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Pete Hegseth is Going to Stick it Out
The attacks never stop. As I said in my first post on Pete Hegseth, they’ve organized a lynching party to take him out of the running for Secretary of the Department of Defense. How could it get any worse?
It seems that it can.
Now they have dug up some slime about some new allegations regarding his positions at two volunteer organizations. If you’re salivating to read the stories, you can follow this link.
As this additional information is piled on, I’m becoming more convinced every day that a lot of people are afraid, very afraid, of Pete Hegseth. He has the courage, gumption and determination to go where the deep state is hiding and evict them as soon as possible. I suspect through his contacts that he knows where the bodies are buried, and will have plenty of help to find them.
The rumors are that Trump is considering replacing Hegseth with Governor Ron DeSantis, my governor in Florida. Of course, I’d hate to lose DeSantis’ governing the state. And I think he would do a great job in the DOD. But I think Pete Hegseth is a better choice, because he’s closer to the issues. And I somehow don’t think that DeSantis will be interested anyway in taking over the DOD.
Just today, Hegseth said Trump has told Hegseth to stay in the running. I think he should, too.
I hope he will. And that plenty of heads will roll.
Published in Domestic Policy
Related to question 3, If President Trump, as part of his peace initiative in Ukraine, orders an increase in weapons shipments for Ukraine’s defense, will he put personal opinions aside and carry out that work with maximum effectiveness per unit of money spent? (Unlike what was done under the Biden administration.)
I should add that for some time I had the impression that his personal opinions on Ukraine were not relevant to how he would carry out his job, which was one reason I didn’t care too much one way or another about his nomination. But after listening to some of the more savage Ukraine-haters on Twitter, I’m no longer so sure about that.
I would start with that tin pot ‘general’ who just got his 4th star for being ‘the last man to leave Afghanistan’. That is, if you don’t count his camera man, or the pilot of the aircraft carrying his ‘war trophy’, the Toyota Hi-Lux, which was able to be loaded only after he kicked off a bunch of people already on the plane. He left behind hundreds of military dogs in kennels that could’ve been saved instead of that pile of metal! Oh, and what about the people left behind because there was no room left after loading that truck?
1. Trump won a decisive victory. He is entitled to the people he wants in his cabinet. If the senators don’t support him, voters need to primary a few and take some scalps short of something terrible, and that doesn’t include anonymous reports, there is no reason to not vote for Trump’s people. The Democrats 100% voted for Biden’s freak show. There isn’t a freak in Trump’s picks.
2. Be alert for soft RINO Republicans and turncoats. Ernst is wobbly on Hegseth, defying the electorate… rumor has it she wanted the DoD job. She also supports some of the woke policies Biden put in place. Also, Democrats are laying land mines. That plan to make government workers return to the offices….the Biden Administration is trying to rush new contracts that include working from home to DOGE can’t get them back into the office.
3. Again, Trump needs his picks, outsiders who can’t be bought or intimidated by the system. We will know these next four years if the “deep state” can be reformed administratively rather than the founders’ way.
Ernst is an embarrassment. Here is The Federalist’s take on her:
She needs to be primaried.
She was supposed to go to Washington to “make ’em squeal.” It was a great campaign commercial, but she’s sat long enough for all the squealing she’s caused. Time to find a team player, I guess.
Ernst needs to be primaried for her weird throwback hairstyle ….
There has to be a manpower slot for a general in a career field for one to be promoted to general. My career field had none. The highest I could have gone was 0-6, colonel. I opted out, retired, right before my O-6 board so I would not be tempted to accept it and stay in. I did not need the ego boost and my children needed a stable family life much more. I also did not submit paperwork to renew my TS security clearance that would have made me a valuable hire by one of the military contractors. Yes, that path was there for me. I decided money isn’t everything. It was one of those odd choices where taking a substantial income cut was best for the family. Money isn’t everything. Family is more valuable.
There are never “too many generals.” There could only be too many manpower authorizations for generals.
He isn’t a pacifist.
Good for you, RH. But I’m not surprised, based on what I’ve learned about you.
Dirtbag or reformed dirtbag, I don’t care. If the man can get the job done, he should be voted in. If he’s still a dirtbag, keep close tabs on him . . .
I think he’s learned his lessons. At least, I hope so.
She is exactly what we hate about our party. She would also be the kind of pick that would stab Trump in the back. Trump should find a House member willing to run against her and threaten to take her scalp in 2026.
The proof:
The article has plenty on Ernst for a Trump candidate to use to run against her. Tubing Hegseth should be the final straw for red state voters.
Also, what am I to make of this:
after receiving this in an email from Sen Graham yesterday:
I have a blog post coming up on American Thinker that represents my concerns. It’s in the pipeline.
It seems to me that people learn such lessons better from success than from failure. But either way, the best thing is to learn.
What is the newest accusation against him? That isn’t anonymous (fabricated)?
We’re in the car and I heard NPR refer to his money problems. Excuse me??!!
Seven kids, two ex-wives. If he does, it’s no surprise. :) :) I would imagine the Fox position would pay better than the SecDef position.
My husband and I heard a comedian years ago who said something that continues to make us laugh. The comedian said, “Everyone is talking about how to know if you’re ready to be a father. Here’s the test: Walk into any department store. Put your wallet on the counter, and say to the clerk, ‘Here. Take whatever you want.'” :) :)
I’m not interested enough to keep up or sort them out. I’ll let others do that. I will be interested in his response as to what he will do if/when Trump orders the DoD to prepare a program of weapons to send to Ukraine for his peace project. I’ll worry about that and let you worry about all the accusations.
I am no longer moved by “accused of”, “investigated for”, “there are those who say”, or “anonymous sources allege”. I am not even troubled by “indicted for”. Anybody can make an allegation, especially anonymously. Bureaucratic overreach (no consequences) and prosecutorial misconduct (no consequences and unlimited power) have no bounds. I am moved by actual proof and evidence, and even so, depending on the alleged transgression, that doesn’t necessarily disqualify someone for a job.
Based on what I’ve seen, he would be taking a pay cut.
He will do as his CINC says.
This is cute but it adds more to be concerned about DeSantis.
I would want to hear that from Hegseth, not you. I would want Hegseth to say it eyeball to eyeball with the Senate confirmation committee, and for it to be part of the public record.
I can remember when Iowa was a blue state. Be careful what you wish for. MAGA could win the primary and lose the general.
Only if he folds.
Why don’t you state what it is you want, why you want whatever it is, and why you don’t think Hegseth will do something. What do you went them to ask him. I can’t tell whether you are for are against whatever it is. I can’t tell whether you want him to obey Trump, disobey Trump, or are afraid he will disobey Trump. I’m pretty good with logic problems but not at translating your vague comments.
You are free to ignore what I’ve written if you want. I already know your position on Hegseth. If you can’t tell from my questions whether I’m for/against, etc., then that is a sign that I’ve been doing it right. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ve been doing it as well as that would indicate.