Pete Hegseth is Going to Stick it Out


The attacks never stop. As I said in my first post on Pete Hegseth, they’ve organized a lynching party to take him out of the running for Secretary of the Department of Defense. How could it get any worse?

It seems that it can.

Now they have dug up some slime about some new allegations regarding his positions at two volunteer organizations. If you’re salivating to read the stories, you can follow this link.

As this additional information is piled on, I’m becoming more convinced every day that a lot of people are afraid, very afraid, of Pete Hegseth. He has the courage, gumption and determination to go where the deep state is hiding and evict them as soon as possible. I suspect through his contacts that he knows where the bodies are buried, and will have plenty of help to find them.

The rumors are that Trump is considering replacing Hegseth with Governor Ron DeSantis, my governor in Florida. Of course, I’d hate to lose DeSantis’ governing the state. And I think he would do a great job in the DOD. But I think Pete Hegseth is a better choice, because he’s closer to the issues. And I somehow don’t think that DeSantis will be interested anyway in taking over the DOD.

Just today, Hegseth said Trump has told Hegseth to stay in the running. I think he should, too.

I hope he will. And that plenty of heads will roll.

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There are 89 comments.

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  1. She Member

    Hegseth is interviewed today on the Megyn Kelly Show. 

    • #1
  2. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Here’s the article on his interview with Megyn Kelly, which includes the youtube link.


    • #2
  3. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    The way to help keep senators from wilting is to start calling their offices.

    • #3
  4. Columbo Member

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Here’s the article on his interview with Megyn Kelly, which includes the youtube link.

    Was this comment intended to have a linky?

    • #4
  5. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Columbo (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Here’s the article on his interview with Megyn Kelly, which includes the youtube link.

    Was this comment intended to have a linky?

    yes. sorry.  Comment#2

    • #5
  6. EODmom Coolidge

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    The way to help keep senators from wilting is to start calling their offices.

    I doubt Hassan or Shaheen will care but I think it’s a real measure of how much the Senate didn’t want Trump re-elected. It’s not really Hegseth. It’s outsiders who don’t ask their permissions.
    added: I’d hate to see either of them back down. I also don’t think DeSantis would have as much fervor about reform or be as determined as Hegseth. There’s just not a lot of time to be polite.

    • #6
  7. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    EODmom (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    The way to help keep senators from wilting is to start calling their offices.

    I doubt Hassan or Shaheen will care but I think it’s a real measure of how much the Senate didn’t want Trump re-elected. It’s not really Hegseth. It’s outsiders who don’t ask their permissions.
    added: I’d hate to see either of them back down. I also dint think DeSantis would have as much fervor about reform or be as determined as Hegseth. There’s just not a lot of time to be polite.

    Hegseth has combat time and is the expert on what needs to be done. DeSantis would not have the credibility since he hasn’t talk about the military much.

    • #7
  8. MWD B612 "Dawg" Inactive
    MWD B612 "Dawg"

    Susan Quinn: Now they have dug up some slime about some new allegations regarding his positions at two volunteer organizations. If you’re salivating to read the stories, you can follow this link.

    The trustee of at least one of the organizations denied in writing, back in 2016, that Hegseth for misconduct of any kind:


    • #8
  9. Blondie Thatcher

    I’m glad he’s not backing down. We need some teeth in these positions. Otherwise it’s just business as usual. 

    • #9
  10. Jim McConnell Member
    Jim McConnell

    Why is it that we have these “scandals” only with Republican nominees; are all Democrats lily-white?

    • #10
  11. Percival Thatcher

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn: Now they have dug up some slime about some new allegations regarding his positions at two volunteer organizations. If you’re salivating to read the stories, you can follow this link.

    The trustee of at least one of the organizations denied in writing, back in 2016, that Hegseth for misconduct of any kind:


    Are the whistleblowers for the New Yorker anonymous?

    • #11
  12. Jim McConnell Member
    Jim McConnell

    Why is it that we have these “scandals” only with Republican nominees; are all Democrats lily-white? Or is it a Democrat policy to smear every prominent Republican nominee?

    • #12
  13. MWD B612 "Dawg" Inactive
    MWD B612 "Dawg"

    Percival (View Comment):

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn: Now they have dug up some slime about some new allegations regarding his positions at two volunteer organizations. If you’re salivating to read the stories, you can follow this link.

    The trustee of at least one of the organizations denied in writing, back in 2016, that Hegseth for misconduct of any kind:


    Are the whistleblowers for the New Yorker anonymous?

    I believe so.

    • #13
  14. Percival Thatcher

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn: Now they have dug up some slime about some new allegations regarding his positions at two volunteer organizations. If you’re salivating to read the stories, you can follow this link.

    The trustee of at least one of the organizations denied in writing, back in 2016, that Hegseth for misconduct of any kind:


    Are the whistleblowers for the New Yorker anonymous?

    I believe so.

    The trustee signed his name to it. He wins.

    • #14
  15. Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot) Inactive
    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot)

    The New Yorker article (here) describes some horrid behavior.  I have no way of knowing whether it is true or not.  I’m not sure why one would dismiss it.  It is not just private behavior, though some of that appears bad, too.

    Drunkenness, including at a strip club, while working for one of the veteran’s organizations he apparently led.  Adultery, including having a baby with his current (third) wife while married to his second wife.

    • #15
  16. kedavis Coolidge

    Jim McConnell (View Comment):

    Why is it that we have these “scandals” only with Republican nominees; are all Democrats lily-white?

    No, but they just don’t care.  If anything they get further elevated.

    • #16
  17. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    I’m not going to lift a finger to support Hegseth. I don’t want to see DeSantis neutralized by giving him a job in the Trump administration, though. Hopefully he has enough sense to say no to any job that is offered. 

    • #17
  18. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Jim McConnell (View Comment):
    Or is it a Democrat policy to smear every prominent Republican nominee?


    • #18
  19. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    I’m not going to lift a finger to support Hegseth. I don’t want to see DeSantis neutralized by giving him a job in the Trump administration, though. Hopefully he has enough sense to say no to any job that is offered.

    Since you have no say, no harm.

    • #19
  20. Annefy Inactive

    I hope PH hangs in there, and that DJT continues to support him. 

    PH is no saint and I’m glad he’s not married to my daughter. When she had a cohort of Marines to choose from, I wisely steered her in another direction. 

    That said, even the stupid unsourced accusations against PH don’t give me pause. There’s nothing there that will prevent him from making the changes needed to be made. What’s the worse case? He gets blackmailed?

    Go PH  And go DJT. And get women out of the infantry. 


    • #20
  21. E. Kent Golding Moderator
    E. Kent Golding

    EODmom (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    The way to help keep senators from wilting is to start calling their offices.

    I doubt Hassan or Shaheen will care but I think it’s a real measure of how much the Senate didn’t want Trump re-elected. It’s not really Hegseth. It’s outsiders who don’t ask their permissions.
    added: I’d hate to see either of them back down. I also don’t think DeSantis would have as much fervor about reform or be as determined as Hegseth. There’s just not a lot of time to be polite.

    I have no opinion of Hegseth,  but I wouldn’t underestimate DeSantis.

    • #21
  22. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Annefy (View Comment):

    I hope PH hangs in there, and that DJT continues to support him.

    PH is no saint and I’m glad he’s not married to my daughter. When she had a cohort of Marines to choose from, I wisely steered her in another direction.

    That said, even the stupid unsourced accusations against PH don’t give me pause. There’s nothing there that will prevent him from making the changes needed to be made. What’s the worse case? He gets blackmailed?

    Go PH And go DJT. And get women out of the infantry.


    Most of what the Dems dig up is false. That is who they are. The more disparate the Dems get, the more I want Hegseth to be confirmed.  It tells me they fear Hegseth will be effective. I am 100% sure this level of divisiveness will only escalate after every scalp they claim. This has been the most corrupt administration in our country’s history. That party Is nothing but a criminal organization. 

    • #22
  23. Annefy Inactive

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    Annefy (View Comment):

    I hope PH hangs in there, and that DJT continues to support him.

    PH is no saint and I’m glad he’s not married to my daughter. When she had a cohort of Marines to choose from, I wisely steered her in another direction.

    That said, even the stupid unsourced accusations against PH don’t give me pause. There’s nothing there that will prevent him from making the changes needed to be made. What’s the worse case? He gets blackmailed?

    Go PH And go DJT. And get women out of the infantry.


    Most of what the Dems dig up is false. That is who they are. The more disparate the Dems get, the more I want Hegseth to be confirmed. It tells me they fear Hegseth will be effective. I am 100% sure this level of divisiveness will only escalate after every scalp they claim. This has been the most corrupt administration in our country’s history. That party Is nothing but a criminal organization.

    100%. With every scalp they get more empowered. Can you imagine if DJT had rolled over on Kavenaugh? Doesn’t matter who the nominee is – they’re playing from the same playbook. Every. Single. Time. 

    Hold Fast 

    • #23
  24. E. Kent Golding Moderator
    E. Kent Golding

    Jim McConnell (View Comment):

    Why is it that we have these “scandals” only with Republican nominees; are all Democrats lily-white? Or is it a Democrat policy to smear every prominent Republican nominee?

    No, but the democrats Hoods are lily white,  along with their cloaks.

    • #24
  25. E. Kent Golding Moderator
    E. Kent Golding

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    I’m not going to lift a finger to support Hegseth. I don’t want to see DeSantis neutralized by giving him a job in the Trump administration, though. Hopefully he has enough sense to say no to any job that is offered.

    He is all powerful in Florida.  Why give that up for anything less than the Presidency?

    • #25
  26. GPentelie Coolidge

    Hegseth is about to get some hard to ignore support:

    • #26
  27. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    GPentelie (View Comment):

    Hegseth is about to get some hard to ignore support:

    These senators need a wakeup call – that we aren’t just celebrating our win then returning to live our lives until the next election. Get on the phones with your senators. I will dig up Graham’s number. Tim Scott should be ok.

    One insider on the radio said those in the pockets of military contractors are opposing. I will  compare the opponents on our side with their donors on Open Secrets. Watch the NTs line up with the Dems against Trump’s strong picks, the ones serious about changing DC.

    We know how Trump hates those who stab him in the back. Lindsey Graham should be  toast. He went wobbly right out of the gate after Trump supported him. MAGA will be proactive here and find someone to run against him in the primary.

    • #27
  28. DonG (¡Afuera!) Coolidge
    DonG (¡Afuera!)

    Annefy (View Comment):
    That said, even the stupid unsourced accusations against PH don’t give me pause. There’s nothing there that will prevent him from making the changes needed to be made. What’s the worse case? He gets blackmailed?

    yes.  I don’t care that he was drinking with his buddies.   That is normal where I live.   I get that he was a philanderer, but that is just because he is too damn good looking and he can’t keep the women away.   A lot of young dudes would succumb to that and it is good he has grown out of it. 

    The worst thing is the lady that accused him of sexual assault.   But according to California law, he was drunk and she was sober and therefore SHE assaulted him.  

    • #28
  29. EDISONPARKS Member

    The best evidence that the current objection to Hegseth as head of DoD is a political contrivance is those same Senators objecting to Pete Hegseth were perfectly fine with this:

    • #29
  30. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    EDISONPARKS (View Comment):

    The best evidence that the current objection to Hegseth as head of DoD is a political contrivance is those same Senators objecting to Pete Hegseth were perfectly fine with this:

    That seems so silly by people like me who one day said I’m done with this and upped off the mask in the grocery store. I would never let my child enlist and serve under such a “leader.” I  now suspect he had a health issue back then that compromised his immunity. His disappearance for health reasons later wasn’t treated as abnormal by those around him so it probably wasn’t the first time. Just another figurehead. 

    • #30
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