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The Aftermath in Dublin
I won’t do a long-form tonight as I am writing on my phone. Instead, I will keep it to ten points, as by now most people know the score. I want to thank everyone on Ricochet for their prayers and comments relating to my country. Here is a brief summary of the aftermath:
1. Two Irish citizens remain in hospital. The woman who responded and defended the children in her care, a creche worker is still in critical condition. As is one of the children stabbed brutally in the neck (so I am told). The other two innocent patients have been set free from hospital.
2. The outrage and disgust at this allegedly mass murder attempt is felt still by many Irish people. However, the government and the media here are deliberately not focusing on this. There has been an almost deliberate attempt to focus on the riots, that you would not know three children and an adult were stabbed.
3. The alleged madman is under protection in a hospital in Dublin which, for legal reasons, I will not state where. There are multiple credible reports of attempts being planned on his life. He incidentally had the least physical damage of all violence victims.
4. He is allegedly an Irish Algerian citizen who, according to the bare essentials we are getting, lived in Ireland for 20 years. Fought a deportation order five years ago and was eventually granted Irish citizenship. He’s allegedly also not worked one single day in Ireland, something Tucker Carlson noted.
5. The political class in Ireland the government parties and the opposition are refusing point blank to address what occurred on Thursday afternoon. Our Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar (child of an Indian father) stood up in Dail Eireann (Irish congress) and said he did not want to link migration to crime. He did not want to! He also refused to fire the Justice Minister or the Garda commissioner! The globalist will not debate on the dangers of mass migration.
All day, parties and their TDs (Congressmen) contributions in Dail Eireann, with few exceptions, delivered speeches focusing on the dangers of “the far right,” linking them to the riots.
For these TDs, there was little mention of near-dead kids, but much focus on thugs and the far-right phantom and hate speech. A few brave members said we need to have a debate on mass migration.
Last night the leader of the opposition, Mary Lou McDonald of Sinn Fein (the political wing of the Provisional IRA that caused mayhem and terror for 30 years) and is as middle-class liberal as it gets, refused to meet working-class Dubliners who were enraged with mass migration. This, from someone who is supposed to represent inner city Dublin and boasts of it. There will be no help from the opposition here.
There was some talk about crime and policing which is legit given the state of Dublin both before and after Thursday, but again everyone with a brain wants more cops on the beat. Little talk on sentencing, which is also a reason Dublin has so many Irish and non-Irish scumbags in play. Even today unrelated to this news story, a lad with 275 images of child porn got a suspended sentence.
6. The media in Ireland have acted nearly as one, just as I predicted on Friday. There is little focus on the stabbing or the alleged suspect. Instead, there is criticism for the only news site, Gript.ie, that dared to publish his details or whose journalists have linked with the downside of mass migration.
They are focusing with renewed vigour on their enemies, i.e., anyone on the right they don’t like. Those with opinions the liberal elite don’t like. You know, us and anyone to the right of us.
The usual calls for censorship, calls for Twitter to be punished as Elon Musk has hilariously trolled both Irish media and government. They are literally calling for hate speech laws to be enacted and encouraging politicians to do it.
They are also hilariously being called out in real-time by many on social media for the frauds they are. Of course, they’re naturally complaining about the intimidation of their members as they actively try to ruin anyone they don’t like with smears and innuendo. One who was named as a cause of the riots for having a very popular Twitter account about mass immigration was a few years ahead of me in secondary school.
7. The Gardai (cops) are hunting rioters and so far have caught 30 plus. More on the way. I have no issue with this. But it’s almost certain they caught the dumb ones who didn’t run away fast enough. (Some of whom were migrants). Facing ferocious criticism from their masters, they have turned Dublin city centre into an actual low crime zone for the first time in memory. Good news at last.
Unfortunately, they have also been given license to go after anyone who is being accused of hate speech online. We have to wonder if they will arrest anyone who questions mass migration or anyone who was dumb enough to incite violence on Thursday. The two are not the same. Facial technology has also been planned to roll out along with cameras.
Worryingly, it has also emerged that the official Gardai social media accounts have been caught liking posts on a very far-left social media site. They deleted it after getting caught, but it does not bode well.
8. The establishment here has focused only select heroes from that day who disarmed the madman. The Irish woman, who literally is intensive care, has been downplayed as has the Irishman who literally took knife off him. Instead, focus by the media and political establishment is on a Brazilian (who is a hero). This is being done cynically to remind the Irish people that not all migrants are bad, and don’t question the narrative.
9. I was right about the crime stats on foreign criminality here: 22 percent of all jail cells right now are represented by a foreign national. It also appears that from what others are saying, Dublin is not the only powder keg. There are other potential flashpoints in the making.
10. The school itself reopened with no fanfare on Monday, much to the fury of the parents. The kids have already been forgotten, as one TD said today. In fact, apparently they had to get across urine from a drunk who had urinated outside school just this week. Madness, utter madness.
I debate now only who I hate more: the political elite or the media elite. If anyone here knows Tucker Carlson, please send him this.
For those also interested, I don’t want to hear praise of Conor McGregor for his take on this issue. Should you come to Dublin sometime, you’ll hear a very different debate about him. One which I cannot talk about for many, many reasons.
Published in General
How about knife speech laws? When knives do the talking, trouble looms.
God bless you all, Paddy.
If they keep throwing “far-right” around, they’ll detoxify it to the point where it will have the opposite effect on the public. The voting public.
Wasn’t the whole shtick of the IRA and Sinn Fein “Ireland for the Irish?” Irish ethnostate, no?
Perhaps it was all more about hating the British than loving Irish culture.
Furthermore, the IRA got a lot of military support not just from the USSR but also from Middle East terror states, yes? That suggests a tendency towards sympathy and even fondness for Islamo-fascists.
There’s also the unfortunate reality that some members of the IRA formed mini-Mafias, handling drug & weapons smuggling, prostitution and more.
Sinn Fein also had members that went that route as well.
You posted that same video on four different threads. Are you getting paid for this?
Nope. It’s just a fact that not everyone follows the same threads. If you want to blame someone, blame the people who created multiple Ireland threads, instead of putting everything on one.
Pity, as hard as you’re working for them.
You overestimate how hard it is to click on “Comment.” I’m not George Jetson.
The people who created those threads each had something to say. A comment-free link to a video is just weird.
Especially when it has a click-bait title and no apparent substance. I tried watching it, and the first minute was some guy talking about his conspiracy theories. But nothing about Ireland. What the what and why?
What is it the kids say? “How to say you didn’t watch the video without saying you didn’t watch the video?”
Liberal Hivemind has that tendency.
The video is eight minutes. I gave it one. Perhaps you could summarize it for us?
The first mention of “Ireland” comes at 1:00.5 and the video about media in Ireland starts at 1:17.
So Ireland’s next election is February of 2025 or sooner, and most elections are held months, or often a year before their 5 year mandate expires. So it won’t be unrealistic to see an election sometime in 2024. Are there any anti-immigration parties in Ireland, like there are in the Netherlands, Germany, and France?
Well it was nice not seeing the hoodie guy working up an endless subway train. I can’t watch him anymore. Maybe if he had a podcast it would be better but anybody, even spitting out the most senseless crap, has thousands of followers on youtube. I’ll take 100 Ricochettie over 10000 Youtubers. Well, it does pay well so I think I’ll post a video of my cat trying to scroll my monitor. I mean right now. Get out of the way. Stupid cat.
Paddy S, thanks for the brief update from your phone. You haven’t been around much over the past year. I missed your posts and comments.
My great grandparents came over during the famine. This is our family bar in County Leitrim. Two of my sisters have been there but I have not as of yet.
I didn’t hear McGregor’s side but yes, he is an idiot.
Story reported by The Gateway Pundit, that the statement “Irish Lives Matter” is racist:
Didn’t realise so many people noticed I was gone ha. Aw appreciate it lads