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California Democrats Will Need to Make Things Worse
It is probably time for the California legislature to increase taxes, impose more regulatory burdens, find new ways to punish mainstream views regarding sex and sexuality, and mandate even deeper adherence to the dogma of anthropogenic climate change. If that seems counterintuitive, I invite you to think of that august body as part of a living parasite with finely honed survival skills rather than the expected product of democratic processes. Creating pain is a survival strategy. I will explain.
The entity has its solid voting core of welfare dependency and government-funded jobs, but it is still logistically and fiscally very difficult to make that into a clear majority. The core has to be supplemented by stoking fear about a massive, yet remarkably well-concealed, white racist movement so as to get productively employed people to vote their ethnic identity rather than their natural interest in competent, lean government. Similarly, young women and those with unconventional sexual preferences must be made to fear that a right-wing movement is poised to deny them a wide range of bad choices.
Combining apocalyptic fears with narcissistic impulses captures another key swath. Back when nuclear war with the USSR was feared and only domestic opposition to the confrontational right wing could save us, the enlightened knew how to vote. Climate change is the new nuclear war and offers more satisfyingly intrusive policy measures in addition to the natural buzz of virtual-signaling.
Lastly, embedding power in layers of permanent bureaucracy, largely immune to democratic processes or even legislative control, hardens the survival of the entity.
Redistribution, fear, division, ideological pablum and bureaucratic rule can comprise a viable political model but only so long as the costs, pain and dysfunction can be hidden, deflected or anesthetized OR the likely opposition can be prevented from growing. Reality often conspires with right-wing critics, such as the emergence of rampant inflation, outrageous energy costs or the visible consequences of incredibly stupid policies on crime, homelessness or fire control, all of which could threaten the organism.
The parasitic entity cannot change its essential parasitic nature, so moderation, change or compromise would merely empower its natural enemies. The better approach is to make it impossible for the opposition demographic to grow and to reduce it instead. Driving the middle class out of the state could eventually kill the host, but the parasite will survive more elections. It is like a safety valve or an immune response.
So the best course of action for the current California Democratic Party is to double down on bad policy and thus shed even more possible GOP voters by forcing them to move to other states. Given how politically damaging the current fire disasters are, it will take some monster tax hikes and impossible regulatory burdens this time around to keep an electoral majority. The state may need to shed another half million potentially adverse voters ASAP for the entity to survive. I am confident that they can achieve that. People who are able to unapologetically brazen out their responsibility for Hiroshima-levels of destruction in the state’s largest city are just the people needed to complete the task of increasing the pain and protecting the parasitic entity.
Published in General
Except many of the people who would leave, voted for those policies in the first place. And would likely continue to do so wherever they end up.
It’s not the same kind of economic/freedom migration that has occurred previously.
From the point of view of the California legislature that would be a feature, not a bug.
Well, maybe, if they’re thinking like a cancer or something. Otherwise I’d think they would want to keep the people who would keep voting for those kinds of things. That’s what Curley did.
When you look at CA overall and recognize that nothing works adequately anywhere – not education, law enforcement, health care, roads, bridges, the DMV – much less well. It has great weather and produce. But nothing works well anymore. Taxpayers accept all of it. And they blame farmers for using too much water to grow the wonderful produce. I wonder- do they think perfectly little clementines grow from love and fresh air?
I don’t expect much to change – New Democrats will be elected, none will be charged for criminal acts. The Coastal Commission seems a criminal organization of the first order, but voters signed up for it and seem likely to look for more of the same again.
Beautifully put.
WFB spent a lifetime writing essentially that over and over again, using different words.
I’ve read this post twice. So far.
Just wonderful writing.
This is why I don’t understand leftists. I’ve tried. I really have. But I don’t understand.
So much of what they do seems to be intentionally self-destructive. Why? Why would anyone do that?
I doubt that Democrats are thinking like you suggest – let’s make things so bad that only Democrats will stay here. Surely they’re not actually thinking like that.
But I don’t have a more compelling explanation. Maybe, I guess.
I really don’t understand leftists…
The organism is not the result of rational thought. Cognition is used only in subsequent rationalizations and strategic efforts to injure adversaries. The entity does not permit its components to see its manifest defects. Ever notice how lefties are utterly oblivious to their blatant use of projection? Or the absurd notions of blame and causation? No regrets. Instead, the entity provides a splash of serotonin for the illusion of enlightened discourse. The Western left and California in particular are like a bad Star Trek plot about alien mind control.
Even though half of the state looks like a nuclear wasteland, I don’t believe we’ve hit rock bottom yet. So Californians will continue to elect Democrats to office.
I heard this recently. Obviously the hard left drives the Democrat party. This is the way they think:
if everybody isn’t equal, it’s fascist.
What was it like in the days of Scoop Jackson? I have no idea.
You don’t need inflation. They don’t even come close to measuring it right. They don’t control it. Trade and automation constantly produces deflation.
You don’t need the government producing non-public goods.
Forcing everybody into Social Security and Medicare at gunpoint is a good idea if you run them right. We don’t.
Trading with the Chinese mafia has turned out to be national suicide. We could have imported deflation from anybody else.
There isn’t much else to it.
Excellent description of the money laundering machine that is the State of California.
California has term limits. Term limits are a bad idea. Everything gets controlled by the staff, the bureaucracy, and the unions.
The man the late, great Rush called “Saint Mario the Pius” made a point about why that is true. Cuomo said that the changes he wanted have to be done at the Federal level because if New York made the changes that cost money and raised taxes to pay for the efforts, other states could effectively underbid NY by offering lower tax rates and less regulation. If what I read in the papers is true, California is losing businesses and productive people at an — for them — alarming rate. Since for the foreseeable future, four years that is, the Feds won’t be instituting CA-style policies, the only option CA has is to follow the model of the National Popular Vote Interstate Pact. Well, they can just hope that California expatriates continue their voting patterns and vote for high taxes and more regulation in their new homes. If it happens everywhere, CA won’t be underbid as Cuomo feared New York would be.
The left never letting a crisis go to waste
Leftists Already Planning L.A. 2.0; The WEF Will Like It – HotAir
More from Adam Carolla:
I hate to admit this, but I wondered about that around Wednesday or so. Having done an in-depth research effort a few years ago on all hidden yet rationally obvious intents of the WEF, it would not surprise me in the least that they would look at this as their next big opportunity. We need to pray.
On the other hand, something obviously WEF-made might be a better example – and warning – to people than what appears to have developed “organically” over decades/centuries.
Dave Rubin trying to save Carolla’s point from Carolla’s crassness is a hoot, too.
Truth is sometimes crass. It’s the same as other things, not being honest to spare feelings, doesn’t do anyone any good.