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Delaware Jury Convicts Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was found guilty of three felony gun charges this morning. No sentencing date has been set.
Because they are federal charges the president has the option of pardoning his son but told ABC News on June 6 that he would not.
More details as they become available.
Published in General
so – will FJB pardon Hunter?
Perhaps he won’t be allowed to until after the election.
So now we go back to saying justice-involved person instead of convicted felon, right?
Drug addicted, justice-involved person
And if you can’t believe Joe Biden who can you believe?
Just saw a message noting that the Convicted Felon Club is no longer exclusive; will really be amusing to see how many pretzels they turn themselves into trying to make this one fit the narrative.
Glimmer of hope, or am I just being totally Pollyannish in trying to see some light at the end of this bleak tunnel we’ve been in for the last 3 years?
Please, sir, “drug addicted” is such an ugly phrase. “Chemically impaired”? “Addiction victim”?
Especially when he gives “my word as a Biden.”
Is there a prisoner swap in the works? DJT for Hunter?
Maybe they’ll share a cell. That way Hunter gets Secret Service protection too.
There is nothing in the Second Amendment that says you have to be sane or sober to own a gun. Andy McCarthy thinks Hunter will try to appeal on that basis-drug-related restrictions on gun ownership are unconstitutional. A weak but kinda fun legal approach. (The trial judge did not bite on that).
The crowning Biden insult to America will be to put Hunter Biden forward as the champion of gun rights.
I wonder if his estranged daughter Navy Joan will be invited to appear with him prior to sentencing to make him look cuddly and fatherly.
Will the DOJ/FBI frame some jurors to get a mistrial? Let’s keep an eye on that guy who orchestrated both the Whitmer kidnap entrapment plot and the FBI handling of J6.
Before we had the Biden Crime Family inflicted upon us, all of your comments would have been seen as delicious, but hilarious, parody. Now…. every single word of is entirely possible, if not probable, with this gang of street thugs.
I maintain what I put in another post, Hunter Biden should not be the FIRST person to avoid criminal punishment for illegal purchase/possession of a gun, because of the 2nd Amendment.
But it would be weirdly delicious if Biden’s sleazoid incompetence strengthened gun rights and added a couple of new SCOTUS conservatives in the next four years. What a legacy!
Biden’s troubled child.
How can you frame jurors after the conviction? Oh, wait, what was I thinking…….?
There’s a case before the SC right now fighting against possession of a gun illegally, by an unsavory character. He was convicted, I believe, on a domestic abuse violation? If the SC says the conviction was wrong, Hunter won’t be the first.
Small comfort, if any. The first case – and maybe the first few MILLION cases – should be about those who only had non-violent previous convictions.
The question on the background check asks about current use or addiction, not previous use:
He was currently addicted to drugs when he purchased the firearm, which seems like a very reasonable limitation on 2A. He would have a stronger case if the conviction [edit: for lying on the firearms background check] were for prior use and if he were no longer using.
A skilled lawyer could probably construct a plausible argument that even current drug use should not deprive a person of basic human rights, including those explicitly mentioned in the US constitution. But going there would raise doubts about any background check program in connection with the exercise of basic constitutional rights. But Hunter making such an argument would be politically very inconvenient for Hunter’s father.
You can’t go after Presidents’ children, don’t ya know.
Of course that only applies to Democrats! And their middle-aged “children.”
With all the blatant corruption he has committed, they feel like this is a victory? This is a pissant charge. All it does is piss off people on the other side. If he were found guilty of peddling his father’s influence, that would be important.
This is not important at all.
The tax case is more about influence-peddling. That’s still pending.
Lawyer should go for it: A drug user has to consort with dangerous people because of his addiction and therefore has a greater need for a weapon for self-defense than other citizens. It would be fun to argue that before SCOTUS when Hunter’s case gets there.
I heard a chat show host today say he was hoping for an acquittal because of the boost it would give to Trump and his legal team. Is it possible that the jurors were told “you will convict”? No matter what the verdict, Hunter won’t serve a day. Slow Joe will pardon him, either immediately after being reelected or immediately before leaving office if he loses.
I would argue that they need to prove that he bore arms while under the influence. Lots of people drink or do drugs but only bear arms when sober. I think that is a perfectly reasonable argument. I doubt it would succeed though.
It sure wouldn’t succeed in Hunter’s case, since he took photos and video of himself with the gun, while smoking crack etc.
I think the jury did the best thing for Hunter. I knew he was a junky – but I didnt realize the scope or scale of that addiction… He should take his 5 years or whatever he gets… get into a rehab program and get his head straight…Those years might be ‘bonus’ years for him.
FJB not pardoning Hunter, might be the first good act of parenting FJB could ever made. Its amazing that Hunter is still alive after all the drugs he’s taken – its even more amazing that he didnt kill a dozen children or nuns in a DUI accident…
So the jury in my mind did the responsible thing and convicted him…
BTW, this charge and conviction is not lawfare… IF anyone else had done this they’d have been in prison for years already.
Biden’s handlers will let him go to jail, if indeed he is so sentenced, just as a way to help him sober up. After the election he will be pardoned. What parent wouldn’t? But before the election he will not be pardoned because so many people will react as you have. It makes Biden appear “responsible” as a parent.
I seriously doubt he’ll get jail time.