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Komrade Kamela
Back in the USSR, forward into the past. Komrade Kamela is proposing price controls on groceries. The USSR had Five Year Plans. They failed, with the exception of vodka. Vodka dulls the pain and keeps the serfs too intoxicated to plan an overthrow.
They pretend to pay us and so we pretend to work. Free medical plans, free tuition and eventually a charity function like “A Taste of the Zoo” means eating the animals in the zoo.
What’s for dinner? Roadkill is on the menu. Slab of Lab for dinner and Possum Helper will disappear from grocery shelves.
I had to give up fresh bats during the pandemic and canned bats soon disappeared from the shelves. From headlines to breadlines. Maduronomics will soon be Kamelanomics.
I took the photo in this essay during the pandemic. Feel free to use it, and if you print it, add a little ketchup. I have to leave for a little while to check the trap I set for the poodle next door.
Bon Appetite!
Published in Humor
It is unfortunate that a majority of our population seems to have no idea of how awful conditions of wage and price control are.
I wish I could escape this hell, but there is no place to go. We were the last best hope, but if Kamala is elected that hope is pretty much erased. Then I have to drop back to “Texit”, which is complex and may not be possible.
Price controls on wheat will lead to shortages and price increases.
Will we be giving up fossil-fueled farm equipment too? That will be special.
Perhaps we are fortunate that we live in a country where the people do not know first-hand the evils of wage and price controls;) Americans are ignorant in many ways, but many of us have common sense. People will react properly when Kamala and her Commie ideas are properly labeled.
“Breadlines are a GOOD thing.” – Comrade Bernie Sanders.
It’s past time that We move on to electric John Deeres and solar…. other stuff and reap what They sow.
And there’s also some other tactics that could be rolled out again:
Or maybe just make THEM eat only what can be produced and delivered by solar power. Before long they’ll be too weak to even vote!
People who fall for Kamala Harris’s ideas on groceries are as ignorant as the people who think gas station owners are raking it in when the price of gas is high. The profit margin on groceries is mighty slim.
It will all be part of a new Bill of Rights, an “affirmative” Bill of Rights, with no constraints on government.
We just need to develop farm equipment that runs on biofuel that it converts the crop into as it goes.
We will have “Joy” in the breadlines
The French Laundry will continue to do a brisk business. Reservations will have a 30 day lead time.
I have found the thinking that must be behind Sen. Sanders’ statement fascinating ever since he said it. It is more important that we not waste things (wheat and other commodities, machinery of production, etc.) than it is to not waste the time and energy of people. Which means things are more important than people.
Would Vice President Harris and Governor Walz agree with this prioritization?
And as The People’s Cube points out: There are 2 genders in Marxism: Workers and Collective Farmers.
Walz will be there with his paint ball guns to ensure breadlines are orderly
Newsome will host the DNC national party elite for their American Transformation planning meeting at the French Laundry restaurant. Waltz will be asked to check his paintball gun in at the door. Any rifle he carried into combat will be permitted.
Half of the people in America think grocery stores create meat and milk in the back room.
I am told the VP did not appreciate this NY Post cover:
I’m not sure about half, but after watching various farming videos over the last few years, I doubt that many “regular” Americans recognize even a fraction of the many inputs that go into growing the food we eat. To control prices at the grocery store, one must control everything that goes into getting the food to the grocery store, beginning with Diesel fuel (which Harris wants to eliminate entirely), and fossil-fuel-derived fertilizer.
She probably thinks if we do the Sri Lanka thing, it’ll be GREAT!
The problem with centrally planned economies is that no one is anywhere near smart enough, and at the very top of the “Not Smart Enough” list is Kamala Harris.
The raves are outstanding!
Absolutely correct. People who think we should give the government more control of the economy because our guys are smart forget that the other party will be back in control again. Even if I came up with a list of the half dozen politicians I think are the smartest in the country, I wouldn’t want them to set production quotas, prices, subsidies, or tariffs. The free market doesn’t always give you all the results you want, but it is monumentally superior to central planning.
Fresh from The Liberal Hivemind on YouTube:
I suppose at that time they didn’t know that Trump would be running against Hillary, so he didn’t need to be Literally Hitler yet.
Prior to Barack Obama getting the Democratic nomination for president, Donald Trump was rooting for Hillary Clinton to be the next president, so of course he wasn’t being bashed by the same people as when he ran against her.
Apparently that was 2011, so he would have been running against Obama, either as a primary challenger or on the Republican side. So why wouldn’t he have been Literally Hitler then?
I was talking about 2008, when Trump switched parties. By 2011, Trump was probably already the enemy of the press. Wasn’t Trump giving press conferences at that time claiming that Barack Obama’s birth certificate was phony?
But the video shows Trump being interviewed on The View apparently in 2011. At least that’s what I see in searches for that event. Even if it was 2007 though, he still would have been challenging The Lightbringer one way or the other.
Back in the 70’s a friend met a Polish girl and fell in love. He managed to bring her to Chicago with him.
He told us how the first time she went into a local grocery store she burst into tears when she saw the meat counter.
She could no t wrap her head around the fact that we had such abundance.