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Quote of the Day: Enormous Blessings
“I think it’s an enormous blessing to be the child of an immigrant who fled oppression, because you realize how fragile liberty is and how easily it can be taken away.” – Ted Cruz
“I was so horrifically bad at tennis” — Ted Cruz
I like Ted Cruz a lot, and have grown to like him even more in the last few years. He doesn’t mince words, and is brutal and fearless when he challenges people who are either seeking appointments or testifying about their corporate actions. He’s also very articulate, has a deep understanding of the Constitution, and a great sense of humor.
When I saw the first quotation above, I couldn’t help but appreciate how he translated his experiences in Cuba into a love and commitment to liberty in this country. I think that attitude is true of many immigrant Cubans; we see them becoming very successful, especially in southern Florida.
But why do other immigrants who come from oppressive countries not have the same reaction? Why do they bring some of the archaic and primitive beliefs with them, especially the very reasons they have fled their native countries?
Do we pin the problem on Joe Biden because he has made it so easy for migrants to break the law? What about the illegals in New York, who expected comfortable accommodations and to be served food they preferred?
Finally, I added the second quotation because some people mistaken Cruz’s self-confidence for arrogance. Any man who admits to being terrible at a sport can’t be all bad.
Published in Group Writing
Puttin’ on airs even then, I see.
Hey, he’s got a descendant who is the only female PotUS in history. (Unless one counts Barry.)
Most of my ancestors came before that. My paternal grandmother came after that, and didn’t know any English when she came. Her children taught her English after they started school.
I disagree, but only from the standpoint that Cruz wanted to be President, and he chose as his “lane” the outside lane to run from. However, being the Solicitor General of Texas (not an elected position) was not a job that was a stepping stone to the White House. He couldn’t run for Governor and beat Rick Perry which would have been the other logical stepping stone. So, he ran for Senate where he caucuses with the GOP but stuck his finger in their eye when he could. His filibuster in 2013 angered Sen. McConnell and many other GOP Senators. This was all part of his effort to have a platform that was legitimate to run for the White House, but also allowed him to style himself as an outsider who felt that the GOP wasn’t doing enough, or even trying in many cases to resolve the issues the base cared about.
He filibustered Obamacare, and that ticked off the Murder Turtle? Tough.
I wonder how the ‘desperately poor’ have been managing the $5000 a person to make the journey?
Excellent question.
Soros-backed NGOs? Cartels buy-on-time plans?