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Sky News’s Kay Burley Brings the Light to What’s Left of Her Channel
If you haven’t spent approximately seven minutes of your life watching the following exchange from a few days ago (just after the very real possibility of some hostage releases became relevant) between Israeli government spokesman Eylon Levy and Sky News presenter Kay Burley, you might not be aware of (or following) the current anti-Israel bias WRT the pernicious Jews’ pernicious hostage pernicious negotiation pernicious position.
You may have thought the BBC was in a class by itself on this matter.
But, No.
Sky News to BBC: Hold My Beer.
Honestly–even if you’re an anti-Israel shill–it beggars belief. At least, if it doesn’t, I’m very clear that I don’t want anything to do with you:
If your life is so full, fun, and rewarding, and if you only have a moment to spare, perhaps ignore Mr. Levy’s poignant remarks in opposition to this miserable woman’s bitter questions, and start at 4:17 with Ms. Burley’s reference to an (unnamed) “hostage negotiator.”
Kay Burley: I was speaking to a hostage negotiator this morning. He made the comparison between the 50 hostages that Hamas has promised, promised to release, as opposed to the 150 prisoners that are Palestinians that Israel has said that it will release, and he made the comparison between the numbers and the fact that does Israel not think that Palestinian lives are valued as highly as Israeli lives…”
Mr. Levy’s bug-eyed, disgusted, response speaks for itself.
Nevertheless, and for emphasis, I’ll speak for myself too, and say simply that:
A member of what passes for a major, influential news channel allowing such a libel to pass without comment and without even rationally checking it at the door also speaks for itself. Given Ms. Burley’s history (readily available on the Internet), I’m not surprised.
But what I think isn’t important. Or surprising. What is important is that many who were born after me, who don’t pay as close attention as I do, or who come at the matter from an ingrained, non-factual perspective–even a few of you here–find her attitude perfectly OK. And that, if we don’t complain about it, shout about it, and lay down a marker, they and you will take the field. That’s important, too.
So here it is. Complaint. Shouting. Marker.
That is all.
Published in General
I thought at one point that Sky News was positioning itself to be the alternative to the BBC based on not being predictably horrible.
So much for that.
I very much hope they realize she needs to be torpedoed.
Yeah. You’re not the only one.
She is evil and deserves more than what she will get.
Every last Palestinian sympathizer is pro genocide.
There is no middle ground.
Support for those monsters is support for genocide.
The moral idiocy is sumpin’ else.
Mark Twain’s quote comes to mind: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
It’s funny, I thought that Palestinians were price gouging.
Wow, she’s so smug. She’s as cold as a witch’s £!£. I’m surprised about Sky News. I don’t follow British news. Is there even a conservative news outlet in Britain any longer? Where can conservatives go?
I watched GB news to get its take on the Dublin stabbing and aftermath. It seemed quite professional, in the good sense.
I sample a little bit of Times Radio on YouTube. One gets the idea that some of them might from time to time read something other than the Grauniad. Except for Cathy Newman, who one time famously attempted to cross wits with Jordan Peterson. I was checking out GBNews for a time. They had Mark Steyn as a regular, but he’s gone now. Laurence Fox was there too for a while, but he was banished for wrong-think. On the other hand, they immensely improved when they gave Dan Wootton the heave-ho.
I believe he answered, “I award you no points, and may G-d have mercy on your soul” or words to that effect.
She is a despiccable flack! It is truly amazing to me that the antisemitism so prevalent in Britain in the 1940s has remained unchanged through the years. I have read claims of infiltration of Muslim propaganda machines into Europe and the United States, but I believe it can only grow in an environment that is amenable to it to begin with. You can’t grow wheat in the arctic. That BBC and Skynews can continue to pump their garbage over the airwaves demonstrates that the birth and continued existence of Israel in perpetuity is essential for the Jewish people. What has been the case for hundreds of years, remains the case when it comes to antisemitism. That antisemites think that they can raise to claim of Islamaphobia as though it was actually something comparable only demonstrates how deeply their antisemtism is engrained in their souls. Disgusting is the only word that comes to mind.
The Telegraph seems to be sane.
And just like that, Times Radio comes through with Ron Liddle attempting to explain to Chloe Tilley that Giorgia Meloni is not “far right” no matter what the BBC and the Grauniad might say.
(Do people in Jolly Ol’ really hold up Auntie Beeb as a suitable judge of who and who isn’t far right?)
You can ignore Susie Boniface; everyone else does.
The look on Chloe’s face is classic – as if you gave a slice of dill pickle to a puppy.
The strong point Ron Liddle missed is the BBC et al never calls anyone “far Left.” Why is that?? Could the useful idiot he’s talking to name anyone alive today who is “far Left??” Maybe she should ask herself, “are we the
baddiesfar Left?”Answer: Yes, darlin’. You are the baddies.
Relatively speaking. However, it’s insolvent and on the block. with the consortium that’s tipped to buy it being majority-owned by the Emirates. So, stay turned.