Is Congress that subservient?


I saw part of a speech by Kamala Harris, talking about abortion. According to the VP, if Donald Trump is elected, Congress will pass a bill outlawing abortion coast-to-coast, which Trump will sign. But if Harris is elected, Congress will pass a law mandating abortion access in all 50 states, which she will sign. Does she really think that Congress passes whatever legislation the president wants?

I can see a Congress pushing or not pushing a piece of legislation, depending on who the president is.  For instance, let us say that the majority of Congress wants to shut down all oil drilling in Alaska.  If Trump is the president, they would be wasting their time, as he would surely veto it.  If Biden or Harris is president, a presidential signature is likely, so the members would try to pass it if they had the votes to get it past a Senate filibuster.  But the same Congress that would vote for a nationwide abortion ban if they thought they would get the president’s signature, would not pass a bill that does the opposite, just because the president would sign that one.  Everyone on this website already knows this, but any voters who were hoping they would hear less ridiculous BS from Harris than they have heard from Biden or Trump is in for disappointment.

Published in Abortion
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There are 148 comments.

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  1. RufusRJones Member

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    • #91
  2. DaveSchmidt Coolidge

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems.

    You can’t?

    The administrative state says, “Hold my beer.”

    They aren’t going to do that. The kid is all screwed up and is a big problem and requires tens of thousands of psychotherapy. They aren’t going to solve it. they aren’t going to blame the parents, and you can’t blame the parents. They don’t have control over their emotions like that.

    Furthermore (and just to be clear, I don’t know much about this) you can’t force any level of decent prenatal care. They can eat Doritos and beer AT A MINIMUM etc. etc. as much as they want and you can’t control their attitude about it. You can make them adopt but you can’t make it turn out to be a good situation.

    But think of all the government jobs that would be created in pursuit of such goals. 

    • #92
  3. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems.

    You can’t?

    The administrative state says, “Hold my beer.”

    They aren’t going to do that. The kid is all screwed up and is a big problem and requires tens of thousands of psychotherapy. They aren’t going to solve it. they aren’t going to blame the parents, and you can’t blame the parents. They don’t have control over their emotions like that.

    Furthermore (and just to be clear, I don’t know much about this) you can’t force any level of decent prenatal care. They can eat Doritos and beer AT A MINIMUM etc. etc. as much as they want and you can’t control their attitude about it. You can make them adopt but you can’t make it turn out to be a good situation.

    Since when has lack of success ever stopped them?

    Really? The pro-abortion Democrat administrative state is going to track the adopted kids that are screwed up?

    Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it. Have you ever heard the Democrat campaign rhetoric about abortion? It makes no sense and it gets the single suburban women all worked up out of their minds.

    Furthermore, and this is just my amateur opinion, you can’t control any level of decent prenatal care. I have never once heard anybody explain how this would actually work. Doritos. Beer. Coffee. Partying. Hate the kid. Be anxious about the pregnancy. Is the government actually going to step in on any of this? You are talking about force, and what you can control.

    I get that people shouldn’t fornicate, but that is why the government *should *give every single fertile woman a Plan B pill at all times. It’s not abortion. It’s the pill.

    The solution, then, is to give the regulators more money.  

    • #93
  4. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Full Size Tabby (View Comment):

    From another angle, remember that a few years ago (during the Obama administration), leading members of Congress were begging then-president Obama to issues executive orders so that they wouldn’t have to prepare and to pass legislation (I don’t remember the specific subject, and the internet seems to be trying to memory-hole the event).

    Back at the time the United States Constitution was adopted (late 1700s) the Federalist Papers tell us that the authors expected the politicians in the different branches of government (particularly the executive and legislative branches) would jealously and jealously guard their respective powers, and expected that the primary issue would be that each branch would try to take power from the other. Yet today the legislative branch tries to give away its power to the executive branch.

    Legislators make it sound as though the legislators want the executive branch to exercise power because the legislators don’t want to be held accountable for actually taking a position on a policy position.

    They also don’t want to mess up the cushy arrangement they have with the administrative state for providing constituent services.   

    • #94
  5. RufusRJones Member

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    You can’t force the mother to not eat Doritos and beer. You can’t force the mother to not hate the baby or be anxious about it which is a known issue for later psychological problems.

    You can’t?

    The administrative state says, “Hold my beer.”

    They aren’t going to do that. The kid is all screwed up and is a big problem and requires tens of thousands of psychotherapy. They aren’t going to solve it. they aren’t going to blame the parents, and you can’t blame the parents. They don’t have control over their emotions like that.

    Furthermore (and just to be clear, I don’t know much about this) you can’t force any level of decent prenatal care. They can eat Doritos and beer AT A MINIMUM etc. etc. as much as they want and you can’t control their attitude about it. You can make them adopt but you can’t make it turn out to be a good situation.

    Since when has lack of success ever stopped them?

    Really? The pro-abortion Democrat administrative state is going to track the adopted kids that are screwed up?

    Set it at 10 weeks and just drop it. Have you ever heard the Democrat campaign rhetoric about abortion? It makes no sense and it gets the single suburban women all worked up out of their minds.

    Furthermore, and this is just my amateur opinion, you can’t control any level of decent prenatal care. I have never once heard anybody explain how this would actually work. Doritos. Beer. Coffee. Partying. Hate the kid. Be anxious about the pregnancy. Is the government actually going to step in on any of this? You are talking about force, and what you can control.

    I get that people shouldn’t fornicate, but that is why the government *should *give every single fertile woman a Plan B pill at all times. It’s not abortion. It’s the pill.

    The solution, then, is to give the regulators more money.

    If every fertile woman had Plan B pills on hand at all times, abortion would go to zero. 

    I forget all of the details, but they have proven ` twice that Planned Parenthood has abortion quotas. They aren’t genuinely set up to get any substantial revenue any other way. 

    • #95
  6. Steven Seward Member
    Steven Seward

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Many women remember horror stories of women who died because although they were miscarrying. the doctors at ER were under strict protocols issued by their hospitals that since if massive bleeding was involved then these medical emergencies “had to be the result of an attempted self abortion.”

    From what I hear, those stories have been completely overblown by the pro-abortion crowd in order to scare people into coming over to their side.

    • #96
  7. Steven Seward Member
    Steven Seward

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    If every fertile woman had Plan B pills on hand at all times, abortion would go to zero.

    But contraceptives have been around forever and it hasn’t stopped birthing persons (HA!) from having abortions.  “The Pill” has been available for 60 years.


    • #97
  8. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Full Size Tabby (View Comment):

    From another angle, remember that a few years ago (during the Obama administration), leading members of Congress were begging then-president Obama to issues executive orders so that they wouldn’t have to prepare and to pass legislation (I don’t remember the specific subject, and the internet seems to be trying to memory-hole the event).

    Back at the time the United States Constitution was adopted (late 1700s) the Federalist Papers tell us that the authors expected the politicians in the different branches of government (particularly the executive and legislative branches) would jealously and jealously guard their respective powers, and expected that the primary issue would be that each branch would try to take power from the other. Yet today the legislative branch tries to give away its power to the executive branch.

    Legislators make it sound as though the legislators want the executive branch to exercise power because the legislators don’t want to be held accountable for actually taking a position on a policy position.

    The founders had better congressmen.

    • #98
  9. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    They will lie and spew it anyway

    • #99
  10. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Steven Seward (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Many women remember horror stories of women who died because although they were miscarrying. the doctors at ER were under strict protocols issued by their hospitals that since if massive bleeding was involved then these medical emergencies “had to be the result of an attempted self abortion.”

    From what I hear, those stories have been completely overblown by the pro-abortion crowd in order to scare people into coming over to their side.

    Women had been having miscarriages since the beginning of mankind. Abortion was always used for convenience. I had a miscarriage. There are medical procedures for that. It is called a “spontaneous abortion,” a term that distinguishes the real thing from that which isn’t natural but elective.

    • #100
  11. RufusRJones Member

    Steven Seward (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    If every fertile woman had Plan B pills on hand at all times, abortion would go to zero.

    But contraceptives have been around forever and it hasn’t stopped birthing persons (HA!) from having abortions. “The Pill” has been available for 60 years.


    I said the government puts them in every fertile woman’s home. You don’t take it unless you have unprotected sex. Government force = zero abortions. 

    • #101
  12. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    They will lie and spew it anyway


    All GOP say 10 weeks no matter what? I would say let’s try it before we conclude  that. 

    • #102
  13. Steven Seward Member
    Steven Seward

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Steven Seward (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    If every fertile woman had Plan B pills on hand at all times, abortion would go to zero.

    But contraceptives have been around forever and it hasn’t stopped birthing persons (HA!) from having abortions. “The Pill” has been available for 60 years.

    I said the government puts them in every fertile woman’s home. You don’t take it unless you have unprotected sex. Government force = zero abortions.

    I still think it won’t work.  The government in many localities tries to give free shelters to homeless persons and in most cases the homeless reject them.  The Federal Government gives away free condoms to help stop the spread of HIV.  It has not been anywhere near 100% effective in preventing the spread.

    • #103
  14. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    They will lie and spew it anyway


    All GOP say 10 weeks no matter what? I would say let’s try it before we conclude that.

    They don’t want any limit on their sacred “right” to kill their own human creation. The culture of death. The ugly side effect of promiscuous, hedonistic sexual behavior.

    • #104
  15. RufusRJones Member

    Steven Seward (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Steven Seward (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    If every fertile woman had Plan B pills on hand at all times, abortion would go to zero.

    But contraceptives have been around forever and it hasn’t stopped birthing persons (HA!) from having abortions. “The Pill” has been available for 60 years.

    I said the government puts them in every fertile woman’s home. You don’t take it unless you have unprotected sex. Government force = zero abortions.

    I still think it won’t work. The government in many localities tries to give free shelters to homeless persons and in most cases the homeless reject them. The Federal Government gives away free condoms to help stop the spread of HIV. It has not been anywhere near 100% effective in preventing the spread.

    OK I can’t take this any further, but I don’t understand why you wouldn’t take a pill instead of getting an abortion. I think you have 72 hours to do it as well, 

    • #105
  16. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    They will lie and spew it anyway


    All GOP say 10 weeks no matter what? I would say let’s try it before we conclude that.

    They don’t want any limit on their sacred “right” to bill their own human creation. The culture of death. The ugly side effect of promiscuous, hedonistic sexual behavior.

    Well, that’s not good. I had no idea. 

    • #106
  17. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    They will lie and spew it anyway


    All GOP say 10 weeks no matter what? I would say let’s try it before we conclude that.

    They don’t want any limit on their sacred “right” to bill their own human creation. The culture of death. The ugly side effect of promiscuous, hedonistic sexual behavior.

    Well, that’s not good. I had no idea.

    They have proposals to make it legal up to delivery and even one to off the baby after delivery. Some immigrants to our country would be offing every female.

    • #107
  18. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    They will lie and spew it anyway


    All GOP say 10 weeks no matter what? I would say let’s try it before we conclude that.

    They don’t want any limit on their sacred “right” to bill their own human creation. The culture of death. The ugly side effect of promiscuous, hedonistic sexual behavior.

    Well, that’s not good. I had no idea.

    They have proposals to make of legal up to delivery and even one to off the baby after delivery. Some immigrants to our country would be offing every female.

    I understand that, but in my opinion, that’s just political-speak. Who is going to get into that position? Doctors. Nurses. Abortion consumers.

    How *** I ***  interpreted your words was, they like abortions as if some kind of good or positive comes from it.  This is getting over my head because it’s so weird and I can’t relate to it. 



    • #108
  19. RufusRJones Member

    I cannot envision the circumstances where somebody likes getting an abortion. Going to a clinic and having doctors and nurses…well… or swallowing the RU-486 pills and whatever happens after that.

    • #109
  20. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Just to repeat. the Democrat party spew out rhetoric on abortion that makes urban / suburban single women crazy. We need to take it away from them. That is the best you are going to do. Not forever, but for like 12 years.

    They will lie and spew it anyway


    All GOP say 10 weeks no matter what? I would say let’s try it before we conclude that.

    They don’t want any limit on their sacred “right” to bill their own human creation. The culture of death. The ugly side effect of promiscuous, hedonistic sexual behavior.

    Well, that’s not good. I had no idea.

    They have proposals to make of legal up to delivery and even one to off the baby after delivery. Some immigrants to our country would be offing every female.

    I understand that, but in my opinion, that’s just political-speak. Who is going to get into that position? Doctors. Nurses. Abortion consumers.

    How *** I *** interpreted your words was, they like abortions as if some kind of good or positive comes from it. This is getting over my head because it’s so weird and I can’t relate to it.



    – Democrats propose all sorts of laws they want to federalize rather than leaving abortion to states. Some don’t want any restriction on how late in the pregnancy an abortion can occur.

    -Democrats want to reqyuire doctors, nurses, and pharmacists to be involved in enabling abortions even when they have a moral objection to abortions.

    -Abortions are already being done just because a test or scan has determine the baby is a girl, not a boy.

    • #110
  21. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    I cannot envision the circumstances where somebody likes getting an abortion. Going to a clinic and having doctors and nurses…well… or swallowing the RU-486 pills and whatever happens after that.

    It isn’t something anyone likes doing. It is something they want, after the fact birth control for convenience. It is an abhorrent procedure. It involves inflicting great pain on a baby that can feel pain. They have videos of the baby suffering great pain.  They must kill it through one of several inhuman methods before aborting it. Far too many people who take a casual stand on it have never really researched how it is done.

    • #111
  22. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    – Democrats propose all sorts of laws they want to federalize rather than leaving abortion to states.

    How does this actually happen?

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Some don’t want any restriction on how late in the pregnancy an abortion can occur.

    Again, I say this is political-speak. It’s not going to happen. 

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    -Democrats want to reqyuire doctors, nurses, and pharmacists to be involved in enabling abortions even when they have a moral objection to abortions.

    This is bad, but it doesn’t change anything. They would force this, no matter what time limit you put on it.

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    -Abortions are already being done just because a test or scan has determine the baby is a girl, not a boy.

    In the United States? Really? 

    My understanding is a lot of downs syndrome babies get aborted. 


    • #112
  23. RufusRJones Member

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    It isn’t something anyone likes doing.

    Fair enough, but that is not the way I interpreted what you wrote. 

    I still say, if every woman had a bunch of Plan B pills, we wouldn’t be talking about this. 

    • #113
  24. Percival Thatcher

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    My understanding is a lot of downs syndrome babies get aborted. 

    • #114
  25. Steven Seward Member
    Steven Seward

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Some don’t want any restriction on how late in the pregnancy an abortion can occur.

    Again, I say this is political-speak. It’s not going to happen.

    This is not some theoretical political-speak.  Oregon, New Mexico, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont, New Jersey, district of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have all legalized abortion up to the moment of birth.

    • #115
  26. RufusRJones Member

    Steven Seward (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Some don’t want any restriction on how late in the pregnancy an abortion can occur.

    Again, I say this is political-speak. It’s not going to happen.

    This is not some theoretical political-speak. Oregon, New Mexico, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont, New Jersey, district of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have all legalized abortion up to the moment of birth.

    I know that, but when is it going to happen? It’s just political fodder. 

    • #116
  27. Steven Seward Member
    Steven Seward

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Steven Seward (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Some don’t want any restriction on how late in the pregnancy an abortion can occur.

    Again, I say this is political-speak. It’s not going to happen.

    This is not some theoretical political-speak. Oregon, New Mexico, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont, New Jersey, district of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have all legalized abortion up to the moment of birth.

    I know that, but when is it going to happen? It’s just political fodder.

    It’s happening right now!  Those laws are already on the books.  They are performing legal abortions up till the moment of birth in those States.  This has been happening in the U.S. even before Roe vs. Wade was overturned.  It’s called “late term abortion.”

    • #117
  28. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    It isn’t something anyone likes doing.

    Fair enough, but that is not the way I interpreted what you wrote.

    I still say, if every woman had a bunch of Plan B pills, we wouldn’t be talking about this.

    If a woman quit being an unpaid whore, it wouldn’t happen.

    • #118
  29. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    – Democrats propose all sorts of laws they want to federalize rather than leaving abortion to states.

    How does this actually happen?

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Some don’t want any restriction on how late in the pregnancy an abortion can occur.

    Again, I say this is political-speak. It’s not going to happen.

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    -Democrats want to reqyuire doctors, nurses, and pharmacists to be involved in enabling abortions even when they have a moral objection to abortions.

    This is bad, but it doesn’t change anything. They would force this, no matter what time limit you put on it.

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    -Abortions are already being done just because a test or scan has determine the baby is a girl, not a boy.

    In the United States? Really?

    My understanding is a lot of downs syndrome babies get aborted.


    I used to think a lot of things couldn’t happen.

    • #119
  30. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Percival (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    My understanding is a lot of downs syndrome babies get aborted.

    Probably true, too. As to the other “in the United States” question, we are importing cultures that don’t share our western values.

    • #120
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