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Quote of the Day: Restoring the Vitality of our Country
‘Make America Great Again’ recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself. It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes. It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and an idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology. And it was the healthiest country in the world. I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. This is the America they want to restore. —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
In a recent post, @gpentiele featured this quotation from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from X. I was so impressed with Kennedy’s comment that I thought it warranted a post to examine it more closely.
Kennedy’s quotation not only defines MAGA in a meaningful and dynamic way; he is also pointing out not just how far we’ve come, but how far we’ve fallen. When he discusses the vitality of our nation, one with hope, I can only think of the energy expended in hateful protests and riots. When he states that we were beginning to “confront its darker shadows,” I can’t help thinking of how many people are trying to drag us back into the darkness and away from the light. He speaks to our successes and prosperity, yet too many of our citizens insist that we have made achievements on the backs of others. Where we once celebrated freedom, justice and democracy, we now see many who discredit those accomplishments and charge us with betraying them. And even though we are the healthiest country in the world, with a robust healthcare system, there are those who would compromise the advances we have made by using their commitment to “equity” as their excuse.
I feel beholden to RFK Jr. for speaking out as a Democrat against the status quo of his party. Although he has taken many positions I don’t agree with, he and his family have made extraordinary sacrifices in service to this country. He is resolute about joining in the fight to restore these qualities to our once-dynamic nation. He isn’t letting partisan division stop him from aligning with someone who can lead the charge.
Thank you, Bobby. We need more people like you.
Published in Group Writing
Bomb the Eccles building. That is half of the problem at least.
I agree that RFK take on MAGA was excellent and it rejects the frame the Democrats have put on it. Our only “cult” is country, and our country is the success and well-being of ourselves and our fellow citizens — now, and in the future.
That quote could have been delivered by almost any 20th century American politician but the left now recoils at anything so positive. Democrats no longer bother to offer a constructive vision. They just demand the right to subject America and its history to perpetual accusation (a) to relieve themselves of any duty of patriotism or loyalty to anything other than raw power and (b) as an excuse to ignore the Consitution, actual democracy and equal justice under law.
I doubt that a Leftist Dem would have an answer, if asked if anything about American made him or her proud. Isn’t that sad?
Thanks, Susan. Great to re-read this perceptive and inspiring quote about the meaning of the phrase “Make America Great Again” to those of us Americans whose political desires and moral values it summarizes.
Kate and I watched the Tucker RFK interview last night, and were looking at each other in astonishment at almost every sentence. We were tremendously impressed, and felt as though we were being allowed to see the true man for the first time. We had preconceived notions about who RFK is, what he believes, and the reasoning behind those beliefs.
We had based our notions solely on what others said about the man.
What a powerful complement to Trump he will be as part of the campaign!
I have heard RFKJr. enough times to know that he is not as loony as people want us to think. He does have some odd beliefs (from my perspective), but he also has some great ideas. I do wonder if the rumors are true that he went to the Harris campaign to offer his endorsement in exchange for a position in her administration. Hard to believe since he is so in concert with Trump!
Maybe he hadn’t yet realized that.
Who hadn’t realized what?
Maybe RFK hadn’t yet realized how close he actually is to Trump’s policies. Or/and how wacky the left has become, especially as expressed by FJB and FKH.
Could be.
A Democrat who didn’t follow the party down the rabbit hole. If only DeSantis and Haley supporters could be so generous.
He apparently said/believes it, so maybe listen to what he says about it.
It’s been said, for example, that he supported unlimited immigration. And then he visited the southern border. Meanwhile, the left still supports that.
This is a great interview from a couple of days ago:
BOOM! RFK Jr. GOES Nuclear on Anti-Israel Host (youtube.com)
He is a weirdo Democrat, not a leftist. People like that hardly exist anymore. I wouldn’t get that excited.