Jobs Revision: 818,000 Jobs Just Went “Poof”


For months, I’ve been haranguing Ricochetti about the growing disparity between the jobs numbers reported by the Establishment Survey vs. the Household Survey, pointing to my belief that the headline numbers from the Establishment report were, like the rent, “too damn high.”

Well, well, well.   The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) just released a revision to the jobs numbers, and 818,000 of those Establishment report jobs just evaporated. Add those to last year’s downward revision of 307,000 and that means that 1.125 MILLION of those Biden-Harris highly trumpeted jobs were figments of the BLS’s imagination.

If I were the conspiratorial type, I’d be tempted to speculate that they needed amped-up job numbers to boost the Biden campaign.  The PR from those numbers is in the mix.

Now, Biden is gone and they have an energized Brutus Harris campaign.   So what the donor class really, really needs now is a rate cut to boost the market.  But the ‘fantastic’ jobs numbers are making the Fed skittish about cutting rates.   Soooooooo…. We have a huge revision and Shazam …. Rate cuts look much more likely.

What’s the real story with jobs?

To gauge the health of the economy, I focus my attention on Full Time Employment.  The numbers come from the Household Survey.   That’s the same data set used to calculate the official unemployment rate.   Its bona fides are impeccable.

Full-time jobs are the kinds of jobs that people can build a life around.   So let’s look at those…

That means Trump’s economy Created about 3MM more NEW full-time jobs than Biden.   More than 2X more.

And most recently…

Over half a MILLION fewer Americans are employed full-time than a year ago.

Published in Economy
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There are 87 comments.

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  1. kedavis Coolidge

    Eustace C. Scrubb (View Comment):

    Steve C. (View Comment):

    I don’t think a fed rate cut in September has any impact outside the stock and bond markets. And maybe a positive bump on the announcement but short term.

    Everything I’ve read over the years says the state of the economy in the early part of the year has the most influence on how voters see things.

    Short term thinking is all they’re thinking. Get a little bump to get more early voters for Harris.

    But what does that really do for voters?  How many people would refinance their home during that time period?

    • #31
  2. kedavis Coolidge

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Back to the “Saved or Created” job metric

    I don’t know why the Dems dropped that one. They had the MSM repeating it without any reflection at all.

    I know – no “journalist” ever asked how to you measure a “saved job”.

    Maybe in this case they were neither “saved” nor “created?”  If they actually went away for a while, they were not “Saved,” and if they’re not actually new jobs they were not “Created.”

    Maybe “recovered” jobs?  I guess nobody thought of that yet.

    • #32
  3. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    kedavis (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Back to the “Saved or Created” job metric

    I don’t know why the Dems dropped that one. They had the MSM repeating it without any reflection at all.

    I know – no “journalist” ever asked how to you measure a “saved job”.

    Maybe in this case they were neither “saved” nor “created?” If they actually went away for a while, they were not “Saved,” and if they’re not actually new jobs they were not “Created.”

    Maybe “recovered” jobs? I guess nobody thought of that yet.

    The important thing is that there is a long list of questions that no journalist has ever asked.  They should be put into a database online.  

    • #33
  4. Percival Thatcher

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Back to the “Saved or Created” job metric

    I don’t know why the Dems dropped that one. They had the MSM repeating it without any reflection at all.

    I know – no “journalist” ever asked how to you measure a “saved job”.

    I don’t know about other news markets, but the Chicago flacks alit upon “new and suspected” Covid cases without ever explaining what “suspected” might mean. If the case is later confirmed, do you count it again?

    • #34
  5. kedavis Coolidge

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Back to the “Saved or Created” job metric

    I don’t know why the Dems dropped that one. They had the MSM repeating it without any reflection at all.

    I know – no “journalist” ever asked how to you measure a “saved job”.

    I don’t know about other news markets, but the Chicago flacks alit upon “new and suspected” Covid cases without ever explaining what “suspected” might mean. If the case is later confirmed, do you count it again?

    I expect THEY did.

    • #35
  6. MiMac Thatcher

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):
    I just wonder how long they can keep this up without the entire Potemkin Village crashing down in ruin. It feels like it’s getting close.

    We’re always getting closer. It could be mere days, or it could take centuries.

    Considering the current debt situation etc, I wouldn’t figure on centuries. Maybe years, perhaps a couple decades.

    Keep in mind that even during the Great Depression, unemployment was still “only” 24.9% at the worst.

    And centuries after it happens, what passes for historians will be arguing about when it all came crashing down. Some will say it was in the 20th century.

    You’d think they could at least get the century right.

    In retrospect it might turn out to be right, depending on what criteria you use.

    the scary number isn’t the jobs numbers- it is labor force participation-particularly for men.  Unemployment numbers exclude those who aren’t looking for work-for whatever reason- despair, living off others, drugs etc.  The percentage of men without paid works has been at or more than the depression level for awhile.

    Nicholas Eberstadt is about the only person who gives this much attention.

    • #36
  7. kedavis Coolidge

    MiMac (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):
    I just wonder how long they can keep this up without the entire Potemkin Village crashing down in ruin. It feels like it’s getting close.

    We’re always getting closer. It could be mere days, or it could take centuries.

    Considering the current debt situation etc, I wouldn’t figure on centuries. Maybe years, perhaps a couple decades.

    Keep in mind that even during the Great Depression, unemployment was still “only” 24.9% at the worst.

    And centuries after it happens, what passes for historians will be arguing about when it all came crashing down. Some will say it was in the 20th century.

    You’d think they could at least get the century right.

    In retrospect it might turn out to be right, depending on what criteria you use.

    the scary number isn’t the jobs numbers- it is labor force participation-particularly for men. Unemployment numbers exclude those who aren’t looking for work-for whatever reason- despair, living off others, drugs etc. The percentage of men without paid works has been at or more than the depression level for awhile.

    Nicholas Eberstadt is about the only person who gives this much attention.



    • #37
  8. RufusRJones Member

    MiMac (View Comment):

    cooking the books is the new norm- the FBI crime stats have serious issues as well. It seems the victimization surveys show significantly more crime than the FBI surveys.

    So other than crime, jobs/economy, government spending, inflation, foreign policy, immigration…Biden-Harris are doing great! And law fare and Hunter/Joe/James/Jill’s corruption go without mentioning ( not needed).

    The people “controlling” the economy and all of that are corrupt idiots.

    They obviously lie about inflation. I don’t even think they could measure it if they were totally honest about it. The job numbers have always been revised down for months and now we have this. 

    • #38
  9. RufusRJones Member

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Back to the “Saved or Created” job metric

    Extremely well done. This is how stupid it all is. 

    • #39
  10. RufusRJones Member

    Ekosj (View Comment):

    Ekosj (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Hmm, so, do they think that being able to justify a rate cut, will be more valuable to them politically, than good – but fake – jobs numbers?

    Yes. Nobody pays attention to the revisions. Except the stats nerds like me

    Apparently only ABC mentioned the revision.

    The media is a disaster. You can’t tell me that’s in any of the Federalist Papers.

    In the not too distant future, the only people that are only going to make out are the ones holding physical precious metals. 

    • #40
  11. RufusRJones Member

    Stad (View Comment):

    Ekosj: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) just released a revision to the jobs numbers, and 818,000 of those Establishment report jobs just evaporated.

    I think it was Jim Geraghty on the Three Martini Lunch podcast who questioned why even have the BLS calculate jobs numbers when they’re always revising them . . .

    I don’t mind the revisions. The problem is when they are one way all of the time. Now this. 

    • #41
  12. RufusRJones Member

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):
    I just wonder how long they can keep this up without the entire Potemkin Village crashing down in ruin. It feels like it’s getting close.

    We’re always getting closer. It could be mere days, or it could take centuries.

    Considering the current debt situation etc, I wouldn’t figure on centuries. Maybe years, perhaps a couple decades.

    Keep in mind that even during the Great Depression, unemployment was still “only” 24.9% at the worst.

    And centuries after it happens, what passes for historians will be arguing about when it all came crashing down. Some will say it was in the 20th century.

    You’d think they could at least get the century right.

    In retrospect it might turn out to be right, depending on what criteria you use.

    I pay money to listen to interviews of hedge fund guys. This only ends one way. A lot of inflation. You won’t have a crash, but there will be a lot of distortions. It’s the only way you can hold everything together. 

    • #42
  13. Kozak Member

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):
    I just wonder how long they can keep this up without the entire Potemkin Village crashing down in ruin. It feels like it’s getting close.

    We’re always getting closer. It could be mere days, or it could take centuries.

    Considering the current debt situation etc, I wouldn’t figure on centuries. Maybe years, perhaps a couple decades.

    Keep in mind that even during the Great Depression, unemployment was still “only” 24.9% at the worst.

    It doesn’t necessarily take a lot of numerical downturn to cause a lot of problems, especially in cities full of renters.

    Considering the changes they have made in how they calculate unemployment, for example the huge number of people who have stopped looking are not counted, I think the real unemployment rate is not that far off of average depression level numbers.

    • #43
  14. kedavis Coolidge

    Kozak (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):
    I just wonder how long they can keep this up without the entire Potemkin Village crashing down in ruin. It feels like it’s getting close.

    We’re always getting closer. It could be mere days, or it could take centuries.

    Considering the current debt situation etc, I wouldn’t figure on centuries. Maybe years, perhaps a couple decades.

    Keep in mind that even during the Great Depression, unemployment was still “only” 24.9% at the worst.

    It doesn’t necessarily take a lot of numerical downturn to cause a lot of problems, especially in cities full of renters.

    Considering the changes they have made in how they calculate unemployment, for example the huge number of people who have stopped looking are not counted, I think the real unemployment rate is not that far off of average depression level numbers.

    Then maybe it’s just a matter of crashing the average income like happened back then.  By around 50% if I remember what I read.

    • #44
  15. Steve C. Member
    Steve C.

    The best part of this whole event is the Secretary of Commerce, wherein the Bureau of Labor Statistics resides, was not aware. Imagine how you would feel if you were a shareholder in a business and the CEO appeared on Cavuto and when asked about the latest quarterly report admitted she was not aware earnings had been released.


    • #45
  16. kedavis Coolidge

    Fresh today from The Liberal Hivemind on YouTube.  I like it!










    • #46
  17. RufusRJones Member

    Steve C. (View Comment):

    The best part of this whole event is the Secretary of Commerce, wherein the Bureau of Labor Statistics resides, was not aware. Imagine how you would feel if you were a shareholder in a business and the CEO appeared on Cavuto and when asked about the latest quarterly report admitted she was not aware earnings had been released.


    It’s terrible. The Fed supposedly central plans the interest rate and pushing the economy around. the data they are supposedly using is bizarre. And then everybody goes along with it. really it’s just a bogey for the stock market to go up. It’s a bogey to keep forking out the inflation to keep everything afloat: the debt and the excessive government. 

    • #47
  18. Kozak Member

    Steve C. (View Comment):

    The best part of this whole event is the Secretary of Commerce, wherein the Bureau of Labor Statistics resides, was not aware. Imagine how you would feel if you were a shareholder in a business and the CEO appeared on Cavuto and when asked about the latest quarterly report admitted she was not aware earnings had been released.


    Trump said it so it was therefore a lie.  That was her reasoning.

    • #48
  19. RufusRJones Member

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Steve C. (View Comment):

    The best part of this whole event is the Secretary of Commerce, wherein the Bureau of Labor Statistics resides, was not aware. Imagine how you would feel if you were a shareholder in a business and the CEO appeared on Cavuto and when asked about the latest quarterly report admitted she was not aware earnings had been released.


    Trump said it so it was therefore a lie. That was her reasoning.

    There are too many politicized idiots controlling everything. Shocking statement.

    • #49
  20. Stad Coolidge

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):

    MiMac (View Comment):

    cooking the books is the new norm- the FBI crime stats have serious issues as well. It seems the victimization surveys show significantly more crime than the FBI surveys.

    So other than crime, jobs/economy, government spending, inflation, foreign policy, immigration…Biden-Harris are doing great! And law fare and Hunter/Joe/James/Jill’s corruption go without mentioning ( not needed).

    If no crimes are reported, then non occurred. Magic!

    Many of the largest , most crime ridden, Big Blue Sh#tholes simply ….. stopped reporting crimes to the FBI. Voila! “Crime is lower under Biden Harris’!

    They do the same kinds of things with “inflation” etc. As I’ve mentioned previously/elsewhere. One of their tricks is “substitution.” If the price of beef, for example, gets “too high” they’ll just assume that people switched to using chicken. And even if the price of chicken has also greatly increased, if it’s less than beef they’ll claim that “cost of dinner” has gone DOWN.

    I’m surprised they don’t assume people are dieting and reduce prices by half . . .

    • #50
  21. Kozak Member

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Steve C. (View Comment):

    The best part of this whole event is the Secretary of Commerce, wherein the Bureau of Labor Statistics resides, was not aware. Imagine how you would feel if you were a shareholder in a business and the CEO appeared on Cavuto and when asked about the latest quarterly report admitted she was not aware earnings had been released.


    Trump said it so it was therefore a lie. That was her reasoning.

    There are too many politicized idiots controlling everything. Shocking statement.

    Like this moron, Jared Bernstein, Biden’s  Chief Economist, who can’t explain how money works.


    • #51
  22. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Steve C. (View Comment):

    The best part of this whole event is the Secretary of Commerce, wherein the Bureau of Labor Statistics resides, was not aware. Imagine how you would feel if you were a shareholder in a business and the CEO appeared on Cavuto and when asked about the latest quarterly report admitted she was not aware earnings had been released.


    It’s terrible. The Fed supposedly central plans the interest rate and pushing the economy around. the data they are supposedly using is bizarre. And then everybody goes along with it. really it’s just a bogey for the stock market to go up. It’s a bogey to keep forking out the inflation to keep everything afloat: the debt and the excessive government.

    We have to assume that the Fed (and the government) create/publish data to support a pre-selected policy.  The plan is to juice the markets before the election, therefore the jobs data must be revised downward to justify the policy.  They are evil not dumb.

    • #52
  23. RufusRJones Member

    The Ludwig von Mises Institute Is Right About Everything™



    • #53
  24. Percival Thatcher

    Kozak (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Steve C. (View Comment):

    The best part of this whole event is the Secretary of Commerce, wherein the Bureau of Labor Statistics resides, was not aware. Imagine how you would feel if you were a shareholder in a business and the CEO appeared on Cavuto and when asked about the latest quarterly report admitted she was not aware earnings had been released.


    Trump said it so it was therefore a lie. That was her reasoning.

    There are too many politicized idiots controlling everything. Shocking statement.

    Like this moron, Jared Bernstein, Biden’s Chief Economist, who can’t explain how money works.


    • #54
  25. RufusRJones Member

    I listen to hedge fund guys talk about this stuff all of the time. We are either going to get a ton of more inflation or I heard one guy say that the Fed can buy a ton of our debt and he thinks nothing is going to happen. 

    • #55
  26. kedavis Coolidge

    Stad (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):

    MiMac (View Comment):

    cooking the books is the new norm- the FBI crime stats have serious issues as well. It seems the victimization surveys show significantly more crime than the FBI surveys.

    So other than crime, jobs/economy, government spending, inflation, foreign policy, immigration…Biden-Harris are doing great! And law fare and Hunter/Joe/James/Jill’s corruption go without mentioning ( not needed).

    If no crimes are reported, then non occurred. Magic!

    Many of the largest , most crime ridden, Big Blue Sh#tholes simply ….. stopped reporting crimes to the FBI. Voila! “Crime is lower under Biden Harris’!

    They do the same kinds of things with “inflation” etc. As I’ve mentioned previously/elsewhere. One of their tricks is “substitution.” If the price of beef, for example, gets “too high” they’ll just assume that people switched to using chicken. And even if the price of chicken has also greatly increased, if it’s less than beef they’ll claim that “cost of dinner” has gone DOWN.

    I’m surprised they don’t assume people are dieting and reduce prices by half . . .

    I think they can “equation” that too, in different places.  Like, assuming if rent gets “too high,” people move to a smaller place.

    • #56
  27. kedavis Coolidge

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    I listen to hedge fund guys talk about this stuff all of the time. We are either going to get a ton of more inflation or I heard one guy say that the Fed can buy a ton of our debt and he thinks nothing is going to happen.

    I remember when they seemed to think that producing just ONE $1 Trillion coin would do the job.

    • #57
  28. Kozak Member

    kedavis (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    I listen to hedge fund guys talk about this stuff all of the time. We are either going to get a ton of more inflation or I heard one guy say that the Fed can buy a ton of our debt and he thinks nothing is going to happen.

    I remember when they seemed to think that producing just ONE $1 Trillion coin would do the job.

    That idiot notion is still on the table. It’s a way to lawyer their way out of the debt ceiling, without even bothering to get the farce through congress.  Have treasury just make a platinum coin, value it at 1 trillion, and then voila! Another trillion dollars to spend.

    • #58
  29. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    We are either going to get a ton of more inflation or I heard one guy say that the Fed can buy a ton of our debt and he thinks nothing is going to happen. 

    Monetizing the debt would be very inflationary.   I don’t know of any scenario where “nothing is going to happen”.

    • #59
  30. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    kedavis (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    I listen to hedge fund guys talk about this stuff all of the time. We are either going to get a ton of more inflation or I heard one guy say that the Fed can buy a ton of our debt and he thinks nothing is going to happen.

    I remember when they seemed to think that producing just ONE $1 Trillion coin would do the job.

    The tera-coin idea work around the debt ceiling limit as an accounting gimmick.   It does not reduce the debt or inflation or interest rates.

    • #60
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