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Nobel Peace Prize for Trump’s Second Term
Let’s not forget the 52 American hostages that were captured by Iran on November 4th, 1979. For 444 days they were held captive until the threat of a conservative US president loomed. On January 20th, 1981, the hostages were released at the same time Ronald Reagan took office.

Two American hostages, 1979. Wikimedia Commons.
There are 37 hostages taken by Hamas on October 7th that are about to be released, seven of which are American. For around the same number of days, they were held captive until the threat of a conservative US president. On January 20th, 2025, we finally have a strong hope that all hostages will have been released when President Donald Trump takes office again.
Out of the 200+ taken that day, I strongly suspect Trump will find this initial release unacceptable, but it’s a start. This cease-fire and hostage release would never have happened if Harris or Biden had resumed office in five days.
Jimmy Carter was a joke to our enemies. Biden is a joke to our enemies. They feared Ronald Reagan. They fear Donald Trump. A lot can happen in these five days. I am a little nervous on what’s going to happen in this short time left.
The nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize were due twelve days after Obama took office. He won. So, if everyone waited until the last minute to vote for the prize, they must have experienced the most amazing twelve days of any administration that ever existed. In that sub-2-week presidency, he was found to have had “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

June 2009, after Obama’s “New Beginning Speech.” Wikimedia Commons
With Obama’s twelve days in office and these obscure standards, surely the bar isn’t set very high. Trump is a clear winner (sarcastic laugh.)
I expect good things at the beginning of Trump’s presidency. It won’t be as exciting as people falling off of airplanes like Biden’s, but my expectations are high nonetheless.
With all seriousness, I would like to know if the world is a safer place twelve months from now. I hope so.
Published in General
“A kick in the leg” was what Obama’s prize was about, that’s pretty much it: I can’t imagine the Donald getting one, even for a kick in the leg.
Not a chance.
Trump will earn 2 or 3 Nobel Prizes by the time 2025 is over.
He should have already gotten one for the Abraham Accords.
Hear hear, both of you. Unfortunately prizes are for Democrats. Republicans have to settle for the knowledge that they did the right thing…which, come to think of it, is preferable.
The world is already safer than it was on November 4th.
He will earn them. He will not get one, though.
I don’t worry about Nobel Peace Prizes. The Committee has rubbished their award all by themselves.
How sad, and absolutely true. The Nobel Peace prize committee has debased the award. It is less than a virtue signal, it is a fantasy wish prize.
There is no question that the world will be a safer place, not 12 months from now, but 12 minutes after Trump takes office. I wish that was a higher bar than it is, but, unfortunately, our national security has probably never been as poor as it has been the last four years. Even during the Civil War there was a competent President in office and a cabinet made up of truly competent and serious men, something that definitely cannot be said about the last four years.
Unquestionably Trump’s election prompted Hamas to begin to negotiate in a more serious manner, though nothing they do can be considered honest or forthright. I do not expect even the limited release of 33 captives over the next six weeks to go through. It would be out of character for these prototype villains. However, if they do break the deal I suspect that Trump won’t be asking the Israelis to show “restraint.”
The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama was an absurdity of monumental proportions. However, like all prizes these days, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, it has lost any real value as anything but a gift to loyal leftists, meaningless nonsense. These have been four years of clown car incompetence substituting for a presidential administration, a freak show more appropriate to the side show of Ringling Brothers Barnum and Baily circus than the White House. Its avatar, unquestionably, Rachael Levine, a person who defies definition by any rational standard, but definitely not a woman, and likely not a sane human being either. This cannot end too soon.
I am anticipating an eleventh hour surprise. Also, the left was caught by surprise when Trump won. They have had time to prepare. Nothing says democracy like burning and looting. Time is short, but by no means over.
All Prizes, medals, and even pardons have no meaning anymore. They are just forms of payment.
I have a friend who is convinced that the left is not going to allow Trump to be inaugurated. I am unconvinced. They seem to be falling apart, losing direction, and lacking leadership at this point. The performance of Biden’s harpies in the confirmation hearings was comical. Obviously those senators had been given their marching orders, but they were witless and stupid, spewing nonsense that nobody but a hardened leftist moron would believe. I have no doubt that there will be demonstrations on Monday, but nothing like the first time. My biggest fear is some crazy lone gunman takes a shot at Trump. I have very little trust in the Secret Service or the FBI, but they have been exposed by the earlier attempts on him, so they have to look like they are on the ball.
Nightmare fuel. I hope they have every potential sniper line of sight covered, after being humiliated in Pennsylvania.
God is clearly protecting the United States, along with children and fools, but that is not a license to do a bad job. Listen up, Secret Service.
and ships named “Enterprise”… :-)
But yeah, the would-be assassins didn’t seem to need any “leadership.”
Have you ever noticed that NOBODY ever won the Nobel Peace Prize for ending World War II? Not for stopping Germany and Italy, nor for stopping Japan. Not even for contributing a little bit to it.
The Nobel Peace Prize is an embarrassment. It’s of no more worth than the Pulitzer Prize. The Pulitzer people could regain some respect by recalling the award they gave the NYT for Duranty’s lies. I don’t think anything could restore the Nobel committee’s reputation.
What about if Israel got the Nobel in chemistry – and/or maybe physics, or something – for making those Hamas pagers and stuff explode?
Hardly the same as the Peace prize, now is it? Maybe even – antithetical?
But Nobel didn’t exactly get his money via peace, either.
The Working As Intended award at the next Consumer Electronics show.