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Expanding the LGBT Empire While the West Precipitously Declines
A fascinating, albeit appalling, article from late 2023 entitled “Our LGBT Empire” begins with the following paragraph:
“Are we fighting in Ukraine in order to ‘queer the Donbass’? That phrase, which I believe originated with TAC’s editor-at-large Rod Dreher, implies that the ideological package that NATO rallied to Ukraine to defend includes not only freedom and democracy but also pride parades and drag queen story hour. That would, of course, be a ridiculous reason to fight a war. Many Americans don’t want to queer their own kids’ elementary school, much less an industrial Slavic province five thousand miles away.”
The article goes on to examine how American foreign policy, along with virtually everything else in Western civilization, has allowed itself to be conquered by the rainbow jihad because it foolishly believes that being indiscriminately tolerant of sexual aberrancy is the moral equivalent of, say, giving black Americans their full civil rights as citizens. With that as your premise, then, a pride parade is the moral equivalent of a civil rights march in 1963 — or something like that. (Though on the other hand, a drag show is never equated with a minstrel show.)
In any case, so “whipped” is our State Department by rainbow ideology that it feels the need to export it to every corner of the globe. And it does so without much concern for local mores and customs because it stupidly believes it’s bringing enlightenment to backward peoples everywhere.
What a hoot! The same progressives who rail against the past colonialism of the West are guilty themselves of the most insidious form of colonization: they’re literally trying to queer the entire planet by seeding foreign countries and cultures with sexual aberrancy! And so blinded are they by their own narcissistic virtue! It signals that they are utterly unconcerned with the inexorable negative consequences, especially in more traditional societies. Talk about the ugly Americans.
So, what could possibly go wrong with a foreign policy like that? How’d it go in Afghanistan, for instance? Did the pride flags flying at our embassy change many hearts and minds? Were we able to successfully queer that country? Well, how about just the cosmopolitan city of Kabul, then? Make a lot of headway there, did we? Did drag queen story hour become a big draw at the local bazaars? Was the Kabul nonbinary community flourishing because of our influence? Did Pride Month give Ramadan a run for its money?
Or was it related to our leaving there in disgrace after twenty years, with our tails tucked between our legs? Maybe not directly, but here’s the thing: If any part of the foreign policy of a country is reduced to promoting decadence and depravity to all parts of the world, that country is finished—or very nearly so. It’s bad enough that we have fallen into such a degenerate state ourselves, but to promote that to others is beyond the pale. And however primitive the mentality of the Taliban might be, they clearly recognize a dying civilization when they see it. Theirs was the stronger will and they prevailed.
Despite such Western lunacies as “Queers For Palestine,” the rainbow jihad can’t possibly stand up to an Islamic one. A dying, decadent civilization cannot defeat a strong, confident one, however nuclear-armed the former and however backward the latter might be. Will and conviction go a long way. Our civilization is floundering in its feminized, nihilistic decadence and alphabetic pride. Islam, on the other hand, has total confidence in itself and is busily colonizing clueless Western countries, taking advantage of their self-loathing and imbecilic tolerance of any and everything.
Interestingly, a Republican-authored provision in a government funding bill earlier this year effectively banned the flying of pride flags “over” U.S. embassies. (Who knew Republicans had that kind of gumption?) However, it doesn’t prevent the displaying of those flags elsewhere on embassy grounds. And any embassy that wants to, can become, in effect, a walled-in, mini-San Francisco. So, they can wallpaper the buildings with those things from floor to ceiling, in every room, including the basement, and the subbasement, and gender-neutral bathrooms; the the janitor’s closet, the safe room, the security guard shacks, and the tool shed, and the . . .
You get the idea. Consequently, any representative of the country where an American embassy is located can still get a good, hard dose of pride when doing business there. And if he’s offended by it, well, that’s because he’s an ignorant bigot who needs to be taught better. And as everyone knows, such hubris and single-minded devotion to aberrant sexual practices are a great boon to international diplomacy.
So, one might reasonably ask, what the hell? What in tarnation? Why would a (formerly) great country promote sexual deviancy around the world? Well, because that country is now running — or rather, sputtering — on the fumes of its former greatness, and its depraved leaders have no self-awareness that it’s in a state of total decadence and decline. And in that decadent state, they foolishly believe that promoting the rainbow is virtuous.
They don’t realize that America, and the West, is a cut-flower civilization that is withering rapidly as it has been cut off from its foundational roots: Judeo-Christian religion and morality. They don’t understand that given the fallen state of man, what fills that moral vacuum is primarily depravity and evil.
It’s pretty much a straight line downward from “tolerance” and “diversity,” to “love is love,” to gay marriage, to drag queen story hour, to transing the children, to “minor-attracted persons,” and on to whatever comes next, which will likely be some combination of transhumanism and sexual perversion — if we get that far before it all collapses.
What country in the world, besides other fallen Western countries, would respect America as it seeks to spread an “LGBT empire”? What country in the world respects American military power, knowing that its armed forces have been queered and trans-ed? What country in the world looks at America’s ignominious retreat from Afghanistan and says, “At least they flew the pride flag till the end!” Like it was some kind of honorable Afghan Alamo.
I do have to admit that in reading the aforementioned article, “Our LGBT Empire,” I laughed out loud at the name of the gay classical music group to which we gave tens of thousands of dollars to perform in Kazakhstan, of all places: the Well-Strung Quartet. Get it? LOL! Laughing all the way to our downfall, after which Kazakhstan will still be standing, but not because they were queered by the Well-Strung Quartet. Rather, because they weren’t.
We are certainly living in interesting times. What could be more interesting than a 500-year dominant civilization destroying itself in a vain and godless, slow-motion fit of nihilistic depravity? That’s one for the books! Hmm . . . I wonder which of our enemies will eventually conquer or supplant us. Food for thought.
And more food for thought: What will happen to the alphabet people after the West has fallen? Let’s just say, the proverbial closet is going to get very crowded.
In any case, when it’s all said and done, future historians will have a field day with all of this. Far sooner, though, we may be able to read memoirs, perhaps with titles like “How We Stopped Putin’s Aggression — And Queered the Donbass in the Process.”
Published in Foreign Policy
I’ve said for years that the “trans” movement is simultaneously trivially stupid and painfully consequential. I suspect the LGB movement would be relatively benign if it hadn’t been hijacked by the whack-a-doodle gender diversity folks. I think we’ll win the battle for sanity and reason, but a lot of people are going to be hurt by the gender nonsense before we do.
And since neither gay and not gaybutotherwise sexed people don’t have children, it’s not a naturally expanding population. It depends on adults manipulating children and using them for their own various whack-a-doodle pleasure(s.) A LOT of children will be hurt and their damage is horribly consequential with the side and after effects. Actual school knowledge is sidelined for the purpose and a LOT of other kids will lack necessary knowledge because of it. It will take Generations to restore those fundamentals.
I can’t get to the article at the moment. Does it mention Obama publicly changing the government’s position on fake marriage and in short order was shoving it down the throats of Uganda, threatening to withhold aid if they didn’t adopt the position we just starting holding figurately two seconds ago?
Not specifically, but it does mention that we withheld aid to Uganda over its lack of gay rights.
I can’t agree that LGB without the T is benign. The T is certainly the worst, but the LGB is still totally unnatural and goes against God’s created order of male and female complementing each other and creating children. Also, there really is no level of sexual deviancy that can be harmlessly tolerated. If you tolerate any of it, you will get all of it. How do we know? Because we’re there and we’re being pummeled with it and it’s being promoted like there’s no tomorrow, not only here, but around the world. It’s a social contagion and according to surveys, more and more young people have joined the rainbow. The idea of a normal and natural family is being destroyed in front of our very eyes. That doesn’t portend well for our civilization. We can only hope the whole thing burns itself out at some point and we revert to something resembling “normal.” But who knows?
“Transgenderism is meant to weaken and divide. The tell? Their heroes don’t believe it! Men can get pregnant? They don’t believe that in Beijing; Caracas; Johannesburg; they don’t believe that in Cuba; or Moscow; and they damn sure don’t believe it in the Middle East.”
I posted the above on X … It is my most viewed, most liked post.
If one needs a reason why Viktor Orban, for example, is turning Hungary away from the EU and the West, look no further! He’s made no secret of this. It’s why Fidesz (his party) proposed a law “…to censor any “LGBT+ positive content” in movies, books or public advertisements and to severely restrict sex education in school forbidding any information thought to “encourage gender change or homosexuality”. On July 22, 2023, in a speech he gave in Romania, he complained that the EU was conducting an “LGBTQ offensive”.
It’s not the only reason (the EU trying to force Hungary, Poland, etc., to take in “migrants” is another), but it’s certainly one of the driving factors.
I disagree. Homosexuality is real and, while abnormal, isn’t “unnatural.” Homosexuals really do feel same-sex attraction. They aren’t laboring under a delusion, merely an abnormal sexual attraction. I think there is no intrinsic problem with tolerating it. (I am using “abnormal” in a value-neutral, statistical sense.)
I appreciate that people may have objections to homosexuality based on religion. I’m not religious so I don’t share those. People may object to homosexuality for other reasons as well, but those are harder to defend and the slippery slope argument you’ve offered isn’t one I find compelling.
The gender identity movement, in contrast, isn’t “real.” It’s based on an erroneous, nonsensical understanding of sexuality. The people caught up in it are delusional, and there are numerous problems that spring from accommodating them rather than providing them with competent counseling.
Not sure about your differentiation between “abnormal” and “unnatural.” In any case, tolerating it inevitably leads, as we’ve seen, to promoting it as a form of virtue signaling (Look how tolerant I am!). And when it is promoted, as we’ve seen, you get lots and lots of converts. And when you get lots of converts, you get less and less normal families. And when you get less normal families, civilization will be less healthy and eventually population will collapse. They’re simply is no scenario where gratuitous tolerance doesn’t lead to significant negative consequences. And most of the world outside the West doesn’t want this. So why are we pushing it?
Let me explain.
“Abnormal” refers to something that is in the minority of behavior. For example, men over seven feet tall are “abnormal.”
“Unnatural” refers to something that is, well, artificially induced, I suppose, or otherwise not a product of the natural development of an individual. There is nothing “unnatural” about a man being over seven feet tall — unless that height was achieved with the aid of medical intervention, I suppose.
Similarly, homosexuality is in the minority, but (I believe) a product of the natural, albeit abnormal, development of an individual, just as is the height of a 7’2″ man.
I don’t think that’s true, any more than I think tolerating mixed-race couples is a form of virtue signaling.
As regards homosexuality, I’m not sure that’s true. I suspect homosexuals are being born at about the same rate as always. I don’t know that, but I don’t think anyone knows otherwise, and that does seem more likely to me.
I’m going to question “gratuitous tolerance” in this context. I don’t think it’s inappropriate to tolerate homosexuality, any more than I think it’s inappropriate to tolerate mixed-race couples, Mormons, or people in wheelchairs.
First, most of the world outside the West doesn’t want a lot of things that I do want, such as freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, secular government, democratic elections, etc. Being disapproved of by the portion of the world that doesn’t enjoy the blessings of Western Civilization is okay by me.
As for pushing things: I don’t think we should be “pushing” sexuality in any sense. Regarding homosexuality, I think it would be nice if the world would tolerate it. Regarding “trans,” I think it’s ridiculous and should be roundly criticized, banned for children, kept out of schools, and treated like the mental disorder it is.
Meanwhile, people who identify as “non-binary” are advertising the fact that they’re ignorant, unserious, and needy, and their presence is, I think, a grim but useful indicator of the quality of their parenting and education.
I recall hearing complaints from Africans from at least ten years ago about the cultural imperialism of imposing sexual deviancy onto African societies and cultures.
Reminded me of: (Hmm, it just won’t embed…)
It reminded me of …
“And more food for thought: What will happen to the alphabet people after the West has fallen? Let’s just say, the proverbial closet is going to get very crowded.“
Boy, howdy.
As with all liberal movements, LGBTetc has tilted hard left which means totalitarian, anti-Western Marxists. If the organizations that support this movement were operating in good faith, they would have disbanded after gay marriage was passed. That was marketed as: “see we are normal, civic-minded citizens just like you. We just want a home and a white picket fence and to join the PTA.” But that is not what we got. We got perverted sexual displays on parade, drag queens twerking for little children, children turned against their parents, erosion of parental rights and our medical industry mutilating our children. I read that approval for gay marriage has actually decreased over the past few years, not increased as one might have thought if it were a good thing. Because as always, it was a bait and switch. The LGBT+ mafia came after our children and we had to draw the line. But they now have tremendous political power and it is an uphill fight.
It’s not “Judeo-Christian.” It is Christian.
The Jews, as a group, have always been a force undermining tradition in America, in just about every way possible. The Communists, the ACLU, and many other radical groups were heavily Jewish, sometimes even dominated by Jewish people.
Looking at poll results, it appears that the single racial, ethnic, or religious group most supportive of the LGBT agenda in America is the Jews. Here’s a recent story about this in Forward, a Jewish publication.
This is true of Israel as well, which strongly supports the LGBT agenda.
It is very strange to me that so many conservatives side with the state of Israel or the Jewish people as a whole. Israel was founded by secular socialists, and is somehow supported by conservative Christians. I think that this is primarily based on relentless lies promoted by both Israel and the American press, coupled with the demonization of anyone who presents the truth as “anti-semitic.”
The next step, Greg, is to realize that it wasn’t Putin’s aggression. It was our aggression, trying to bring Ukraine into NATO to threaten Russia — and, by the way, to advance that whole perverted rainbow agenda. This was clear with the American-backed 2014 coup.
I think a lot of it has to do with our affinity for Western Civilization, which really does owe a great debt to Judaism as well as Christianity (which, itself, owes quite a lot to the Jews).
We see Israel as an outpost of Western Civilization in a region otherwise devoid of it. We also recognize in the Jewish people an historically oppressed and downtrodden minority — a minority that the Bible tells us represents G-d’s chosen people.
That last thing is probably a big deal to a lot of American Christians, that bit where Leviticus 20:26 says “And you shall be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy, and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine.”
That doesn’t mean that we agree with all their politics. Shoot, I don’t agree entirely with practically anyone’s politics.
But I do like Israel, and I appreciate both Judaism and Christianity.
I often use the term “Judeo-Christian” because the “Judeo” is the source of Christianity. If most Jews are secular and promote the LGBT agenda, or any other godless agenda, it doesn’t delegitimize or lessen the value of the “Judeo” part. For Christians, the Hebrew bible is still truth.
Unfortunately, America and the West are now decidedly post-Christian and in such an environment, human depravity and evil flourish, whether you’re Jewish or not. If it is the case that a disproportionate number of Jews have glommed onto bad causes, they are nonetheless such a tiny percentage of the population that trying to ascribe disproportionate blame on them for America’s current sorry state is . . . Well, you know what it is.
Just to let you know, that title was totally tongue-in-cheek, not some kind of affirmation of the war in Ukraine.
In Genesis 12 we read:
The Most High God said this. That’s good enough for me.
Typically wrong…..
The former Soviet satellites (& Baltic states) ran to NATO b/c they have a crystal clear understanding of the Russians. It wasn’t NATO aggressively expanding- no force was threatened nor required- they ran to NATO. You have a very weird definition of aggression- when it is describing voluntary actions by cooperating states to form defensive alliances-if that is aggression, than everything is aggression. If NATO was expanding so aggressively, why didn’t it add Sweden & Finland earlier-certainly they are more valuable than Montenegro? Many nations had reasons to fear Russia, just look at recent history-it has invaded:
2008- Georgia. 2104-Crimea 2014- the Donbas 2022- Ukraine
they have had earlier actions in Transnistria as well and Russia has increased tensions & militarily intervened to aide separatists in Abkhazia.
-Sure Russia typically claims it is coming to the defense of a Russian ethnic minority- they are just copying Hitler’s playbook in Czechoslovakia & Poland. And just like the Nazis they gin up the conflicts- the so called local revolts were headed by ex-Russian FSB & army intelligence officers-hardly a home grown revolt ( Igor Girkin-a Russian Army Intelligence officer & Alexander Borodai an FSB officer-both BTW born in Moscow).
-Ukraine wasn’t on a fast track to NATO-while they sought admission, the European members were reluctant to offend Russia. The only admissions to NATO after 2004 were the military juggernauts of Albania, Montenegro & the latest Macedonia [that is pre-invasion of Ukraine]. Not exactly threats to Russia- they are far from Russia & Macedonia hasn’t been a power since their defeat by Rome in the Fourth Macedonian War in 148 BC.
Putin needs enemies to justify his rule and finds all free states to be an existential threat to his rule-they serve as reminders to all those who have eyes that much better systems exist.
One of the reasons too that muslims attack Israel and the rest of the west. They don’t like being exposed as failures.
Ohh No! Switzerland might be the next target of our “aggression”:
“a group of experts recommend to the government that the country, which has been neutral since 1515, work on a “common defense capability” with the EU and NATO….The experts stop short of suggesting that Switzerland entirely scrap its neutrality and join NATO, but they do urge deeper ties with the military alliance and the EU on joint training, defense against ballistic missiles and bilateral and multilateral exercises.”
Gee- I wonder what is motivating these proposals?