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Democrats are losing their minds

Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Atlantic has a remarkable article up: “How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 days – He used the constitution to shatter the constitution.” I don’t subscribe to The Atlantic, so I couldn’t read the entire article linked. Thus, I’m unsure if they explain why they just happened to publish this article just as Trump is taking office. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence. Or perhaps they describe some perceived parallels that they see between Trump and Hitler. I don’t think it matters. Their intention is clear. Regardless, here are the first two paragraphs, that I could see on this side of the paywall:
Ninety-two years ago this month, on Monday morning, January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed the 15th chancellor of the Weimar Republic. In one of the most astonishing political transformations in the history of democracy, Hitler set about destroying a constitutional republic through constitutional means. What follows is a step-by-step account of how Hitler systematically disabled and then dismantled his country’s democratic structures and processes in less than two months’ time—specifically, one month, three weeks, two days, eight hours, and 40 minutes. The minutes, as we will see, mattered.
Hans Frank served as Hitler’s private attorney and chief legal strategist in the early years of the Nazi movement. While later awaiting execution at Nuremberg for his complicity in Nazi atrocities, Frank commented on his client’s uncanny capacity for sensing “the potential weakness inherent in every formal form of law” and then ruthlessly exploiting that weakness. Following his failed Beer Hall Putsch of November 1923, Hitler had renounced trying to overthrow the Weimar Republic by violent means but not his commitment to destroying the country’s democratic system, a determination he reiterated in a Legalitätseid—“legality oath”—before the Constitutional Court in September 1930. Invoking Article 1 of the Weimar constitution, which stated that the government was an expression of the will of the people, Hitler informed the court that once he had achieved power through legal means, he intended to mold the government as he saw fit. It was an astonishingly brazen statement.
OK. So Hitler was appointed as leader of Germany. He then used the laws of the democracy that had elevated him to high office to overthrow the constitutional republic that previously existed, allowing him to gain absolute power. He viewed his own country’s legal system with disdain, viewing its laws as a sign of weakness. He rationalized this by pointing out that his popular support was more important than the laws of the country. Naturally, Hitler’s supporters were later executed for their complicity in his atrocities.
The Atlantic has been publishing its magazine for 158 years. And they decided to publish this article right now. Just before Trump’s inauguration.
It’s amazing. It really is.

Via Wikimedia Commons
Trump is not an unknown entity. He has already served as president.
I wonder if they wonder why Trump didn’t do any of this in his first term. I wonder if they wonder why Trump’s policies are designed to reduce the influence of government, rather than increasing it. I wonder if they wonder why he started DOGE, to drastically reduce the size and influence of government.
If Trump is a tyrant, who seeks absolute power, none of those things make any sense. If he’s a tyrant, he’s doing it all wrong.
But I don’t think this sort of thing is simple propaganda. I think Democrats really believe it. The world must look very strange to them.

Via Shutterstock, image ID: 1520587415
Hitler was a man of the left. Just like Stalin, Mao, Castro, et al. Yet Democrats fear Trump — a man of the right, who seeks to reduce the influence of government, thus making American citizens more free, more independent, and more prosperous. And thus making American politicians, including Mr. Trump, LESS powerful.
But I think that when Democrats look at Mr. Trump, they really do see Adolf Hitler. I just don’t understand their thinking here. It makes no sense.
Democrats are losing their minds.
Published in General
From the Bee:
More pertinent now than ever.
As opposed to Trump who wants to enforce the laws, such as at the border.
Appointed, actually. By Hindenburg.
Ah. You’re right. Sorry about that.
I’ll correct it in the OP.
Thanks much.
We haven’t seen the full article, but what remedy would they suggest? The threat is that, as POTUS, Trump will legally negate the Constitution. Like his predecessor has?
What is their prescription? More assassination attempts?
Has the USSS interviewed them yet?
Kind of like what Hamas says about reunification – just exterminate Israel and the West and it’s all unified.
No worries. A democrat never had a mind to lose anyways.
Which is why I go non-linear every time I hear someone apply the word genocide. An awful lot of “Palestinians” have shaken off the “refugee” lifestyle and live quite successfully elsewhere. Many of them outside of the Muslim world, where they are often considered an underclass.
And many as Israeli citizens.
Very simple:
(Note that “thinking” and “sense” are not involved.)
Keep going…
Goebbels: “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes true.”
Goebbels: “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”
The current left leaves out the critical part that Hitler was a communist – his party was the National Socialists…. That is pretty far off Trump’s (and the rest of the right) principles. Hence the repeat the lie tactic. It works
It was very complicated. The Germans had three elections within the span of nine months with no party gaining a majority but the Nazis held the plurality, followed by the Communists. One of those two were going to make up the driving force behind any coalition government. Von Hindenburg thought he could control Hitler and was tragically mistaken. Germany was probably just doomed to an authoritarian dictatorship, either from the Nazis or the Communists.
Completely unrelated to this thread, but there was a story in the WSJ a few weeks about about what would happen if UNRWA was ended, which included this quote:
It’s not specific to Trump. Before Trump was Hitler, W. Bush was Hitler. Before W. Bush was Hitler, Reagan was Hitler.
I don’t think they ever said Romney was Hitler, but Biden did say to a black audience that Romney wanted to “put you all back in chains”.
At the risk of over simplifying, it’s projection. Modern progressives hate the bill of rights and in fact the entire constitution. It would not occur to them that someone would take a principled view of the founding documents.
Yeah, they only went as far as calling Romney Ghenghis Khan (which John Kerry mispronounced).
FYI. I don’t fully understand it, but the Minnesota house has temporarily lost a couple of Democrats. One guy ran for election and didn’t live in the district, he just rented an apartment in it. After the election, the judge threw it out. The other one is more complicated where a guy won the election by 14 votes, but supposedly 20 votes were thrown out. I think that one has to go through a lot of litigation.
So apparently, in the meantime, the Minnesota GOP has an edge in the house. This won’t be forever, probably but that’s the way it is. The Minnesota Democrats rented a museum and swore themselves in separately from what is ordinarily done. Supposedly the Democrat, Secretary of State is violating all kinds of laws. They are trying to force some kind of power sharing thing.
As we speak, they are having it out on all of this imaginary stuff on the Minnesota legislature floor.
I mean, this is for real banana republic governance stuff.
They are freaking out because they can’t handle a few weeks of not being in control.
It really makes me want to go to someplace that’s more normally governed.
Hmm, is that more or less bad than Obama’s “corpse-men?”
And the goal is apparently to not show up and claim there is no quorum. We had Dems do it twice in the Texas legislature. I think the governor even sent Rangers out of the state to find them.
That is my recollection.
That’s what they are doing. I don’t see why I have to worry about this. The governance in this state is bad enough without this lunacy. Frankly, I find it hard to fully understand and follow, too. Why can’t they see where this is going? All these idiots just love government force. It doesn’t work and it’s going to quit working the hard way.
They rented the museum with ***political money*** and they didn’t tell anybody they were doing it. They used a retired judge. It “leaked” later to one reporter.
The GOP leader was on the radio this morning and he was saying he got sworn in by the blackjack dealer at the casino this morning.
This is like Venezuela.
Why should anybody, anywhere have to worry about any of this?
I wrote that before I saw Arahant’s post. lol Perfect.
Seriously though, they’ve got to put their foot down on any of this anywhere.
Democrats hate everything that prevents a Hitler in our system (checks and balances, federalism, the filibuster…) but always accuse every Republican of being a nascent Hitler. It is not merely a rather inconsistent take but nuts.
The young men who created this country had a deep insight into the nature of political power with no illusions about allowing even a supposed saint, sanctified by the popular will to have unchecked power.
Leftism is fueled by narcissism so anything that checks or opposes their current Vision is a personal affront and evil by definition. It is thus not possible for them to step back and do the same dispassionate what-ifs that Hamilton, Madison and the rest of the Founders did. There is only that which advances The Vision and that which hinders it. Guys like Hitler and Stalin play such malformed people like a drum holding the Vision before them like a carrot on a string.
I think the writers at the Atlantic are low-level Democrats who are merely the targets of the high-level Democrats who manipulate them. I say that because of two incidents I’ve seen in the last week that I found troubling in my paranoid mind. One was the very friendly attitude of Obama toward Trump at the Carter funeral coupled with Obama’s relaxed posture in sitting beside Trump at that moment. Is Obama relieved that Trump is taking back the Oval Office?
The other I saw on YouTube yesterday (four minutes):
Zuckerberg reveals Biden’s staff would ‘scream’ at employees, demand content removal
It’s Zuckerberg’s relaxed shoulders that I was surprised at. He is acting here as if he is frankly relieved to see the Biden administration go out the door.
These two incidents tell a different story than what we’ve been told these last four years about the nice guy Joe Biden and the “threat to democracy” Donald Trump.
In my political life, the truth has often been the opposite of what has been reported, and I suspect these last four years we’ve been lied to at an Orwellian level. That would also explain what was driving the unions to endorse Trump or to simply not endorse Biden and the shift in news viewership from the mainstream media to Fox News. Are people looking for the truth because nothing is adding up for them?
I don’t know. I guess I’ll never know. The best-kept secrets are the ones that all the Democrats know. :)
Democrat leadership, anyway. Not their voters.
So, so true…
Because I can only like this once.