Biden Replacement and the Kamala Problem


After the debate, Brit Hume made the point that there are two ways to replace Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket.  Both ways would require Biden’s cooperation, which might not be as far-fetched as many think.

One way would be for Biden to step down right away, making Kamala Harris President.  The other way would be to replace him at the convention, by nominating someone else who would be free to choose a running mate.  Biden would stay President until January 20th.

The Democrats could consider both ways as a third option.  Biden would agree not to be the nominee.  The Democrats would nominate someone else. After the convention is over, Biden would resign, and we’d get President Harris.  Now Kamala would be President for only five months.

Regardless of what they do, January 20th is a long way off.

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There are 36 comments.

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  1. Django Member

    There is a fourth: 25th. Kamala becomes President. Demo-rats search for the up-side.

    • #1
  2. BastiatJunior Member

    Django (View Comment):

    There is a fourth: 25th. Kamala becomes President. Demo-rats search for the up-side.

    Good point.  Also has the advantage of not requiring Biden’s consent.

    • #2
  3. kedavis Coolidge

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    There is a fourth: 25th. Kamala becomes President. Demo-rats search for the up-side.

    Good point. Also has the advantage of not requiring Biden’s consent.

    On the other hand, they could always just tell Joe that he DID consent.  Maybe after he signs the document, and has some ice cream.

    • #3
  4. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    Not that Democrats care about such things, but aren’t most delegates legally obligated to vote for the candidate picked in a primary or state convention ? That means that Biden’s consent is likely required.

    The harder part is gracefully pushing the idiot Veep aside.

    My fear is that they would be smart enough to push out Biden and tap a southern or midwestern low visibility candidate as the non-Trump average person who can be packaged and sold as centrist while the party moves even deeper under full control of wealthy perverts and extremists.

    • #4
  5. EODmom Coolidge

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Not that Democrats care about such things, but aren’t most delegates legally obligated to vote for the candidate picked in a primary or state convention ? That means that Biden’s consent is likely required.

    The harder part is gracefully pushing the idiot Veep aside.

    My fear is that they would be smart enough to push out Biden and tap a southern or midwestern low visibility candidate as the non-Trump average person who can be packaged and sold as centrist while the party moves even deeper under full control of wealthy perverts and extremists.

    I still contend an announcement will be made on his behalf. Everything else is being done on his behalf – so this too. Keeping Jill out of the public face will be a problem but all they have to do with him is not dress him for the morning. 

    • #5
  6. GlennAmurgis Coolidge

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Not that Democrats care about such things, but aren’t most delegates legally obligated to vote for the candidate picked in a primary or state convention ? That means that Biden’s consent is likely required.

    The harder part is gracefully pushing the idiot Veep aside.

    My fear is that they would be smart enough to push out Biden and tap a southern or midwestern low visibility candidate as the non-Trump average person who can be packaged and sold as centrist while the party moves even deeper under full control of wealthy perverts and extremists.

    If they were smart, they would replace him with Josh Shapiro – he’s younger, has good support in PA. The AOC crowd will not like this given his support of Israel. So my guess it will be Newsome.

    • #6
  7. EODmom Coolidge

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Not that Democrats care about such things, but aren’t most delegates legally obligated to vote for the candidate picked in a primary or state convention ? That means that Biden’s consent is likely required.

    The harder part is gracefully pushing the idiot Veep aside.

    My fear is that they would be smart enough to push out Biden and tap a southern or midwestern low visibility candidate as the non-Trump average person who can be packaged and sold as centrist while the party moves even deeper under full control of wealthy perverts and extremists.

    I can’t figure out who that would be – that’s how lowvis they are now. What Dem governor or Senator isn’t already trying to grab a mic every day somewhere? How could they credibly even speak “centrist” phrases – and what would they be? abortion only til 30 weeks not 40?

    • #7
  8. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    The Democrat insiders know how to manipulate the process.   This debate was planned to expose Joe as feeble.  Joe will be convinced to withdraw his nomination (or else) and Kamala will be bought off and Susan Rice will nominated.   All the Dems will circle the wagons and align on the chosen one.   This happened in 2020, when a loser Joe Biden was selected and all the contenders dropped out and backed Joe.

    • #8
  9. Joker Member

    The scary part of dropping Kamala is that it’s likely to have an adverse effect beyond the 2024 election. Democrats cornered themselves with her pick in the first place. I think the idea was for Joe to only run once to correct the “fine people” problem, then gracefully step aside. That should put Kamala in the driver’s seat, but at least you’d have a primary where someone else could emerge. Wouldn’t be great, but at least it would be someone chosen by Democracy! But since Kamala didn’t grow into some plausible candidate, they’re screwed for 2024.

    • #9
  10. BastiatJunior Member

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):
    So my guess it will be Newsome.

    Please let it be Newsom.  The campaign against him would write itself.

    • #10
  11. Django Member

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):
    So my guess it will be Newsome.

    Please let it be Newsome. The campaign against him would write itself.

    That’s what I thought. How would “I’ll do to the U. S. what I’ve done to California” sound? 

    However, I just heard a progressive say on a morning chat show that he would support Newsom without reservation, and that the country would be much better off if it was in as good a shape as California. Newsom gets the credit in what passes for the progressive mind. I don’t understand those people. 

    • #11
  12. BastiatJunior Member

    Django (View Comment):
    Newsom gets the credit in what passes for the progressive mind. I don’t understand those people. 

    Almost all my relatives are progressives.  I don’t understand them either.

    • #12
  13. BastiatJunior Member

    The new Democrat party line appears to be that Trump lied his way through the debate.  Expect to hear that a lot.

    • #13
  14. Bryan G. Stephens 🚫 Banned
    Bryan G. Stephens

    They will cheat

    • #14
  15. JoelB Member

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):
    So my guess it will be Newsome.

    Please let it be Newsom. The campaign against him would write itself.

    I thought the same about Biden a few years ago. He seemed like a gaff machine then. If it is Newsome though, I hope you are right.

    • #15
  16. Joker Member

    I’ll bet fundraising hit a wall this morning. That might be the only thing that can get Joe to step aside. Still have the Kamala problem, obviously. 

    • #16
  17. Kozak Member

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    There is a fourth: 25th. Kamala becomes President. Demo-rats search for the up-side.

    Good point. Also has the advantage of not requiring Biden’s consent.

    In that case they move fast.

    Kamala would get to be POTUS for 7 months “Historic First Woman/ Black Woman” POTUS.

    But steps aside for the nomination because she won’t win. Sweetener, “do what the Inner Party wants and you get to be Governor of California.”

    • #17
  18. kedavis Coolidge

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Not that Democrats care about such things, but aren’t most delegates legally obligated to vote for the candidate picked in a primary or state convention ? That means that Biden’s consent is likely required.

    The harder part is gracefully pushing the idiot Veep aside.

    My fear is that they would be smart enough to push out Biden and tap a southern or midwestern low visibility candidate as the non-Trump average person who can be packaged and sold as centrist while the party moves even deeper under full control of wealthy perverts and extremists.

    If they were smart, they would replace him with Josh Shapiro – he’s younger, has good support in PA. The AOC crowd will not like this given his support of Israel. So my guess it will be Newsome.

    Hopefully it’s not just Californians who see what he’s done to California.

    • #18
  19. kedavis Coolidge

    Kozak (View Comment):

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    There is a fourth: 25th. Kamala becomes President. Demo-rats search for the up-side.

    Good point. Also has the advantage of not requiring Biden’s consent.

    In that case they move fast.

    Kamala would get to be POTUS for 7 months “Historic First Woman/ Black Woman” POTUS.

    But steps aside for the nomination because she won’t win. Sweetener, “do what the Inner Party wants and you get to be Governor of California.”

    If she was smart, she’d say “After what Newsom did to it?  No thank you!”

    • #19
  20. DaveSchmidt Coolidge

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):
    So my guess it will be Newsome.

    Please let it be Newsom. The campaign against him would write itself.

    That’s what many thought in the Hilary-Obama race. 

    • #20
  21. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Kozak (View Comment):

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    There is a fourth: 25th. Kamala becomes President. Demo-rats search for the up-side.

    Good point. Also has the advantage of not requiring Biden’s consent.

    In that case they move fast.

    Kamala would get to be POTUS for 7 months “Historic First Woman/ Black Woman” POTUS.

    But steps aside for the nomination because she won’t win. Sweetener, “do what the Inner Party wants and you get to be Governor of California.”

    As I said some weeks ago,  and I stand by it, the only way Biden is not on the ballot in November is if he resigns, dies or gets 25th amendmented.  If he drops out of the race because he’s so obviously incapable of serving another term, there’s no way he can stay in office until January.  Which makes Harris the Incumbent, and there’s NO WAY she agrees to not stand for “re-election”.

    So it’s Biden or Harris in  November.  Bank on it.


    Edit:  No, they’re not going to push the first Black/Female President aside for a White Guy.  They’re already having trouble with Trump appealing to the Black vote.

    • #21
  22. Terry Mott Member
    Terry Mott

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    There is a fourth: 25th. Kamala becomes President. Demo-rats search for the up-side.

    Good point. Also has the advantage of not requiring Biden’s consent.

    In that case they move fast.

    Kamala would get to be POTUS for 7 months “Historic First Woman/ Black Woman” POTUS.

    But steps aside for the nomination because she won’t win. Sweetener, “do what the Inner Party wants and you get to be Governor of California.”

    As I said some weeks ago, and I stand by it, the only way Biden is not on the ballot in November is if he resigns, dies or gets 25th amendmented. If he drops out of the race because he’s so obviously incapable of serving another term, there’s no way he can stay in office until January. Which makes Harris the Incumbent, and there’s NO WAY she agrees to not stand for “re-election”.

    So it’s Biden or Harris in November. Bank on it.


    They could tell Hillary that Kamala is about to release credible evidence about Clinton criminality, or is threatening to release Epstein’s client list.  That’d solve the Kamala problem.

    • #22
  23. Western Chauvinist Inactive
    Western Chauvinist

    Django (View Comment):

    BastiatJunior (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):
    So my guess it will be Newsome.

    Please let it be Newsome. The campaign against him would write itself.

    That’s what I thought. How would “I’ll do to the U. S. what I’ve done to California” sound?

    However, I just heard a progressive say on a morning chat show that he would support Newsom without reservation, and that the country would be much better off if it was in as good a shape as California. Newsom gets the credit in what passes for the progressive mind. I don’t understand those people.

    You can’t fix ideologically committed.

    • #23
  24. J Climacus Member
    J Climacus

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    They will cheat

    This entire election season is bizarre as everyone goes on talking about polls, issues, strategy, positioning, etc. as though this is 1980 or 1996.  2020 showed us that elections are entirely different affairs now.  Nothing has been done to restore election integrity since the last Presidential Election, or any consequences endured by those who committed vote fraud. The left will have learned from 2020 and will leverage that knowledge into industrial scale vote fraud.

    • #24
  25. Django Member

    J Climacus (View Comment):

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    They will cheat

    This entire election season is bizarre as everyone goes on talking about polls, issues, strategy, positioning, etc. as though this is 1980 or 1996. 2020 showed us that elections are entirely different affairs now. Nothing has been done to restore election integrity since the last Presidential Election, or any consequences endured by those who committed vote fraud. The left will have learned from 2020 and will leverage that knowledge into industrial scale vote fraud.

    Lara Trump has been quoted as saying the RNC has hundreds of lawyers ready, but even if it does will the cowards on the benches around the country follow 2020 precedent and dodge the issues by citing “standing”? 

    • #25
  26. kedavis Coolidge

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):
    Edit:  No, they’re not going to push the first Black/Female President aside for a White Guy.  They’re already having trouble with Trump appealing to the Black vote.

    I doubt that having Harris as the top spot would change many black votes.  Black men are leaning rather heavily towards Trump – 60% or more, last I heard – and that’s for reasons other than race/gender;  black women are going to vote for the Dimocrat, period.  Harris wouldn’t gain any votes there.  She might from the AWFLs, but The Wisdom for some time now has been that if the Dimocrats don’t get 90-95% of the total black vote, they lose.

    • #26
  27. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):
    Edit: No, they’re not going to push the first Black/Female President aside for a White Guy. They’re already having trouble with Trump appealing to the Black vote.

    I doubt that having Harris as the top spot would change many black votes. Black men are leaning rather heavily towards Trump – 60% or more, last I heard – and that’s for reasons other than race/gender; black women are going to vote for the Dimocrat, period. Harris wouldn’t gain any votes there. She might from the AWFLs, but The Wisdom for some time now has been that if the Dimocrats don’t get 90-95% of the total black vote, they lose.

    Having Harris at the top won’t change many votes.


    NOT having Harris at the top (if Biden bows out) absolutely will.  Especially if they put a White Guy in there instead.  They might get away with a white woman like Klobuchar or Whitmer.  They won’t be able to pull off a Newsom.



    • #27
  28. Western Chauvinist Inactive
    Western Chauvinist

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):
    NOT having Harris at the top (if Biden bows out) absolutely will.  Especially if they put a White Guy in there instead.  They might get away with a white woman like Klobuchar or Whitmer.  They won’t be able to pull off a Newsom.

    I’m not so sure. You think the ideologically (should be) committed will sit it out if it’s Newsom? 

    • #28
  29. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):
    NOT having Harris at the top (if Biden bows out) absolutely will. Especially if they put a White Guy in there instead. They might get away with a white woman like Klobuchar or Whitmer. They won’t be able to pull off a Newsom.

    I’m not so sure. You think the ideologically (should be) committed will sit it out if it’s Newsom?

    It’s not about ideology, it’s about racial identity politics.



    • #29
  30. BastiatJunior Member

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):
    NOT having Harris at the top (if Biden bows out) absolutely will. Especially if they put a White Guy in there instead. They might get away with a white woman like Klobuchar or Whitmer. They won’t be able to pull off a Newsom.

    I’m not so sure. You think the ideologically (should be) committed will sit it out if it’s Newsom?

    The ideologically committed love Newsom, for the same reasons normal people find him repulsive.  Trump just has to repeat that Newsom will do to the country what he did to California.

    • #30
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