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Thank You, Big Pharma
I had thought that Biden would either duck the SOTU, mail in a taped performance, or go full-senile mid-speech. Instead, he was so drugged up and “fiery” (the official MSM word of the day) that I thought he might punch somebody on his way out of the chamber.
(BTW, the scientific literature says giving speed to senile oldsters is a go.)
Barring a stroke or cardiac arrest from too many poppers or too much whiffle dust, any plans to install Newsom, Whitmer, or some other non-Kamala replacement have been permanently shelved. It will be back to the basement for another stealth campaign but with a really bad record to run on this time.
The good news is that with the Delaware Disgrace on the ballot, the Democrats will have to continue to try to tell people that the economy is fine, that the border is secure, that crime is dropping, and that Biden is not impaired. On his best day, Josef Goebbels (and maybe even Baghdad Bob) would likely refuse that task as impossible.
This means that the one candidate Trump can probably beat is staying in the race. Biden’s natural mean streak and gracelessness will be more obvious than ever and when Democrats are afraid, they need to scream “Hitler!” louder and more often so months of ugly noise are ahead. Ugly noise is usually bad for incumbents.
Anyway, for the moment, thanks Big Pharma for letting the circus roll on.
Published in General
Primary voters seem to want more ugly noise. They can’t get enough of it.
A major part of the strategy to beat Trump was to keep screaming until people could not stand it anymore and would vote to make Trump to go away to make the ugliness stop. That worked at the margins back when Biden was the (fictitious) Return to Normal candidate. Now that Normal is a trans military, rogue FBI, 20 million aliens, unaffordable groceries, no electricity for AC this summer, and looted Walmarts, yelling “Hitler” is unlikely to be as effective.
Dear lord, that is an accurate “sit rep.” :) :)
I have this mental image of Hunter and Dad doing lines of cocaine in the limo all the way over to the capital.
For those that have seen the comedy movie: “Walk Hard, The Dewey Cox Story”, its a spoof of that Johnny Cash movie, but there’s a scene where he’s singing his country-like ballad “Walk Hard” after doing cocaine and he’s singing it like a punk rock/mosh-pit winder in the 1950’s, yelling at his band to “play faster! Again, faster!”
Dewey Cox invents Punk Rock by accident in Walk Hard (youtube.com)
I generally really try not to make diagnoses over a TV set. But gosh – I swear he was on something. A whole lot of something.
Hard to say. Maybe he just thought his only hope was to look manic and bang his shoe on the table. But my goodness. He looked like he was on way, WAY too much amphetamine.
The good news is, he just passed a cardiac stress test. I’ll bet his pulse rate was 175 for two hours. I’ll bet they gave him 10mg of lorazepam as soon as he got in the limo after the speech, and then transported him to a cardiac care unit for monitoring.
I’m trying to imagine what would’ve happened if he had died of a cardiac arrhythmia on national television 45 minutes after his own doctor jacked him up on speed.
His doctor is playing with fire, here.
Of course, so are we, by electing him, I suppose…
Or maybe good drug-abuse-resistant genes. Certainly, Hunter’s lifestyle would have been quickly fatal for more than a few. The Big Guy does not have much connection with reality and truth anyway so line up those drugs.
Here’s the other line of attack: Doctors Say Trump Is Displaying Clear Signs of Cognitive Issues (yahoo.com)
I wonder if Gartner has been diagnosed with terminal TDS.
I’m still thinking it’s a combination of cortisol-adrenaline plus some mild stimulant his doctor gave him.
I say that because it is remarkable to judges and doctors how often mental-health-impaired people “snap to” in conservatorship and guardianship hearings. It happens so often that it cannot be coincidence.
For Joe, the joint session appearance would be such a shot of excitement–exhilaration–that it seems possible to me that his apparent cogency was self-generated. :)
I have seen up close Senators and Congressmen snap into performance mode the second a photo light goes on or a microphone appears. Biden has had a half-century of that. He has always had a certain bravado–he makes utterly absurd statements about his past, his record, his policies, and facts in general without the slightest fear that it will come back to hurt him. He cannot be embarrassed.
That is why public gaffes and faded attention span are especially worrying in his case–he is programmed to get through that sort of thing. And why it is likely that he got some chemical help last night.
Since it’s my opinion that Biden has always been personally dishonest, professionally for sale, a pseudo-avuncular bully, and a deeply foolish man with extraordinarily poor judgment outside of his narrow expertise in pandering to the electorate, Biden senile or otherwise doesn’t matter all that much to me.
But keeping him on the ticket does, since there are some very ugly, very electable alternatives who would bring an overtly anti-American vibe Biden lacks — that lack being perhaps his only virtue; he’s bad for America, but he doesn’t express contempt for my country in the way the previous Democrat president did.
So I’m glad he managed to get through the whole speech without wandering off-stage or asking for his pudding cup.
Barring a further decent into flagrant electoral malfeasance, there’s a decent chance I’ll vote for a winning candidate in November.
Hey, when david Harsanyi writes that Trump is the “Return to Normal” candidate…that is saying something.
What If Donald Trump Represents A ‘Return To Normalcy?’ (thefederalist.com)
The final graphs:
I think that the ironic thing is that most of the “issues” with Trump were fabrications of the Left in the first place. I am reminded of this when I see the things that the Media/Left is saying about the GOP candidate for Governor in North Carolina. They say he is a holocaust denier because he said:
That sounds terrible. Calling the deaths of millions of Jews “hogwash”, but wait…what about that ellipses that starts the quote and ends the quote:
So, what he was saying is that saying that it was the Nazis that disarmed the Jews and thus the Holocaust happened is hogwash. There is a popular belief that many 2nd Amendment supporters put forth that disarming the Jews made it harder for them to fight back, and that Hitler and the Nazis did just that. I suppose that is a discussion that could be had.
What about after the quote? He is, once again, taking aim at people using that argument to fight against gun control. Once again, one can agree or disagree with his take on if comparing the gun grabbing of the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany is a fair way to look at current US policy proposals by gun grabbers, but he certainly did not say that the Holocaust didn’t happen. Quoting him that he did is such journalistic malpractice that I would expect it from our current media environment.
What is the old legal aphorism?
When you have the truth on your side, hammer the truth.
When you have the law on your side, hammer the law.
When you have nothing on your side, hammer the table
Agreed. With all that he is still the best Democrat we have.
I always get my BP taken manually, rather than the automatic machines. The way the machines auto-pump-up etc, seems to raise my numbers quite a bit. When taken manually, the doctors are no longer concerned.
Great post, but a question arises:
How are you so sure that the speed came from Big Pharma and not Hunter’s local meth connection?
My first real full time job was on Wall St in the cocaine-80’s. It was mid December and we were waiting for shuttle busses to take us to the firm’s Christmas Party. One of the young hot managers was relentlessly hitting on on attractive new-hire. She was having none of it. He excused himself and when he returned he had a frosting of white powder on his moustache. She gestured toward it and asked “Martin, why are you doing that s—t?”
He replied “Hey, we’re going to a party. It amplifies your personality!
Her response was priceless: “Yeah? What if you’re already an a—hole?”
I think we were seeing the amplified a—hole that is FJB.
A few years back when he was debating Trump he seemed to be on whatever he was on last night. I remember it being really noticeable. I think we talked about it here on Ricochet as well.
Bill Cosby made that joke too.
I shouldn’t have laughed at the thought of that. I mean that’s just not the sort of thing a decent person should laugh at, is it?
Honestly I figured this was a non-zero chance with the amount of meds they were going to have to use to get him through this speech.
Is the doctor playing with fire an MD or Dr. Jill, Ed.D?
As usual, the Bee nails it.
The Gutfeld show last night, especially Kat Timpf, also made that joke.
Don’t Doctors have easy access to meth? The best meth.
On the other hand, a lot of people are not-so-blissfully unaware of many of these facts, because the media isn’t telling the truth. So it’s possible that those people, at least, having seen Biden apparently being not-so-bad in that speech, will think it’s just fine to re-elect him.
Biden was almost certainly hyped up on amphetamines: adderall, concerta, vyvance, something of that sort. Level II controlled substance(s). (Although it is hard to rule out cocaine). They are used extensively to fry the brains of our youth for vastly over diagnosed ADHD, they are used extensively in our special ops forces (I’ve had to try to deal with the consequences of that in addicted former special ops soldiers) , so why not in our commander in chief in a crunch? Or so his physicians must have reasoned. And Biden didn’t want to just be Lincoln and FDR. He really wanted to be JFK, too.
That is troubling to contemplate.
Not just meth. But amphetamines as well. Yes, yes they do.
Many so desperately want to keep Trump out they will grab onto this little straw.
Could be, but a lot of them probably aren’t that aware of Trump supposedly being “evil,” either; they’re just thinking Biden is somehow doing fine.