

Not since the LBJ ad of a little girl picking flowers suddenly nuked because Goldwater was president have I seen an uglier ad. And this was clearly in the can prior to verdict on the theory that it would jibe with the “convicted felon” tag and persuade us that charges in the ad were the real basis of the conviction.

The left has the money, owns all media, and is without scruples. How much damage can this sort of thing inflict?

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There are 149 comments.

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  1. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    I guess the good news is that we’re probably dealing with media saturation at this point: after eight years of anti-Trump vitriol, the good and the bad are likely baked into the electorate, and Trump could shoot someone on 51st Street and it wouldn’t change the outcome. (Did I get that location right? I really don’t remember.)

    Meanwhile, I suspect the turnout for Trump among those who had already decided to vote for him probably just got locked in: I won’t be the only one eager to pull the lever for the Republican candidate this year. (Nor, apparently, am I the only one who sent in a donation to the Trump campaign immediately after the verdict was announced.)

    The progressive Democrats got their cheating in early this time. Let’s see if this is the worst they can do.

    • #1
  2. JoelB Member

    Liars gonna lie.

    • #2
  3. MarciN Member

    I am constantly amazed at what people on the left believe about Donald Trump. I saw a clip about a month ago in which a young woman Democrat said, “He locked babies in cages.” Geesh. She was talking about the southern border protocols.

    The party platform for 2020 said that Trump had caused the deaths of thousands of people from covid.

    • #3
  4. philo Member

    FJB is less substantive than a skid mark in Reagan’s shorts…intellectually speaking, of course. Always has been, always will be. History will not be kind. (Since he is no longer really “with us”, I do wish Jill a very long and healthy life to suffer the well deserved mockery on his behalf. She has earned it.)

    • #4
  5. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    Henry Racette (View Comment):
    I guess the good news is that we’re probably dealing with media saturation at this point: after eight years of anti-Trump vitriol, the good and the bad are likely baked into the electorate, and Trump could shoot someone on 51st Street and it wouldn’t change the outcome. (Did I get that location right? I really don’t remember.)

    I thought it was 5th Avenue, but maybe I’m just thinking of the delicious, but hard-to-find candy bar.

    • #5
  6. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):
    I guess the good news is that we’re probably dealing with media saturation at this point: after eight years of anti-Trump vitriol, the good and the bad are likely baked into the electorate, and Trump could shoot someone on 51st Street and it wouldn’t change the outcome. (Did I get that location right? I really don’t remember.)

    I thought it was 5th Avenue, but maybe I’m just thinking of the delicious, but hard-to-find candy bar.

    That makes more sense. My first thought was 52nd Street, but then I figured that was just because of the album.

    Anyway. I’m more a grudging Trump voter than an enthusiastic member of the base, but I’m feeling pretty fired up about this right now. It will be interesting to watch the polling over the next few weeks.

    • #6
  7. She Member

    I just hope that our side is ready with something better.

    • #7
  8. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    Now that Trump is a felon, don’t Bragg and all other Soros DAs have to be on his side and oppose the stigma of punishment and get him back into the community?

    • #8
  9. Max Knots Member
    Max Knots

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Now that Trump is a felon, don’t Bragg and all other Soros DAs have to be on his side and oppose the stigma of punishment and get him back into the community?

    Love this! (thanks AI).

    What would happen if he switched parties? Just to troll them? :-)

    • #9
  10. Full Size Tabby Member
    Full Size Tabby

    Joe Biden began his 2020 campaign by piling up lies about Donald Trump. Joe Biden celebrated his victory in the 2020 campaign by repeating a series of lies about Donald Trump.  Joe Biden began his presidential administration with multiple lies about Donald Trump. Joe Biden’s speeches throughout his presidency have been full of lies about Donald Trump and about people who agree with some or all of Mr. Trump’s views. Joe Biden is continuing to push his 2024 campaign on the basis of more lies about Donald Trump. The only thing Joe Biden seems to be able to do is lie.

    • #10
  11. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Now that Trump is a felon, don’t Bragg and all other Soros DAs have to be on his side and oppose the stigma of punishment and get him back into the community?

    There was a discussion of that on the Commentary podcast yesterday.

    • #11
  12. Seawriter Contributor

    Old Bathos: How much damage can this sort of thing inflict?

    My bet? Absolutely none to Donald Trump. Zero. Nada.

    To Biden? Quite a bit. He’s the Wiley E. Coyote of politics. This is overreach, and it will backfire badly.

    • #12
  13. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    I guess the good news is that we’re probably dealing with media saturation at this point: after eight years of anti-Trump vitriol, the good and the bad are likely baked into the electorate, and Trump could shoot someone on 51st Street and it wouldn’t change the outcome. (Did I get that location right? I really don’t remember.)

    Meanwhile, I suspect the turnout for Trump among those who had already decided to vote for him probably just got locked in: I won’t be the only one eager to pull the lever for the Republican candidate this year. (Nor, apparently, am I the only one who sent in a donation to the Trump campaign immediately after the verdict was announced.)

    The progressive Democrats got their cheating in early this time. Let’s see if this is the worst they can do.

    I don’t know the numbers of viewership on media that will carry this ad, but I will never see it except here. As always, the media pulls the quotes out of context.

    • #13
  14. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    I guess the good news is that we’re probably dealing with media saturation at this point: after eight years of anti-Trump vitriol, the good and the bad are likely baked into the electorate, and Trump could shoot someone on 51st Street and it wouldn’t change the outcome. (Did I get that location right? I really don’t remember.)

    Meanwhile, I suspect the turnout for Trump among those who had already decided to vote for him probably just got locked in: I won’t be the only one eager to pull the lever for the Republican candidate this year. (Nor, apparently, am I the only one who sent in a donation to the Trump campaign immediately after the verdict was announced.)

    The progressive Democrats got their cheating in early this time. Let’s see if this is the worst they can do.

    I don’t know the numbers of viewership on media that will carry this ad, but I will never see it except here. As always, the media pulls the quotes out of context.

    I am in Michigan today. On TV. A parallel billboard campaign withe the word “unfit.” Golly, it is almost as if the lawfare was an integral part of the Biden campaign.

    • #14
  15. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    I guess the good news is that we’re probably dealing with media saturation at this point: after eight years of anti-Trump vitriol, the good and the bad are likely baked into the electorate, and Trump could shoot someone on 51st Street and it wouldn’t change the outcome. (Did I get that location right? I really don’t remember.)

    Meanwhile, I suspect the turnout for Trump among those who had already decided to vote for him probably just got locked in: I won’t be the only one eager to pull the lever for the Republican candidate this year. (Nor, apparently, am I the only one who sent in a donation to the Trump campaign immediately after the verdict was announced.)

    The progressive Democrats got their cheating in early this time. Let’s see if this is the worst they can do.

    I don’t know the numbers of viewership on media that will carry this ad, but I will never see it except here. As always, the media pulls the quotes out of context.

    I am in Michigan today. On TV. A parallel billboard campaign withe the word “unfit.” Golly, it is almost as if the lawfare was an integral part of the Biden campaign.

    Biden is a puppet of Obama and Lawfare.

    • #15
  16. Scott Wilmot Member
    Scott Wilmot

    Joe Biden is one of the most evil, vile men around. All he can do is inflict damage – as he has done his entire career. They have nothing but lies to run on – what has he done to better the life of America or her citizens?

    • #16
  17. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    Scott Wilmot (View Comment):

    Joe Biden is one of the most evil, vile men around. All he can do is inflict damage – as he has done his entire career. They have nothing but lies to run on – what has he done to better the life of America or her citizens?

    I think of Biden as more incompetent and selfish than evil, which is the specialty of his handlers, but it’s all bad for America. Biden is evil but not sufficiently competent for the level of evil America is experiencing.

    • #17
  18. Stad Coolidge

    philo (View Comment):
    FJB is less substantive than a skid mark in Reagan’s shorts…intellectually speaking, of course.

    It’s the same figuratively . . .

    • #18
  19. Stad Coolidge

    I wonder what some of these wonderful AIs would say about the verdict . . .

    • #19
  20. Steve C. Member
    Steve C.

    Scott Wilmot (View Comment):

    Joe Biden is one of the most evil, vile men around. All he can do is inflict damage – as he has done his entire career. They have nothing but lies to run on – what has he done to better the life of America or her citizens?

    No. He’s a grasper, a climber, an appetite for power. A man lacking moral and intellectual substance. And he’s the perfect tool to mask a tyranny exercised for the good of the public. 

    • #20
  21. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    -If you are asking if that ad will increase my hatred of the other side, no. That meter was already pegged. I don’t want to share a country with them. They are real close to moving from burning city blocks to rolling through our neighborhoods. If they are willing to destroy all norms to win elections this time, and if they get away with it with a past president/candidate, they can turn it against any of us, our pundits, our talk show hosts, our magazines, our web sites, etc. Just remember, if they take down the rich top dog, no politician is safe.

    – What happens if fools don’t vote for Trump because of this and Biden wins, then the court overturns all these convictions on appeal? How should we react? J6 taught us individuals can’t protest. Only our states can push back. Will they? There would be no undoing this wrong. The evil folks will only be emboldened. Then what?

    As far as I am concerned, there is little space between Democrats, Never Trumpers, and Trump haters who refuse to vote for him after this. If they all allow the Democrats to win in November, I will be done, will only vote in local elections and will write in Trump for president every four years even if he is dead. They will all soon have to play ball with the Democrats or face lawfare from the Dems themselves. 




    • #21
  22. 9thDistrictNeighbor Member

    Here’s a response:


    • #22
  23. EJHill Staff

    I wonder if anyone could have predicted this? This is the campaign you have chosen because you have chosen the man Biden and the Democrats wanted to run against.

    • #23
  24. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    EJHill (View Comment):

    I wonder if anyone could have predicted this? This is the campaign you have chosen because you have chosen the man Biden and the Democrats wanted to run against.

    “campaign you have chosen”

    Bull. Don’t pin the left’s decision to burn down the institutions on me.


    • #24
  25. Seawriter Contributor

    EJHill (View Comment):

    I wonder if anyone could have predicted this? This is the campaign you have chosen because you have chosen the man Biden and the Democrats wanted to run against.

    You are fooling yourself if you don’t think similar false criminal charges would not have been filed against DeSantis by now if it looked like he was going to take the nomination. Yesterday 14 Democrat state attorney’s general urged the Justice Department to file felony charges against Gregg Abbott for pardoning Perry.

    We have entered end-stage Roman Republic territory where the today’s Optimates, the Democrat Party, will attempt to jail any Republican who is a credible threat to win the Presidency.

    • #25
  26. EJHill Staff

    Henry Racette : Bull. Don’t pin the left’s decision to burn down the institutions on me.

    Well, unless you caucused in Iowa. But this is what Republicans knew was coming. It’s part of the package in picking Donald Trump.


    • #26
  27. Skyler Coolidge

    Henry Racette (View Comment):
    Let’s see if this is the worst they can do.

    Oh, they’re not hardly done.

    • #27
  28. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Old Bathos: How much damage can this sort of thing inflict?

    My bet? Absolutely none to Donald Trump. Zero. Nada.

    To Biden? Quite a bit. He’s the Wiley E. Coyote of politics. This is overreach, and it will backfire badly.

    If we make it backfire.  I don’t think it will backfire of its own accord.

    • #28
  29. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    EJHill (View Comment):

    Henry Racette : @ejhill to get the picture. Everywhere one listens and looks the Democrats are lying and cheating or stealing with Biden leading the pack.

    • #29
  30. Skyler Coolidge

    philo (View Comment):
    I do wish Jill a very long and healthy life to suffer the well deserved mockery on his behalf. She has earned it

    Mockery?  I’m sorry, that’s not nearly enough.  

    • #30
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