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Success and Its Parasites
Yesterday’s travesty in NYC is a result of the parasites taking over their host organism. Instapundit made the astute observation that any successful host will attract parasites. So long as the host (in this case the American judicial system) retained the traits that made it respected, and therefore successful, it could withstand the parasites. Now, however, the host has been overwhelmed and corrupted.
In this case, the obvious abuses of the Democrats running the Trump trial means that when we are on the other side of the conflagration the Fascist Democrats ignited. We are tasked with putting together a reconstituted legal system, one in which prosecutors and judges will have a lot less leeway; one where they must face substantially greater punishment for abusing their power. How and what it will be, I don’t know. But every other time something like this has happened before, the result is tighter rules on those in previously-trusted roles.
The Fascist Democrats brought this on. They gutted our institutions and destroyed the public’s trust. When you don’t deserve trust, you don’t get it. Worse, when you had it and lost it, you never get it back.
I do believe we, the side of truth and light, will eventually prevail. I also believe that this period of change will be very destructive. While I am confident we will win, I am sadly certain we will not go back to the status quo ante. Important things will be permanently changed. But humans adapt.
Published in Domestic Policy
I hope you are right. It’s very clear that the Judiciary at both the state and federal levels are incapable of policing themselves. The Bar associations are useless in maintaining good order. There needs to be significant penalties for judges and prosecutors who act so obviously outside the law. Not “sanctions.”
It needs to hurt.
Communism is a cancer that must be fully eradicated.
A good start would probably be, lower-court judges with a history of being reversed, need to go.
And the penalties need to be self-executing. They’ve lost the privilege of discretion. An earlier example is mandatory sentencing laws in the 80s. It was a direct reaction to the lawlessness of the 70s, and the perception of lenient judges letting violent criminals off with a slap on the wrist. Well we are at a similar point, only on steriods.
Having said that, there will be much damage now. The steps taken by the Fascist Democrats are so egregious, the reaction will be substantial. This is going to happen, there is no avoiding it. So I hope it is done with discipline and strategy.