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Terrorist (?) Attack in Moscow
Armed gunmen burst into a concert venue in Moscow this evening and opened fire and threw an incendiary device that has caused a fire in the hall and partially collapsed the roof. Andrei Vorobyov, Moscow’s regional governor has said in a Telegram message that 70 ambulances have been dispatched to the Crocus City Hall, a large shopping and entertainment complex northwest of central Moscow.
“Everything is being done at the scene to save people,” he wrote in the Telegram message that was translated by NBC News. “The Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) has been deployed. There are over 70 ambulance carriages near Crocus, doctors provide the necessary assistance to all victims.”
Helicopters are dumping huge amounts of water on the venue roof.
TASS, Russia’s state-owned news agency, and RIA Novosti are reporting that Russia’s FSB security agency has put the preliminary casualty count at 40 dead and more than 100 injured. There are no independent confirmation of those numbers by Western media and no one has yet claimed responsibility.
The White House is monitoring the situation and have advised US citizens to “stay put” and avoid crowded areas of the city.
Update: ISIS has claimed responsibility.
Update II (1900 EDT) Authorities say the death toll has now risen to 62 while over 150 are now believed to have been injured.
Published in Terrorism
Update: ISIS has claimed responsibility.
It’s significant that a large a fraction of worldwide terrorist attacks are perpetrated by The Religion of Peace (TM).
Gosh, I wonder if it could have something to do with what’s in the Koran.
update- the USA warned Russia of the potential attack- but Russia said it was US psyops…that is what you get when a genocidal tyrant runs your country.
“The U.S. passed a secret warning to Russia earlier this month of a plot to target large crowds ahead of an attack that killed at least 60 people and injured over 145 at a concert hall outside of Moscow, according to U.S. officials…
On March 7, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow issued a cryptic warning to American citizens to avoid concert venues. The U.S. had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow potentially targeting large gatherings—including concerts—which prompted the State Department to issue a public advisory, White House National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said in a statement Friday night. “The U.S. government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy,” Watson added.
This week, Russian state news agency TASS said Putin described U.S. warnings about a possible terrorist attack as “provocative” statements that resemble “outright blackmail and an intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.”
Russia also pretty well saved Syria and defeated ISIS. So there is that.
Saved Syria? By slaughtering civilians- typical style for Russian autocrats.
Russia had no concern for “Syria”- they saved the Assad regime
Right now, shouldn’t all the efforts of the world be directed to making sure that Russia limits its response to avoid killing any asserted civilians?
Radio Free Europe article
IS has claimed it was their attack.
I’ve watched about a half dozen smartphone videos of the four perpetrators (while they were making their way through the entrance atrium shooting people, as well as after they made their way into the concert hall and opened fire on people in their seats).
Not a single “Allahu Akhbar!!!” escaped their lips.
Added to the fact that all four of them just spent less than 15(?) minutes there, as opposed to keep on killing as many people as possible before the inevitable arrival of police/special forces, and ran back into their getaway car in time to manage to escape before a dragnet was put in place, …
It indicates to me that this is yet another example of some or another faction of ISIS claiming credit for an operation that they had nothing to do with.
As to the question of why the four were making their way toward the Ukrainian border, …
Before the war Muslims made up 6% of the Ukrainian population so it’s not a mutually exclusive situation. We could embrace the power of “and.”
Which claim/contention is your comment a response to?
Just saying it could be both a Ukrainian national and facilitated by ISIS, the enemy of my enemy and all that goes with that. I don’t particularly trust any of that lot (ISIS, the Ukrainians or the Russians) to be truthful at this point.
the truthfulness spectrum:
ISIS<Russia< <<Ukraine
Great call- not!
Even Putin admits it was ISIS- look at their charging in court in Moscow (all clearly badly beaten- but it is Putin’s Russia):
“Moscow’s Basmanny District Court formally charged Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, 32; Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, 30; Shamsidin Fariduni, 25; and Mukhammadsobir Faizov, 19, with committing a group terrorist attack resulting in the death of others. The offense carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
The court ordered that the men, all of whom are citizens of Tajikistan, be held”
funny those names don’t look Ukrainian ….
Amusingly, ISIS is not mentioned anywhere in the text that you excerpted from whatever your source is (you provided no link), which you are using to prop up your contention that “even Putin admits it was ISIS”.
Amazingly Russian court press releases don’t tell the truth- hold the presses!
But yes- even Putler knows ISIS did it:
You continue to amuse. The very article you cite states that “Putin didn’t mention the affiliate of ISIL (ISIS) that claimed responsibility for the attack.”
Of course -Putler is trying to blame Ukraine so as to justify his genocidal actions(and deflect blame from his refusal to heed warnings from theUS)-but none are so blind as those who refuse to see…
Heh. You went from “Even Putin admits it was ISIS” (exposed as false), to “even Putin knows ISIS did it” (exposed as mere mind-reading on your part), to now “Of course he didn’t mention ISIS”, in the space of roughly an hour. ROFLMAO!
You went from acquiescence to Putin to backing his lies-ROFLMAO!