The Dementia Tête-à-Tête


Stephanopoulos has been interviewing Biden for about half an hour – I watched about 15 minutes of that thing because my dad had it on at supper. But I couldn’t do it any more and went home.

Biden is not the only person in that interview who has dementia. Here’s a sample of the questions:

Stephi: Are you still able to run the country?

B: Of course.

Stephi: But a lot of people think you can’t. Are you really sure you can run the country?

B: Absolutely.

Stephi: But are you like absolutely double sure you can run the country?

B: George, I know I can.

Stephi: Will you pinkie-swear that you can still run the country?

B: Watch me.

Stephanopoulos had days to prepare substantive questions to ask Biden to demonstrate whether or not Joe was senile. And this drivel is all he came up with. I now believe that the media did NOT know that Biden was senile because they themselves are senile.

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There are 40 comments.

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  1. namlliT noD Member
    namlliT noD

    • #1
  2. QuietPI Member

    The interviews of various and sundry ABC correspondents were interesting.  Maybe even more interesting than the interview itself.  Talk about dead men and women walking.  That interview did, at best, no good for Biden at all.  Clearly their views were that it could have been worse.  Yes, yes . . . 

    • #2
  3. Saint Augustine Member
    Saint Augustine

    They’re gonna tell us that the story is that Biden is senile and they just figured it out.

    The real stories are:

    –he’s been senile for four years,

    –he’s been corrupt for decades,

    –and they’ve been hiding both of these things.

    • #3
  4. Sisyphus Member

    Saint Augustine (View Comment):

    They’re gonna tell us that the story is that Biden is senile and they just figured it out.

    The real stories are:

    –he’s been senile for four years,

    –he’s been corrupt for decades,

    –and they’ve been hiding both of these things.

    Well, he is the first black woman under a black president. And he is the best candidate the Democrats can find.

    • #4
  5. Richard O'Shea Coolidge
    Richard O'Shea

    He couldn’t remember whether or not he watched the debate.

    This did not reassure anyone. 

    • #5
  6. Gossamer Cat Coolidge
    Gossamer Cat

    He is weak, his delivery is flat and his demeanor is plastic.  They can’t fix that with softball questions.

    • #6
  7. Sisyphus Member

    It couldn’t happen to a better bunch of liars and grifters.

    • #7
  8. Richard O'Shea Coolidge
    Richard O'Shea

    Gossamer Cat (View Comment):

    He is weak, his delivery is flat and his demeanor is plastic. They can’t fix that with softball questions.

    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent.  Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.  

    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    • #8
  9. Western Chauvinist Inactive
    Western Chauvinist

    Richard O'Shea (View Comment):

    Gossamer Cat (View Comment):

    He is weak, his delivery is flat and his demeanor is plastic. They can’t fix that with softball questions.

    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent. Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.

    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    Which means the Clintons and Obamas want him out. George is just taking marching orders.

    • #9
  10. kedavis Coolidge

    Richard O'Shea (View Comment):
    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    To make way for Hillary, I expect.  He’s a long-time Clinton operative/apparatchik.


    • #10
  11. Steve Fast Member
    Steve Fast

    Richard O'Shea (View Comment):
    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent.  Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.  

    But he asked the same simple questions over and over and over. He should have asked open-ended questions:

    Q: What are the biggest strategic threats that the US will face during the next four years, and what are your plans to respond?

    Q: How are you going to accelerate the production of munitions?

    Q: What measures are you taking in the next 6 months to bring down inflation?

    Biden would have fumbled all of those and proven that he shouldn’t be president.


    • #11
  12. kedavis Coolidge

    Steve Fast (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent. Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.

    But he asked the same simple questions over and over and over. He should have asked open-ended questions:

    Q: What are the biggest strategic threats that the US will face during the next four years, and what are your plans to respond?

    Q: How are you going to accelerate the production of munitions?

    Q: What measures are you taking in the next 6 months to bring down inflation?

    Biden would have fumbled all of those and proven that he shouldn’t be president.


    Which he did prove anyway, so why not ask the questions?

    • #12
  13. Richard O'Shea Coolidge
    Richard O'Shea

    Steve Fast (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent. Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.

    But he asked the same simple questions over and over and over. He should have asked open-ended questions:

    I think Stephanopoulos was surprised at the clueless responses from Biden about his unpopularity and addled debate performance.

    And I don’t think it was edited.

    • #13
  14. Richard O'Shea Coolidge
    Richard O'Shea

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    To make way for Hillary, I expect. He’s a long-time Clinton operative/apparatchik.


    I don’t sense any groundswell for Hillary.

    • #14
  15. Sisyphus Member

    If that was a carefully edited best cut performance, goodnight Irene. But it was just an exercise to force the prestigious resisters into the camp. Change is coming.

    • #15
  16. kedavis Coolidge

    Richard O'Shea (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    To make way for Hillary, I expect. He’s a long-time Clinton operative/apparatchik.


    I don’t sense any groundswell for Hillary.

    Not from the people, but the Elites don’t care about us.

    • #16
  17. Sisyphus Member

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    To make way for Hillary, I expect. He’s a long-time Clinton operative/apparatchik.


    I don’t sense any groundswell for Hillary.

    Not from the people, but the Elites don’t care about us.

    Just eat your bugs and like it.

    • #17
  18. JoelB Member

    If Biden were Presidential material, he could have taken command of the interview and re-directed the conversation. Could you see any President of recent memory, Democrat or Republican speaking like this?

    • #18
  19. Western Chauvinist Inactive
    Western Chauvinist

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    To make way for Hillary, I expect. He’s a long-time Clinton operative/apparatchik.

    I’m with Steve Hayward. Kamala will be the kandidate. They can’t replace the first black woman incumbent VP with anyone else. Especially a geriatric white woman. And 25th-ing Biden would be too chaotic, even for Demoncrats. He finishes his term and they run Harris. That’s what my crystal ball is saying. 

    Republicans have to beat the cheat in any case. I’m not confident.

    • #19
  20. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    I thought the same thing while watching the portion I saw.  Stephanopoulos just kept asking the same question again and again.  What was the point?  I can see asking a second time if the first answer were evasive, but this made the interviewer look like a fool.

    • #20
  21. DaveSchmidt Coolidge

    Saint Augustine (View Comment):

    They’re gonna tell us that the story is that Biden is senile and they just figured it out.

    The real stories are:

    –he’s been senile for four years,

    –he’s been corrupt for decades,


    -the 2020 election was rigged.

    [EDIT: See #31]

    • #21
  22. DaveSchmidt Coolidge

    Richard O'Shea (View Comment):

    Gossamer Cat (View Comment):

    He is weak, his delivery is flat and his demeanor is plastic. They can’t fix that with softball questions.

    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent. Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.

    Stephanopoulos wants him out.

    Stephi is a Clinton/Obama insider.  

    • #22
  23. DaveSchmidt Coolidge

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):

    Republicans have to beat the cheat in any case. I’m not confident.

    The clock is ticking for preemptive strikes.    

    • #23
  24. WI Con Member
    WI Con

    Steve Fast (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent. Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.

    But he asked the same simple questions over and over and over. He should have asked open-ended questions:

    Q: What are the biggest strategic threats that the US will face during the next four years, and what are your plans to respond?

    Q: How are you going to accelerate the production of munitions?

    Q: What measures are you taking in the next 6 months to bring down inflation?

    Biden would have fumbled all of those and proven that he shouldn’t be president.


    Those are the types of probing questions that all reporters/”journalists!” should ask candidates. If he had asked questions like that, I’d accept the premise that Stephanapolis was sent to shank him.

    Those “hard hitting” questions were T-ball like and Biden didn’t even hit those well.

    • #24
  25. Doug Watt Member
    Doug Watt

    Democrats may not be all that troubled about Joe’s senility. They are definitely worried about his polling numbers. If he was not suffering from dementia and his poll numbers were tanking like they are now their reaction and division would be the same. Lyndon Johnson is an example of “please, for the good of the party do not run for reelection”.

    • #25
  26. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    I would be delightful to have a debate between Biden and Harris in a showdown encounter. Not a scintilla of wit, understanding or the capacity to make complete sentences for a full hour.

    • #26
  27. cdor Member

    Steve Fast (View Comment):

    Richard O’Shea (View Comment):
    I thought Stephanopoulos was surprisingly insistent. Almost all the questions were about Biden’s debate performance, and about reports of his decrepitude.

    But he asked the same simple questions over and over and over. He should have asked open-ended questions:

    Q: What are the biggest strategic threats that the US will face during the next four years, and what are your plans to respond?

    Q: How are you going to accelerate the production of munitions?

    Q: What measures are you taking in the next 6 months to bring down inflation?

    Biden would have fumbled all of those and proven that he shouldn’t be president.


    You should apply for his job at CNN. Yours were much better questions than any interviewer has asked so far.

    • #27
  28. ctlaw Coolidge

    Note this:

    “I’m on the phone with the new prime minister of England.”

    How about a follow up asking him to name that prime minister? 

    Also, the “England” is also an oddity. Three years ago he said: “I was on the phone with the British prime minister. “


    • #28
  29. Kozak Member

    Saint Augustine (View Comment):

    They’re gonna tell us that the story is that Biden is senile and they just figured it out.

    The real stories are:

    –he’s been senile for four years,

    –he’s been corrupt for decades,

    –and they’ve been hiding both of these things.

    It was obvious to me in 2020 that he had Parkinson’s Disease. He had all the signs

    Shuffling gate, frozen face, stiffness, and mild dementia. Thats why they ran the “basement campaign”, which they had the excuse of Covid to allow them.  Now the dementia has progressed to the point there is no hiding it.   I would also point out that 20-40 percent of PD patients develop hallucinations or delusions.  Not something you want in the POTUS.

    • #29
  30. Kozak Member

    Gossamer Cat (View Comment):

    He is weak, his delivery is flat and his demeanor is plastic. They can’t fix that with softball questions.

    They can try increasing his dose of Sinemet.

    • #30
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