of the second-worst President of my lifetime.
I wish Joe Biden nothing but peace and comfort in his final years. I also hope that future historians, for the sake of truth and the honor of their profession, will correctly record him as a foolish, deeply corrupt, and fundamentally dishonorable man, and a disgrace to his country.
Published in Election 2024
Because you’re confident he’ll “Get his” in the next life?
Spot on, as usual, Henry.
Because, once out of office, he can do no more harm and no one can do harm in his name. It’s over.
Have you met the Democrats? Seems to me they’re at it already.
Except that those who have been propping him up for the past four years are still hiding in their homes under rocks in D.C., and will continue to do harm to the Republic; after all, that’s their mission in life.
And they’re often at least saying that they’re doing it “in his honor” or something. Because his great accomplishments should not be rolled back, etc.
Good riddance, “Dr.” Jill.
Biden has made a life out of mocking God. There will be consequences.
You really think he has “years” left?
How about one little hemorrhoid as payback from all of us?
I am afraid I don’t have as charitable a view of Biden’s leaving as you have. I hope he desolves into the worst kind of senile deterioration, adult diapers and all. He is a despiccable man, always has been. He used his offices to enrich himself and his family and to benefit our enemies or his profit. The tech industry is a prime example of how he helped China, but there is much more information coming to light as his disastrous term ends. As bad as Jimmy Carter was, he is nothing compared to Biden. Most of the awful things Carter did were following his term.
I have been counting down the minutes of his final days in office knowing that he would find even more awful things to do right up to Trump’s inauguration. In that he has not disappointed. He and his adminstration have been true to their goal of maximum destruction of this country and its heritage.
I put Biden second after Obama, Carter a distant third.
You are right, Henry. I had somehow forgotten Obama, probably because I really saw Biden as an extension of Obama, a sort of gangrenous appendage of that awful 8 years. Obama certainly was the worst American president.
The Democrats will need more time to grasp the reality of the sea change. They still had the House and later the Senate to try to counter Reagan despite the horror. They were hysterical for months after Gingrich led the takeover of Congress in ’95 (My personal favorite story was an enviro group shocked that a House Committee had already voted out a bill without consulting them first.) but were not dislodged from media and cultural control.
I hope this shift is even more profound. Fauxcahontas Warren sent how-dare-you letters to CEOS who wrote big checks for the inaugural festivities and nobody cared. They are losing the power to cancel and intimidate. The MSM is crumbling and the normals have a voice again. The stale values and low average IQ of the Senate Democrats combined with shrill tantrums was not a good look.
This time the victory has to be deeper and more complete. I want that fourth carrier.
Since 2015 I’ve leaned into the phrase “cautiously optimistic” quite a bit. I continue to do so now.
I remember the Reagan Revolution. It was good. This feels similar in its optimism but, to me, somehow more grass-roots, more of-the-people. I really am hopeful that a sea change has taken place — that a commonsensical behemoth, too long asleep, has been prodded into action.
The down side is that he wouldn’t really be aware of it.
I agree with that ranking.
Good idea! But make it a big itchy one…
Biden 2nd-worst??
Yes. Biden was a fool and a crook. I don’t think he was motivated by fundamental contempt for my country and a desire to see America taken down a notch on the world stage. I think Obama was.
Biden did awful damage because he’s a fool and a crook. Obama did it because he doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism or American virtue.
Ultimately, Obama was the worst.
Good choice of bourbon. And a good occasion to celebrate.
Absolutely correct. Biden was simply and incompetent puppet, a dumb bomb. Obama was a directed missile against the American system.
Well put.
My variation:
Biden was a drone, Obama was a drone operator.
In fairness to the long tradition of crooked politics, I think Biden deserves more credit for his corruption. He was a drone in the sense that he wasn’t good at thinking and really didn’t need to: he lied like he breathed, and sold his office and his honor by reflex and with merely animal cunning.
Obama stood on a hilltop and encouraged the masses to riot and burn. Biden was picking pockets and looting stores long before that.
Oh, I was only referring to the difference between them while President. Fully agree with your indictment of Biden’s 40+ year-long political career prior to that.