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Lawsuit Against Maricopa County Elections
See this Xeet about a lawsuit filed against Maricopa County elections.
/1🚨BREAKING – America First Legal Files Landmark Lawsuit Against Maricopa County, Arizona Officials for Violating State Election Laws
On behalf of its clients, AFL filed a lawsuit against Maricopa County, Arizona officials for violating State election administration laws.🧵 pic.twitter.com/hNDPQAjQjQ
— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) February 7, 2024
This suit alleges a series of actions by the Maricopa County Elections officials that shows a systematic disregard for State elections laws. Of course, a suit alleges a lot usually and it remains to be proven in court. Still, one aspect of this Xeetstorm is that it points out that multiple times the actions of the County elections officials caused discrepancies that exceeded the margin of victory in multiple races.
The most two most troubling allegations, to me, are that chain of custody was ignored, and that audit tracking of ballots versus check-ins was ignored. Those two issues, in a nutshell, undermine the foundation of election integrity. Absent those controls, it doesn’t matter if any fraud occurs, it’s impossible to know the outcome of an election is valid. If the allegations in this case are shown to be true, then there must be severe consequences. I’ve no idea if they will be shown to be true, but even if they are, I expect no serious consequences as a result, and further I suspect little to no reporting on the outcome should the plaintiffs win.
Published in Elections
I’m not sure how the left doesn’t see the risk in such a whole hearted adoption of election cheating. It’s not like it couldn’t be used against them in the future. They must believe that they will never have to face a reckoning.
There is absolutely nothing new in these allegations.
Lost in all the usual outrage chatter is that an Arizona judge ruled in mid-January that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer’s defamation lawsuit against Kari Lake can proceed.
Lake, who has screamed the loudest on these fraud allegations, said Richer “personally sabotaged” her election by adding 300,000 fraudulent ballots into the count.
Twice she has asked the court to dismiss the suit saying her accusations were “mere rhetorical hyperbole,” that is, she lied.
Well, since truth is an absolute defense against libel here is her chance. Time to put up and prove the allegations are true and not just some endless fundraising grift and outrage porn for the true believers.
The ‘stink’ of election corruption from Maricopa County has lingered on for so long. Like Cook County/Chicago, Palm Beach, FL (since reformed), Fulton County/Atlanta, Madison & Milwaukee here in WI. It’s so diffucult to accept that our fellow citizens in those states don’t see and a repulsed by the obvious failure theater in reforming elections.
If (IF) we ever get a decent GOP governor in WI again, that person will have to be DeSantis-like ruthless in forcing meaningful election reforms through. When Walker was governor in WI – he really did do a good/great job but I’ll tell you, this was never on the GOP’s radar and we controlled it all at the time: Assembly, Senate, Governor & State Supreme Court – I can’t believe it wasn’t addressed then, but we’ve got a lot of road projects!
We’re in “The Doom Loop”
I know that you know that this is not the point!
Have these allegations been examined and rejected on the merits of the evidence presented in an Arizona court?
Will get kicked out on Standing.
The system will never allow this to go forward.
Well, like I said, Lake will get her chance. The standard of evidence is lower in civil cases. But since she’s already pleaded “hyperbole,” not once – but twice, she probably doesn’t have that strong of a case.
I’m really interested because that’s where I voted in 2020. I had voted there in 2018 and, although I voted in person in both instances, 2020 was quite different. In 2018 I was able to walk to a small precinct but in 2020 things had been consolidated and where I voted was far enough that I had to drive and the process had a very different and less intimate feel of community.
Media keeps saying Russia is interfering in our elections but my sense is that we are interfering in our own elections.
Mike Lee has a post on X where he pans any idea for a quick vote by the Senate on the now notorious allegedly ‘bipartisan’ border bill and he makes a call for new Senate leadership. I’m not on X so no link.
What consequences does the law even call for? Probably none. And that would also be assuming that particular parties at fault could be identified.
C’mon. You should be ecstatic. Kari Lake is going to court! All of these allegations are going to be heard! Hurray!
Never mind the fact that she and her lawyers are whining about it and that they have filed a petition with the state Supreme Court to dismiss (that was 2 days ago.)
Trump and Lake have been yelling fraud for four years now and given the opportunity to present their evidence in open court all they want to do is turn tail and run. Why is that?
Could it be that they have no evidence? That the allegations are worth more to them unproven than presenting their facts in court?
I never thought there was a definitive answer to this question:
Did any of those Dominion voting machines allow access to the internet?
Was that question answered?
The key to most if not all of this, as I think StA mentioned in another recent post, is that it’s difficult or impossible to “prove” specific election problems especially if it’s expected to show exactly who or what benefited from it. That’s why it’s up to the election officials etc to show that THEY followed all the applicable laws regarding chain of custody, etc. And if it can be shown that they didn’t, that’s all that is required to invalidate an election.
Especially if it can be shown that the number of votes affected exceeds the supposed “margin of victory.”
Well, on the one hand, I have you, telling me nothing to see anywhere, and on the other. Auggie who has more than demonstrated there were serious issues across the nation in key spots.
I don’t know about AZ specifically, but in WI the courts even agreed that ballots were cast illegally.
That question was answered long ago. In 2002 the Congress passed HAVA, the Help America Vote Act. It created the Election Assistance Commission to test and certify voting systems so the states would know what they’re purchasing. One of the requirements the EAC puts on the certification is that all systems must be closed and inaccessible to the internet and data transfers and software updates must be made via USB or SmartCard devices. Dominion Systems have had their machines certified as closed by the EAC.
All of the allegations in the thread and lawsuit:
You @ejhill are appearing to totally discount all the evidence pointing to federal law enforcement involvement in promoting and failing to properly investigate events of Jan 6 including the pipe bombs found at the DNC and RNC HQs.
Well, he can’t give off the slightest hint that he might be on the side of those people. Those . . . (spits) . . . deplorables!
That does not answer my question because all those making accusations that the machines were capable of being connected to the internet knew of the requirement you note. I think there were facts presented that indicated the machines still have such capability and that the machines were possibly altered after certification and before voting. EAC is just another body that can be corrupted and isn’t it federal, we are going to have critical state election processes certified by federal agencies?
The Wisconsin case (Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission) held that the dropboxes had no statutory authorization, it did not prove that the votes were fraudulent. While local election authorities had no right to use them, the voters who used them did so in good faith.
Even before Covid, 15 states had provisions in their voting laws permitting the use of drop boxes.
No, what I am saying is that people have been caterwauling about states stopping the presentation in court of “proof” on standing, and when given the opportunity to go to court both Trump and Lake do everything humanly imaginable to avoid it.
Instead of presenting his “irrefutable” proof of fraud in Georgia as filing with court Trump and Co. are going after the sex life of the prosecutor. Instead of welcoming a court date in Arizona, Kari Lake is screaming about “hyperbole.”
Make up your mind. Do you you want their “proof” submitted for adjudication or do you just want the accusations because you find them politically expedient ?
That is a non sequitur. What is the possible connection between DC pipe bombs and Maricopa County voting machines? Are you saying the pipe bombs were powerful enough to wipe out everything between DC and Phoenix? That’s some pipe bomb.
The votes were still cast illegally. Should not have happened. Not one of those votes should have counted.
Still makes fraud more likely.
You sound pretty clear that your are untroubled by our election system and think it is all hunky-dory.
Now you are putting words into my mouth based on what I have said here and elsewhere. EJ, you constantly want to paint with a broad bush against anyone who disagrees with you. None of that should be directed at me.
Is this you or not?
You bitch that it gets thrown out. “The system” will stop it. And yet, when “the system” allows it, oh noes! Someone is putting words in my mouth!
Things get kicked on standing all the time. I don’t think the system will let the OP lawsuit go forward. That has nothing to do with Kari Lake being sued for defamation Moreover, it don’t see how my statement applies to this:
EJ, you have put anyone who supports Trump into a box and project your feelings onto that box. These leads you to interpret things in a way that distorts what people are saying. I would not have said anything about words being placed in my mouth was this not a pattern I have seen in your behavior in past posts.
I find this really unfortunate. You are good on other things. However, it is making you increasingly difficult to engage with. That is not a place in which I want to be, yet here we are. Even with some of the other anti-Trump people, it is easier to find grounds of agreement.
Frankly, it makes me sad.
It has everything to do with it. Because your premise is simple: The system is so corrupt the powers that be cannot and will not allow any evidence submitted that exposes the corruption. Yet, here’s a case where “the system” is saying, “C’mon in. You charge corruption and we’re going to let you prove it.” And given that opportunity, the so-called righteous in the cause of clean elections runs for the exits. Oh, no. I was only kidding. Just hyperbole. Nothing to see here.
Same with Trump in Georgia. He’s charged with racketeering and fraud. He could file his much hyped “irrefutable” report with the court and ask for summary dismissal. But does he do that? No, he attacks the sexlife of the prosecutor.
Every single time – whether it’s in actual court or the court of public opinion – when given the opportunity to present ironclad proof of all the corruption you’re constantly railing about, the people you swear are getting railroaded won’t pony up. And that raises no red flags with you. None. Instead, I’m the bad guy because I point it out.
Somebody connected to the federal political establishment in Washington got the former Chairman of the Arizona State Republican Party to test the water with Kari Lake to see if she could be bought.
@ejhill What makes you think addressing or not addressing such connections when they appear corrupt is a non-sequitur when that type of possible connection is precisely the point being discussed?
The problem on our side of this argument is that many of the corrupt behaviors being alleged are possibly criminal and require those in the criminal investigative field to investigate to gather possible evidence but that has not happened. The pipe bomb events in Washington on Jan6 is a prime example being covered in detail by Dan Bongino on his Rumble show and he is a person with inside experience and knowledge of how these things should happen so I consider him to be a credible source. The FBI Director Wray has been very evasive in testimony before Congress and in unity with the intel community invokes various needs for secrecy from the people. It’s very tiresome from people we have put in charge.
Are you telling me that if Lake prevails in her defamation suit – that a judge declaring her evidence against Richer to be substantive and compelling – would not advance that? Of course it would.
You can make a tenuous connection between pipe bombs and ballot boxes but can’t see how the evidence being accepted by the court as credible doesn’t advance your cause?
Apparently, you read minds now!
Again, you persist in ascribing to me arguments I am not making. When you are corrected you ignore it.
That does not make you a bad guy for pointing it out. It shows your biases.
It sure makes it hard to engage with you.
Guess I’ll stop.
When I find that I am agreeing with Jimmy Carter concerning how to hold an election, well we are reaching the end of time I guess:
As far as I am concern the Dems have managed to super size the ballot box stuffing process. At the moment it is focused on just the right spots so that it doesn’t smell too bad if you hold your breath and look the other way.
But I suspect now that they have gotten away with it, they don’t fear employing it with the most incompetent president in all of the US’s recorded history. They will dare you to question how Mr Senile will manage to rack up a popularity vote that will exceed not only Barak’s best showing, but will be larger than his previous 91 Million count in 2020..
Bet me that I am wrong.