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What’s the Hurry, Joe?
Many people have speculated about the date selected for the first Presidential debate. Many questions have been raised about having it before the candidates are formally selected at their respective conventions, of having the debates so early in the season, and since Biden chose the date, how influential he was in agreeing to the debate and choosing the date.
I suspect that Biden knows — as do his managers and Dr. Jill — that hiding out and avoiding Trump would work against him. His poll numbers are a disaster, although I can’t figure out why Biden fails in every category in a Fox News poll, except in his overall governance. What’s that about?
Since Biden’s mental acuity has become especially detrimental to his image, he/his managers may have figured out that the sooner they have the debate, the better; the less probability there will be for his mumbling and stumbling getting worse.
There have also been rumors that if he doesn’t perform well (better to know sooner rather than later) at the debate, a small cadre of his managers will tell him he has to step down. How they expect him to leave without a fuss, particularly a public fuss, is above my pay grade.
We then have to wonder who would replace him. Some people say they will bribe Kamala Harris to step down, too. Then what? Would they select Gavin Newsom? I know some think he’s handsome (not my type), but his record in California is atrocious. And I can’t imagine any other Democrat that is anywhere near qualified.
I’m amused at all the “guidance” that Trump is getting from everywhere about how he should behave at the debate: he should “tone it down” and not be so brash; he should let Biden do most of the talking because he’ll run out of juice and start losing his grasp on reality; Trump shouldn’t beat up on Biden too badly, because he’ll look like a bully, and Biden will become a sympathetic character.
More than anything, this is one time that I find the speculation somewhat amusing, despite the sobering fact that how these men perform may be a factor in who runs the country for the next four years. Yet many seem to think that the citizens have already decided who they will vote for.
Do you think they’ve decided?
Could they be convinced to change their minds by the performances at the debate?
I know that many of you hate to watch these debates.
This time, though, I’d pop the popcorn.
Published in Politics
Debate prep not going well?
Your next President.
Biden has “sudden health issue”.
She’s the puppet. Obama gets his 4th and 5th terms.
I’m not convinced they really elected him the first time, but it’s possible.
Isn’t that, above, contradicted by this:
The leadership/inner circle you mention, may have just been wanting to keep the Party in power; but if the voters didn’t know about his condition, they were likely voting for HIM.
I’m not sure there’s a real difference there, at least not this time. Who is stupid enough to vote AGAINST lower prices, lower inflation, no wars, etc?
Hopefully they at least know that they WERE doing better, maybe not so much 4 years ago, but 5 years, 6 years, 7 years…
ibid. Plus, there will be many campaign ads made from the debate.
Memories are conveniently short.
This is my biggest concern about Trump: if keeping his ego in check ensures victory, can he do it?
The WH kitchen forgot to order chocolate chip ice cream.
He’s not delusional. The ruling class definitely have their jackboots more firmly placed on our necks than ever. If that doesn’t make them better off, I don’t know what does. Well, maybe not in a crass, material sense, but otherwise, yes, they are better off. And even in a material sense if they are high on the income scale they are most likely the ones benefiting from inflation.
He’s an ex Air Force Captain and runs a small museum in the backwoods of Kentucky. When another listener sent a text calling him a member of the rich, ruling class, the guy laughed and said, “I only wish I was.” I looked him up on linkedin and was not all that impressed. He doesn’t seem to be major motion in his field.
You don’t have to be rich to be a member of the ruling class (or ruling class adjacent). The king’s kitchen scullery maid isn’t exactly a member of the ruling class, but her standing in society is tied closely to that of the king.
Perhaps Trump needs to ask, ” could someone please translate what he just said. “