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Against the Lying Filth that is the Mainstream Media
Said lying filth is now working overtime to cover Kamala’s cretinous kiester on her abysmal and obvious failure as Border Czar.
Thankfully, they can be exposed. Here’s the link to the AP article from March 2021 announcing that Biden was putting her in charge of fixing the unchecked border crossing problem:
And here is the pull quote from Biden:
“When she speaks, she speaks for me,” Biden said, noting her past work as California’s attorney general makes her specially equipped to lead the administration’s response.
And here is the link to a piece from The Hill, also from March 2021, criticizing Biden for tasking Harris with attending to the border problem:
Here are two pull quotes from that article:
Harris doesn’t appear to be very knowledgeable about immigration law. Presumably, she wouldn’t have made this statement about why migrants come here from Central America if she had known the asylum eligibility requirements: (quote from Harris follows).
The quote that follows in the article demonstrates that Harris does not even grasp the definition of the term “asylum” in the context of international immigration law.
In the second, the author addresses Harris’s stated intention to ignore immigration enforcement:
Harris doesn’t want to enforce our country’s immigration laws, so I wouldn’t expect her to have much concern about securing the border to keep undocumented aliens out of the country.
When asked on the second night of the 2019 Democratic debates if an undocumented alien should be deported if his only offense is not having documents, her response was, “I will say, no, absolutely not. They should not be deported.”
Please share and add to the post here. The Hill, Piers Morgan, and a few other outlets are not letting this gaslighting go unchallenged. Share their work and anything else you find.
A video compilation seen on author Mike Rothman’s TwitterX feed:
Published in Elections
Jake Tapper belongs squarely in this hall of shame, as well. It is a long, long list. When the commissar’s henchman snaps the whip, the
journalistsminions perjure themselves abundantly. The House passed a resolution rebuking her abject failure as border czar, and it even drew a handful of Democrat votes. Some of us remember Pravda. I can’t imagine why they are so hated.But Biden is sharp as a tack.
And then there’s GovTrack, whose motto is “We’re tracking the U.S. Congress to make our government more open and accessible. ” Now that’s a web site you can trust!
But…apparently the powers that be at GovTrack were too open and too accessible, so they removed their analysis about Harris when she was a senator.
https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/kamala_harris/412678/report-card/2019 .
You can still see the web site at:
Ranked most liberal compared to All Senators
I wasn’t aware of GovTrack before I found out about their blatant partisanship. So many years of assiduously tracking the House and Senate down the drain….
Th fact they have to change the past says everything you need to know
“The future is certain; it is only the past that is unpredictable.”
–old Soviet joke
Don’t be so hard on Jake. It ain’t easy being the poster boy for the Ministry of Truth.
The only shocking thing is folks who persist in being shocked by the actions of the media. It has always been thus. And I mean, always.
Winston Smith, call your office.
I hope hope hope that as this Border Czar issue is made public, it will be to illuminate not so much Kamala’s ineptitude and lack of interest in solving any problems, but to hammer home over and over just how the Media and the PTB are deceiving us, the lengths they will go to lie and lie and lie. If we get more people to at least question the narrative as Tapper/Schumer/the rest create it before our eyes, we might stand a chance.
Oh, and I quoted your post because of this term. Trump is trying to come up with a nickname – “Lyin’ Kamala” ain’t making it. I think the perfect nickname is “Der Kamasar”. And every time you use it remind everyone that Der Kamasar is in town, and wants to confiscate your guns, kill off private insurance, destroy mining and gas, establish a National police force run by her, etc etc. Leave her blackness and her womanness alone, never mention it. Refuse to discuss it, or even acknowledge it. When it is brought up, change the subject to her totalitarian bent.
Frequently raise the point that you in no way hold her ancestor’s ownership of slaves against her. This is about her qualifications, not the curse of centuries of slavery promulgated by her family.
Yo, Kamala. Your job was whatever the President told you to do. Border Czar. Failure!
Thank you for not spelling it “boarder,” which I’ve been seeing occasionally even here on Ricochet.
But it’s a catchy song…
The same thing… for all intensive purposes. 😀
Ah yes, there’s another favorite.
When it comes to grammar and spelling, some people just won’t tow the line.
Buckle up – there will be much more gaslighting coming.
I forgot all about Kamala’s strategic genius. I laid that particular masterpiece at the feet of General Milley.
Newsguard is an organization that guards the internet from “misinformation”. I posted the notes from a Newsguard meeting a couple of weeks ago. With the fast evolving news cycle of the last two weeks, they had to call another meeting:
“Well, well, well. That didn’t last long. Thanks for getting back together everyone. We need to come up with another list. You may recall our previous list:
1. He had a cold.
2. He had jet lag.
3. The sound system malfunctioned.
4. Trump is Hitler.
5. Trump is Hitler.
6. He has COVID.
7. He was over-prepared.
Kudos to NPR for bullet number 6. That was a brilliant idea. That really bought time for the our comrades to get their plan together. Thank goodness they’ve let us know what’s about to happen. OK. Let’s start the new list. I’ll begin:
1. First woman president. I know. I know. We’ve been down that road before. But this time, we also have
2. First black woman president, and/or
3. First Indian woman president.
Keep tossing those points into your reports. Remember to use the adjective “historic”. Of course, any report using these bullet points must immediately be followed by a different report condemning Republicans for claiming she is a “DEI hire”. So, let’s get to that.
4. Any mention of DEI is racist and misogynistic.
What, ABC? Yes, Biden did call her an example of DEI (sigh). But, we all know how to keep a straight face while denying the obvious. Also, Biden is OUT OUT OUT — trash him as a racist and misogynist if you need to, but you should probably wait until after the convention before going in that direction.
5. She was never really in charge of the border.
Who has connections to Wikipedia? We noticed she is listed as “Border Czar” on the immigration page. Get that out of there!
Any claims that she was a Czar must be refuted. Axios, do your “fact checking” (smurk). (Room erupts in laughter.)
6. She is not extremely liberal.
GovTrack, GovTrak, GovTrack, what were you thinking? Ok, maybe you didn’t see this coming five years ago, but get your IT guy to fix that rating.
7. Photos must be flattering.
No more open mouth laugh photos. No more vacant stare photos. By the way, everybody, nice job covering up Biden’s vacant stares for four years, and then, when Nancy flicked the switch, you reacted in unison to show his true nature. That was great. Oops. I didn’t say “Nancy”. No, no, Nancy had nothing to do with that. Really.
Yes, NBC? No, not yet. Don’t use the “Obama halo” effect until after the convention. I’m not sure it’s going to work on her anyway.
What else do we have to deal with? Got few votes in primary, word salad comments, idiotic explanations of difficult issues, very low approval ratings, jailed hundreds in California for small infractions, slept her way into politics, no achievements as Senator or VP…
We’ve got a lot of work to do. We’ll need to meet several times a week.”
Glad they have all those fact checkers and editors to make sure they are honest!
Here is another of her positions that will be gaslighted – she is a Communist.
I’ll spoil the ending:
Brilliant. I’m not even going to try any more, you’ve totally got this. 👍
True, but only one has checked all the DEI boxes.
That’s what all those ribbons are for . . .
To be fair, Eisenhower was also entitled to wear a lot of ribbons (check his Wikipedia page), he just didn’t always wear them all. Milley, on the other hand, seems to always wear them all whenever he is in dress uniform.
One of them didn’t need the medals. His accomplishments were going into the history books. The other one hopes that his “accomplishments” go into the memory hole.
I’ve heard there was a magical time when the Media was not composed of leftists Jornalists. Can’t tell when it was. After all, they blamed the right for a communist killing JFK. They worked hard to cause us to lose in Vietnam.
When were they not leftist?
We have to stop emphasizing her incompetence (it doesn’t take much competence to be lefty wrecking ball) and emphasize her proven-destructive ideology, which applies to any Democrat running for any office anywhere. If your town elects a leftist dog catcher, she’s going to leave menacing black dogs to roam free as a means of racial reparations. That’s how sick, twisted, and murderous the Democrat party has gotten.
It’s not about Kackles. It’s about the Left being the enemy of all that is good and holy.
Dennis Prager: https://amgreatness.com/2024/07/25/a-great-convention-with-one-big-mistake/
It’s totally silly that anybody is saying she’s black or an African-American. It makes no sense at all.
Willie Brown is an excellent speaker and nobody has talked to him in a long time.