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The Government Is Replacing We The People
Here’s a screenshot of the U.S. Border Patrol and National Guard (origin state unknown) going to great lengths to assist hundreds of people to enter the country illegally:
I clipped that still from a tweet by “BorderHawkNews,” full article here.
From left to right in the picture, you can find a Guardsman with a rifle and a CBP agent helping people to get under the concertina wire without getting snagged. Down on the bank, a CBP agent with a radio gestures while another stands just behind the CBP vehicle on the right. Presumably, the operator of the heavy equipment is still in the cab. That’s three or four CBP and one Guardsman on duty on our border — aiding the invasion. According to BorderHawkNews, this happens frequently, and “somehow” the crowds converge on a particular crossing as if the arrival of the forklift is being coordinated. Well, of course it is! An effort like this doesn’t just happen.
I’ve meant to write about this for some time, but I’ll just lay it out here.
Our government, through R and D administrations alike, is simply doing way with us. They are diluting our political power, diminishing the value of our stake in the country, rendering our citizenship increasingly meaningless. Looking at reports such as this, there is simply no way that it is not intentional, and both parties are in on it. This is truly the government against the citizenry. The government is debasing us in every way. Non-citizens increasingly vote here. That’s madness.
More schools in more areas have more illegal immigrant kids in them, reducing the quality of education provided to children of citizens. And despite the cries of “That’s racist!” from shills, the fact is that disease and pestilence follow migrations.
Recently, blacks in Chicago were dismayed at the unassimilating foreign element being deposited upon them — whites feel the same way. Both of these two large groups in America are right to feel singly indignant as well as collectively. When Texas’s Gov. Abbott puts the CBP’s illegals on a bus, why can that bus not be sent to the border and the passengers decanted back into Mexico whence they came? Because the Federal government forbids it, and will actively work against it. This is the same federal government seen in the still above actively bringing people across.
I would very much like to see what would happen if a governor ordered some sheriffs to deport some illegals. How quickly would the Feds “nationalize” those sheriffs and deputies and assert command? Minutes, I’ll say. They probably have the paperwork in their vest pockets. So there seems to be no law enforcement agency in the United States that cannot be or has not already been recruited to assist this anti-Constitutional invasion.
Frankly, this should be the U.S. Military’s number one responsibility, and the Army’s sine qua non employment. “Nobody gets in except through CBP ports of entry — is that clear? Move out.” How hard is that? The government is not failing. It is succeeding in its goals, which may well be hostile to our own — self-governance, for example.
What happens when officials cannot or will not enforce the law or uphold the Constitution?
Published in Politics
The Solution
After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
– Bertolt Brecht
This is plainly and simply an invasion of our country and many Federal and State officials are complicit in the invasion.You are right that the US Military should be protecting the border and turning all these people away.
Zackly. I use the tail of that frequently, but never remember that it was commie shill Brecht.
Mamet does for him in his magnificent The Secret Knowledge.
The fix is to use every government and non-government institution to promote Americanism. We can pretend it is for our 250th anniversary, but it must be ubiquitous. We did a year of Bicentennial Minutes and that educated a lot of people. Just anything not explicitly anti-communist will eventually become communist–anything not explicitly pro-American will eventually become anti-American.
Commie chills occasionally produce value. Completely by accident, of course.
Actually it is a coup by the government against the people. Revolution might be the solution. At a minimum impeachments should happen starting with Mayorkas.
Illegals need to be found and expelled. Dump them all in Mexico. I care not from whence they came. Mexico let them pass. Make it their problem.
The time is short. The hour late.
I fear civil war.
We are seeing, right now, how many Americans are pro Hamas.
I am hearing many metro area now allow illegals to vote in local elections.
This is the first rung in the eventual take over of all elections.
I also believe that in some elections in some states, the illegals are already voting. Even for Senator and President.
I am sure that if somehow an election integrity activist could somehow wrangle an audit of a Calif voter registration base, it could be determined that by checking the small box on a Calif driver’s license application that “Yes I wish to be registered to vote in California” that then this person from another country is automatically added to the state or county’s registered voter rolls.
No- we have federal agencies to protect the border and it isn’t the DOD. The problem is the federal government isn’t serious about it & placing it under the DOD w/o being serious about it will only corrupt the military.
I’m not sure if most of them are actually Americans, but they are in America and it seems pretty clear that they shouldn’t be.
IIRC from my time in the AF Security Police, using the military to enforce civilian law (which that would be) violates the Posse Comitatus Act. An act of Congress would be required (good luck with that).
Damn straight it’s an invasion. They get Here and hoist and display their flag. They’re not interested in becoming Americans.
Federal and state officials are now domestic enemies.
That’s not a well-considered argument. For one, the military is already corrupt.
U.S. Laws do not apply beyond the border. Mexico should prevent its citizens from commiting outrages against the border of the greatest power on Earth for fear of dear life. We cannot handle border enforcement as a matter of law enforcement because our laws are not broken until the act is complete. We cannot “charge” a MexCit with “attempted border-hopping,” and we cannot detain or search them on suspicion of same with probable cause. Unless we wish to use the police and courts to resolve a problem which thereby becomes unsolvable, it remains a military mission.
For every illegal who gets in, there should be an Article 15 or Court-Martial of one of our own.
There can be no more basic a military mission than to secure the borders. That’s Everything 101. The rest is just bureaucratic excuses and intentional commingling of issues in order to produce results counter to charter.
No, as a military matter, we simply state that invaders are not to cross our borders without permission, and those why try will die in the attempt. There’s no law enforcement about it — it’s a military problem specifically because it is the border. That’s what borders ARE.
So your argument is we need to place a corrupt agency in charge of the problem?
I’ll stand by my assertion that it is an invasion, and an invasion by enemies, so that it is absolutely the US Military who should respond.
I think if the will is there, in the command structure which notionally answers to us, to secure it, then we’ll secure it. I’d prefer we didn’t do it with military because that’s an irrevocable step. What if we republicans can’t secure the civil government, and the sheeple have become, if not accustomed then at least acclimated, to troops operating in the interior?
I’ve got nothing against using the army per se to secure the border, myself. But if “we” absolutely can’t secure our borders any other way than use them, then things will be so bad that it won’t be “us” making the call.
Why not military AT the border, and ICE etc interior?
You’re intelligent. Do we have to address the trivial bits explicitly?
Name one federal agency that’s not corrupt.
Congress has defined illegal entry into the United States as a civilian criminal offense. It’s a Federal crime, whether by the occasional border-jumper or a “caravan.” As such, it is illegal under the Posse Comitatus Act for the military to enforce the law without Congressional authorization. You may not like this (I don’t), but that is the black letter law.
No one except Congress, not POTUS or the JCOS, can change this. Y’all (really, “we”) need to get Congress to change the law.
(I note that a governor can activate his state Guard units to enforce laws, but IIRC SCOTUS has made clear that immigration and border enforcement are Federal, not State, responsibilities.)
Obviously. Did you think I meant for it to happen by magic? Or that I would simply implement it from my desk by fiat?
I am saying that by definition, this is a military matter, and whatever stupid laws have been passed ARE laws, but they also are WRONG. Just because a law defines something, that does not change the nature of the thing.
I am laying out the simple, trivial argument that can be used to right this wrong.
I’ll simply not that in my original comment I stated an act of Congress is needed. You and others said “There’s no law enforcement about it — it’s a military problem specifically because it is the border.” I inferred from that you were saying I’m wrong.
Sorry, what I mean is that by its nature, defending a border is not a matter of internal law. That makes zero sense. I realize that we’re all screwed up on that fact, which is the problem.
Ah! Got it now, BDB!
And have forbidden states from attempting to enforce laws that mirror federal immigration law.
In theory it might work but in actuality, consider the effect of having military troops on the border shooting “invaders” trying to cross. Ugly. Because the cartels will simply line up women and children as shields. I wouldn’t want one of our sons or daughters forced to shoot unarmed civilians. That’s why you need the wall to control the input to a manageable trickle. And perhaps dogs but that gets tricky again. Meanwhile back at the ranch, how do we find/export the several million who are already here? I don’t have a solution that doesn’t have serious implementation problems. But a formidable wall is a good starting point backed up by sufficient force to capture and expel immediately any who get through. That used to be how it worked…