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Stuff, nonsense, InstaPundit, and RushBabe49
First, the Stuff. Next February, Ray and I will be attending a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Phoenix. The seminar is the 17th and 18th (Tuesday and Wednesday), and after it is done we will be heading up to Prescott to spend a couple of days relaxing and sightseeing. We will have former member Cynthonian with us at the seminar, and as she lives in the Prescott area, we will see her too. I expect that we will also meet up with former member MLH, who also lives in Prescott. Anyone wanting to get together in either place, just shoot me a message.
Now, for the nonsense.
Well, I still have trouble embedding an X post, and I did change the X to Twitter for WordPress. You’ll just have to click the link.
InstaPundit and RushBabe49 are now related. I’m pretty sure that someone there has noticed my blog, and is keeping an eye out for posts to link to. For the past six months or so, every couple of weeks my blog views blow up, with them having linked to a post. Last week, they linked to two posts on the same day! Here they are, if anyone is interested.
Emergency Post for Washingtonians.
It Just Keeps Getting Worse: Dispatch from the Urban Jungle
Merry Christmas!!
Published in General
Rushbabe: Merry Christmas. I’ve noticed your increased links on Instapundit. Well deserved and may they increase.
Rushbabe49, glad to see you’re still kicking around! Haven’t seen your posts for awhile, so congrats on your new(?) gig. May it be successful, and that you have a Merry Christmas, and a most Happy New Year!
I’ve noticed your links on Instapundit too. Congratulations! Can you measure the Insta-lanch?
Thanks for posting the Simon’s Cat link. It’s fun.
Merry Christmas!
I check Rushbabe’s site a lot more often than Instapundit, so I haven’t noticed. Way to go, Rushbabe!
Excellent point – you will be the cut.
My state has gained blue state businesses relocating, including Boeing. Maybe the best thing we could do for you is buy billboard ads advertising SC as a good state to relocate if you are a business. Maybe plenty of those would scare off support for the Dem proposals.
I seem to recall back in the 70s in the depths of Jimmy Carter’s malaise and before Microsoft had moved to Bellevue that someone had put up a billboard asking “Will the last person out of Seattle please turn off the lights?” Maybe they should put it back up.
I am still working full-time as a senior buyer for a medical-device manufacturer. My financial advisor read me the riot act, so I will be retiring at the end of May next year. That will free up time for me to be around here more. I miss you guys!
Seattle is rapidly declining. Their oldest drug store chain sold out to Rite Aid, which isn’t doing well itself, and just closed its flagship store in the downtown area. Police are spread thin, and most property crimes are not reported or investigated. I saw a homeless guy setting up his tent in the parking lot of a store near where I work, so they are invading the suburbs now. It’s all very depressing.
I know I sound like a broken record but- you need to relocate! Parts of Tennessee are to be recommended, also Texas and Florida.
Are there squash courts?
There have to be squash courts.
Looks like we are fighting over who gets Rushbabe and Ray 🥰
Well, my post on all the taxes our legislature is planning has changed his attitude about moving. In his search of the places that have sufficient squash opportunities led him to consider the area around Cincinnati. I would love comments from members in Ohio or environs. I know that our friends the Rices (@vicrylcontessa and @1967mustangman) live in Ohio. Anyone have ideas? We are open.
Charleston SC
Charleston SC
I hope the riot act meant you were in good shape to retire. I’ve been retired since November ’22, so far, so good.
What about other sports?
Yeah, I read about those proposals — yikes!
Ray only plays squash, and I don’t do sports. He was bereft when his club was closed in 2020-21. When they reopened, they had a vax mandate, and he refused so had to get a covid test every week for more than a year to play. And I can’t tolerate heat and humidity so SC is out.
Pretty cold here this time of year, but Texas is probably out.
I spent two years in Minneapolis in grad school. I loved the cold winters, and hated the summers. This was in the early 70s and we had no A/C, and only a gas space heater in the dining room of our apartment. I have no problem with cold.
North Texas doesn’t have the same humidity problems as like Houston etc.
Lived in Houston area for like ten years.
Several years each in Dallas, Corpus, and Texarkana. Also Chillicothe. Born in Quanah.