I hope that was a mugger


United HealthCare CEO Brian Thompson was killed on Wednesday in New York City.  Written on the shell casings left by his killer were the words “Deny,” “Defend,” and “Depose,” which suggests this was not a random killing.  NYC police have been investigating the fact that UnitedHealthcare has been under attack recently from People’s Action Institute — a leftist organization with a leftist name whose website describes their goals thusly:  “Advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice by investing in powerful state and local organizations and campaigns that win real change in people’s lives.”  Why can’t leftists just come out and say what they want?  I can think of only one possible explanation, and it’s not good.

Anyway, People’s Action Institute released the following statement recently about Medicare patients getting denied coverage.  They mentioned no specific cases, but said:
“Despite having health insurance coverage, people are experiencing barriers to receiving care. The largest barrier to receiving care is the private health insurance corporations themselves refusing to authorize or pay for care.”  
These people have apparently never heard of Canadian or British healthcare systems.  They have also never heard of Obamacare, apparently, in which millions of people have health insurance but can’t get health care.  They’re shocked. SHOCKED!

Leftists demand that government pay for health care.  So we get Medicare.  Today, Medicare has a $1 trillion dollar budget, 75% of which is deficit spending.  And even with that, Medicare can’t come close to meeting the health care needs of elderly Americans.  So it allows them to buy secondary insurance, to help cover that which Medicare just can’t afford.  And even with that, the private insurance companies can’t cover everything, either.  We eventually run out of other people’s money.  And guess who leftists get mad at?  Private insurance companies.

That really is amazing.  If Medicare worked, we wouldn’t need private insurance companies to be involved at all.  Medicare begs them for help, and hands them a problem which they can’t solve.  But leftists still love Medicare.  Even though Medicare doesn’t work.  Because it can’t work.  Medicare borrows 3/4 of a TRILLION dollars a year, and it’s not enough.  Perhaps Medicare doesn’t work?  Because it can’t work?

And that’s the fault of private insurance companies.

Imagine private insurance companies seeing this and thinking, “This is not worth the trouble.  We’re not going to do Medicare plans.”  Imagine Medicare without secondary insurance.  It doesn’t cover anything.  The Canadian system sort of works because when Canadians get sick, they come to America. 

Where would we send our sick people?  Mexico?

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Government programs don’t work because they can’t work.  If that inevitable outcome leads to violence from its proponents, then this becomes a Mobius Strip of resentment and destruction.

Was this killing in NYC the act of a left-wing organization that blames private companies for the problems that result from their own irrational faith in government?

I really hope not.  Because if that’s true, then this is just the beginning.

Political violence nearly always comes from the left.  Were the Black Lives Matter riots just a sample of things to come?  Is American society actively tearing itself apart?  Has our government and its supporters developed an open adversarial relationship with the American people?

Source: Shutterstock, 1794791080

I really hope not.

This could get ugly quickly. 

I hope that was just a mugger on a NYC sidewalk. 

Because if this was a politically targeted killing, planned by angry leftists, then this could get ugly really, really quickly.

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There are 74 comments.

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  1. Macho Grande' Coolidge
    Macho Grande'

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat: They have also never heard of Obamacare, apparently, in which millions of people have health insurance but can’t get health care. They’re shocked. SHOCKED!

    The response to this is “You can have quality healthcare, cheap healthcare, or readily accessible healthcare. Pick two.”

    In other nations people don’t need to make these choices.

    Of course other nations did not take it as their responsibility to destabilize the middle east, fight two wars against the people of Iraq, also undertake a 2 decades’ long a war against Afghanistan, a nation which we bequeathed with 80 billion bucks of military gear we didn’t take even as we surrendered, have a military budget each and every year which is the equivalent of the total of the ten next largest military forces combined. Etc.

    BTW when Obama Care takes up more than someone’s discretionary income, that person doesn’t view it as being cheap. And then despite paying out of pocket for the insurance, when their needed medical situations aren’t even covered, they are understandably pissed.

    It also is odd than many here whimpered not even once over the 2 Cares Act packages passed by Congress and signed by both Trump and Biden to supposedly alleviate the pain of the COVID era. These packages eventually totalled 8.4 trillions of dollars. That amount could have covered every man woman and child in the US for at least 6 years of real health care, rather than the risky vaxxes, ventilation and remdesivir policies as well as hospital kidnappings and murders of supposed COVID patients.

    This is a sweeping statement and inaccurate.  You’d have to run through the models employed in all the different countries to deliver care, the funding of the care, what levels and quality of care people receive, for this to even be considered.

    But I’ll leave you with an anecdote:  There’s a reason Canadians drive south to get medical care – they can’t wait for treatment for their life-threatening diseases because the queue runs from BC to PEI.

    • #61
  2. RufusRJones Member

    Macho Grande' (View Comment):
    Maybe we should extend Obamacare to cover Earth, because health care is a human right.

    I love this. lol

    The ACA is so worthless. Every single year 25% more go on Medicaid or something like that. Whatever the figure is, it’s huge. We are ruled by geniuses. 

    I spent two or three years, trying to see what the point of it was. All they are doing is forcing single payer. 

    • #62
  3. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Macho Grande' (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Dr Bastiat, avoid reading the last paragraph if your blood pressure is prone to going sky high.

    Oh Noes! A One Trillion Dollar A Year US Medicare Budget!!

    But then I think about things for a moment.

    In Germany, no one is put on a statin unless their cholesterol reading is at least 230. Here people with cholesterol readings of 160, which is as low as a post menopause female’s reading is going to go, will be signed up for a lifetime of statins as soon as her doctor can talk her into it.

    Of course men take statins as well.

    So how much does the prescribing of statins for the MediCare and MediCaid population cost us? Could we maintain a healthier population by not over prescribing these items? I suspect we could, but people who think along these lines do not have lobbyists influencing Congress to help have this happen.

    Also, why is cholesterol the enemy? In Denmark men above forty often have high readings, even up to 300 or so, as the Danes are heavily into dairy. But in that nation the milk is not homogenized so the particle size of the milk lipids is different than what our milk has. Perhaps due to that factor, the Danes do not have higher clogged artery readings than people in the USA.

    To figure out whether cholesterol is the enemy of not, we need to ask: What is cholesterol for?

    “Cholesterol is essential for making the cell membrane and cell structures and is vital for synthesis of hormones, vitamin D and other substances. As far as cell membrane synthesis – Cholesterol helps to regulate membrane fluidity over the range of physiological temperatures. It has a hydroxyl group that interacts with the polar head groups of the membrane phospholipids and sphingolipids.

    “Cholesterol in the myelin sheaths – The nerve cells are covered with a protective layer or myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is rich in cholesterol. This is because it is derived from compacted layers of Schwann cell membrane. It helps in providing protection, insulation and allows more efficient conduction of nerve impulses.” (Source: news-medical.net )

    We need maximum Vitamin D to ward off infections. Why does Big Pharma want to introduce a drug into our systems to prevent the absorption of a needed vitamin? Of course there are Rx items which then help people who become deficient of Vitamin D to then be able to absorb the Vitamin D. When this second item is prescribed, then the people inside Pharma rejoice as the statins have benefited them not once but twice!

    I live in the black walnut capital of Northern California. An extract of black walnut was given to a girlfriend who had fibromyalgia. She had been using a cane. Within six weeks of her consuming 2 tablespoons a day of the extract she no longer needed her cane.

    Cost of black walnut extract: my time and the walnuts that are free to me from neighbors who do not want them, and some purified water. Plus a little bit of 100% vodka for the extract.

    I do not know the cost of Lyrica, which was the pain med and fibromyalgia relief-go-to prescription at the time she took the extract. But I think it might have easily cost something like $300 a month.

    Some people might have needed to use the black walnut extract for ten weeks. They would have had to stop for a three week period at the six week mark and then resume.

    If this was looked into and thought was given, it could provide a cottage industry for people in my rural community. Of course Pharma owns our House and Senate, as well as the state legislatures, so I am not holding my breath.

    We also have a slew of people on Alzheimer relief drugs, although we do not know if the theory about plaque in the brain as the cause is correct or not. There were people who had a different theory and who had tried to receive FDA approval. Their attempts to patent their remedies failed. But the approved Alzheimer meds seem to be a big failure as well.

    “I know that some drug company representatives are likely to object to that last sentence. After all, the FDA did approve two new drugs against AD. The first was Aduhelm (aducanumab). That got the FDA’s green light on June 7, 2021 even though the agency’s own independent advisory committee recommended against FDA approval. You can read the whole sordid story at this link.” (Source: https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/why-are-there-no-effective-alzheimers-drugs )

    And now here is the mic drop moment: Calley and Casey Means have been trying to get the word out that Ozempic is about to go viral, with a huge push from its creator Novo-Nordisk. Calley Means is a guy who was employed inside the financial side of prescription drugs and medical care. Casey Means is a MD.

    This duo was on Tucker Carlson a few months ago. Their big revelation is that from their critical perspective, over the next 3 to 4 years, Pharma will undertake an enormous push to have every single obese individual in the USA, from the age of 7 up, taking this drug for the rest of their lifetime.

    But do not worry much about that situation. This push for universal Ozempic for all us fatties will only add a mere Three Trillion Dollars to the annual Medicare and Medicaid budget. (A Keto diet would accomplish the same thing, and take 18 months and not cost the tax payers this fortune.)

    Statins are super cheap and effective.

    But I get your point.

    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today. And remember that when the med is prescribed the patient is told that the regimen works best if you make dietary changes and exercise more. 

    That Pharma had good intentions re: statins seemed a possibility back when statins were first released. But then a push occurred such that it was no longer people in the over 200 arena of cholesterol readings who were advised to get the meds. Soon the numbers were adjusted downward to focus even on people with readings of 160. Because after all, everything Pharma makes is harmless, and rare are the consumers who pay out of pocket, so it is just a nebulous invisible bill sent to health insurers and to MediCare/MediCaid.

    Now due to this sleight of hand getting a green light, we face a future of an additional 3 trillion dollar a year cost to MediCare/MediCAid on account of Pharma’s desire for semi-universal  Ozempic. Hopefully the public will unite and prevent this from happening.

    • #63
  4. Dr. Bastiat Member
    Dr. Bastiat

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today.

    No, they’re not. 

    For heavens sake. 

    And stop talking about cholesterol.  Statins are heart drugs, not cholesterol drugs. 

    Statins have saved Medicare enormous amounts of money – strokes and heart attacks are expensive.  And statins are cheap, safe, and effective. 

    For heavens sake.

    • #64
  5. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today.

    No, they’re not.

    For heavens sake.

    And stop talking about cholesterol. Statins are heart drugs, not cholesterol drugs.

    Statins have saved Medicare enormous amounts of money – strokes and heart attacks are expensive. And statins are cheap, safe, and effective.

    For heavens sake.

    20 mg bought my levels down. Changed to 10 mg and levels started creeping back up. Went back to 20 mg and levels stabilized again. I can’t see any bad side effects from the drug. Didn’t need them when I was younger. Levels crept up when I got older. Husband eats more than I do and only needs 10 mg.

    • #65
  6. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today.

    No, they’re not.

    For heavens sake.

    And stop talking about cholesterol. Statins are heart drugs, not cholesterol drugs.

    Statins have saved Medicare enormous amounts of money – strokes and heart attacks are expensive. And statins are cheap, safe, and effective.

    For heavens sake.

    20 mg bought my levels down. Changed to 10 mg and levels started creeping back up. Went back to 20 mg and levels stabilized again. I can’t see any bad side effects from the drug. Didn’t need them when I was younger. Levels crept up when I got older. Husband eats more than I do and only needs 10 mg.

    I started taking them before Thanksgiving and all went almost OK for a week.  But then they started making me feel extremely sleepy, and was sleeping almost half of each 24 hours.  I also was feeling as though I was poisoned, not that I knew before what it felt like to be poisoned.  It was getting worse every day, so I quit, and since then I’ve felt well again.  My doctor is on vacation, so I hope that when she gets back we can figure out something to do.  One interesting point is that I was worried that the statins would make me weak, so I used my indoor bicycle trainer to collect data on power output, etc. on various video routes that I didn’t mind repeating over and over again.  That gave me a baseline before I started the statins.  I kept doing those rides even when I was feeling poisoned, and although I felt sleepy and crappy at the start of each ride, the data don’t show any diminishment of what I could do while bicycling.  My power output was just fine–well, fine for me but not anything to write home about–and my evening bicycle ride (usually an hour or an hour and a half long) was the one time of each day when I didn’t feel poisoned or at death’s door. The effect would last longer than the ride, but I can’t ride my bike for enough hours every day to maintain some semblance of life.  So I’m not sure where this will go.  Maybe I need to repeat the experiment, but I’m not inclined to do that before consulting with my doctor.  

    • #66
  7. Zafar Member

    Macho Grande' (View Comment):
    Maybe we should extend Obamacare to cover Earth, because health care is a human right.

    Why not? Australia and Western Europe are jonesing for Obamacare, amirite?

    • #67
  8. kedavis Coolidge

    Zafar (View Comment):

    Macho Grande’ (View Comment):
    Maybe we should extend Obamacare to cover Earth, because health care is a human right.

    Why not? Australia and Western Europe are jonesing for Obamacare, amirite?

    In the sense of the US paying for it, I’m sure they would love it.

    • #68
  9. RufusRJones Member

    Zafar (View Comment):

    Macho Grande’ (View Comment):
    Maybe we should extend Obamacare to cover Earth, because health care is a human right.

    Why not? Australia and Western Europe are jonesing for Obamacare, amirite?

    If you have to create the “right” at gunpoint it’s not a right.

    acTUaRIaL sCIenCE iS bOrInG 

    • #69
  10. Western Chauvinist Inactive
    Western Chauvinist

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today.

    No, they’re not.

    For heavens sake.

    And stop talking about cholesterol. Statins are heart drugs, not cholesterol drugs.

    Statins have saved Medicare enormous amounts of money – strokes and heart attacks are expensive. And statins are cheap, safe, and effective.

    For heavens sake.

    Mr. C has been on Lipitor for 20 years. The last time he had scans several years ago, they told him he had the heart of a 20 year old. I seem to remember reading there’s some research indicating statins may help prevent cancer, too. Do you have any knowledge about that, Doc?

    • #70
  11. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today.

    No, they’re not.

    For heavens sake.

    And stop talking about cholesterol. Statins are heart drugs, not cholesterol drugs.

    Statins have saved Medicare enormous amounts of money – strokes and heart attacks are expensive. And statins are cheap, safe, and effective.

    For heavens sake.

    I would say for Aristotle’s sake. Or Hippocrates if you so prefer. 

    • #71
  12. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today.

    No, they’re not.

    For heavens sake.

    And stop talking about cholesterol. Statins are heart drugs, not cholesterol drugs.

    Statins have saved Medicare enormous amounts of money – strokes and heart attacks are expensive. And statins are cheap, safe, and effective.

    For heavens sake.

    I would say for Aristotle’s sake. Or Hippocrates if you so prefer.

    Aristotle and Hippocrates are dead. 

    • #72
  13. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Pharma says that statins are super cheap and effective. Those points are still contested today.

    No, they’re not.

    For heavens sake.

    And stop talking about cholesterol. Statins are heart drugs, not cholesterol drugs.

    Statins have saved Medicare enormous amounts of money – strokes and heart attacks are expensive. And statins are cheap, safe, and effective.

    For heavens sake.

    I would say for Aristotle’s sake. Or Hippocrates if you so prefer.

    Aristotle and Hippocrates are dead.

    But they once lived. Also, they are alive in my heart. 

    • #73
  14. cdor Member

    DonG (¡Afuera!) (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    BTW when Obama Care takes up more than someone’s discretionary income, that person doesn’t view it as being cheap. And then despite paying out of pocket for the insurance, when their needed medical situations aren’t even covered, they are understandably pissed.

    The problem is that Americans expect healthcare without paying and that healthcare is 20% of GDP. Those things cannot both be. We need to fix the expectation of Americans. About half of Americans are reasonable and half are socialists that just want it “free”.

    It’s a right! Doncha know?

    • #74
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