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Is Congress that subservient?
I saw part of a speech by Kamala Harris, talking about abortion. According to the VP, if Donald Trump is elected, Congress will pass a bill outlawing abortion coast-to-coast, which Trump will sign. But if Harris is elected, Congress will pass a law mandating abortion access in all 50 states, which she will sign. Does she really think that Congress passes whatever legislation the president wants?
I can see a Congress pushing or not pushing a piece of legislation, depending on who the president is. For instance, let us say that the majority of Congress wants to shut down all oil drilling in Alaska. If Trump is the president, they would be wasting their time, as he would surely veto it. If Biden or Harris is president, a presidential signature is likely, so the members would try to pass it if they had the votes to get it past a Senate filibuster. But the same Congress that would vote for a nationwide abortion ban if they thought they would get the president’s signature, would not pass a bill that does the opposite, just because the president would sign that one. Everyone on this website already knows this, but any voters who were hoping they would hear less ridiculous BS from Harris than they have heard from Biden or Trump is in for disappointment.
Published in Abortion
I understand that you despise those filthy religious nutjobs who make up most of your party. I would argue that there is a solid case for a heartbeat bill base on medical science. Having a pulse is one of the most well known vital signs – if you don’t have a pulse, you are dead or close to it. The fetal heartbeat is independent of the mother’s in pacing, and is easily detectable. That assumes that you consider any fetus to be a person with legal rights. I suppose you could be arguing for a pro-infanticide stance akin to many ancient cultures, but that seems a little extreme for the standard village atheist.
One problem with poorly written health exceptions is that heath becomes quite elastic, and includes mental well-being, so being unhappy is a qualifier. There is fairly solid legal ground for saving a life at the cost of another, or not demanding someone to die for another person. You just have to write it well.
I do not see why doctors are specifically immune from intimidation by laws. I’m sure you can think of all kinds of evil things one of the horrendous religious doctors might do. I’m not sure if you are into the trans religion, but I think doctors should be intimidated out of altering a child’s biological sex or other such quackery.
I hope nobody here has a superstitious fear of religious people.
But it’s a big tent, with room for a lot of variety.
If you’d take the trouble to read my profile you’ll see that I am not a member of the Republican Party.
I’ve had it with the exclusionary attitude of the GOP towards pro-choice voters. Trump didn’t have one pro-choice contender for the VP job, and Vance was as intolerant and uncompromising a pick as there was out there. It was one thing to form broad voting coalitions before Dobbs. Now, all bets are off. All donations, too. And I’m not the only one who feels this way. Others just don’t bother keeping Ricochet up to date on thinking outside its increasingly inconsequential little bubble.
Society is telling social conservatives to go back into your box. Cease and desist trying to impose your values on others by force of law and public insults. Even most of the major organized religions aren’t listening to the fundamentalists anymore.
Society isn’t. The Democrats are. They aren’t satisfied with murdering babies, they also want to be free to mutilate children. I suppose we should shut up about that too.
Then I take it you will be voting for Kamala Harris. This is disappointing.
If politics someday magically obeyed your wishes, I’d wonder if I woke up on the wrong planet.
Isn’t the reverse truer? Democrats are much more known for imposing their values and putting strictures on their fellow man than are Republicans. They are also much more prone to hurling public insults, name calling, and shaming of their fellow man than are Republicans. They are the purveyors of the “Cancel Culture.”
Abortions aren’t healthcare but birth control, and a horrendous form of birth control at that. It is an abortion, not pregnancy, that could make a woman sterilize. Abortion isn’t done to save a woman’s life, but to make her life more convenient. Doctors could always end an unviable pregnancy , like tubal pregnancies. I’m happy the party is biased towards pro life. Some of us aren’t into killing babies.
If the country caters to the baby killers over the pro life folks and passes a law legalizing abortion, it deserves to decay away. I would hope Bible Belt states would sever ties with Gomorrah.
I find nothing wrong with the statement in the context it was made. No species could survive for long if it failed to procreate at replacement rate. The western Europeans no longer procreate at replacement rate and now we have joined them.
Beating heart, brain, and ability to feel pain happen long before “viability”
Oh, goodness gracias. Why is it always the atheists who think abortion is great?
If we do not stop the WEF’s great re-set, abortion rates might skyrocket.
The WEF is not simply proposing a famine: they are implementing it.
A starving populace will lack the ability to bring about healthy pregnancies.
Every single day, it is possible to read about another food processing plant or some chicken farm or else a cattle herd that has been done in either due to a catastrophic fire, or due to the bird flu plandemic meisters. Amish farms in Missouri have recently become the latest victims in a war on food producers.
In 2011, there was a decline in America’s birth rate. At that point, some 12 million households had been foreclosed on while those who had caused the economic collapse were ordering up gold plated bidets.
I do not know if that birth rate decline was due to fewer pregnancies or due to abortion. I think most likely the situation involved a combination: there was both a decline in the number of pregnancies as well as an uptick in abortion.
The Democrat nominee, at least the one with whom the party is aligned this week, has been called to task regarding her accepting “The Build Back Better” Guide to Economic Empowerment. She can’t explain it except to those who somehow find some meaning in her usual concoction of word salad. Most people who have analyzed this guide believe it to have been written by the WEF forces.
It will also be hard to track over the coming months whether abortion is up or down. The COV jabs have impaired the ability to conceive. They have caused more miscarriages, and those occur even into the 8th and almost 9th month of the pregnancy. Still births are also spiking higher.
Add in major shortages of nourishing foods that traditionally have allowed for American babies to be born larger, healthier and happier and we end up another few steps closer to the Deagle predictions for 2025.
Hand out free Plan B pills instead of having abortions.
There is no intelligent public policy to get the birth rate up.
We could employ some intelligent public policy to get the birth rate up. We don’t.
Not exactly my point, but pretty good.
100% Dead-on.
I could think of a half a dozen things to get the birth rate up, and they aren’t considering any of them.
We could force it at gunpoint.
On top of what you are expressing Steven, once a person takes the time to read the entire statements Vance made, there is nothing in them that is upsetting. When his words are taken out of context, sure they smack of 1940’s paternalism. (1940’s Excuse for a Preacher: “Now you fine lil ladies need to remember that God put you on the planet to bring forth babies and if any of you were meant to have a brain, he’d have given you gals one.”)
But his top supporters say when they have read his statements inside the context of his full remarks, he is simply advocating for everyone in the family, from mom and dad to the kids, to be aware of the necessity of structuring a family life so each person can achieve the most.
How much decent prenatal care can the government force?
Nobody asks the question.
If shelter affordability got 80% worse, which it did since Biden got into office, why should you have a baby?
Jim Kearney is into that leftist game of making up pleasant sounding names for things they support that are disgusting to the average person. That’s why they call killing babies “reproductive health care” and “a right to choose.” Even using the original word “abortion” is a cowardly ploy meant to obfuscate the fact that it is taking an innocent human life.
He also clarified that a “fetus” is not a baby, as if anybody in the English speaking world has ever asked a pregnant woman about her “fetus.”
It’s not as black-and-white as that. I’m not going to name names, but I know multiple Ricochet members who are atheists or agnostics who oppose abortion. And outside of Ricochet, I know people who are church-goers who think abortion should be legal.
I’m an agnostic who opposes abortion (though not fully 100%). Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are supposedly practicing Catholics and fully support abortion up to birth, and possibly thereafter.
They are emphatically not “practicing Catholics,” regardless of how they choose to self-identify. A practicing Catholic accepts the teaching of the Catholic Church – the acceptance of that is part of being a practicing Catholic, and her teaching is accepted because we believe the Church was founded and given her authority by Christ.
I know of atheists who oppose abortion. The pro-abortion types like to dismiss opposition to abortion as merely a religious curiosity, but that’s certainly not the case.
If is a cultural problem
As many times as the left takes comments out of context, the republicans still fall for it.
I just assume guys love abortion because it absolves them of responsibility for what their behavior causes.
You are right. I should have written “mostly” instead of “always.”