

I have a question @drbastiat. Reflecting upon your recent post, I believe you have not gone far enough in asking why. I too was interested to know why this degrading (for viewer and participant) olympic freak show was necessary. And your suggestion is that these fantasizers and their ‘allies’ are out to destroy Western civilization. My question is why? Are they really too blinded by their own glitter and self-importance and personal desires and unreality that they do not understand that it is Western civilization that protects them and allows them to parade their evil?  It is the political systems based on Judeo-Christian traditions that are holding back the barbarians. Without Western civilization, these freaks would not exist.

I do not personally know any drag queens, or any other of the types of people that would participate in this filth. I do not know their motivations. However, I am no longer of a mind to ‘live and let live.’ The simple suggestion is that they are just stupid – living for today, who cares about tomorrow, living for myself, who cares about you. I find that hard to believe, not necessarily for those who participate, but for those who facilitate, who fund, who support, who must have some reason to be a part of this evil.  That is what is frightening. What is the true ultimate goal here?

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  1. Django Member

    That is what is frightening. What is the true ultimate goal here?

    Fifty+ years ago, I read about cults/organization such as the Order of the Golden Dawn. I even let someone talk me into going the Transcendental Meditation route, personalize mantra and all. I still wonder, when I think about it at all, whether those people are just con artists fleecing the naïve, or if they are true believers. 

    As far as the performers are concerned, maybe Cole Porter had it right back in 1934. 

    • #1
  2. Jim McConnell Member
    Jim McConnell

    Why? Over the last few years I have come to the conclusion that there are people who derive their identity from being obnoxious in their words, their actions and their personal appearance. Some are so anxious to be noticed that they will do literally anything to draw attention to themselves, be it positive or negative.

    • #2
  3. WillowSpring Member

    I think evil does exist in the world.  I would like not to, but can’t convince myself anymore that it doesn’t.


    • #3
  4. Jimmy Carter Member
    Jimmy Carter


    Because the success of Western Civilization exposes all others as failures, and They resent it. They hate Western Civilization, because Them and Their ancestors fail in comparison.

    It’s easier to hate and destroy, than to improve oneself.

    Damn near all My Life I’ve stated, “Don’t give to other countries. If They are ‘hungry, war torn, or what ever,’ then be like America.”

    • #4
  5. Western Chauvinist Inactive
    Western Chauvinist

    I think Glenn Harlan Reynolds has a good explanation. They do nasty stuff like this because they can — and it’s an in-your-face power play:


    • #5
  6. hoowitts Coolidge

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):

    I think Glenn Harlan Reynolds has a good explanation. They do nasty stuff like this because they can — and it’s an in-your-face power play:



    • #6
  7. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    Django (View Comment):

    Communism/Marxism is a form of cult.  They believe that if they destroy the West, a utopia will emerge.  For them, the utopia is waiting there and they just need to remove the blemishes (capitalism, religion, patriotism, …).  Like most cults, you are either all-in or you are the enemy.

    • #7
  8. James Lileks Contributor
    James Lileks

    The end goal, shared among people of disparate intentions and ideologies and intellectual capabilities, is to delegitimize the norms. They feel alienated from the norms, unable or unwilling to live within the parameters of the norms, and this breeds alienation and resentment. They find communities of people who feel likewise, and enter a consensual delusion that the existence of alternatives to the norms means the norms are an illegitimate, unnatural construct.

    • #8
  9. Juliana Member

    James Lileks (View Comment):

    The end goal, shared among people of disparate intentions and ideologies and intellectual capabilities, is to delegitimize the norms. They feel alienated from the norms, unable or unwilling to live within the parameters of the norms, and this breeds alienation and resentment. They find communities of people who feel likewise, and enter a consensual delusion that the existence of alternatives to the norms means the norms are an illegitimate, unnatural construct.

    But then what? They live happily in their delusional world? They can accomplish this without any attention-positive or negative-from the outside world. We used to put people in institutions if they were unable to live within norms – otherwise known as civilization.  Why don’t the people in the normed world simply wave them aside as not worthy of attention or publicity?  Instead we try to accommodate the delusion and thus facilitate our own societal collapse. Unless each of us is willing to stand firm against the delusion, we are doomed to live in anarchy. Which will turn violent, quickly. Have we all become so blind to the consequences of flouting the norms of civilized behavior that we are willing to stand by and do nothing, or even participate by supporting those who live in the delusion?

    • #9
  10. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    James Lileks (View Comment):

    The end goal, shared among people of disparate intentions and ideologies and intellectual capabilities, is to delegitimize the norms. They feel alienated from the norms, unable or unwilling to live within the parameters of the norms, and this breeds alienation and resentment. They find communities of people who feel likewise, and enter a consensual delusion that the existence of alternatives to the norms means the norms are an illegitimate, unnatural construct.

    Ironic, in that as soon as they’ve won, and are in charge. The new norms will exclude and execute the freak show… Look at every communist nation ever – the norms were enforced with an iron fist… Gay in the Soviet union? Gulag for you zek!

    Now if the winners include the Islamic – then the freak show has an even shorter life span… They’ll remake the world into their caliphate. The alphabet mob will be disappeared, along with all the other religions…

    Its the darkest possible future… a thousand years of darkness… Handmaid Tale? A happy bedtime story by comparison.

    • #10
  11. WhoCares Inactive

    James Lileks (View Comment):

    The end goal, shared among people of disparate intentions and ideologies and intellectual capabilities, is to delegitimize the norms. They feel alienated from the norms, unable or unwilling to live within the parameters of the norms, and this breeds alienation and resentment. They find communities of people who feel likewise, and enter a consensual delusion that the existence of alternatives to the norms means the norms are an illegitimate, unnatural construct.

    The end goal is power and adoration.  Delegitimizing the norms is merely a means to their ends.

    • #11
  12. Dr. Bastiat Member
    Dr. Bastiat

    Juliana: your suggestion is that these fantasizers and their ‘allies’ are out to destroy Western civilization. My question is why?

    That is a very good question.  In fact, it is one of the very few questions that actually matters.

    I’ve tried to write about this a few times.  I’ve always given up, because I don’t understand.

    I look forward to reading further comments on this thread – they’ve been fascinating so far.

    • #12
  13. RufusRJones Member

    DonG (CAGW is a Scam) (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Communism/Marxism is a form of cult. They believe that if they destroy the West, a utopia will emerge. For them, the utopia is waiting there and they just need to remove the blemishes (capitalism, religion, patriotism, …). Like most cults, you are either all-in or you are the enemy.

    That is how my brother-in-law behaves. If we stick to public policy, I shut him down every time. He likes to talk about scandals and things like that, instead. He gets really emotional and crazy when he talks about scandals. One time he made the mistake of blurting out “assault weapon” and I naturally did the next logical thing. I asked him to define assault weapon. He went insane. One day we were talking about Medicare and I said that the average Medicare recipient takes out $300,000 more than they put in. This makes sense given how bad the unfunded liabilities are. And then I followed it with the great

    Government Is How We Steal From Each Other™

    He finally said he doesn’t know anything about public policy and he’s not talking about it anymore. 

    • #13
  14. Joker Member

    I think we’re basically over the target. There’s a pretty strong and numerous segment of our population who believe that all norms are equal. They have no idea where the norms came from and resist conformity in every way. They have a better idea, and their professors agree.

    So overthrowing the influence of religion or identity or whatever is a noble cause, like overthrowing the norm of slavery. The norm was truly illegitimate, and they are there to show us the way. They tear down statues, challenge bakers, pretend that they’re women, offend those who live by the norms.

    I have a feeling that they believe that in the absence of prejudice, half the world would be pretending to be the opposite of their gender. The only thing holding them back is those damn norms. The truth is that its a pretty small segment that they have practically canonized. 

    When you are not good at the norms, it’s tough to succeed. It’s hard for C students to get noticed. They object to beauty and try to deface it. They tat and pierce themselves into what used to be satanic images. I’m pretty sure that if they could write or sculpt or paint, they would. But absent talent, the way to be noticed is to destroy, so much easier than accomplishment.

    So offend, object to those pesky norms, even if you don’t know why they exist. So brave. So antisocial. So ignorant.

    • #14
  15. Dr. Bastiat Member
    Dr. Bastiat

    Joker (View Comment):

    I think we’re basically over the target. There’s a pretty strong and numerous segment of our population who believe that all norms are equal. They have no idea where the norms came from and resist conformity in every way. They have a better idea, and their professors agree.

    So overthrowing the influence of religion or identity or whatever is a noble cause, like overthrowing the norm of slavery. The norm was truly illegitimate, and they are there to show us the way. They tear down statues, challenge bakers, pretend that they’re women, offend those who live by the norms.

    I have a feeling that they believe that in the absence of prejudice, half the world would be pretending to be the opposite of their gender. The only thing holding them back is those damn norms. The truth is that its a pretty small segment that they have practically canonized.

    When you are not good at the norms, it’s tough to succeed. It’s hard for C students to get noticed. They object to beauty and try to deface it. They tat and pierce themselves into what used to be satanic images. I’m pretty sure that if they could write or sculpt or paint, they would. But absent talent, the way to be noticed is to destroy, so much easier than accomplishment.

    So offend, object to those pesky norms, even if you don’t know why they exist. So brave. So antisocial. So ignorant.

    Yeah, this is probably mostly correct, I think.

    Sad to think that something so petty could be so destructive.

    • #15
  16. Django Member

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    Joker (View Comment):

    I think we’re basically over the target. There’s a pretty strong and numerous segment of our population who believe that all norms are equal. They have no idea where the norms came from and resist conformity in every way. They have a better idea, and their professors agree.

    So overthrowing the influence of religion or identity or whatever is a noble cause, like overthrowing the norm of slavery. The norm was truly illegitimate, and they are there to show us the way. They tear down statues, challenge bakers, pretend that they’re women, offend those who live by the norms.

    I have a feeling that they believe that in the absence of prejudice, half the world would be pretending to be the opposite of their gender. The only thing holding them back is those damn norms. The truth is that its a pretty small segment that they have practically canonized.

    When you are not good at the norms, it’s tough to succeed. It’s hard for C students to get noticed. They object to beauty and try to deface it. They tat and pierce themselves into what used to be satanic images. I’m pretty sure that if they could write or sculpt or paint, they would. But absent talent, the way to be noticed is to destroy, so much easier than accomplishment.

    So offend, object to those pesky norms, even if you don’t know why they exist. So brave. So antisocial. So ignorant.

    Yeah, this is probably mostly correct, I think.

    Sad to think that something so petty could be so destructive.

    If one believes that “all norms [and cultures] are equal” what is left besides emotionalism? Years ago, some guy in Seattle said that “morality and immorality” are just words for what one likes or dislikes, so “if you ask me about murder, I’ll say I dislike murder.” That’s the depth of their thinking.

    It is probably around thirty years ago when I read, I believe it was in Esquire magazine, about a college professor who was shocked, shocked I say, to find that after years of teaching about cultural relativism one of his students said, “Of course I dislike Hitler, but who am I to tell him how to run his own country?” 

    We all need to remember that arguments are not like taxis or Ubers: You can’t take them only as far as you want. Someone, somewhere will take them to their logical conclusions. 


    • #16
  17. Scott Wilmot Member
    Scott Wilmot

    What is the true ultimate goal here?

    Tolerance, Acceptance, Ratification, PARTICIPATION.

    These people are evangelizing. Their audience is young people. This is their sick, twisted religion. They mock Christianity in order to destroy it and replace it with their religion. They deny God by claiming to be able to change “gender”. They celebrate their favorite sacrament, abortion, by aping the words of Christ: “this is my body”. They are held captive by Satan.

    “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’”

    That day is today. We got here because we have an inverted understanding of tolerance.

    My friend Archbishop Chaput says it best:

    Tolerance is a working principle that enables us to live in peace with other people and their ideas. Most of the time, it’s a very good thing. But it is not an end in itself, and tolerating or excusing grave evil in a society is itself a grave evil. The roots of this word are revealing. Tolerance comes from the Latin tolerare, “to bear or sustain,” and tollere, which means, “to lift up.” It implies bearing other persons and their beliefs the way we carry a burden or endure a headache. It’s actually a negative idea. And it is not a Christian virtue.

    Likewise, democratic pluralism does not mean that Catholics should be quiet in public about serious moral issues because of some misguided sense of good manners. A healthy democracy requires vigorous moral debate to survive. Real pluralism demands that people of strong beliefs will advance their convictions in the public square — peacefully, legally and respectfully, but energetically and without embarrassment. Anything less is bad citizenship and a form of theft from the public conversation.

    Catholics have the duty not to “tolerate” other people but to love them, which is a much more demanding task. Justice, charity, mercy, courage, wisdom – these are Christian virtues; but not tolerance. Real Christian virtues flow from an understanding of truth, unchanging and rooted in God, that exists and obligates us whether we like it or not. The pragmatic social truce we call “tolerance” has no such grounding.

    Archbishop Fulton Sheen is a close second:

    “America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance-it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded.”

    “Tolerance is an attitude of reasoned patience toward evil … a forbearance that restrains us from showing anger or inflicting punishment. Tolerance applies only to persons … never to truth. Tolerance applies to the erring, intolerance to the error … Architects are as intolerant about sand as foundations for skyscrapers as doctors are intolerant about germs in the laboratory.

    Tolerance does not apply to truth or principles. About these things we must be intolerant, and for this kind of intolerance, so much needed to rouse us from sentimental gush, I make a plea. Intolerance of this kind is the foundation of all stability.”


    • #17
  18. Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot) Inactive
    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot)

    Western civilization was not based on Judeo-Christian values.  It was based on Christian values.  These differ significantly from the teachings of Jews who did not accept the teachings of Jesus.

    As far as I can tell, the “Judeo-Christian” formulation is very recent, arising in the mid-to-late 20th Century.  Before that, it was widely understood that there were vast differences between Judaism and Christianity.  Obviously, I wasn’t personally present in the past, but it is my impression that Jews, Protestants, and Catholics alike understood and agreed about this, prior to the mid-20th Century.

    • #18
  19. Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot) Inactive
    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot)

    If you are a Christian believer, I think that the reason for the actions of the perverse and blasphemous people behind the performance in question is explained quite clearly in Romans 1.

    If you ask the people involved, I think that they’d say that they wanted to be “inclusive.”  That is correct, I think.  They want to be inclusive of both sin and virtue, in a non-judgmental way.  They want to be inclusive of the Christian faith and Satanic mockery of that faith.

    • #19
  20. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):
    Western civilization was not based on Judeo-Christian values.  It was based on Christian values.  These differ significantly from the teachings of Jews who did not accept the teachings of Jesus.

    Yes, western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian values. Because Christianity itself is a derivative of Judaism. Jesus had no intention of starting a new religion, he was a reformer, he wanted to kick the Romans out of Israel and reform the corrupt society that collaborated with the Roman occupation. 

    You see the break between Christianity and Judaism in the bible, between the old and new testaments. The smite and vigor of the old testament god is replaced by loving, forgiving and temperate god in the new testament.

    • #20
  21. Django Member

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):
    Western civilization was not based on Judeo-Christian values. It was based on Christian values. These differ significantly from the teachings of Jews who did not accept the teachings of Jesus.

    Yes, western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian values. Because Christianity itself is a derivative of Judaism. Jesus had no intention of starting a new religion, he was a reformer, he wanted to kick the Romans out of Israel and reform the corrupt society that collaborated with the Roman occupation.

    You see the break between Christianity and Judaism in the bible, between the old and new testaments. The smite and vigor of the old testament god is replaced by loving, forgiving and temperate god in the new testament.

    IIRC, someone asked WFB, Jr. what he would do if it were proved that Jesus never rose from the dead. He answered something to the effect that he was being asked to consider the impossible, but if the impossible occurred, he would renounce Christianity and enlist as a Jew to wait for the Messiah. He went on to say that if God never spoke to the ancient prophets, Christianity rested on nothing. 

    • #21
  22. Joseph Stanko Coolidge
    Joseph Stanko

    Juliana: Are they really too blinded by their own glitter and self-importance and personal desires and unreality that they do not understand that it is Western civilization that protects them and allows them to parade their evil?  It is the political systems based on Judeo-Christian traditions that are holding back the barbarians.

    In a word, yes.  They don’t believe that the European Union is based on Christian traditions, rather, they believe it derives from the Enlightenment and precisely from the rejection of religion, superstition, and the “Dark Ages” that came before it.

    Look at their celebration of the French Revolution:

    Paris Olympics opening ceremony

    A bloodbath that overthrew the power of both the monarchy and the Catholic Church in France, they see as the foundation of their modern freedoms.

    • #22
  23. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    Django (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):
    Western civilization was not based on Judeo-Christian values. It was based on Christian values. These differ significantly from the teachings of Jews who did not accept the teachings of Jesus.

    Yes, western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian values. Because Christianity itself is a derivative of Judaism. Jesus had no intention of starting a new religion, he was a reformer, he wanted to kick the Romans out of Israel and reform the corrupt society that collaborated with the Roman occupation.

    You see the break between Christianity and Judaism in the bible, between the old and new testaments. The smite and vigor of the old testament god is replaced by loving, forgiving and temperate god in the new testament.

    IIRC, someone asked WFB, Jr. what he would do if it were proved that Jesus never rose from the dead. He answered something to the effect that he was being asked to consider the impossible, but if the impossible occurred, he would renounce Christianity and enlist as a Jew to wait for the Messiah. He went on to say that if God never spoke to the ancient prophets, Christianity rested on nothing.

    That’s kinda true of every religion. If the prophets arent prophesying the word of god, then the religion is false and it will end in catastrophe. Jonestown for example.

    • #23
  24. Jim George Inactive
    Jim George

    Joker (View Comment):

    I think we’re basically over the target. There’s a pretty strong and numerous segment of our population who believe that all norms are equal. They have no idea where the norms came from and resist conformity in every way. They have a better idea, and their professors agree.

    So overthrowing the influence of religion or identity or whatever is a noble cause, like overthrowing the norm of slavery. The norm was truly illegitimate, and they are there to show us the way. They tear down statues, challenge bakers, pretend that they’re women, offend those who live by the norms.

    I have a feeling that they believe that in the absence of prejudice, half the world would be pretending to be the opposite of their gender. The only thing holding them back is those damn norms. The truth is that its a pretty small segment that they have practically canonized.

    When you are not good at the norms, it’s tough to succeed. It’s hard for C students to get noticed. They object to beauty and try to deface it. They tat and pierce themselves into what used to be satanic images. I’m pretty sure that if they could write or sculpt or paint, they would. But absent talent, the way to be noticed is to destroy, so much easier than accomplishment.

    So offend, object to those pesky norms, even if you don’t know why they exist. So brave. So antisocial. So ignorant.

    Let me preface these remarks by noting this is a most stimulating conversation and one which I have immensely enjoyed and, more importantly, learned from and been challenged by. I say all that in order to emphasize that my remarks are in no way intended to minimize some of the scholarly observations made here but to just put forward my opinion of some of these addled minds parading around with their pre-printed signs and keffiyeh scarves on their, as Rush RIP used to call them, “heads full of mush”. I think, in line with your last paragraph, that much of this can be explained by Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. These are people who when asked the simple question – what river and what sea are they talking about–have no idea what the answer is or why they are protesting or what Hamas is or where Gaza is or, grotesquely in my opinion, what happened on October 7, or why they are celebrating monsters, as Prime Minister Netanyahu referred to them, who not only killed 1,200 Israeli citizens on that horrible day but tortured and maimed many and actually murdered babies. All of that said, and looking at what I just set out, it occurs to me – and I would welcome any views on this – that maybe there should be an addendum to Hanlon’s Razor which acknowledges that stupidity can become so egregious as to approach, or become, malice. Perhaps that is what we are seeing in such inananities as the Washington riot (insurrection? but that’s for another day) or the obscenity at the Olympics. 

    • #24
  25. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    OccupantCDN (View Comment):

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):
    Western civilization was not based on Judeo-Christian values. It was based on Christian values. These differ significantly from the teachings of Jews who did not accept the teachings of Jesus.

    Yes, western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian values. Because Christianity itself is a derivative of Judaism. Jesus had no intention of starting a new religion, he was a reformer, he wanted to kick the Romans out of Israel and reform the corrupt society that collaborated with the Roman occupation.

    You see the break between Christianity and Judaism in the bible, between the old and new testaments. The smite and vigor of the old testament god is replaced by loving, forgiving and temperate god in the new testament.

    IIRC, someone asked WFB, Jr. what he would do if it were proved that Jesus never rose from the dead. He answered something to the effect that he was being asked to consider the impossible, but if the impossible occurred, he would renounce Christianity and enlist as a Jew to wait for the Messiah. He went on to say that if God never spoke to the ancient prophets, Christianity rested on nothing.

    That’s kinda true of every religion. If the prophets arent prophesying the word of god, then the religion is false and it will end in catastrophe. Jonestown for example.

    One of the neat little tricks that Jim Jones employed on his followers was his making the call for mass suicide  a regular feature.

    Those who participated by drinking the Koolaid were awarded with more status within the group.

    Those who didn’t participate were shunned and worse.

    As time went on, since the test had never been deadly before, it became easier to join in.

    On the final day at the final hour, people were doing what they had done before as a test. Prior to that day, the test was called “suicide” but wasn’t. On that one day the cups of Koolaid became deadly such that some 900 plus persons lost their lives.

    The COVID falsehoods of our modern day religion known as “science” which were showered on Americans as a whole are reminiscent of the Jonestown experiment.

    Since these lies were presented to us by the media, whose personnel  were hostage to Big Pharma and Bill Gates,  most Americans willingly signed on to whatever the liars told us we must do.

    For some of these initial believers, the fact that their health took a downward trend after the first jab  caused them to re-think their participation. But others soldiered on, so devout that even when dying they made statements to the press that “Think about how much more I would be suffering if I hadn’t had the vaccine and booster.”

    Now we are in a situation wherein 4 out of every 475 jabbed up people are vax-injured. The excess mortality rate among working managerial class people aged 18 to 48 is some 40% higher than prior to Dec 2020,. So Fauci, Gates and those others who are their colleagues certainly make Jim Jones seem like the amateur Death Meister that he was.

    The public as a whole is waking up. Unfortunately we as a society were not and are  not able to dissolve the infra structure that had set us up for all this with Plandemic One. That infra structure is still in place.

    Now this week a good deal of  information about the “new, saving grace vaccine for the bird flu” is coming out to inform us that among its contents will be squalene. That  ingredient was the toxin most likely behind the deaths and injuries of military personnel who suffered mysterious ailments and deaths following Operation Desert Storm in the 1990’s following their anthrax vaccine injections. (“Gulf War Syndrome.”)


    • #25
  26. Jim George Inactive
    Jim George

    Juliana: The simple suggestion is that they are just stupid – living for today, who cares about tomorrow, living for myself, who cares about you.

    I see that you have checked in to my #24 in which I made this precise point. Thank you. They, the participants, are quite simply the moronic product of the long-declining quality of our education establishment and they do, in fact, only live for today in a state of total self-absorption which dystopian writers have been treating for a very long time – Orwell most obviously and Forster in 1909 in The Machine Stops. 

    Juliana: I find that hard to believe, not necessarily for those who participate, but for those who facilitate, who fund, who support, who must have some reason to be a part of this evil.  That is what is frightening. What is the true ultimate goal here?

    On this aspect of your essay I think the usual answer we find, and perhaps the most simplistic, is that George Soros is putting millions of dollars into all these protests as well as into the election of soft-on-crime DA’s such as the execrable Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg just for a few of the current examples. It seems to me there is a lot more to it than just this quick answer and anyone who has followed the weirdness of the WEF and Klaus Schwab and their sycophants with messages like “you will own nothing and be happy” has to wonder if the long tentacles of this mysterious group has not found one more cause it can really get behind-the destruction of Western Civilization and replacement with a world approaching pure egalitarianism, in the lower ranks, and absolute control by the Ruling Elite in the upper ranks. I recently ran accross a review of a book I had not heard about – gee, wonder why?- entitled Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life and those depicted on the cover may well help answer your question:

    With the collective (a word which comes readily to mind in considering what is happening to our world) wealth of Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros and Bezos, it is easy to see how they could fund every abberation we are seeing across the globe right now. Frightening, chilling, nightmarish, yes. But perhaps not far from the mark? Food for thought, most assuredly. 


    • #26
  27. Western Chauvinist Inactive
    Western Chauvinist

    Joseph Stanko (View Comment):

    In a word, yes. They don’t believe that the European Union is based on Christian traditions, rather, they believe it derives from the Enlightenment and precisely from the rejection of religion, superstition, and the “Dark Ages” that came before it.

    Look at their celebration of the French Revolution:

    Paris Olympics opening ceremony

    A bloodbath that overthrew the power of both the monarchy and the Catholic Church in France, they see as the foundation of their modern freedoms.

    And they’re half right if by “modern freedoms” we mean depravity like that on display at the opening ceremonies. But, the revolution started about 270 years before with the overthrow of the authority of the Catholic Church — most especially the Church’s authority on morals. No more apostolic binding and loosing means everything is up for grabs. “You will be as gods” suggests you get to decide for yourselves what is good and evil. That’s what the neopagans are doing.

    But, I would say that.

    • #27
  28. Juliana Member

    Jim George (View Comment):

    Juliana: The simple suggestion is that they are just stupid – living for today, who cares about tomorrow, living for myself, who cares about you.

    I see that you have checked in to my #24 in which I made this precise point. Thank you. They, the participants, are quite simply the moronic product of the long-declining quality of our education establishment and they do, in fact, only live for today in a state of total self-absorption which dystopian writers have been treating for a very long time – Orwell most obviously and Forster in 1909 in The Machine Stops.

    Juliana: I find that hard to believe, not necessarily for those who participate, but for those who facilitate, who fund, who support, who must have some reason to be a part of this evil. That is what is frightening. What is the true ultimate goal here?

    On this aspect of your essay I think the usual answer we find, and perhaps the most simplistic, is that George Soros is putting millions of dollars into all these protests as well as into the election of soft-on-crime DA’s such as the execrable Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg just for a few of the current examples. It seems to me there is a lot more to it than just this quick answer and anyone who has followed the weirdness of the WEF and Klaus Schwab and their sycophants with messages like “you will own nothing and be happy” has to wonder if the long tentacles of this mysterious group has not found one more cause it can really get behind-the destruction of Western Civilization and replacement with a world approaching pure egalitarianism, in the lower ranks, and absolute control by the Ruling Elite in the upper ranks. I recently ran accross a review of a book I had not heard about – gee, wonder why?- entitled Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life and those depicted on the cover may well help answer your question:

    With the collective (a word which comes readily to mind in considering what is happening to our world) wealth of Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros and Bezos, it is easy to see how they could fund every abberation we are seeing across the globe right now. Frightening, chilling, nightmarish, yes. But perhaps not far from the mark? Food for thought, most assuredly.


    Again, my question is why do these billionaires,  who can have everything they could possibly want in material terms, need to have control over human lives? Do they believe there will be no resistance?  (Certainly the pandemic was a trial run, but there was still resistance.) Do they believe they will live forever? Is this just control of others based on their own whims?  Or is this the personification of true and substantial evil that the rest of us do not believe exists?

    • #28
  29. Jim George Inactive
    Jim George

    Juliana (View Comment):
    (Certainly the pandemic was a trial run, but there was still resistance.)

    By their standards, the resistance was minimal approaching insignificance.

    Juliana (View Comment):
    Or is this the personification of true and substantial evil that the rest of us do not believe exists?

    An old friend used to repeat the phrase: “You have perceived reality.” In my humble opinion, with all due respect to the learned comments based on spiritual teachings and eternal truths in response to this post and that of @drbastiatand with no claim to understand “why” they are doing it, I think what these people represent is, indeed, the personification of true and substantial evil that the rest of us do not believe exists.

    If evil exists, and how anyone can contend after the last century it does not I will never understand, then this hypothesis furnishes the answer we have all been looking for. 

    They are evil.


    Full stop. 

    • #29
  30. MoFarmer Coolidge

    Have you ever seen their slogan: BUILD BACK BETTER ? Their intent is to do it on the ashes of Western Civilization. Dr. B is correct.

    • #30
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