Talk Is Cheap


Secretary of State Antony Blinken is one of the most unimaginative and naive men on the planet. I realize that he is only espousing the line of the Biden Administration, but first he advocates one strategy and then explains why it is impractical to implement it.

On his latest visit to Israel today, he gave a speech trying to put his discussions with the president and prime minister of Israel in the best possible light. That’s just good politics. But I continue to be exasperated at his insistence that a “humanitarian pause” must be implemented, when that strategy will only work to the detriment of Israel. First, I’m not convinced that we can know which Palestinians should be entitled to humanitarian aid. Do they have special identification cards? Do they have to take an oath on the Koran that they don’t support Hamas? How do we know that they aren’t at least sympathetic to Hamas and will transfer supplies, either voluntarily or with the threat of force, to Hamas? How will Israel prevent Hamas from re-arming?

Then, there is the question of how long a “pause” should be. Will there be several small ones? How long will they be? Hours? Days? Weeks? Who gets to make that decision? What if Hamas violates the agreement? What will they do when Hamas, subtly or obviously, steals supplies, including fuel? Will the humanitarian pause involve the release of hostages? How will that be assured and implemented? What if they extend the release of hostages in the middle of the process? Who has the authority to insist that they follow through? What if hostage corpses, not living people, are returned?

My biggest question is why the US believes it is entitled to “help” Israel negotiate any of these terms. How much power over Israel can they demand because of the arms they are supplying? What if the US and Israel reach a roadblock about any of these efforts? Who will be forced to cave in?

Two of the most foolish proposals presented by Biden are not a surprise, but extremely impractical. The first one is that the only solution after the war is over is a two-state solution. I believe that died on October 7. Besides, driving the Jews into the sea is not just a Hamas mission; it is shared by many Palestinians. When a reporter asked Blinken about the extremist ideology that could remain, even after Hamas is defeated, Blinken replied, “We’ll just need to come up with a better idea.”

I assume that Israel is going along with the U.S. interference for a couple of reasons. First, they might actually learn something in these discussions. Talking together also builds relationships and at least creates the illusion of cooperation. But ultimately, I expect them to keep talking for quite a long time.

Talk is cheap.

Published in Foreign Policy
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There are 72 comments.

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  1. Seawriter Contributor

    Blinken is the illustration of C. S. Lewis’s concept of men without chests.

    • #1
  2. Rodin Moderator

    Biden hates Israel and is only constrained in exposing his hatred for political reality of trying to keep Jewish donations and votes for the Democrats. I can’t read his mind so this is opinion only. He also hates blacks and is constrained for political reasons as well. He actually hates a lot of people. 

    • #2
  3. Seawriter Contributor

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people. 

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    • #3
  4. BDB Inactive

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people.

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    And appparently he really really likes some people in it.

    • #4
  5. CACrabtree Coolidge

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people.

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    Except for the Obama family.  He seems to be sucking up to anyone who might further his own career.

    Anyone who saw him sit like a scared schoolboy while the Chinese lectured him on the evils of the U.S. should have realized that he is a gutless little twerp.  He is a disgrace.  Whoever voted for Biden also voted for him.  They should be ashamed.

    • #5
  6. Seawriter Contributor

    CACrabtree (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people.

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    Except for the Obama family. He seems to be sucking up to anyone who might further his own career.

    Does Joe Biden really like the Obamas? Did Eddie Haskell really like June Cleaver or did he just pretend to? Biden is like the bully who sucks up to anyone more powerful than he is (as you point out). 

    • #6
  7. Mad Gerald Coolidge
    Mad Gerald

    Susan Quinn: Then, there is the question of how long a “pause” should be. Will there be several small ones? How long will they be? Hours? Days? Weeks? Who gets to make that decision? What if Hamas violates the agreement? What will they do when Hamas, subtly or obviously, steals supplies, including fuel? Will the humanitarian pause involve the release of hostages? How will that be assured and implemented? What if they extend the release of hostages in the middle of the process? Who has the authority to insist that they follow through? What if hostage corpses, not living people, are returned?

    Infinite permutations in that direction.  No firm objective or definitive endgame.  And besides, where are the hostages?  While the hostages are held there is nothing to discuss. 

    The hostages are in an extremely unfortunate position. 

    • #7

    “I realize that he is only espousing the line of the Biden Administration”

    The one known known is that Joe Biden certainly is not the “one” formulating anything …. other than his latest bowel movement.

    So one can certainly presume Antony Blinken actually does formulate the Biden Admin foreign policy … or is one very influential part of the formulation of the Biden Admin foreign policy, so don’t let this spineless Iran appeaser off the responsibility hook for the current debacle taking place in the Middle East.

    • #8
  9. DonG (CAGW is a Scam) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Scam)

    This Blinken?  They guy who dressed his kid up as Zelinskyyy trick-or-treating for billions?

    Blinken dresses son as Zelensky for White House Halloween party

    • #9
  10. Percival Thatcher

    Susan Quinn: My biggest question is why the US believes it is entitled to “help” Israel negotiate any of these terms. How much power over Israel can they demand because of the arms they are supplying? What if the US and Israel reach a roadblock about any of these efforts? Who will be forced to cave in?

    The Biden administration is attempting to flex. They are hemorrhaging respect and influence by  the hour. Israel should tell that impossible twerp Blinken that it will be taken under advisement – Diplomatese for “take a running jump.”

    • #10
  11. Susan Quinn Member
    Susan Quinn

    Percival (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn: My biggest question is why the US believes it is entitled to “help” Israel negotiate any of these terms. How much power over Israel can they demand because of the arms they are supplying? What if the US and Israel reach a roadblock about any of these efforts? Who will be forced to cave in?

    The Biden administration is attempting to flex. They are hemorrhaging respect and influence by the hour. Israel should tell that impossible twerp Blinken that it will be taken under advisement – Diplomatese for “take a running jump.”

    Works for me!

    • #11
  12. OldPhil Coolidge

    Blinken and the entire horde of Obama-Biden sycophants are an unmitigated disgrace.

    • #12
  13. Ray Gunner Coolidge
    Ray Gunner

    Susan Quinn: My biggest question is why the US believes it is entitled to “help” Israel negotiate any of these terms. How much power over Israel can they demand because of the arms they are supplying? What if the US and Israel reach a roadblock about any of these efforts? Who will be forced to cave in?

    Same, SQ.  Why would the Israelis give a minute of attention to the Biden/Blinken talk of “pause” when it is so obvious their “pause” talk is driven entirely by domestic electoral politics (I’m looking at you Dearborn, Michigan..).    It’s as if FDR had made a point of publicly asking Churchill to “pause” England’s early bombing missions over Germany for fear of losing Cincinnati.  

    Anthony “Get Me 51 Intelligence Officers To Lie About Hunter’s Laptop!” Blinken is a political hack top to bottom.   The Israelis will make a show of listening to him (to keep the aid flowing), but will utterly ignore him, as they should. 

    • #13
  14. Django Member

    CACrabtree (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people.

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    Except for the Obama family. He seems to be sucking up to anyone who might further his own career.

    Anyone who saw him sit like a scared schoolboy while the Chinese lectured him on the evils of the U.S. should have realized that he is a gutless little twerp. He is a disgrace. Whoever voted for Biden also voted for him. They should be ashamed.

    He personifies the phrase “deer in the headlights”. 

    • #14
  15. Raxxalan Member

    BDB (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people.

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    And appparently he really really likes some people in it.

    I know what you are alluding to and I have to say this ewwww, ick.

    • #15
  16. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Someone needs to tell those bozos that this is war. Hamas started it – Israel will finish it. Did we pause WWII to get supplies to the German and Japanese citizens.


    • #16
  17. Seawriter Contributor

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Did we pause WWII to get supplies to the German and Japanese citizens.

    No, but we won those wars. Folks don’t want Israel winning this one.

    • #17
  18. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Did we pause WWII to get supplies to the German and Japanese citizens.

    No, but we won those wars. Folks don’t want Israel winning this one.

    There it is. You can close down comments, now. Nothing else needs to be said.

    • #18
  19. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    Blinken is a ridiculous man.  But so is the entire Biden Administration. The lack of quality is uniform. As a group they seem to be lazily informed by a vague adherence to the hard left and a hatred of American normals and a rejection of the values held by such people.  Obama established the idea that American interests are tainted and unworthy and so we should defer to Iran and run away and shrink into the status of non-exceptional people we really are.

    • #19
  20. Red Herring Coolidge
    Red Herring

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Blinken is a ridiculous man. But so is the entire Biden Administration. The lack of quality is uniform. As a group they seem to be lazily informed by a vague adherence to the hard left and a hatred of American normals and a rejection of the values held by such people. Obama established the idea that American interests are tainted and unworthy and so we should defer to Iran and run away and shrink into the status of non-exceptional people we really are.

    Call it what it is, “The Obama Third Term Administration.”

    • #20
  21. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Blinken is a ridiculous man. But so is the entire Biden Administration. The lack of quality is uniform.

    We may miss a lot of opportunities by pretending the lack of quality is uniform. 

    Tolstoy said, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” I wonder if the same couldn’t be said about competent and incompetent administrations, and if the way to deal with them is to exploit those disuniformities. 


    As a group they seem to be lazily informed by a vague adherence to the hard left and a hatred of American normals and a rejection of the values held by such people. Obama established the idea that American interests are tainted and unworthy and so we should defer to Iran and run away and shrink into the status of non-exceptional people we really are.


    • #21
  22. Percival Thatcher

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Did we pause WWII to get supplies to the German and Japanese citizens.

    No, but we won those wars. Folks don’t want Israel winning this one.

    Folks want the Israelis to win. The noisiest components of our Ivy stained future elites have all joined the Sturmabteilung.

    • #22
  23. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Blinken is a ridiculous man. But so is the entire Biden Administration. The lack of quality is uniform.

    We may miss a lot of opportunities by pretending the lack of quality is uniform.

    Tolstoy said, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” I wonder if the same couldn’t be said about competent and incompetent administrations, and if the way to deal with them is to exploit those disuniformities.


    As a group they seem to be lazily informed by a vague adherence to the hard left and a hatred of American normals and a rejection of the values held by such people. Obama established the idea that American interests are tainted and unworthy and so we should defer to Iran and run away and shrink into the status of non-exceptional people we really are.


    Our professional diplomatic establishment sucks. Amateur diplomat Jared Kusher made more ME progress in two years than decades of “expert” involvement. The rush to undermine and dissolve the Abraham Accords by Team Biden (Team Obama’s second string) was motivated less by American or regional best interests but pique at their own fecklessness being exposed and a need to undo a Trump success.

    I read where there is open dissent in Foggy Bottom against what they see as a WH pro-Israel policy. (a) Where do they get off openly undercutting their President’s national foreign policy? Shut up or resign in honorable protest. (b) How the hell is a pro-Hamas/pro-Iran policy in the US interest? Those people suck. There always appears to be room for such people on the bloated faculty of the Georgetown School of Foreign Service or the Kennedy School at Harvard. Maybe they should be culled.

    • #23
  24. BDB Inactive

    Old Bathos (View Comment):
    Maybe they should be culled.

    Sir, I would like to hear more about your organization.  Do you have a brochure?

    • #24
  25. DaveSchmidt Coolidge

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    BDB (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people.

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    And appparently he really really likes some people in it.

    I know what you are alluding to and I have to say this ewwww, ick.


    • #25
  26. DaveSchmidt Coolidge

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    Blinken is a ridiculous man. But so is the entire Biden Administration. The lack of quality is uniform.

    We may miss a lot of opportunities by pretending the lack of quality is uniform.

    Tolstoy said, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” I wonder if the same couldn’t be said about competent and incompetent administrations, and if the way to deal with them is to exploit those disuniformities.


    As a group they seem to be lazily informed by a vague adherence to the hard left and a hatred of American normals and a rejection of the values held by such people. Obama established the idea that American interests are tainted and unworthy and so we should defer to Iran and run away and shrink into the status of non-exceptional people we really are.


    Our professional diplomatic establishment sucks. Amateur diplomat Jared Kusher made more ME progress in two years than decades of “expert” involvement. The rush to undermine and dissolve the Abraham Accords by Team Biden (Team Obama’s second string) was motivated less by American or regional best interests but pique at their own fecklessness being exposed and a need to undo a Trump success.

    I read where there is open dissent in Foggy Bottom against what they see as a WH pro-Israel policy. (a) Where do they get off openly undercutting their President’s national foreign policy? Shut up or resign in honorable protest. (b) How the hell is a pro-Hamas/pro-Iran policy in the US interest? Those people suck. There always appears to be room for such people on the bloated faculty of the Georgetown School of Foreign Service or the Kennedy School at Harvard. Maybe they should be culled.

    The undercutting of a President’s national foreign policy didn’t begin, as we all recall, with the Biden (mal)administration. 

    • #26
  27. Seawriter Contributor

    DaveSchmidt (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    BDB (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):
    He actually hates a lot of people.

    Does he really like anyone who is not a member of the Biden family? He has never shown empathy for anyone outside it.

    And appparently he really really likes some people in it.

    I know what you are alluding to and I have to say this ewwww, ick.


    Ashley, I think. Shower buddies according to her diary.

    • #27
  28. Barfly Member

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Blinken is the illustration of C. S. Lewis’s concept of men without chests.

    Blinken made his bones in the Biden/BHO3 admin when he lined up 51 apparatchiks to cover for Hunter.

    Who better than a manager of liars to serve a government of corrupt fools?

    I mean, they do have all the earmarks of liars and fools.

    • #28
  29. Paul Stinchfield Member
    Paul Stinchfield

    Percival (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Red Herring (View Comment):
    Did we pause WWII to get supplies to the German and Japanese citizens.

    No, but we won those wars. Folks don’t want Israel winning this one.

    Folks want the Israelis to win. The noisiest components of our Ivy stained future elites have all joined the Sturmabteilung.

    Academia seems to have a strong tendency to fall in love with totalitarian ideologies–even genocidal ones.

    • #29
  30. Stad Coolidge

    Susan Quinn: Secretary of State Antony Blinken is one of the most unimaginative and naive men on the planet.

    Which makes me look good by comparison . . .

    • #30
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