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Harris Raised A Billion Dollars . . .
. . . but it wasn’t enough to buy an answer to the question, “What would [she] do differently than Joe Biden?”
Through mid-October, she had spent $880m, while the Trump campaign had spent $354m, or only 40% as much. Harris spent $56m on payroll, Trump only $9m. Harris spent $654m on advertising, while Trump spent $378m. (The time period for the advertising is longer than the one for the reported total general election spending, which is why it is greater for Trump.)
You thought all these celebrities and social media influencers loved Kamala. Well, maybe. But they were also highly compensated for their appearances on her behalf. They paid Oprah $1m for the townhall that she did with Harris. They spent more than six figures on this set for Harris’ Call Her Daddy podcast. They paid Village Marketing Agency $3.9m to recruit influencers to support her. And now the gravy train has ended. No wonder all the celebrities were crying the last couple days.
Published in General
So Oprah was paid one million dollars for her having that interview with Kamala Word Salad Harris?
One million dollars? Yet the Queen of the Pop New Age Media Culture could not bother to curtail her honest facial reactions to the Blatherers’ inane output.
I guess she had already cashed the check!!
LOL! Even a million dollars couldn’t buy Harris respect.
Dang it, I can’t type:
Think what happened to all the BLM money raised back in the old days….. My money is on old fashioned money laundering. For every ad, PR, catering, rally or transportation or what have you contract, every line item was marked up and overhead skimmed right off. And those transactions were for actual events. Add in the favoured NGO and helping not for profits who did nothing and it’s easy to make someone else’s money go away.
I guess we’re seeing that Trump is a much better business and organization manager. Not only that, but much of his advertising was guerilla advertising through memes.
Kamala’s advertising plan was so ineffective that I encountered her ads multiple times. I am not her target market. Every ad I heard or saw was a waste of money. Some of those ads, I heard sponsoring various Ricochet podcasts.
I’ll take a guess. “Take $100 million under the table to drop out of the race?”
Mrs Bill de Blasio made $900 Million in “mental health” funding disappear all by herself.
I was wondering how much of that $654m went into producing and presenting that idiotic “lifelong Republican” who didn’t understand the difference between a tariff and a sales tax.
Thank God for no more advertising! MFWA – Make Football Watchable Again . . .
I am not sure that podcast hosts have much choice over material in the ads. If the host bothers to watch the public version of their youtube, and they notice an ad that is anathema to their cause, I think they can suggest to youtube that YT should ditch that advertiser on their behalf.
Many podcast hosts only watch their private version so they can take care of sound quality issues etc. So they maybe unaware of the ads.
And of course, youtube is firmly committed to promoting all things WEF/Dem Party, so I think even if a host complains then little will be done.
At least on Ricochet, ads are often inserted at the time you listen to/download them. So they vary depending on a variety of factors, including your IP location.
I find that using a VPN connection through a foreign country often eliminates those ads.
Maybe if they had made me watch a few more ads or listen to surrogates calling me a racist, or that abortion is all that matters… I would have switched my vote.
Would another $2 billion have made a difference? John Stewart and Bill Maher both observed that paying a few thousand people to knock on doors would likely not do much — people selling bibles, encyclopedias or vacuum cleaners could have told us that.
Kamala (a) needed to define herself and actually shape an issue agenda instead of fudging existing opinions and yelling “fascist” but (b) the more of her people saw, the less they liked her.
Plus the opposite seemed to happen with Trump.
On controversial questions where she got caught, such as transing prisoners for free or fracking, she started saying, “I will follow the law.” But everyone knows that the Biden-Harris administration didn’t follow the law in many areas, so this answer just reminded them of something that they already didn’t like about Biden-Harris.
A million dollars is pocket change to Winfrey.
I saw her advertising on television constantly, especially in the final week before the election, and I live in California. California!
The old advertising adage, it doesnt matter how much you spend promoting the product if the users dont like it…
So here we are promoting the least popular Vice President in the modern era. (One even shot a guy in the face!) A candidate who can’t form a simple sentence, who was undemocratically elevated to the position… And a Billion dollars couldn’t make the sale?
I also have to think that they have to look at the campaign … Its not “Morning in America” … Brat Summer, joy and vibes wont work into a pessimistic electorate, who live in terror of the next utility bill. Its not 1984 America was on the rebound there was endless optimism of the future… Besides who wants a 60 year old brat in their lives? Forget about running the country…
The Babylon Bee has compiled a list of Harris’s campaign expenditures . . .
I frequently say that the way candidates manage campaign finances is a useful indicator of how they will govern.
[This is something I regularly say when meeting constituents.]
There is a really interesting article on The Free Press by a young lady who talks about how she went from a fund raiser for Democrats to voting for Trump this time. What she makes very clear is that the Dems have become the party of the elite class in this country and have left the common people, the vast majority, behind. The ability of the Democrats not only to raise a billion dollars (with a B) but to spend it as well and end up in debt by somewhere over 2oo million says something about who they are hitting for the money and who they are passing it along to. It aint the common man.
I heard on a podcast yesterday, can’t recall which one, I listen to a lot of them, that many of the alleged supporters among the Hollywood elites were actually paid for their testimonials. That certainly would explain where all that money went. It is hard to say whether the general public will get the message and see them for what they are, but if Trump can simply do the job he did in his first term and demonstrate that the absurd charges the left has thrown out there in this election cycle are just, absurd, then the message is going to become clear no matter how the MSM treats it.
Trump’s performance on Joe Rogan’s show demonstrated a man with a good deal of humility, something that is rare in narcissists. If he can maintain that quality through this final term he will go down among the most important presidents we have had, certainly in my life time. I was never a fan, but I am becoming one. He has assembled a great team unlike his first term. He now knows what to expect from the left. He should hit the deck running and blow them out of the water.
True. Here in Vancouver I often get ads specific to Vancouver or Canada. I was in Europe this summer and heard ads in Norwegian and Icelandic. At least those are nice languages to listen to!
When I watch videos on YouTube, the video includes a note when it includes a paid promotion for mentioning or showing a product or service. Shouldn’t politicians (in the interest of “good government” and open disclosure) include a note when the politician has paid for an endorsement?
Was it Norm MacDonald who suggested politicians should have to wear jackets showing all their donors/sponsors, like NASCAR drivers do?
I’m in the Detroit area. I get them in Spanish (from JC Penney, yet).
This is one of my favorites:
And I gotta add this one too:
The financial reports released to the FEC bear that out. Usually the money wasn’t paid directly to the celebrity, but it went to his agent or production company. For example, Harpo Productions was paid $1m, and that almost certainly went to Oprah for her townhall. Other times you can’t tell exactly which celebrity was being paid because the agent manages several Kamala-slobberers.
Who really supported Kamala, and who was just doing it for a taste of the $1B slush fund? That’s the same problem that billionaires face in real life – who is helping them out and who is just a grifter and hanger-on?
Niagara will be cress fallen next year … When California wine is too expensive – Niagara baby duck will get it done…
Consumer tip — the bottom of the box tastes better…
The boxed wine is a metaphor for all of progressivism. They try to force pale imitations of the real thing on society – cohabiting instead of marriage, porn instead of sex, appliances that don’t work instead of those that do, EVs without range instead of ICE vehicles, wind turbines that operate intermittently instead of power stations, and on and on. And then make you pay through the nose for the pale imitation.
Some of the podcasts I listen to have ads in Spanish . . .
Once in a great while I get YouTube ads in Russian, but I don’t think it has ever happened with political ads.