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Far Left Prioritizes Its Victims Using an Anti-Creation Ruler
And, sorry ladies, but in this distorted Leftist competition with a broken ruler, the LGBTQ+ Mafia wins over your plight.
At least one courageous and strong woman objects and says … Bring It On! [link]
Jennifer Sey is the founder of XX-XY Athletics, an athletic wear business and she has the honor to have offended a San Francisco Chronicle columnist with her being business. Jennifer is a former elite gymnast and is a passionate advocate for keeping women’s sports alive.
Here’s Jennifer! “On a basic level, all women have XX chromosomes. That’s just a fact. I will fight for the truth.”
This business and clothing so unhinged Soliel Ho, San Francisco Chronicle columnist, that she was incensed enough to write a column about XX-XY and another similar “sinister” effort called Save Girls Sports. Of course, in order to have her offendedness taken seriously, she needed to come up with appropriately charged and emotional words to support her completely off-base accusations. So Mz. Ho threw the phrases “transphobic,” “terrorizing,” and “the next MAGA hat” at Jennifer and her fledgling business. Here’s the actual issue that got Mz. Ho all riled up:
Two high school athletes are suing a California school district over being told their shirts about women’s sports are akin to wearing Nazi garb.
Cross-country runners Kaitlyn and Taylor from the Martin Luther King High School said they wore T-shirts that read “Save Girls’ Sports” on the front and “It’s Common Sense. XX ≠ XY” on the back.
The girls wore the shirts in protest of a male athlete participating in female athletics who bumped one of the girls from their cross-country team. The students claimed their athletic director said wearing the shirts around a transgender student was like wearing a swastika around a Jewish student.
Of course, mad Mz. Ho supports the athletic director over girls who want to still have their own opportunity to participate in sports. Naturally, she had to manufacture “hateful” purposes behind Jennifer Sey’s business mission in a lame attempt to bolster her flimsy case:
… claiming that the brand’s CEO, Jennifer Sey’s, “sole purpose is to pump out anti-trans activewear and fund right-wing influencers.”
Nah, baby, nah, says Jennifer. “My brand’s mission is to ‘stand up for female athletes’ and protect women’s sports.”
Women’s sports became a thing in order to provide our girls and women an opportunity to play competitive sports without having to beat out boys/men in order to make a team. The trans movement seeks to go backward in time to a place where the only athletics our girls could participate in were phys ed and intramurals. Sad.
Published in General
Two posts which were influences to this discussion …
Have Mz Ho back up Her statements by showering with all the “trans” dudes.
Unfortunately, she’d probably like that.
One of the “logical” defenses the trans community uses to aid in its the fight to never return female athletic competitions back to those who were born female is the continual mantra of how this issue only effects a small number of competitions.
Yet the rallying cry of the New Left has been that even if the pronoun issue affects only one trans student, that student’s cause must force the entire school to institute the “respect your fellow classmate’s pronouns” teacher/student guidelines.
Such hypocrisy.
Jennifer Sey was previously Brand President at Levi Strauss, and was apparently the leading candidate to become the next CEO. She was told she needed to shut up about her opposition to the school closings which were going on during Covid, and chose to leave the company instead. She also walked away from a significant separation payment rather than sign a silencing agreement.
Thank you for adding this story to the discussion @davidfoster!
I would bet the ranch that there is a very nasty person at Levi Strauss who incited Mz Ho to also attack Jennifer Sey in the article that she was writing about the ‘Save Girls Sports’ lawsuit at Martin Luther King High. There was no connection between the two otherwise.
A Facebook acquaintance recently went off on a rant because a relative of hers had given her teenaged son a book by “transphobic, hateful” Riley Gaines*. In the process this Facebook acquaintance has reinforced the conclusion many have come to that it is the left that is irrational and closed to discussing ideas or tolerating differences of opinion. This acquaintance also has a daughter. I do not know this acquaintance well enough to try to engage, but I wonder how the mom would feel if boys took all of her daughter’s opportunities under the guise of “transgenderism.”
*In case you are unfamiliar with Riley Gaines, she is a very articulate woman who, upon tying with a man claiming to be a woman in a collegiate swimming competition, was told by the organizers that they had to give the award to the man. So she was quite really pushed aside in a women’s competition in favor of a man. She has put aside her plans to go to dental school to advocate for the preservation of girls’ and women’s sports.
If I remember correctly from an interview of Ms. Sey I heard a couple of years ago, she had always considered herself a righteous liberal who supported all the “proper” causes. In 2020 she just wanted her children to be able to go to school and raised questions about the “science” that was being used to justify shutting everything down. And for that she suddenly found herself on the outs with all the people she had until then been perfectly aligned with. Then the “transgender” thing came along, and she watched her daughters being put at risk of being excluded from girls’ activities in favor of boys.
This example of what happened to Sey illustrates how the architects of The New Left’s game plan made a major boo boo.
At first, enforcing the idea that people should mind meld and adhere to whatever meme was the “meme of the month” or else face being cancelled did work out nicely in their favor.
But as time has gone on and more and more folks were cancelled, the plan backfired. People subconsciously wish to be part of group consensus until the day arrives when it is their heroes, friends or themselves being cancelled.
XX = Female
XY = Male
YYY = Delilah
“I wonder how the mom would feel if boys took all of her daughter’s opportunities under the guise of ‘transgenderism.’”
When I told a cousin on Facebook that her Democratic Party wants her two, college-age (white) sons last in line for any opportunities or promotions, she responded exactly how you’d expect a progressive to respond.
She blocked me. Which is probably what that mom would do, if you challenged her comfortable and self-gratifying belief system.
Until they assault her . . .
Trying to keep my breakfast down . . .
Tom Jones fan?
If the US had a socialist economy, then Jen Sey wouldn’t have had the option to go start her own company. Her choice would have been to either submit and shut up, or to continue speaking her mind but be shunted into some low-level, dead-end job.
The argument is often made that a socialist economy can coexist with political liberty. This is why it can’t.
He’s okay, but my stepsister practically licked the TV screen when his show came on . . .
Of course she wasn’t the only one, And probably all of them thought they were the only one for him…