Experts Admit: Transgenderism is Not Based on Science


One of the leading organizations on transgenderism, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) acknowledged that transgenderism is one big lie. They didn’t admit this publicly of course; their internal files were leaked and Michael Shellenberger made sure they were made public:

Instead of the rigorous, careful, evidence-based medicine that champions of ‘gender-affirming care’ claim to practice, the WPATH files show doctors who are making it up as they go along, smashing through guardrails even though they know that the children they are chemically and surgically altering cannot really give informed consent. And people are noticing.

The transgender community is protesting this information, since it doesn’t support their disturbed agenda. Many of the standard statements of support for transgenderism have been disproven and discounted.

For example, high rates of suicide attempts for these children are simply untrue. But frightened parents, trying to protect their children, buy in to the “science.” Children are not born into the wrong bodies; troubled teenagers going through puberty may be uncomfortable with their physical changes and feel something is “wrong.” And transgender activists are more than happy to validate these disturbed feelings. Hormone treatment and surgery are not harmless decisions; children may never be able to mature properly and depending on their sex, experience normal sexual development and bearing of children.

Fortunately, many states are taking action against these treatments, although the bills vary in their prohibitions and penalties. This list briefly describes these actions meant to protect our children. The assurances from medical authorities that gender affirming care is valid are insufficient evidence to our legislators:

Some have expressed concern about a lack of data on the possible long-term consequences of gender-affirming medical treatment for minors. A 2022 Reuters investigation, for example, found ‘no large-scale studies have tracked people who received gender-related medical care as children to determine how many remained satisfied with their treatment as they aged and how many eventually regretted transitioning.’ Others, according to the article, have raised alarms about children who are not appropriately evaluated before receiving gender-affirming medical care.

What is tragic and sick is that President Biden continues to support the transgender agenda. I’m sure this latest information will not deter him from lauding these devastating procedures. But the fight will continue as long as there are disturbed people who want to destroy the lives and future of our children:

This does not mean the fight is over. Indeed, we should expect gender ideologues to become more aggressive as their losses pile up. They thought time would be on their side, and that new research would vindicate them. But their time is running out, and the continued lack of evidence for ‘gender-affirming care’ is pushing them to increasingly brazen lies and distortions as they attempt to justify their collapsing position. And they are also becoming more authoritarian in the places and institutions they do control, as they attempt to impose transgender dogma on the rest of us.

We must continue to speak out against this deranged and dangerous movement.

Published in Healthcare
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There are 45 comments.

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  1. Lilly B Coolidge
    Lilly B

    If scientific evidence can be effective at combating the hold that WPATH and transgender activists have on the method of caring for gender dysphoric or otherwise troubled people, then let’s publicize the data, or lack thereof. I continue to be amazed that anyone thought the data would support the hypothesis that whatever the positive outcomes of social and medical sex-changes are for adults, these would be even more helpful when applied to children and teens. The basis for the ideas of gender activists has never seemed to be in the realm of science, but rather more like the extension of tolerance for minority sexual identities to ever increasing kinds of identities. The purpose has always been more about getting younger people to believe in transgenderism and gender ideology in order to normalize it and affirm the lifestyles of trans people.

    Fundamentally, the ideology relies on a subjective standard for anyone’s claims. Since scientific data relies on objective and observable information, it doesn’t make much sense for the trans ideologues to give it much weight. They create their preferred realities with words, so why would they care if science doesn’t accord with their wish fulfillment?

    • #1
  2. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Lilly B (View Comment):
    The basis for the ideas of gender activists has never seemed to be in the realm of science, but rather more like the extension of tolerance for minority sexual identities to ever increasing kinds of identities. 

    You may be giving them too much credit, Lilly. I can’t see the benefit from tolerating alternative sexual identities when it creates the opportunity to abuse our children. Or am I misunderstanding?

    • #2
  3. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Also, whenever I put up a transgender post, I try to make sure that there is new and important data to share. In the case of this post, I think discrediting an international organization that is supposedly highly regarded in this country is important for people to know. Especially those with children. There are countries in Europe that have moved away from gender affirming care, but the activists here make sure their decisions aren’t publicized here.

    • #3
  4. Lilly B Coolidge
    Lilly B

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Lilly B (View Comment):
    The basis for the ideas of gender activists has never seemed to be in the realm of science, but rather more like the extension of tolerance for minority sexual identities to ever increasing kinds of identities.

    You may be giving them too much credit, Lilly. I can’t see the benefit from tolerating alternative sexual identities when it creates the opportunity to abuse our children. Or am I misunderstanding?

    I am trying to articulate what they think they’re doing. I think it’s much darker than that, for some people, as you suggest. Many people are just going along, being useful idiots. Example from real life to follow.

    • #4
  5. Addiction Is A Choice Member
    Addiction Is A Choice

    Transgenderism” is meant to divide and weaken us.  The tell?  Their heroes don’t believe it.  Men can get pregnant?  They don’t believe that in Beijing, Havana, Caracas, or South Africa, and they damn sure don’t believe it in the Middle East!

    Transgenderism” is just another way of saying “The Grass is Always Greener.

    • #5
  6. Lilly B Coolidge
    Lilly B

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Also, whenever I put up a transgender post, I try to make sure that there is new and important data to share. In the case of this post, I think having an international organization that is supposedly highly regarded in this country denounced is important to tell people. Especially those with children. There are countries in Europe that have moved away from gender affirming care, but the activists here make sure their decisions aren’t publicized here.

    I absolutely agree! To the extent the data are helpful at bringing down this house of cards, we should make it known! I am just wondering why so many people require “data” to see the lie inherent in the whole ideology.

    • #6
  7. Percival Thatcher

    Susan Quinn:

    We must continue to speak out against this deranged and dangerous movement.


    The malpractice suits will be epic. May lawyers gnaw on their bones.

    • #7
  8. Lilly B Coolidge
    Lilly B

    this was a recent post by a former neighbor and acquaintance of mine. 

    • #8
  9. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Addiction Is A Choice (View Comment):
    Transgenderism” is meant to divide and weaken us.  The tell?  Their heroes don’t believe it.  Men can get pregnant?  They don’t believe that in Beijing, Havana, Caracas, or South Africa, and they damn sure don’t believe it in the Middle East!

    But, Addiction, that just shows how “unwoke” they are!

    • #9
  10. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Lilly B (View Comment):
    I absolutely agree! To the extent the data are helpful at bringing down this house of cards, we should make it known! I am just wondering why so many people require “data” to see the lie inherent in the whole ideology.

    That’s the part that drives me nuts. I guess that parents are overly dependent on the opinions of teachers, counselors and certainly medical doctors. And now we have to show that all of them lied who gave this advice. 

    • #10
  11. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Lilly B (View Comment):

    this was a recent post by a former neighbor and acquaintance of mine. 

    Good grief. Glad it’s not a real friend. How sad.

    • #11
  12. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    Percival (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn:

    We must continue to speak out against this deranged and dangerous movement.


    The malpractice suits will be epic. May lawyers gnaw on their bones.

    FYI, the Dem states are creating laws to totally protect these perverted butchers from the Nuremberg trials they deserve.  

    • #12
  13. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    Addiction Is A Choice (View Comment):
    They don’t believe that in Beijing

    China is paying to promote the fad.  Fifth generational warfare.

    • #13
  14. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    DonG (CAGW is a Scam) (View Comment):
    FYI, the Dem states are creating laws to totally protect these perverted butchers from the Nuremberg trials they deserve.  

    Why am I not surprised.  Sick.

    • #14
  15. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    Even if the data existed, would anyone be allowed to publish it if it did not affirm the narrative?  

    • #15
  16. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Even if the data existed, would anyone be allowed to publish it if it did not affirm the narrative?

    Publishing isn’t widespread yet, but we have to keep trying. Someone in the mainstream has to experience his or her own child being damaged–maybe it has to be that personal–and feel compelled to speak out.

    • #16
  17. drlorentz Inactive

    WPATH are the “experts” now? No. They are quacks.

    This is the problem with the Normie Right: they accept the premises of the Left and having ceded home-court advantage, proceed to lose the larger argument. What follows logically from Mr Shellenberger’s revelation is that these ‘experts’ have merely skipped a few steps and that more research is needed before we continue mutilating children.  “Let’s just pause.”

    If you accept WPATH as experts in the matter, you’ve already lost the argument. A better approach would be to say, “Even the kooks at WPATH know that this tranny business is insane. They just said the quiet part out loud.”

    • #17
  18. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    drlorentz (View Comment):
    If you accept WPATH as experts in the matter, you’ve already lost the argument. A better approach would be to say, “Even the kooks at WPATH know that this tranny business is insane. They just said the quiet part out loud.”

    I agree. And I want to be clear. haven’t called them experts.  

    • #18
  19. drlorentz Inactive

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    drlorentz (View Comment):
    If you accept WPATH as experts in the matter, you’ve already lost the argument. A better approach would be to say, “Even the kooks at WPATH know that this tranny business is insane. They just said the quiet part out loud.”

    I agree. And I want to be clear. I haven’t called them experts.

    Did the editors, in their infinite wisdom, add “experts” to the title of your post?

    • #19
  20. Max Knots Member
    Max Knots

    Matt Walsh did a recent podcast all about the origins and people behind this ideology. It started back in the 60’s and was started by seriously disturbed folks. Listen and learn. It has become a source of wealth for unscrupulous surgeons.  Or at best, poorly informed ones.

    The activists are also using it to normalize the sexualization of children. It is sick in its effect on everyone it touches but most especially the children. If we do not resist this social contagion our country and its unique blessings will vanish. (The trans idea is funded/promoted over here by the CCP through an ex-patriot US millionaire now living in China. He is the major source of funding for the largest pro-trans organizations. See this episode of the Morning Wire which discusses China’s fingerprints on several key movements designed to destroy us internally. These findings will surprise no one who’s been paying attention.)

    • #20
  21. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    drlorentz (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    drlorentz (View Comment):
    If you accept WPATH as experts in the matter, you’ve already lost the argument. A better approach would be to say, “Even the kooks at WPATH know that this tranny business is insane. They just said the quiet part out loud.”

    I agree. And I want to be clear. I haven’t called them experts.

    Did the editors, in their infinite wisdom, add “experts” to the title of your post?

    No. They are regarded by others as experts. I guess my facetious tone was lost.

    • #21
  22. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Max Knots (View Comment):
    Matt Walsh did a recent podcast all about the origins and people behind this ideology. It started back in the 60’s and was started by seriously disturbed folks. Listen and learn. It has become a source of wealth for unscrupulous surgeons.  Or at best, poorly informed ones.

    China is no surprise. Soros is engaged, too.

    • #22
  23. Lilly B Coolidge
    Lilly B

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Even if the data existed, would anyone be allowed to publish it if it did not affirm the narrative?

    Publishing isn’t widespread yet, but we have to keep trying. Someone in the mainstream has to experience his or her own child being damaged–maybe it has to be that personal–and feel compelled to speak out.

    I understand your impulse here, but the complicity of parents is what has been frustrating me for so long about the increasing popularity of trans identification. Since I know a lot of these people, I don’t think they are likely to change their minds based on personal experience. Rather, they wear their child’s “gender journey” as a badge of moral superiority.

    In the case of many people, like the one whose post I shared above, they use their support for gender non-confirming people as a virtual signal of their luxury belief. This term, coined by Rob Henderson, perfectly captures what I observe among wealthy liberals. The woman who proclaimed her support of they/them pronouns and gender self-ID has two children. Her daughter, a senior in high school at a private, all-girls Catholic School, is gorgeous. Her son is a typical boy. Would she still profess this support if her daughter went down the trans rabbit-hole? I think she might. But the point is that her daughter isn’t a likely victim because she is typically feminine, attractive, and from a stable household. This woman isn’t likely to bear the cost of encouraging the nonsense. She just gets the credit and social acceptance from like-minded Democratic elites. 

    • #23
  24. Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot) Inactive
    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot)

    Lilly B (View Comment):

    this was a recent post by a former neighbor and acquaintance of mine.

    This is a good one.  I note the incoherence of the argument in the post, and the framing in moral terms.

    The so-called transgender person gets to choose.  The author of the post does not, writing, “who am I to disagree?”  Then the author of the post states that “it is my choice to stand with them.”

    But no, it’s not really the author’s choice.  Morally, in this framing, the author has no choice except to “stand with” the so-called transgender person.

    The key to the rhetoric, I think, is in the use of the term “R.E.S.P.E.C.T.”  This isn’t any sort of argument.  It’s an assertion that to disagree is to be disrespectful.

    Personally, it’s not clear to me that people behaving badly, or even ridiculously, deserve “respect.”  Criticism, and even ridicule, can be a proper response, in my view.

    Thanks for the example.

    • #24
  25. GlennAmurgis Coolidge

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Lilly B (View Comment):
    I absolutely agree! To the extent the data are helpful at bringing down this house of cards, we should make it known! I am just wondering why so many people require “data” to see the lie inherent in the whole ideology.

    That’s the part that drives me nuts. I guess that parents are overly dependent on the opinions of teachers, counselors and certainly medical doctors. And now we have to show that all of them lied who gave this advice.

    I recommend the Jordan Peterson podcast with Abigail Shrier (#427), they go into details on this topic. 

    • #25
  26. Stad Coolidge

    People should pick up a copy of Abigail Shrier’s book, Irreversible Damage.  I did after hearing her speak at a Hillsdale College function.  It’s chilling stuff . . .

    • #26
  27. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Stad (View Comment):

    People should pick up a copy of Abigail Shrier’s book, Irreversible Damage. I di after hearing her speak at a Hillsdale College function. It’s chilling stuff . . .

    I agree. It’s an excellent book.

    • #27
  28. Nanocelt TheContrarian Member
    Nanocelt TheContrarian

    Susan is completely correct. Although this has long been acknowledged, for example by the Endocrine Society, my professional organization. In their guidelines on Transger medical management they list the evidence for treating minors is “poor”, that is, no good data for their recommendations. Their guidelines are based on only what is within our technical capacity, not what effectively addresses a medical or psychological disorder. 
    Those practicing such transgender management of adolescents have completely abandoned the medical ethic of first do no harm. They are pursuing experimental and irreversible treatments without informed consent, as they are communicating an entirely hypothetical position rather than medical facts, and this on children, often contrary to parental consent.

    The main difference between these physicians and Dr Mengele is that Mengele collected detailed and accurate data. These physicians do not, and misrepresent what “data” they supposedly collect.

    • #28
  29. Headedwest Inactive

    Nanocelt TheContrarian (View Comment):
    The main difference between these physicians and Dr Mengele is that Mengele collected detailed and accurate data. These physicians do not, and misrepresent what “data” they supposedly collect.


    • #29
  30. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Nanocelt TheContrarian (View Comment):
    Susan is completely correct. Although this has long been acknowledged, for example by the Endocrine Society, my professional organization. In their guidelines on Transger medical management they list the evidence for treating minors is “poor”, that is, no good data for their recommendations. Their guidelines are based on only what is within our technical capacity, not what effectively addresses a medical or psychological disorder. 

    Nanocelt, is there any chance that some of these other professional organizations could speak out? I know you said transgenderism doesn’t fit into their guidelines, but as medical professionals I would think they are qualified, if not more qualified, than the quacks.

    • #30
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