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The Democrat Party Represents the Government

Source CNN: Schumer and Pelosi respond to Trump’s 2019 national address on border security
I don’t pay a great deal of attention to the mainstream media. The benefit of this is that I tend to be happier. The problem with this, of course, is that I sometimes miss the message they are trying to tell me, and sometimes that message can be rather important. This is why it has taken until today – the last day of the Biden Administration – for me to recognize three obvious truths, which the mainstream media has been patiently trying to explain to me for the past 10-20 years:
- The Democrat Party represents the government.
- The Republican Party represents the people.
- The American government is anti-American.
You may be rolling your eyes, wondering how it took me this long to figure out these obvious truths. This isn’t a remarkable insight, requiring years of research and contemplation. No. Everybody from CNN to The New York Times to freakin’ ESPN have been shouting this from the rooftops for years. I just wasn’t listening.
Our federal government has around 3 million employees, nearly all of whom went to the right schools and majored in the right things. This means that a significant majority of 3 million federal employees have been trained to believe that America is bad – defined by slavery, colonialism, environmental destruction, and exploitation of women & minorities.

From Ground Picture, via Shutterstock. Asset ID: 1641184159
Most American citizens take a different view. They think that America has its flaws, like any other country, but it has done a lot of good in the world, and that there is a good reason that people all over the world want to come here – this is a pretty nice place, filled with a lot of pretty good people.
It’s difficult for most Americans to wrap their mind around the idea that their own government doesn’t like them or the country they live in. But it’s just a matter of education and background.
It’s also difficult for the average Republican politician when he wins an election and becomes a part of the government he seeks to constrict. He presumes that his Democrat colleagues represent Democrat voters, when in fact they represent government itself. He presumes that when a government policy makes things worse rather than better, that the policy must have failed. But perhaps it succeeded. Perhaps that’s what it was supposed to do.

Mikhail Gorbachev (right) being introduced to President Obama by Joe Biden. Wikimedia Commons
I view Joe Biden as the most successful president in history. What President has gotten more of his party’s goals accomplished than Biden? Maybe FDR? Maybe. But Biden has been remarkably successful from the standpoint of the Democrat party.
I used to wonder why that was, since Mr. Biden was never an intellectual powerhouse, and to make it worse, he’s been suffering from dementia for the past several years. The federal government gained power like never before on Biden’s watch. How did a lightweight like Biden accomplish that?
Simple. Because the Democrat Party is simply the party of government. And without an acting President, the government was allowed to do what it wanted. It could grow its administrative and regulatory powers with a minimum of political interference. It just grew organically, the way any power structure does, if unconstrained.
The Democrats got what they wanted. Not because they had a powerhouse President who stood up for the people who voted for him. But because the Democrat Party is the party of government, and the government was permitted to grow unimpeded for four glorious years.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
I don’t think President Trump quite understood what he was up against in his first term. But I think he does now. And I think the Democrats recognize that Trump has figured all this out, and they’re scared to death.
I suspect that the next four years are going to be eventful, and extremely important. I pray that Mr. Trump survives them.
I pray that America does as well.
May God continue to bless The United States of America.
Published in General
The obvious answer is that FJB didn’t really accomplish anything. He was just the totem while others did the work. But he gave them an excuse, no vetos, he would sign anything that his puppeteers put in front of him.
Minor quibble. The Democratic Party is comprised of (a) people who want the government to provide them with a livelihood and (b) people who want outcomes that require raw power to impose them. That latter group wants to mandate new social and moral values and dissolve that which created and sustains the middle class.
If it were just a political contest between taxpayers and tax-funded recipients, elections would be more rational, less bitter and more amenable to compromise. It is the emergence of an ideologically perverse yet uniform layer of very wealthy people, academics and media that has driven an ugly new politics.
RINOs and third-rate analysts blame Trump/MAGA for the shift in tone without a clue that Tump/MAGA is an antibody in a nation that wants to survive, not the infection.
The Democrat Party holds control over the traditional media outlets, mimicking how in a totalitarian state, the One Uber Party and the media have a symbiotic relationship.
The Democrat Party uses the same strategy the totalitarian state actors use, such as canceling out the non-submissive person plus their identity plus their reputation. This often makes it impossible for the individual to continue to hold the job the individual once held.
Also utilized in this Brave New World is the ability to manufacture indictments, hold kangaroo court trials for the accused, and offer up lengthy prison sentences for made up or magnified offenses. (Witness today’s J6 prisoners and the multitude of lawsuits against Trump.)
Hopefully we will return to normal. But there are a lot of factors standing in the way of the public achieving that.
Public goods only.
If they are going to force us to use government money, the inflation rate should be 0% at most. I just heard Felix Zulaf say that the inflation rate is double what they say it is.
It is a corollary to your axioms, that what is good for the Democrat party is bad for America and thus a Biden success is a failure for Americans.
Some people refer to this as the Extraction Phase of the American Empire, where the rich and powerful attempt to extract as much value from America without regard to the cost to the country or the citizens. It is the opposite of people that build things to achieve wealth and greatness and as a by-product make American better. It is more like a child that inherits a golden goose and decide to kill it and eat it.
An old favorite:
Long term, the answer is private education not funded by the government.
This is incorrect. I’m not sure where to draw the line because I haven’t spoken to everyone, but I’m reasonably sure that there are a significant number of federal employees who neither feel that way nor have been “trained” to feel that way.
You’re right. I should have said most. In fact, I’ll correct the OP now.
I appreciate the correction.
I wonder what percentage that would be?
Every so often I feel compelled to stick my nose in and correct what I regard as an overly broad—if understandable— generalization about the federal workforce. I think that I’m qualified to do so.
The federal workforce is extraordinarily bloated and led by ideologues. who largely espouse the beliefs cited. These people are usually at the center of discussions about regulatory overreach and “weaponizing” the government.
However, based on my experience in the DC area, the two largest segments of that workforce are 1) people who may vote Democratic, but are not motivated by ideology and just want to do a basic job, whether necessary or not, and to collect a check, and 2) a smaller number of decent and intelligent people, largely professional, who actually are important for national defense or to administer laws that are actually necessary for the country.
There are good people in government. The Deep State Effect has caused outrageous problems, but it has also thwarted abuses. In my time as a federal contractor, I only encountered a handful of Leftist ideologues. And I had a special gift for drawing their opprobrium.
I would only argue cause vs. effect, and that this is the effect.
The cause is that government has an infinite amount of money (if they run out they can print more), and as that money is spent people in government get to pocket a percentage. So the party of government spending will act like the party of government.
Those same people are bribable, so they can make money that way, too.
And the anti-American part is when enemy nations do the bribing.
Or corporations more given to looting than to building. Sometimes their hatches pop off at altitude. Or their commercials feature assassins before they became assassins.
This goes back to the beginning of the administrative state. The liberal people attracted to government service believe in the mission, much as the way conservatives have been traditionally drawn to their areas of service – the military, law enforcement, fire, etc.
It’s gotten worse with the creation of the civil service. It’s what causes the bureaucracy to pursue their own agendas.
As Sir Humphrey pointed out in the Yes, Minister episode, “The Whisky Priest”:
Hmmm…Wonder about Trump – which side of the fence would you say he was on? Yarob or some other side? After all, didn’t he used to be a Democrat?
Trump only has one side. His.
He would sell his own grandmother if he thought it would be bring him praise.
Zero, to judge from my 25-year career at the IRS. I did not meet all 90,000+ of its employees but I think I got a good feel for the place.
The only time I ever saw an Ivy Leaguer was when I went to the men’s room and looked in the mirror. I think one of my managers had got a bachelor’s degree at a college in San Antonio – a city that apparently keeps such aristocratic airs as it ever has politely hidden. She was excellent; but I had an even better one, whose higher education consisted of two or three courses at a community college in Fresno – a city that likewise neatly suppresses such impulses to obnoxious elitism as it might ever feel.
I cannot speak for, oh, the USDA, or NASA, or the NTSB, or the Peace Corps, but I will guess that whosoever seeks in these agencies’ corridors a freezing hauteur – or a virulent anti-patriotism – seeks mostly in vain.
Well, the Lois Lerners etc come from SOMEWHERE.
The Democrat party is the party of people who believe it is the mission of government to protect them from the consequences of their own bad life decisions. I don’t think it goes much deeper. The Democrat voter is willing to give the government all the power it needs to fulfill that mission. Those who, in the main, made good life decisions and benefitted thereby are just being greedy if we think we should be free of government interference while we enjoy our lives.
Unfortunately, that has been the lot of the working man or woman (many of them, anyway) since the beginning of time. When we work “for” people, we are there to work for them, not to impose our own agenda or beliefs on them. And we can’t simply turn our hand to–covertly or overtly–embarrassing them, thwarting them, diminishing them, or trying to get them removed from their positions or thrown into jail simply because we don’t agree with the tenets of the “new management,” or with the latest decision of the Supreme Court or the latest Act of Congress.
Such instances of worker rebellion, in the private sector, are almost always recipes for immediate demotion, if not firing. In an ideal world, why should the public sector (which is there to serve the will of the people) be any different? (I’m asking theoretically; no need to tell me about unions, politics, etc.)
If our principles are so rigid or we hold them so close that we can’t see a way to serve the new masters and their obnoxious goals, then we can always quit and go work somewhere else. That’s the principled thing to do, and the way in which we avoid Sir Humphrey’s dilemma. I’ve done it. I bet others can too. (In my case, my awful superiors presided, a few years later, over what was at the time the largest bankruptcy in the history of US healthcare. Some of the principals went to jail, as many of us had known they should have. As they often do, the Mills of God ground slowly, but they ground exceeding small. And some of us rejoiced at what they spat out.)
Historical examples abound, both positive, and negative. See, “Bray, Vicar of” for an extreme and unprincipled example of one who always cut his coat to fit his cloth. There were a few, shortly before, and around his time, who ended up on the block, burned at the stake, or exiled to (God forbid) places like France, because they wouldn’t bend the knee. You pays your money and you takes your choice):
That’s my point.
People vote for the Democrat party because they think they care about people or something.
But in fact the Democrat party leadership cares only about government.
You mean the grift.
Bonus doge solution:
Acquire Greenland.
As a gesture of appreciation to the Greenlanders, relocate all agency headquarters to Greenland.
This is such a great, straightforward post. Thanks for putting it out there for us
“…a stark, staring, raving schizophrenic”. Yup. Sounds like our government alright.😛
< sarcasm off >
< cynicism always on >
Still not cynical enough!
Truth . . .
You can never be too cynical 😎😎😎