Why What Riley Gaines Went Through Mattered – Her Push To Promote Ted Cruz


Riley Gaines, a twelve-time All-American and three-time Southeastern Conference champion who came out of the University of Kentucky, gained national attention over the issue of men pretending to be women who then are allowed into women’s sports.

In 2022,  she tied with male swimmer Lia Thomas in the 200 meter freestyle at the NCAA Division I Women’s Championships. Despite tying with Thomas, Gaines says she was told the trophy would go to Thomas for “photo purposes.”

After this occurred, she became very outspoken about the ridiculously absurd ideology that allows for men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women being permitted to participate in women’s sports at all levels, from grammar school to college.

She has become aware of how the media, as well as some prominent “civil rights-concerned” groups, have portrayed this matter as a non-issue. Gaines is using her recently acquired fame to bring up the fact that this matter is not a non-issue.

Her advocacy extends beyond women’s sports, particularly on situations where women are put at risk. These include the debate over public restrooms, where the transitioned — and not-so-transitioned — are allowed to frequent the ladies’ bathrooms, even though they still have male genitalia.

She holds equal concern for women in prison, who are increasingly at risk of being raped by fully intact males who have told prison authorities that they identify as female. Due to the new philosophy that any individual can be whatever sex that the individual has decided upon,  these men are then allowed into women’s prisons.

So just today Gaines made a point of highlighting Ted Cruz as he recently questioned a woman who wants a Congressional appointment to a more prominent spot in the judiciary. This  is a very revealing interchange between Cruz and the woman judge:


The above video shows how extremely scary the positioning of people with “woke philosophies” in places of power happens to be.

Published in Sports
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There are 18 comments.

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  1. Full Size Tabby Member
    Full Size Tabby

    I have been impressed with the interviews I have seen or heard of Riley Gaines. She is turning out to be a great representative for sanity. She has a compelling personal story, and effectively explains why it matters for the girls who are growing up today, girls who have reason to fear speaking up for themselves. She can speak for them.  

    Andrew Klavan interviewed her this week. I listened to the audio on Apple Podcasts, but there is video of what I assume to be the same interview on Mr. Klavan’s YouTube channel. In the Klavan interview, she says in her public speaking classes her face would “turn the color of a tomato” and yet now she is speaking to audiences all over the place with apparent ease. 



    • #1
  2. Full Size Tabby Member
    Full Size Tabby

    The whole boys and men who pretend to be girls and women “transgender” thing seems so exploitative of girls and women. One of the comments Ms. Gaines makes in her interviews is that all the concern expressed by officials and administrators is about the feelings of the one boy or man pretending to be a girl or woman, and that officials and administrators not only express no concern for the feelings of the many real girls and women who are made uncomfortable or embarrassed, but tell the real girls and women that their feelings are wrong and need to be changed. 

    The putting of men into women’s prisons just because the man says, “I feel like a woman” is insane. I keep reading of a number of female inmates getting pregnant from these “I feel like a woman” men. I understand that the case cited by Sen. Cruz is common – a large percentage of the men who claim to be women and seek to be assigned to women’s prisons are sex offenders. Men who have committed sexual crimes is a category of prisoner that seems particularly dangerous to send into a place full of women who have no way to escape his predations. 

    • #2
  3. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    Terrific questioning by Senator Cruz. Thanks for sharing it.

    • #3
  4. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Full Size Tabby (View Comment):

    I have been impressed with the interviews I have seen or heard of Riley Gaines. She is turning out to be a great representative for sanity. She has a compelling personal story, and effectively explains why it matters for the girls who are growing up today, girls who have reason to fear speaking up for themselves. She can speak for them.

    Andrew Klavan interviewed her this week. I listened to the audio on Apple Podcasts, but there is video of what I assume to be the same interview on Mr. Klavan’s YouTube channel. In the Klavan interview, she says in her public speaking classes her face would “turn the color of a tomato” and yet now she is speaking to audiences all over the place with apparent ease.



    Gaines truly has been impressive since her being denied a trophy over the need for an athletic org to appear woke.

    Thank you for including the info about Klavan. I’ll be watching that show.


    • #4
  5. Mark Camp Member
    Mark Camp

    “After this occurred, she became very outspoken about the ridiculously absurd ideology that allows for men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women are allowed to participate in women’s sports at ll levels, from grammar school to college.”

    I disagree with your implicit assumption that there are men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women.  I do not believe that that is possible.

    • #5
  6. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    “After this occurred, she became very outspoken about the ridiculously absurd ideology that allows for men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women are allowed to participate in women’s sports at ll levels, from grammar school to college.”

    I disagree with your implicit assumption that there are men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women. I do not believe that that is possible.

    I agree.

    The statement was made with regards to “the ridiculously absurd ideology” that now has brought about thousands of pages of rules and regulations using such terms  as those in regards to  everything from bathrooms at the local donut shop or Starbucks to the bathrooms at schools and businesses. Plus of course women’s prisons and women’s sports.

    In those rules and regs terms such as “men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women” are referred to. So in discussing these matters, those terms do get used.

    • #6
  7. Mark Camp Member
    Mark Camp

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    “After this occurred, she became very outspoken about the ridiculously absurd ideology that allows for men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women are allowed to participate in women’s sports at ll levels, from grammar school to college.”

    I disagree with your implicit assumption that there are men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women. I do not believe that that is possible.

    I agree.

    The statement was made with regards to “the ridiculously absurd ideology” that now has brought about thousands of pages of rules and regulations using such terms as those in regards to everything from bathrooms at the local donut shop or Starbucks to the bathrooms at schools and businesses. Plus of course women’s prisons and women’s sports.

    In those rules and regs terms such as “men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women” are referred to. So in discussing these matters, those terms do get used.

    Yes they do “get used”.  By those who believe their lie, and by those who unwittingly help spread it by imitating their hijacking of the language.

    I am pleading with you, and others who believe as you and I do, to stop imitating them, starting right now and for the duration of the war.

    • #7
  8. Fritz Coolidge

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    “After this occurred, she became very outspoken about the ridiculously absurd ideology that allows for men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women are allowed to participate in women’s sports at ll levels, from grammar school to college.”

    I disagree with your implicit assumption that there are men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women. I do not believe that that is possible.

    I agree.

    The statement was made with regards to “the ridiculously absurd ideology” that now has brought about thousands of pages of rules and regulations using such terms as those in regards to everything from bathrooms at the local donut shop or Starbucks to the bathrooms at schools and businesses. Plus of course women’s prisons and women’s sports.

    In those rules and regs terms such as “men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women” are referred to. So in discussing these matters, those terms do get used.

    Yes they do “get used”. By those who believe their lie, and by those who unwittingly help spread it by imitating their hijacking of the language.

    I am pleading with you, and others who believe as you and I do, to stop imitating them, starting right now and for the duration of the war.

    The words “get used” that the earth is flat. Doesn’t mean it’s compatible with reality.

    • #8
  9. kedavis Coolidge

    She’s been on Gutfeld too, most recently on Tuesday the 21st.

    • #9
  10. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Fritz (View Comment):

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    “After this occurred, she became very outspoken about the ridiculously absurd ideology that allows for men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women are allowed to participate in women’s sports at ll levels, from grammar school to college.”

    I disagree with your implicit assumption that there are men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women. I do not believe that that is possible.

    I agree.

    The statement was made with regards to “the ridiculously absurd ideology” that now has brought about thousands of pages of rules and regulations using such terms as those in regards to everything from bathrooms at the local donut shop or Starbucks to the bathrooms at schools and businesses. Plus of course women’s prisons and women’s sports.

    In those rules and regs terms such as “men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women” are referred to. So in discussing these matters, those terms do get used.

    Yes they do “get used”. By those who believe their lie, and by those who unwittingly help spread it by imitating their hijacking of the language.

    I am pleading with you, and others who believe as you and I do, to stop imitating them, starting right now and for the duration of the war.

    The words “get used” that the earth is flat. Doesn’t mean it’s compatible with reality.

    Both of yr statements are true. And it is easier to talk of those who believe the earth is flat, then to say “those who believe the earth is not round.”

    • #10
  11. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Thanks, CarolJoy. We must continue to shine a light on these abhorrent actions and stop the evil.

    • #11
  12. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Thanks, CarolJoy. We must continue to shine a light on these abhorrent actions and stop the evil.

    The traditional media ignores these stories and if possible portrays Gaines as a pointless angry loser who simply did not have the talents of the “woman” who competed against her.

    A year after this happened to her as far as not receiving a photo op, Gaines had a horrendous ordeal at one of the colleges or universities in the San Francisco bay area. There the school admin allowed radicals to chase her down. She had to hide in a classroom and hope the angry mob would go away. (Which it finally did.)

    The double standard of justice wherein a young woman has her life threatened yet the mob activity  is “justified” by Leftists as opposed to when AntiFa and BLM burned down 38 neighborhoods in the USA, with possibly as many as 200 people being killed in the chaos but nothing in the way of anyone being charged — that contrast in justice  still astounds me.

    • #12
  13. kedavis Coolidge

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Fritz (View Comment):

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Mark Camp (View Comment):

    “After this occurred, she became very outspoken about the ridiculously absurd ideology that allows for men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women are allowed to participate in women’s sports at ll levels, from grammar school to college.”

    I disagree with your implicit assumption that there are men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women. I do not believe that that is possible.

    I agree.

    The statement was made with regards to “the ridiculously absurd ideology” that now has brought about thousands of pages of rules and regulations using such terms as those in regards to everything from bathrooms at the local donut shop or Starbucks to the bathrooms at schools and businesses. Plus of course women’s prisons and women’s sports.

    In those rules and regs terms such as “men who are transitioning or have transitioned to women” are referred to. So in discussing these matters, those terms do get used.

    Yes they do “get used”. By those who believe their lie, and by those who unwittingly help spread it by imitating their hijacking of the language.

    I am pleading with you, and others who believe as you and I do, to stop imitating them, starting right now and for the duration of the war.

    The words “get used” that the earth is flat. Doesn’t mean it’s compatible with reality.

    Both of yr statements are true. And it is easier to talk of those who believe the earth is flat, then to say “those who believe the earth is not round.”

    Indeed, the Earth ISN’T round.  It is… what’s the term, oblate spheroid?  Something like that.

    • #13
  14. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Riley Gaines tweeted out today:

    Riley Gaines  @Riley_Gaines_

    I bet you’d never be able to tell which the man is. If you said it’s the 6’3 person proudly smiling as the center piece, that would make you a bigot.  No, this isn’t an SNL skit. Rose (such a dainty name) ranks 3rd in the state of CT going into their state championships this week.

    • #14
  15. kedavis Coolidge

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Riley Gaines tweeted out today:

    Riley Gaines @ Riley_Gaines_

    I bet you’d never be able to tell which the man is. If you said it’s the 6’3 person proudly smiling as the center piece, that would make you a bigot. No, this isn’t an SNL skit. Rose (such a dainty name) ranks 3rd in the state of CT going into their state championships this week.

    3rd after two other men, most likely.

    • #15
  16. Eugene Kriegsmann Member
    Eugene Kriegsmann

    I heard Cruz’s interrogation earlier today. I find the entire issue of allowing men, no matter what they identify as, into women’s prisons beyond the absurd.  I have followed Riley since she began her crusade, and I fully support what she is doing. I am also an ardent fan of Megyn Kelly who has become a proponent of ending this nonsense, of banning men in any condition from entering women’s private spaces, locker room, wash rooms, etc, and particularly women’s sports.

    There has been a movement by the left to undermine every institution in this country which supports classic values. This lunacy is just the latest, and it is spawning all sorts of off-shoots. I have heard recently that adults who are drawn to sexual relationships with children are the next group to gain some level of acceptance. I suppose the logical conclusion is that ultimately psychopathy and sociopathy will be seen as just variations on the norm. To some extent we have already seen this as Soros backed prosecutors turn criminals loose, or mobs of rioters burning down buildings are perceived as mostly peaceful. It is all akin, all a part of a movement designed to destroy the only truly functioning constitutional republic the world has ever known.

    It is truly time for a hard reset. This game has gone on far too long, and the looneys are beginning to believe that their dreams are coming true.

    • #16
  17. TempTime Member

    Full Size Tabby (View Comment):
    The whole boys and men who pretend to be girls and women “transgender” thing seems so exploitative of girls and women.

    Worse.  It is straight-forward deliberatively demeaning and dismissive.  Promoting caricatures of adult females as authentic models of females is an incomprehesible level of invalidation.    Totally destructive deceit.  I think only the very evil or very ill are even capable of engaging in or condoning this conduct.   

    • #17
  18. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    My cousin’s band was playing at a local bar tonight, so I decided to go out and listen — and do my usual designated driver duties.

    Given the nice weather, and thinking of this post and the recent track win by a young male athlete competing against the girls in Oregon, I felt like expressing myself.

    • #18
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