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Religious Arguments in a Dog Park? What Next?
Our local paper carried an article explaining that our town’s dog park had to be “temporarily” closed due to “human disputes among each other ranging from complaints of religious prejudice between multiple parties, to defamation, to stalking and more on the park grounds.” It was not immediately clear how a visit to a dog park, customarily a rather pleasant time for both pet and his/her human, could possibly be a venue for an argument about religious prejudice, but you may rest assured we eagerly await the publication of the lawsuit which will be filed next week!
Reading further into the article, we (Winston and I) learned that our Commissioner had set in motion plans to open up parts of a large park, minutes from our home, for a new dog park. Winston, being the gentleman we have trained him to be, immediately insisted on dictating a letter to me to send to the Editor of our local paper, expressing his appreciation to the Commissioner. Below, for your edification and, hopefully, amusement, is Winston’s letter to the Editor. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say I sincerely hope it gets published!
I am Winston, a Boston Terrier, and a lifelong resident of Gulf Breeze — Two years! I just want to say thank you to Commissioner Wright for his efforts at opening a dog park at Tiger Point Park. I was so sad to see the that Shoreline dog park had been closed due to some patrons disagreeing about something. It is one of my favorite places and the humans I have met there have all been very nice to me. So, it made me so happy — my usual state! — to see the good news about a new dog park a short golf cart ride from my home where my humans live with me!
Thank you!
As we often say here — and more and more as the years go by!— live long enough…..!
Published in General
Jim, you have a smart dog in Winston although I think he uses the exclamation point a little too often.
We have tried and tried to break him of that habit but yet he persists! (oops! there I go; what a poor role model I am!).
Cat lovers, man. Happens every time they come into a dog park.
Aren’t devout Muslims quite anti-dog? So I wouldn’t expect them to have a dog and be at the park. Catholics vs. Protestants? Christians vs. Jews? Maybe a Canaanite was there?
Progressives vs. Jews.
Is the dog park located ESE of the local mosque?
He’s only two years old. Dogs are very excitable at that age.
Nice post, Jim.
And an ADA vexatious litigant?
And this is why we can’t have nice things.
Amazing. Pathetic. All it takes is one litigious nutcase to shut public facilities down and have all of the taxpayers who pay for them suffer. Also, Winston and I have been to that dog park a number of times and I can’t imagine how it could be made more ADA compliant. People with way too much time on their hands.
The dog in question is “lift leg when peeing challenged”.
I did not think the ADA applied to animals?
Or does the owner identify as a squirrel? I can see where they would be discriminated against by dogs but in their defense they ARE dogs and the owner is a squirrel.