2024 Lessons: Toxic Social Media and College Influencers


My sister called me to say in a stunned voice, “I think they got the guy from NY who killed the CEO…….one hour away from here.”  That would be Altoona, PA, a quiet town where people were sharing a McDonald’s meal and someone recognized him and called the cops.  The story is too fresh, and motives and his “mental health status” will come later.   We see a grinning biker getaway, caught on camera.  Somehow, this Luigi made his way to Pennsylvania and was found huddled in a corner of a fast food joint, as he scrolled through his messages.

The next pictures we see are a shaking and shocked young man, hauled off in handcuffs, then a crazed, panicked and distorted person restrained by three cops who then suddenly regains full calm and a stoic manner as he enters the courtroom.  A gifted life, an Ivy League-educated computer scientist who his past classmates no longer recognized.  They say he changed — he’s not the person they knew.  What happened?  Who plans and shoots an unarmed person in the back and smiles on camera? Who and what influenced him?  It will all come out soon.

The fact that the victim was the CEO of a major healthcare provider seems secondary, God bless and rest his soul. It was the cold, heartless, soulless act that was so appalling by someone who went off the rails, because we see it all the time – the walking dead with a smile or a grievance, shooting or stabbing the innocent just walking by, or sitting in a classroom, or hopping a train.

No longer recognizing someone you’ve watched grow up, or shared classes and meals and dreams with, showing up as this “other,” really bothers me…..to my very core. We’re losing the youth among us.  Luigi is one of many, just the latest terrible headline of the week because of his target.

I belong to a Christian women’s book group in my neighborhood. We discussed how we look at what is so distorted in our world. How do we continue to be a light to others, even within our own families, as holiday gatherings bring us together?  One woman said that while with her husband’s family, he asked about his nephew. “So he graduated a couple of years ago from college, does he have a girlfriend?” The others said no, but he has a boyfriend.  My friend said he showed no indication of leaning that way prior to going off to college and they were all very surprised.

OK, while now that is not that unusual, another woman at my table said, “Well…. my nephew is now my niece.”  Then the woman sitting next to me said, “Yes, my nephew is also now………my niece.”  That is three gender changes mentioned at a table of about nine women!  What are the odds, from just ten years ago?

Who ever thought we would see in America, the hatred and vitriol spewing from our youth across college campuses after the horrible attacks in Israel in October?  The screaming, taking over of classrooms with signs supporting Hamas, a terrible group on the US terror list for a long time?  What are they learning and from whom, especially on social media and in the classrooms?

The popularity of “social influencers” who peddle every kind of lifestyle can be found with a button click.  Here’s an example from Google for a face cream by a popular gay/trans person, part of this “woke” agenda:


The latest Jaguar ad follows suit.

If there was a goal by someone, some “thing,” some evil entity whose goal was for marriage and family to be erased, for men and women to fear each other and choose a childless, surgically changed, multi-identity existence, a presidential campaign that included an abortion bus, to stop creation in any way it could, to grab hold of young people in their prime and distort their world view to the point of shooting someone in cold blood instead of airing their grievances in a healthy way, they or “it,” this evil thing has succeeded in spades………..for now.

If the world looks and sounds and feels different, in a bizarre, abnormal way, even at Thanksgiving dinner, it’s not you.  It is different.  With all that we’ve known throughout our lives to be real and good and true suddenly being re-arranged and airbrushed to try to look real, sharp and perfect, but with a new twist that removes the heart, mind, and soul, it is an influence that worships Itself.  God is no longer a part of that world.

It is all the more reason to talk, post, connect, share what we think, no matter how insignificant we feel our voice or concern is.  This is the season to do it. In fact, every season is the time to do it.  I hope 2025 will be the year of a return to Faith and Reason.

Ecclesiastes 3  – A Time for Everything – There is a time

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…”

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There are 7 comments.

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  1. Fritz Coolidge

    If there was a goal by someone, some “thing”, some evil entity whose goal was for marriage and family to be erased, for men and women to fear each other and choose a childless, surgically changed, multi-identity existence, a presidential campaign that included an abortion bus, to stop creation in any way it could, to grab hold of young people in their prime and distort their world view to the point of shooting someone in cold blood instead of airing their grievances in a healthy way, they or “it”, this evil thing has succeeded in spades………..for now.

    “Let me introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and fame . . .

    Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Old Scratch, and many other names . . .


    • #1
  2. Gossamer Cat Coolidge
    Gossamer Cat

    We’re losing some youth – too many -but not all:  https://www.foxnews.com/media/unc-fraternity-brothers-honored-defending-american-flag-against-anti-israel-mob-beacon-hope


    • #2
  3. Blondie Thatcher

    There is something going on with this age group. I’m not sure it is all social media, but I’m sure it doesn’t help. Here’s a story from my area that thankfully didn’t have any deaths, but scary nonetheless. 

    • #3
  4. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    There has been a strong effort to turn youth first into agnostics and then into atheists. It is Marxist to the core. The church is the powerful mediating structure in society. The left’s apostles enter academia and religion. They invaded our pillars from the inside then opened the borders to invade us from the outside.

    • #4
  5. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Blondie (View Comment):

    There is something going on with this age group. I’m not sure it is all social media, but I’m sure it doesn’t help. Here’s a story from my area that thankfully didn’t have any deaths, but scary nonetheless.

    Wow!  The people of NC have been through a lot.  That is another tragic gone off the rails story and they just keep coming.

    • #5
  6. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    The forces of evil are usually stronger when they are promising to deliver some novel ideal state of being and weaker when people see what they do actually deliver sch as violent third-rate revolutionaries, sexual mutilation, racial animus, economic stagnation and decline and incredibly tiresome preachiness.

    • #6
  7. Eb Snider Member
    Eb Snider

    Hi, Front Seat Cat. Are you familiar with what the social media industry calls the “Gamification” of Social Media? If not I’ll put one link here. The link is just something I found on a quick search. Utilizing the concept of game playing in human behavior psychology is a key part of the Gamification. This is a critical part of the business model which helps drive the industry’s term “engagement”. The business uses metics to analyze various things. So when you refer to the “woke” stuff or social influencers etc. these things are an aspect of the commercial business model. The “Like” button was one critical game element that helped Facebook grow.

    If this info is new to you it’s worth investigating. If there’s any interest maybe me or someone else could write a post on it. Keep in mind a big part of this is just business, even if some things it deals with go against traditional morality. So for example if a social media company can get a boy named Jack to get obsessed with a page and turn him into a new Jill, that can be good news for selling ads to boost revenue. Then the new person can be the target of ads catering to a groomed customer.

    I’ve spent some time looking into this topic (including long form podcasts) and have learned more about how big companies actually use human psychology in aspects of their business plans. It was a bit eye opening to me. Similar themes transfer into politics too.

    Social Media has resulted in many unintended consequences. One insight I learned about the growth of social media is how it has been driven by studying humans.

    • #7
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