Is Congress that subservient?


I saw part of a speech by Kamala Harris, talking about abortion. According to the VP, if Donald Trump is elected, Congress will pass a bill outlawing abortion coast-to-coast, which Trump will sign. But if Harris is elected, Congress will pass a law mandating abortion access in all 50 states, which she will sign. Does she really think that Congress passes whatever legislation the president wants?

I can see a Congress pushing or not pushing a piece of legislation, depending on who the president is.  For instance, let us say that the majority of Congress wants to shut down all oil drilling in Alaska.  If Trump is the president, they would be wasting their time, as he would surely veto it.  If Biden or Harris is president, a presidential signature is likely, so the members would try to pass it if they had the votes to get it past a Senate filibuster.  But the same Congress that would vote for a nationwide abortion ban if they thought they would get the president’s signature, would not pass a bill that does the opposite, just because the president would sign that one.  Everyone on this website already knows this, but any voters who were hoping they would hear less ridiculous BS from Harris than they have heard from Biden or Trump is in for disappointment.

Published in Abortion
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There are 148 comments.

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  1. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    It isn’t something anyone likes doing.

    Fair enough, but that is not the way I interpreted what you wrote.

    I still say, if every woman had a bunch of Plan B pills, we wouldn’t be talking about this.

    If a woman quit being an unpaid whore, it wouldn’t happen.

    People like to fornicate. You can’t make public policy outside of that.

    • #121
  2. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    As to the other “in the United States” question, we are importing cultures that don’t share our western values.

    It’s insane. Letting in all of these uneducated Mexicans ***etc.*** is just nuts.

    • #122
  3. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    It isn’t something anyone likes doing.

    Fair enough, but that is not the way I interpreted what you wrote.

    I still say, if every woman had a bunch of Plan B pills, we wouldn’t be talking about this.

    If a woman quit being an unpaid whore, it wouldn’t happen.

    People like to fornicate. You can’t make public policy outside of that.

    No, government can’t make people moral, but it is doing its best to make them immoral.

    • #123
  4. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    As to the other “in the United States” question, we are importing cultures that don’t share our western values.

    It’s insane. Letting in all of these uneducated Mexicans ***etc.*** is just nuts.

    Those aren’t  the people I am referring to.

    • #124
  5. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    I saw a bit of Kamala Harris at a rally and she brought up this topic again.  Only this time, she said Trump doesn’t even need Congress.  In her mind, the president has the authority to ban abortion coast-to-coast without Congress passing a law.  If Kamala Harris were new to the political process, I could buy that she is just ignorant of how things work in this country.  She has been a U.S. senator and is the vice president, so ignorance is no excuse.  She knows she is lying.

    • #125
  6. RufusRJones Member

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    I saw a bit of Kamala Harris at a rally and she brought up this topic again. Only this time, she said Trump doesn’t even need Congress. In her mind, the president has the authority to ban abortion coast-to-coast without Congress passing a law. If Kamala Harris were new to the political process, I could buy that she is just ignorant of how things work in this country. She has been a U.S. senator and is the vice president, so ignorance is no excuse. She knows she is lying.

    They lie about abortion because it works. I wish the GOP would set the abortion limit at 10 weeks and just drop it for 12 years. 

    • #126
  7. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    I saw a bit of Kamala Harris at a rally and she brought up this topic again. Only this time, she said Trump doesn’t even need Congress. In her mind, the president has the authority to ban abortion coast-to-coast without Congress passing a law. If Kamala Harris were new to the political process, I could buy that she is just ignorant of how things work in this country. She has been a U.S. senator and is the vice president, so ignorance is no excuse. She knows she is lying.

    They lie about abortion because it works. I wish the GOP would set the abortion limit at 10 weeks and just drop it for 12 years.

    Are you talking about your state or a national law?  Congress is so close to 50/50, I don’t see any major legislation in either direction happening.  And I don’t want it to.  Like a thousand other things, I think this should be left to the states, and the federal government should essentially stick to guarding the coasts and delivering the mail, to steal a phrase I once read in a car magazine.

    • #127
  8. RufusRJones Member

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    I think this should be left to the states

    If everybody in the GOP just says they are for 10 weeks for the limit on abortion and then drops it for 12 years, they won’t be able to lie about it. 

    Furthermore, I have said this over and over: to what extent can the government force somebody to provide a decent level of prenatal care? I could be talked out of it, but I don’t think you can control it enough by government force. 

    • #128
  9. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Can the government force a decent level of prenatal care? I’m skeptical. You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems. *(There is a word for this, but I always forget it. It’s very difficult to overcome with psychotherapy. They warn parents that adopt children about it.)

    The whole argument about the mother’s health is too complicated. Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it for four presidential election cycles.

    *attachment disorder

    So many people do not understand that half the babies that die due to abortion are done in by the morning after pill or its current day, updated equivalent. At that point, the couple involved in the would be pregnancy do not even know if there is a pregnancy.

    The pill required for this is often something women have on hand and it has been sent to them thru the mail. Short of authorizing the USPS to inspect each and every package sent to anyone of a child bearing age, is there any way to stop this?

    About the only way I can think of stopping this is that we need a society of young people who adopt the moral parameter of being abstenent til married.

    Some people say that a 2 day old zygote is the equivalent of a baby. But if an individual had to choose between a group of four fertilized eggs on some kind of strata or their own living breathing toddler, would any warm blooded human   choose the fertilized eggs over the toddler?


    • #129
  10. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    I think this should be left to the states

    If everybody in the GOP just says they are for 10 weeks for the limit on abortion and then drops it for 12 years, they won’t be able to lie about it.

    Furthermore, I have said this over and over: to what extent can the government force somebody to provide a decent level of prenatal care? I could be talked out of it, but I don’t think you can control it enough by government force.

    It forces you to fund fetus killing. 

    • #130
  11. RufusRJones Member

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    So many people do not understand that half the babies that die due to abortion are done in by the morning after pill or its current day, updated equivalent. At that point, the couple involved in the would be pregnancy do not even know if there is a pregnancy.

    The Plan B pill is The Pill. You have about 72 hours to take it. It is not an abortion.

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    The pill required for this is often something women have on hand and it has been sent to them thru the mail. Short of authorizing the USPS to inspect each and every package sent to anyone of a child bearing age, is there any way to stop this?

    Abortions went up 15% after it Roe versus Wade was repealed.

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    About the only way I can think of stopping this is that we need a society of young people who adopt the moral parameter of being abstenent til married.

    People like to fornicate. 

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):
    Some people say that a 2 day old zygote is the equivalent of a baby. But if an individual had to choose between a group of four fertilized eggs on some kind of strata or their own living breathing toddler, would any warm blooded human   choose the fertilized eggs over the toddler?

    I don’t understand how the government forces anybody to take care of a fetus.

    • #131
  12. RufusRJones Member

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    I think this should be left to the states

    If everybody in the GOP just says they are for 10 weeks for the limit on abortion and then drops it for 12 years, they won’t be able to lie about it.

    Furthermore, I have said this over and over: to what extent can the government force somebody to provide a decent level of prenatal care? I could be talked out of it, but I don’t think you can control it enough by government force.

    It forces you to fund fetus killing.

    Separate topic and separate problem. The GOP can start with what I’m suggesting. They won’t, of course. 

    • #132
  13. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    I saw a bit of Kamala Harris at a rally and she brought up this topic again. Only this time, she said Trump doesn’t even need Congress. In her mind, the president has the authority to ban abortion coast-to-coast without Congress passing a law. If Kamala Harris were new to the political process, I could buy that she is just ignorant of how things work in this country. She has been a U.S. senator and is the vice president, so ignorance is no excuse. She knows she is lying.

    The isn’t so much lying but projecting.

    • #133
  14. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    I think this should be left to the states

    If everybody in the GOP just says they are for 10 weeks for the limit on abortion and then drops it for 12 years, they won’t be able to lie about it.

    Furthermore, I have said this over and over: to what extent can the government force somebody to provide a decent level of prenatal care? I could be talked out of it, but I don’t think you can control it enough by government force.

    We fought to sand it back to the states. Wanting Congress to do something undermines the argument we used to win.

    • #134
  15. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Can the government force a decent level of prenatal care? I’m skeptical. You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems. *(There is a word for this, but I always forget it. It’s very difficult to overcome with psychotherapy. They warn parents that adopt children about it.)

    The whole argument about the mother’s health is too complicated. Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it for four presidential election cycles.

    *attachment disorder

    So many people do not understand that half the babies that die due to abortion are done in by the morning after pill or its current day, updated equivalent. At that point, the couple involved in the would be pregnancy do not even know if there is a pregnancy.

    The pill required for this is often something women have on hand and it has been sent to them thru the mail. Short of authorizing the USPS to inspect each and every package sent to anyone of a child bearing age, is there any way to stop this?

    About the only way I can think of stopping this is that we need a society of young people who adopt the moral parameter of being abstenent til married.

    Some people say that a 2 day old zygote is the equivalent of a baby. But if an individual had to choose between a group of four fertilized eggs on some kind of strata or their own living breathing toddler, would any warm blooded human choose the fertilized eggs over the toddler?


    This is the confusion we get when court cases like Roe are decided outside of the law to please one side of a culture argument.

    • #135
  16. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Can the government force a decent level of prenatal care? I’m skeptical. You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems. *(There is a word for this, but I always forget it. It’s very difficult to overcome with psychotherapy. They warn parents that adopt children about it.)

    The whole argument about the mother’s health is too complicated. Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it for four presidential election cycles.

    *attachment disorder

    So many people do not understand that half the babies that die due to abortion are done in by the morning after pill or its current day, updated equivalent. At that point, the couple involved in the would be pregnancy do not even know if there is a pregnancy.

    The pill required for this is often something women have on hand and it has been sent to them thru the mail. Short of authorizing the USPS to inspect each and every package sent to anyone of a child bearing age, is there any way to stop this?

    About the only way I can think of stopping this is that we need a society of young people who adopt the moral parameter of being abstenent til married.

    Some people say that a 2 day old zygote is the equivalent of a baby. But if an individual had to choose between a group of four fertilized eggs on some kind of strata or their own living breathing toddler, would any warm blooded human choose the fertilized eggs over the toddler?


    If people want to screw around, they can buy their own pills..

    • #136
  17. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    I think this should be left to the states

    If everybody in the GOP just says they are for 10 weeks for the limit on abortion and then drops it for 12 years, they won’t be able to lie about it.

    Furthermore, I have said this over and over: to what extent can the government force somebody to provide a decent level of prenatal care? I could be talked out of it, but I don’t think you can control it enough by government force.

    We fought to sand it back to the states. Wanting Congress to do something undermines the argument we used to win.

    I mean every GOP in every state. Every voter. Every legislator. 

    Abortion went up 15% after they got rid of Roe versus Wade. 

    Adding another 10 or 12 years to this isn’t going to change much. Taking away the Democrat ability to lie about it, and increased GOP power is going to improve things. 

    • #137
  18. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Can the government force a decent level of prenatal care? I’m skeptical. You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems. *(There is a word for this, but I always forget it. It’s very difficult to overcome with psychotherapy. They warn parents that adopt children about it.)

    The whole argument about the mother’s health is too complicated. Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it for four presidential election cycles.

    *attachment disorder

    So many people do not understand that half the babies that die due to abortion are done in by the morning after pill or its current day, updated equivalent. At that point, the couple involved in the would be pregnancy do not even know if there is a pregnancy.

    The pill required for this is often something women have on hand and it has been sent to them thru the mail. Short of authorizing the USPS to inspect each and every package sent to anyone of a child bearing age, is there any way to stop this?

    About the only way I can think of stopping this is that we need a society of young people who adopt the moral parameter of being abstenent til married.

    Some people say that a 2 day old zygote is the equivalent of a baby. But if an individual had to choose between a group of four fertilized eggs on some kind of strata or their own living breathing toddler, would any warm blooded human choose the fertilized eggs over the toddler?

    If people want to screw around, they can buy their own pills..

    Or they can get an abortion. Planned Parenthood has abortion quotas; I think it’s pretty much proven. That’s the only way they make their money. They have completely shamed all of it into Planned Parenthood.

    • #138
  19. RufusRJones Member

    Attachment disorder is a bitch. Too bad. 

    • #139
  20. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    I think this should be left to the states

    If everybody in the GOP just says they are for 10 weeks for the limit on abortion and then drops it for 12 years, they won’t be able to lie about it.

    Furthermore, I have said this over and over: to what extent can the government force somebody to provide a decent level of prenatal care? I could be talked out of it, but I don’t think you can control it enough by government force.

    We fought to sand it back to the states. Wanting Congress to do something undermines the argument we used to win.

    I mean every GOP in every state. Every voter. Every legislator.

    Abortion went up 15% after they got rid of Roe versus Wade.

    Adding another 10 or 12 years to this isn’t going to change much. Taking away the Democrat ability to lie about it, and increased GOP power is going to improve things.

    The political environment is very different in California than it is in Tennessee.  It makes no sense for California Republicans to pitch for the same law as Tennessee Republicans, whether the issue is abortion, sales taxes, highway spending, or labor laws.  What is politically achievable in one state is an impossibility in another.

    • #140
  21. RufusRJones Member

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
      What is politically achievable in one state is an impossibility in another.

    You are missing my point. The Democrats lie about the abortion situation all of the time. Say the GOP position is 10 weeks and just drop it for 12 years. 

    The last election was crazy. They get all of those suburban wine box moms all worked up about abortion and they can’t even think. You can’t talk over that noise. 

    I mean, people are so stupid that Michelle Obama would win the next election if she would run. They get worked up about stupid stuff. 



    • #141
  22. RufusRJones Member

    And yeah, I think putting the Plan B pill in every fertile woman’s home with tax money is a better situation, than losing politicized abortion arguments all of the time. Think of all the money they give to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has abortion quotas. Like I said, it’s pretty much proven that, that is the only way they make any money.


    • #142
  23. kedavis Coolidge

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    What is politically achievable in one state is an impossibility in another.

    You are missing my point. The Democrats lie about the abortion situation all of the time. Say the GOP position is 10 weeks and just drop it for 12 years.

    The last election was crazy. They get all of those suburban wine box moms all worked up about abortion and they can’t even think. You can’t talk over that noise.

    I mean, people are so stupid that Michelle Obama would win the next election if she would run. They get worked up about stupid stuff.



    • #143
  24. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Can the government force a decent level of prenatal care? I’m skeptical. You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems. *(There is a word for this, but I always forget it. It’s very difficult to overcome with psychotherapy. They warn parents that adopt children about it.)

    The whole argument about the mother’s health is too complicated. Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it for four presidential election cycles.

    *attachment disorder

    So many people do not understand that half the babies that die due to abortion are done in by the morning after pill or its current day, updated equivalent. At that point, the couple involved in the would be pregnancy do not even know if there is a pregnancy.

    The pill required for this is often something women have on hand and it has been sent to them thru the mail. Short of authorizing the USPS to inspect each and every package sent to anyone of a child bearing age, is there any way to stop this?

    About the only way I can think of stopping this is that we need a society of young people who adopt the moral parameter of being abstenent til married.

    Some people say that a 2 day old zygote is the equivalent of a baby. But if an individual had to choose between a group of four fertilized eggs on some kind of strata or their own living breathing toddler, would any warm blooded human choose the fertilized eggs over the toddler?

    If people want to screw around, they can buy their own pills..

    Or they can get an abortion. Planned Parenthood has abortion quotas; I think it’s pretty much proven. That’s the only way they make their money. They have completely shamed all of it into Planned Parenthood.

    Planned parenthood loves making money selling body parts of babies they ripped apart.

    • #144
  25. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    What is politically achievable in one state is an impossibility in another.

    You are missing my point. The Democrats lie about the abortion situation all of the time. Say the GOP position is 10 weeks and just drop it for 12 years.

    The last election was crazy. They get all of those suburban wine box moms all worked up about abortion and they can’t even think. You can’t talk over that noise.

    I mean, people are so stupid that Michelle Obama would win the next election if she would run. They get worked up about stupid stuff.



    Then they will win stupid prizes.

    • #145
  26. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Can the government force a decent level of prenatal care? I’m skeptical. You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems. *(There is a word for this, but I always forget it. It’s very difficult to overcome with psychotherapy. They warn parents that adopt children about it.)

    The whole argument about the mother’s health is too complicated. Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it for four presidential election cycles.

    *attachment disorder

    So many people do not understand that half the babies that die due to abortion are done in by the morning after pill or its current day, updated equivalent. At that point, the couple involved in the would be pregnancy do not even know if there is a pregnancy.

    The pill required for this is often something women have on hand and it has been sent to them thru the mail. Short of authorizing the USPS to inspect each and every package sent to anyone of a child bearing age, is there any way to stop this?

    About the only way I can think of stopping this is that we need a society of young people who adopt the moral parameter of being abstenent til married.

    Some people say that a 2 day old zygote is the equivalent of a baby. But if an individual had to choose between a group of four fertilized eggs on some kind of strata or their own living breathing toddler, would any warm blooded human choose the fertilized eggs over the toddler?

    If people want to screw around, they can buy their own pills..

    Or they can get an abortion. Planned Parenthood has abortion quotas; I think it’s pretty much proven. That’s the only way they make their money. They have completely shamed all of it into Planned Parenthood.

    Planned parenthood loves making money selling body parts of babies they ripped apart.

    Gee, how did it come to this? 

    • #146
  27. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    What is politically achievable in one state is an impossibility in another.

    You are missing my point. The Democrats lie about the abortion situation all of the time. Say the GOP position is 10 weeks and just drop it for 12 years.

    The last election was crazy. They get all of those suburban wine box moms all worked up about abortion and they can’t even think. You can’t talk over that noise.

    I mean, people are so stupid that Michelle Obama would win the next election if she would run. They get worked up about stupid stuff.



    Then they will win stupid prizes.

    They are dragging all of us into a vortex we can’t get out of.  

    • #147
  28. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    What is politically achievable in one state is an impossibility in another.

    You are missing my point. The Democrats lie about the abortion situation all of the time. Say the GOP position is 10 weeks and just drop it for 12 years.

    The last election was crazy. They get all of those suburban wine box moms all worked up about abortion and they can’t even think. You can’t talk over that noise.

    I mean, people are so stupid that Michelle Obama would win the next election if she would run. They get worked up about stupid stuff.



    Then they will win stupid prizes.

    They are dragging all of us into a vortex we can’t get out of.

    Our lot in life.

    • #148
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