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Will the Left Call Off Their Dogs?
Most of us hope that if (or hopefully, when) Kamala loses, the Left will tell their constituents to stand down. You can be sure that they are arming with bricks, pipes and matches to protest, although most of them may not be political people at all. I’ve intentionally called their rioters “dogs,” since violent protests show their primitive nature and behaviors.
During the protests in 2020, the Leftist leaders and media tried to pretend that nothing serious was actually happening—we couldn’t trust our lying eyes, as windows were broken and businesses went up in flames. Kamala contributed to a fund that let violators out on bail. And I suspect that this time around, since they had a trial run four years ago, the chaos will be more devastating.
I would like to see the leaders of this country—the outgoing president and vice-president, as well as members of Congress—get out ahead of the election results. Even if they do, they most likely will be ignored. And if they are ignored, their complaints about riots will probably look more like hand-wringing.
So I look forward with qualified optimism and trepidation to learning the election outcomes. Let’s hope the governors wise up and call out the National Guard immediately and enforce law and order.
We deserve that protection.
Published in Election 2024
No it wasn’t. He did nothing wrong. There were voting irregularities and they weren’t being looked into. No matter what he did, the dems and the never Trumpers would have still done everything exactly the same: They would still have impeached him. They still would smear him and lie about him. No matter what, they would have found something to hang on him that they would have made to sound villainous. It’s what they do.
Another example on why the normies think we’re nuts. He didn’t have a legal operation in place, and he depended on another whacko, Rudy Giuliani, to set one up after the fact.
And let’s not forget that he watched TV for three hours while the rioting continued. He didn’t do anything. His family was begging him to do something, and he watched TV.
And even the most ardent supporter of anyone, whether it be Trump, or Reagan, should know that no one is perfect, and that there’s always something they could have done better. I do question my own heros, maybe you should too.
You lose credibility if you’re unable to. “He did nothing wrong.” Really?
You might find this article interesting–
How will the permanent bureaucracy react – will it do another “Steele Dossier”?
To answer your question:
No only, but . . . well, you know what I was going to say. The left likes their demonization playbook, so look for 25-29 to be a repeat of 17-21. They will probably increase the number of state, county, and cities filing charges. However, I wonder if David Harsanyi is right. He belives (IIRC) that the demise of the MSM is underway, and may be imminent, given the rise of podcast appearances by both Trump and Harris. I was easily swayed by his theory . . .
These people think they should be prepared.
Gregory Butcher on X: “What downtown DC looks like 36 hours away from the first election results coming out. https://t.co/1JsF18I9wx” / X
Assuming Trump wins I’m pretty optimistic the violence will be much less than predicted. My SWAG is if there is violence it will be limited to antifa friendly Portland, Seattle and to “resistance” friendly Washington DC. Bad for everyone but not decisive.
My reasoning is as follows.
-First their is a lot of discontent with the state of the country and the current regime. That removes the motivation from the public for all but the ideological committed and the thrill seekers.
-Second, At most Trump would serve 4 years in office and be hamstrung for much of it so better to wait him out.
-Third, In this country post election rioting has not proven effective in changing the outcome.
There will be a serious and concerted non-violent political and legal effort to prevent Trump from taking office. I’m not sure what they will try but it has to help if they control all the power.
It will fail because while the Dems have the federal executive:
They need to control both the Senate and House and the Republicans will almost certainly control the Senate in January and maybe the house.
The Supreme Courts will almost certainly shoot down novel legal approaches to barring Trump from taking office.
Finally of the seven swing states, only in Michigan do the Dem’s control everything.
I just don’t think they can get everyone needed on board. Is it really worth a constitutional crisis and worse to stop someone who will be gone in 4 years or less?
That all assumes Trump wins and most of the media I consume is getting optimistic about his chances. Like a good pollster though I recognized my sample is flawed so I am going to fudge it and say it is 50/50 like a coin flip. In other words I have no idea.
Note: corrected some grammar mistakes.
I hope no one listens to this [redacted].
Watching TV is “wrong?”
I think you’ve drunk the kool-aid.
It isn’t that they are brainwashed to accept violence but that the left is an ideology for those who are naturally prone to accept violence.
They burned down their own neighborhoods and then won in 2020. If Repubs rioted like that they would be out of office for years.
We’ve had two good presidents since WWII: Eisenhower (before my time, but he ended the war in Korea), and Reagan. Since Reagan we’ve had increasingly bad democrats and two Bushes. Reagan was wildly popular, but he left us with Bush the First. He was a disaster, an extreme socialist and a wishy washy war starting weak man who returned us to the socialism of Nixon and he personifies the “establishment.” The only other republican to take the Oval Office was his son. Both were really good at starting wars, and neither had the slightest idea, nor inclination, to win wars. They both stabbed the people in the back by continuing the policy of objecting to leftism, but never really trying to stop that movement to the left.
Finally, Trump comes along and he promises to actually overthrow the Bush regime. If Trump doesn’t win tomorrow, the leftists will make their gains permanent and we will spend a hundred years fixing it, just like it took us 50 years despite Bush family perfidy to finally right the wrong of Roe. If Trump is recognized as the winner this time, we can save our nation. If not, we’re in for a very long slog to fix what will be done to our freedoms.
I just randomly heard this described. Everything is by one guy or very few votes. The governor is a whack job. Everybody thinks it’s heavily Democrat, but in a way it’s barely Democrat.
I always say this. Bush got rid of Paul Volker. Why would you do that? Paul Volker totally knew what he was doing. He largely talked plainly to everybody. Then we got Alan Greenspan, Mr. gobbledygook fed speak, that started all of this.
I realize people don’t get this, but you start having bad Fed policy and then you can’t reverse out of it.
As a tree-hugging Oregon native friend of mine reminds me frequently, Volcker was a Jimmy Carter appointment. From everything I’ve read, he was very, very good.
That’s right. The guy that Carter appointed before him was terrible. Probably the worst. Reagan was a big believer in exploring the gold standard and I think since he wasn’t worried about being reelected for a few years, he talked to Volker and just cut him loose.
I saw this years ago, but Reagan was really big on committees looking into the gold standard with Ron Paul. I mean, they really got into it. It probably didn’t make the media, though. I’m not saying we have to do that, but what we are doing now is obviously horrific.
It’s just unrealistic to expect conservatives and libertarians to get enough traction when money is this loose. The problem is we are way past the point when we should’ve started forcing it. Like I’ve said before, we should have done it the second the Soviet Union fell.
I’ll go with wishy washy, and as a politician he was weak. His breaking of the no new taxes pledge says it all. He ended up increasing the purview of the federal government with wetlands legislation, and ADA legislation. Worse, the legislation itself was so vague, it left a lot of the interpretation to the courts and increased their power as well, giving us more lawfare.
He was a personally honorable man who fought for his country in WWII, and actually was in combat. And that Iraqi war you mention in passing was an in and out affair and actually ended the post Vietnam blues the military was suffering from.
My first paragraph should be enough. Why the hyperbole? He wasn’t an extreme socialist, and while the economy took a bad turn near the end of his term, it was actually recovering after the election and before he left office. So while he was a wet blanket for the Reagan Revolution, I’d not call him a disaster either.
If this is that handicap access thing at businesses, it was terrible. Absolutely horrible idea. The whole thing should’ve been paid by government if they were going to do it.
I can’t do this, but Larry Elder insists this whole thing was drummed up by the media. He has the statistics and the timeline.
What were the Democrats like during Scoop Jackson and Patrick Moynahan? I don’t see the point of it, but they weren’t that bad. They are complete whack jobs now. I’ve said this before. The hard left has obviously taken over the Democrat party. This is how they think: if you aren’t moving towards equality, you are moving towards fascism. You don’t even have to worry about the definition of fascism just use the cartoon version. That is how they think and that is the only way they get more power. If they go the other way, they lose their identity.
Our side has to be smarter than the Dem propaganda.
There was nothing more he could do. He had already approved the NG. The rioters weren’t watching TV to get their next move nor could Trump have reached them. He had already been kicked off social media.
You can’t save the nation wedded to the blue states.
Reagan kept him, HW cut him loose.
The Summer of 2020’s riots occurred in 38 separate neighborhoods spanning across the USA.
As Catherine Austin Fitts, a former assistant Director OF HUD, these neighborhoods matched almost street by street and ally by ally the HUD-designated tax-free for business investor zones.
Being as cynical as I am, Fitts went on to speculate that one reason Corporate America businesses, including many in the Fortune 500 list, had donated millions upon millions of dollars to BLM was to help that org bring forth activities that would make it even cheaper for a business to acquire real estate inside one of these “opportunity zones.”
After all, if the buildings were vaporized by arson, there’s be no need to raze them after purchasing the land that they stood on. The entire deal could be done for pennies on the dollar. Since governors are usually in cahoots with big business interests, it follows that they seemed so reluctant to use The National Guard or ask for Federal troops, even as their own citizens were assaulted and killed by the rampaging mobs.
Maybe in Minnesota their own neighborhoods were burned down. But there were people who traced the same set of AntiFa/BLM folks from one riot to another. The same 5 dozen people not only managed to participate in 80 percent of the 38 riots – they did this despite sometimes being cited in one jurisdiction but being awarded bail money by the BLM funds to leave the county jail and go on to the next riot.
In Chicago, the media made a big deal out of the rioters who stormed through fashionable departments stores and took off with massive amounts of booty. But that same Aug 2020 weekend, African Americans who went out on their usual Sunday stroll through their southside neighborhood were set upon by a group of black thugs armed with iron pipes. These guys were not community members.
The video that resulted showed one man rising to his knees after being pulverized by the thugs. The lifeless-looking body of his woman lay behind him. He emitted the most blood curdling screams, and the thugs came back to him to finish him off. But his wails were so gut wrenching, they decided to leave instead.
Some Chicagoans who saw this video and commented about it at work were fired for their “conspiracy talk” against the Democrat party’s brave adventurers: the BLM.
Sisyphus – have you seen this yet? The real story of J6…
This is a valuable link inside the above link: https://www.millennialmillie.com/post/enemies-from-within-the-secret-shadow-campaign-that-interfered-in-the-2020-election-plotted-to-an
It struck me as a commie op. Good people became their patsies.
J6 would have not happened if Pelosi et al had not shut down Trump’s request for heightened security. However the DNC’s whole game plan was to distract from their stolen election coup of the prior November by staging “The Trump Insurrection Of Jan 6th 2021.” They could hardly allow for heightened security that would stop their plot.
But a big Yeah! Fauci should have been gone by April or May of 2020.