Blessings Abound


I can’t help myself. I just can’t stop thinking that in spite of all the ugliness, craziness and dysfunction around me, I am incredibly blessed. How did I get so lucky?

  • I have had multiple good reports on my health regarding bone density, mammogram and blood tests, and my peripheral neuropathy is vanishing;
  • I seem to have more friends than ever at the gym who not only meet my smile and greeting, but initiate these gestures;
  • My body, which seemed to be rejecting some foods, has returned to normal, with some moderate restrictions;
  • My husband continues to make me laugh, just when I need to lighten up;
  • My brain is still working sufficiently to produce some decent writing in two venues;
  • My friends are loving and remind me often in small ways that I’ve earned their love;
  • I’m more comfortable in calling myself a writer when, for many years, I felt like a charlatan;
  • My Jewish faith rests more comfortably on my shoulders and in my heart, with fewer apologies for the choices in practice I am making;
  • I still have a Torah study partner and my own little Torah study group is ongoing;
  • My hair has grown out to a respectable length following chemo, and is finding its way to a lovely silver;
  • More than ever, I delight in my exchanges with my friends at Ricochet, who continue to educate me, support me, and enlighten me.

So the darkness still lingers at the edges of my life. Everything is temporary, ephemeral, with no promises for tomorrow. But today I can pray for those around me and express my gratitude that we are on this Earth, together, one more day.

Blessings abound.

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There are 12 comments.

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  1. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    I hope some of you will share your life’s blessings.

    • #1
  2. Percival Thatcher

    Susan Quinn:

    So the darkness still lingers at the edges of my life. Everything is temporary, ephemeral, with no promises for tomorrow. But today I can pray for those around me and express my gratitude that we are on this earth, together, one more day.


    The light persists.

    Have a blessed Hanukkah, Susan.

    • #2
  3. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Percival (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn:

    So the darkness still lingers at the edges of my life. Everything is temporary, ephemeral, with no promises for tomorrow. But today I can pray for those around me and express my gratitude that we are on this earth, together, one more day.


    The light persists.

    Have a blessed Hanukkah, Susan.

    Thanks so much, Percival. Another blessing–your kindness and the light.

    • #3
  4. Dr. Bastiat Member
    Dr. Bastiat

    Susan Quinn: My brain is still working sufficiently to produce some decent writing in two venues;

    Well, you should post some of that writing here!


    Sorry – too easy.  Love you, Susan!  

    • #4
  5. Rodin Moderator

    Thank you for this post. There are always things to worry about and reasons to find the dark lining on a silver cloud. Today (and yesterday) is a sunshiny day and a mood elevator after a couple of weeks of shades of grey. Everyone needs a “trouble” shelf where they can park those troubles for some hours or days. And, most importantly, understanding the difference between concerns you control and those you don’t. 

    • #5
  6. Barfly Member

    Thanks, Susan.

    For the second year in a row, Covid got me on or about Pearl Harbor Day. Yesterday was the first day in two weeks I didn’t run a fever by the evening. Slept great, and my chest is almost clear this morning. I can work out today, and I’m looking forward to some good cardio later this week. 

    Totally blew off my Christmas shopping. Amazon gift cards this year. I always overspend when I do that.

    Merry Christmas to everyone, except Fauci and Daszak.

    • #6
  7. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Barfly (View Comment):

    Thanks, Susan.

    For the second year in a row, Covid got me on or about Pearl Harbor Day. Yesterday was the first day in two weeks I didn’t run a fever by the evening. Slept great, and my chest is almost clear this morning. I can work out today, and I’m looking forward to some good cardio later this week.

    Totally blew off my Christmas shopping. Amazon gift cards this year. I always overspend when I do that.

    Merry Christmas to everyone, except Fauci and Daszak.

    Barfly, I’m so glad you’re feeling better! Darn Covid! A good workout will help your recovery (as I’m sure you know). Keep getting better!

    • #7
  8. Sandra Blondie Bright Thatcher
    Sandra Blondie Bright

    Your blessings overflow! I am blessed to have great family and friends around me all year. Also blessed to have met you and Jerry in person. Wonderful people. 

    • #8
  9. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Sandra Blondie Bright (View Comment):

    Your blessings overflow! I am blessed to have great family and friends around me all year. Also blessed to have met you and Jerry in person. Wonderful people.

    From our meeting, your family sounded wonderful. And we were so glad to meet you, too!! Just wish we didn’t live so far apart; these meet-ups don’t come often enough.

    • #9
  10. JoelB Member

    After an afternoon of food shopping in two large and very crowded stores for the ingredients for Christmas dinner, I was getting a little tired and on the verge of being cranky  as I thought about carrying it all up two flights of stairs into my house.

    Just then the Spirit reminded me of  these things. I do all this because I have been blessed with family and friends. I have the wherewithal to purchase the makings of this feast without serious financial stress. I have the health, strength and energy to do the shopping and bring it home. I have a wonderful wife who will do most of the preparation. The stores had all the things I needed in abundance. In fact, the stores have been crowded all day with shoppers, yet the shelves remain so full, it was almost as if hundreds (thousands?) of us had not been there at all. How wonderfully we are blessed in this country!

    • #10
  11. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    JoelB (View Comment):

    Joel, your comment is so moving! How wonderful that you could shift your perspective. Thanks for sharing with us.

    • #11
  12. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    JoelB (View Comment):

    After an afternoon of food shopping in two large and very crowded stores for the ingredients for Christmas dinner, I was getting a little tired and on the verge of being cranky as I thought about carrying it all up two flights of stairs into my house.

    Just then the Spirit reminded me of these things. I do all this because I have been blessed with family and friends. I have the wherewithal to purchase the makings of this feast without serious financial stress. I have the health, strength and energy to do the shopping and bring it home. I have a wonderful wife who will do most of the preparation. The stores had all the things I needed in abundance. In fact, the stores have been crowded all day with shoppers, yet the shelves remain so full, it was almost as if hundreds (thousands?) of us had not been there at all. How wonderfully we are blessed in this country!

    You make an excellent point, Joel.

    • #12
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